EIGHT PAGES DAILY UABT OREGOXIAN, PENDLKTOX, ORBGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBKli 18, 191. PAGE FTVTS PERSONAL MENTION . -' ' 1 WUl Buy a Strictly All Wool Diagonal Serge Dress Nicely trimmed with Velvet, Black, Navy, Brown, Green and Grey. All Sizes. The best Values we have off erd our customers this season. F. E. Livengood Co. The Ladies' and Childen's Store. LOCALS Pastime picture pi See Lane A Son for elgna. Call up Main 416 for alma. Phone UaJn 1 for United Oroheatra. I. C. Snyder, chimney iweep. R S811. Good milch cow for aale. See Lee Teutach. Automobile for hire, day or night Phone Main J4. Now ia the time to clean chimneys. Phone I. C. Snyder, Red 1811. Hohbach'e coffee and oyster house la now open; beat of aerrlca. For rent Five roem house, dose in. Inquire Jay's blacksmith shop. Fresh eastern and Olympla oysters at Ilohbach'a. Telephone Main 10. Wanted Canvasser to call on every rancher In Umatilla county. Phone Main S. Wanted Girl to do general house work in small family. Phone Red 7808. Lost One loose leaf memo book, open on end. Please return to L. B. Ryan, care Twohy Bros. A clean and careful shave always at Mark Patton'a shop. Across from Alexanders. Phone for patrons. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In the Fast Oregonlan build ing. All modern convunlonces. En quire, at 13. O. office. Good, clean stock of merchandise will sell for 80 cents on the dollar. Invoice about $8000. This Is as good a atock as la to be found In Umatilla county. Fixtures are good, splendid floor, show cases and everything In A No. 1 condition. Doing business of 176 to 1160 a day, cash. This la a splendid opportunity for some good hustler to get hold of nice business for small amount of money. For fur ther particulars, see Lee Teutach. A college graduate desires a positi on, has had three years experience with a practicing lawyer. Is a sten ographer and book keeper. Apply this office. Wanted To lease for 6 months or year, a modern furnished house by family of three without children. House must contain not less than eight rooms. Address M. J., this of fice. Wanted Partner In general mer chandise business. Good, clean stock, chance for good rustler with little money. Business paying nicely. Good man can increase the business SO per cent. See Lee Teutsch. Notice to Voters. I wish to most emphatically con tradict the statement which is being circulated about me to the effect that I Intend, If elected to he office of county sheriff, to Immediately resign this office to take-up other work. There Is no truth In the statement and has no foundation whatever. T. D. TAYLOR. (Paid Advertisement) United Artisans Attention. Alpha Assembly No. 9, United Ar tisan, will meet Tuesday evening, October 18, in regular session. All members urged to be present By order of secretary. Thoae large can come in so uae fl. Then to think I can now buy a large 6-pound can of Cleveland's Baking Powder for 1.6t. Tea. I mean the can that haa a screw top under the regular caver. Your grocer has It. 5 Per Cent. Daily Reduction Sale on TUT T lf Itcginnlng tlio seventeenth of this month and running up to tho first of Novomttcr wo will place on sale eVcry hand bog In our store on a guaranteed reduction plan. 15 days, 15 prices on every bag, or 5 per cent. Reduction each day Come In tho flint, second or any other day. Select the bag and state price you wish to pay for same. Should we not receive a larger offer before tho date corresponding to the price yoa offer tlio bag win bo delivered to your ad dress. See Window For Bags See Koeppen for Explanation Example Plan of a $5.00 Bag OCT.17l8l2021222324252627282a3031 14 M i i s i iA en ia i- o rt I 09 C$ 00 I Of t W KOEPPENS TOm Drag That Yon Beat. W. Shahan of Condon, is a guest of the Hotel Bowman, Mrs. Frank Myers of Helix, came In this morning on a trading trip. O. G. Parker and wife of Walla Walla, are guests of the Hotel St. George. John Myrick and wife came in this morning from their farm at Myrick station. W. H. Curly and W. H. Nolas of Maple creek, are Pendleton business visitors. H. L. Burnham came down from Freewater last evening for a brief business visit. Eph Wilbur and wife came down this morning from their home at Wil bur poHtoffice. R. H. McWhorter of Pilot Rock, went to Echo this morning for the transaction of business. L. W. Furnas and wife came up this morning on the motor car from their home In Hermlston. P. H.. Russell of McKay returned home this morning after having transacted business in Pendleton. Fred Walters, proprietor of the Walters flouring mill In this city, left today on a business visit to Portland. Mrs. Pat McKee left last evening for Umatilla, where she will be the guest of Mrs". J. W. McVey for a few days. C. E. Connelly and Sam Barlow of Nye, started for home this morning after having been in town since yes terday. Carl S. McNaught of Hermlston, re turned home last evening after hav ing transacted business In Pendleton during the day. William Dedman. transcontinental freight inspector, returned this morn ing from Portland, where he attend ed the ball game Sunday. Austin Foss and Henry Keen, two well known residents of Athena, came down from, that place on last evening's train and returned at midnight Mrs. Charles Stanton of Helix, was among the large number of people coming to Pendleton this morning from that section of the county. Mrs. E. D. Sanders has left for her home in Battle Creek, Michigan, in response to a message telling of the serious Illness of her father. Mrs. Charles Berkeley left this morning for Portland in response to a message telling of the serious Ill ness of her brother's wife, Mrs. Roy Beale. Senator C. J. Smith, Leon Cohen and Lee Teutsch went to Stanfield this morning to Join Oswald West and the other members of the democratic campaigning party. Mrs. Maurice Ainey of Connell, Washington, formerly Miss McMillan, head trimmer at the Campbell mil linery store, Is the guest of Mrs. Rose Campbell for a few days. Ford Carper, formerly with the Tallman Drug company, but now traveling for a wholesale drug house, left last evening for Bolso after spending the day in Pendleton. Mrs. J. H. Young, wife of the O. R. & X. agent at Hermlston, came up on the motor car yesterday and spent the day with her mother, Mrs. L. N. Johnson of Lincoln street. C. M. Brotherton, a well known resident of Athena, arrived In Pen dleton this morning on the Northern Pacific train being on his way home from a trip to Connell, Washington. Tommy Robertson, Helix repre sentative of the Balfour-Guthrie com pany, and M. L. Morrison, the Helix merchant, came in from that place this morning to attend the democratic rally tonight. Miss Bessie Hicks of Portland, who has been visiting here for .several weeks, left for Portland this morn ing. She was accompanied by Mar guerite Humphrey, the little daught er of Will Humphrey. Conductor Harry Grady and wife of La Grande, passed through Pen dleton this morning on their way to Portland for a brief visit. Grady was formerly on the run between this city and Huntington but now has the Wal lowa branch. Miss Gene Holten, who has been the guest of her uncle, H. H. Nolen, for the past few months, left yester day for Boise, where she will visit Mrs. Charles B. Baxter, jr. (Miss Hazel Nolen) for a few days, after which she will leave for her home In Illinois. Comfort Assured for those Tired Aching- Feet We just received a soft flexible cushion insole shoe with low. heel, lace only, stock tip. You pay $4 and $5 everywhere for the same shoe, our price is A full fresh stock of new rubbers just received. New rubbers wear longer than old ones. See us for your Women, Misses and Boy's rubbers. Wohlenberg DeVt. Store Better Goods for Less Money SPOR TS COAST LEAGUE. Oakland 4, Frisco 2. Oakland, Cal., Oct. 18. When "Ping". Bodle put the ball over tne left field fence In the fourth Inning at Freeman's park yesterday, he es tablished the home run record for the Pacific Coast league, his long drive being the 29th four-base hit to be chalked to his credit this season. This Is one more than the total piled up by "Truck" Egan several years ago when he was a member of the Tacoma team. Shaw scored In the sixth on Bo dle's single, making up San Fran cisco's quota for the day. Oakland gathered two runs in this frame and added two more in the seventh. Score: R. H. E. Oakland 4 9 1 San Francisco 2 4 3 Lively and Mltze; Sutor and Wil liams. Vernon 4-0; Sacramento 0-3. Los Angeles, Oct: 18. Vernon and Sacramento exchanged courtesies In the final double header of the sea son yesterday. The villagers shut out the Senators In the first game 4 to 0, and the northerners retaliated In the afternoon tiy blanking the packing town aggregation 3 to 0. Carson was wild in the afternoon game. On two hits, Sacramento, with the aid of wild pitches, scored three runs the only tallies they made. The game was called In the seventh Inning on account of darkness. Scores: R. H. E. Vernon 4 9 1 Sacramento 0 5 3 Schafer and Brown; Pape and La Longe. Second game: , R. H. E. Veraon ..- t Sacramento 3 5 0 Carson, Hitt and Brown; Whalen and LaLonge. France Honors German. Paris. Prince von Radolin Is be ing made the object of signal marks of the French government's esteem on the occasion of his retirement from the post of German ambassador to France. President Fallieres, Premier Briand and Foreign Minister Pichon In turn have given luncheons In his honor, and today M. Fallieres, as a souvenir of his keen friendship, pre sented him with a superb epergne of Sevres china, representing hunting scenes. v The adaption of ourselves to cir cumstances Is a matter of either grace or compulsion. Mrs. Bees T. Baker took the prise as best pastry cook In Umatilla coun ty. She always uses Cleveland's Ea king Powder and only pays the reg ular price of $1 for a 3-pound an. All grocers sell at thla prtoa. Do you take the East Oregonlai.T THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. IE0E1LII DBU6S-I0T PROMISES it Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens !! All kind, size and colors, young and old For choice dreamed as pteae ymmt order latfu hat Bra. W m II yoa Usee eeU efragw pomfctry a fro yoaneeaf. East End Grocery EES Be. FtMNM B. 1541. EARTH'S WEIGHT IS SEVEN TRILLION TON'S New York. Relnhnrt A. Wetzel, In structor of physics at the College of the City of New York, has Just fin- lwhed a series of experiments by which he has computed the weight of the earth to be seven trillion tons. According to Instructor Wetzel, the result is more accurate than haa hitherto been obtained. The apparatus used by the weigher In his experiments was so extremely delicate that they were carried on en tirely after midnight to avoid the Jar ring of footfalls In the farthest cor ridor. Reinstate Smoking Player. Walla Walla, Wash. By vote of the football squad of Whitman col lege, Eddie Johnson, the sophomore who was suspended from the team for breaking training rules by smok ing, has been reinstated. Coach Mc Caa refused to reinstate him upon his own volition, but put it up to the members of the squad. They voted to let the crack halfback into .the game again, but only under condi tions that he obey the rules. Headmaster (to father of boy en tering school) Our teaching em braces writing, arithmetic, algebra. geography, trTgnonometry Father Ah; plenty o' that trigger- I it- WOQDSONT. SLATER Candidate for ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SU- PliEME COURT. To succeed himself , four-year- Call and see our fine large line of Rubbers, German Sox and Overshoes ior FelL Sox of all kinds We can upply anything you want in rubfecr-wear for men IVORKMGMEfl'S CLOTHING CO. Lm Expne Mokes 0r Price Lower POUGt Seasonable Specials on HEATING STOVES The special priced stores we are offering, are the Best Quality on our floors and makes that ereryoue will know and know to be pood ones. It is to every buyer of a Heating Stove interest to see our lino of heaters and especially these four specials. Xo. 215 SUPERIOR RADIATOR, made by Bridge & Beach Co., was $40.00, now $32.50 Xo. 211 SUPERIOR RADIATOR, made by Bridge & Beach Co., was $X .00, now $25.50 No. 12 COLE'S HOT B'LAST, was $22.00, now ?17.75 Xo. ISO COLE'S HOT BIAST, was $20.00. now ?16.25 Every Stove Guaranteed The Taylor Hardware Co. 741 Main St. Phone Main 87 nometry. He ain't much of a shot t term. (Paid Advertisement) yet M. A. P. , .