East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 15, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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that settle on your lungs and
may develop into Pneu
monia over night are
quickly cured by
and Tar
This great remedy clears
the air passages instantly,
stops the irritation in the
throat, soothes the inflamed
membranes, and cures the
most obstinate cough no
matter how severe. We
have never heard of a cough
or cold developing into
Pneumonia after Foley's
Honey and Tar had been
taken. It strengthens and
heals sore and inflamed
lungs, and expels the cold
from the system. Why take
chances on a cold develop
ing into Pneumonia, Pleu
risy or Consumption when
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures coughs quickly, and
heals and strengthens the
lungs, and you are in no
danger of serious results.
Foley's Honey and Tar
contains no opiates or other
harmful drugs. Refuse any
but the genuine in a yellow
Sold ind Reeommmded b
0fHftf K iliOwMkUwMltCi.,Ct
October 15, 1910.
Dear Friend:
We like molasses so well at our
house that Mama sent me downtown
to get a Jug full so big that I could
hardly carry it home.
I made an ugly face while I was
carrying the molasses home,' but when
I had some on my cakes for break
fast this morning you ought to have
seen me smile. I got a whole gallon
can full for 65 cents.
Junt received Medical Lake Soap,
a Fure cure for all skin troubles, 3
bars for 25 cents. Try it.
Tour friend,
P. S. Tou can get the best molas
ses and the best of everything to eat
Phone Main 174.
644-546 Main Street
Always pure and delivered
promptly. If you phone the
Central Dstf Utrkef
108 E. Alta St Pbooe Mala IS.
DotuniMl liu-rvaso In Wa-s Hut Man-
agor Itefuso!) to Take Ttirm llnck
High School Instructor Referees
Walla Wallu lKtlall Uumc.
(Special Correspondence.)
Athena, Ore., Oct. 14. A strike oc
curred here yesterday morning am
ong the mill hands of the Preston
Parton Milling Co., the object of the
strike being to gain higher wages.
The wages paid by the mill here are
12.25 per day and owing to the high
prices of the necessities of life, the
men claimed that they were entitled
to more than that sum and refused
to work for that, wage any longer.
However, Manager- M. I Watts, ab
solutely refused to take the men back
to work for any wages and he says
rtbat- If hands cannot be found to do
the work that the mill company
can well afford to-close down for a
while, as there are no rushing orders
en hand at present as usual.
About twenty-five of the leading
citizens of .this community went to
Pendleton last night by autos and by
rail to attend a republican rally held
at the court house, at which meeting
hhe main speaker of the evening was
acting Governor Jay Bowerman, who
is the republican nominee for that
office in the ensuing election on No
vember Sth. This was the first op
portunity that the people of this city
have had to become acquainted with
Prof. Krnest F. "Wells! vice- prin
cipal of the high school of this city,
went over to Walla Walla today to
officialte in a football game there to
day between Whitman college and
Waltsburg high school. Prof. Wells
was graduated last spring from' the
University of Washington and up to a
year ago played with the college team,
filltng the position of full back for
the team. Mr. Wells Is coaching the
different activities taken up by the
high school of this place, and he
knows the game of football from
A. to Z.
1011 Students Registered and a Pos
sibility of 1800 or 2000.
Corvallis, Ore. The attendance at
Oregon Agricultural College has In
creased twenty-four per cent over that
o' last year. Cp to date 1011 students
have matriculated. They are regis
tered from every county In Oregon,
eighteen states of the union and eight
foreign countries. Benton county
leads the list with 174 students and
Multnomah comes next with 127.
Linn county sends 39, Marlon 36,
Lane 34 Douglas 33, Washington 28,
Yamhill 43, Jackson 25, Clackamas
21. Clatsop 18, Umatilla 17, Polk 20,
Lincoln 15 and other counties from 2
to 14.
Students have come to the college
this fall from 23 colleges and univer
sities located In all parts of the world.
They come from such Institutions as
the Universities of Michigan, Wiscon
sin, Minnesota and Columbia, and
from the Agricultural Colleges of
Michigan, Colorado, Oklahoma and
Kansas. One man from India who
has degrees from the schools of In
dia and the University of Edinburg,
Scotland, has registered here In order
to get special work In horticulture.
Dean Cordley, of the School of Ag
riculture, reports an exceptional
growth in that work. He states that
the Freshman Class has Increased 63
per cent; the Junior Class 50 per cent;
the Senior Class 90 per cent; special
students 50 per cent and graduate
students 100 per cent.
In speaking of the Increase In at
tendance President Kerr said, "I am
convinced that the total registration
for the year will reach 1800 and pos
sibly 2000. I am particularly Impres
sed by the large growth In the School
of Agriculture and in the great num
ber of graduate and special students
who are coming to us from other in
Catarrh Cannot Re Cured
not reacB tbe seat or tbe disease. Catar
rh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to ears It you mast take Internal
remedies, nail's Lstarrh Care to taken In
ternally, and acts directly on the blood and
mncoas surfaces. Hall's Catairh Care Is
not a qnack medicine. It was prescribed by
one of the beat physicians In tbls conntry
for years and Is a regular prescription. It Is
composed of tbe best tonics known, combin
ed with the best blood partners, acting di
rectly on tbe oacous surfaces. . Tbe perfect
combination of th two Ingredients Is what
produces such wonderful results la curing
Catarrh. Bend for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, price 75c
Take Hall's Family Polls for CoMtlpa
London. According to Lieutenant
Adam Sutor, who was recently court
martialed for writing a criticise of
the army, English military life Is de
moralizing. In his defense he said
he had calculated to carvo out for
himself a military career, but he found
there was nothing for him to do. Tha
work he had had to do amounted to
about 20 minutes a day. His work
amounted to signing papers which he
did not understand, and which mboly
understood. He enjoyed It much, but
his enjoyment did not blind him to
the futility of It. His life In the army
for 10 years had only served to. con
firm what It was Impossible for him
not to see on the first day of his ser
vice. He soon gave up the Idea of
petting on. He did as little as ho
could and enjoyed himself as much
is he could. There were officers who
told him that he did a good deal more
than he needed to have done.
Never Worry.
About a cough there's o seed of
worry If yew will treat It at Its first
appearance with Ballard's Borehoand
Syrup. It will stop the toough
ones aad rut yoar lungs aad threat
U perfectly healthy eaditie.
A. a Kawppea ft Bros.
Five Minutes After Taking a Little
rtlapeiwiii Y'our Stomach Will Fed
Fine Again Eat Your Favorite
Foods Without Fear of Distress.
If your meals don't fit comfortably,
or you reel bloated after eating, and
you believe It Is the food which fills
you; if what little' you eat lies like
a lump of lead on your stomach; If
there is difficulty in breathing after
eating, eructations of sour, undigest
ed food and acid, heartburn, brash or
a belching of gas, you can make up
your mind that you need something
to stop food fermentation aad cure
To make every bite of food you oat
aid in the norishment and strength
of your body, you must rid your
stomach of poisons, exefssive acid
and stomach gas, which sours your
entire meal Interferes with diges
tion and causes so many sufferers of
dyspepsia, sick headache, biliousness,
constipation, griping, etc. Your case
is no different you are a stomach
sufferer, though you may call it iry
some other name; your real.-aud only
trougle is that which you eat does not
digest, but quickly ferments and
sours, producing almost any un
healthy condition.
A case of Pape's Diapepsin will cost
fifty cents at any pharmacy here and
will convince any stomach sufferer
five minutes after taking a single
dose that fermentation and sour
stomach Is causing the misery of In
digestion. No matter if you call your trouble
catarrh of the stomach, nervousness
or gastritis, or by any other name
always remember that a certain cure
Is waiting at any drug store the mo
ment you decide to begin Its use.
Pape's Diapepsin will regulate any
out-of-order stomach within five min
utes, and digest promptly, without
any fuss or discomfort, all of any
kind of food you eat.
The question has recently been ask
ed, In the library, "Have you a cata
logue of your books?" Yes, indeed we
have but it is not In book form as
might be natural to expect, ours is
what is known as a card catalogue
and is contained in the small case of
drawers standing on the table In the
fiction corner of the main room. Con
siderable time, pains and money have
been expended on this catalogue, de
signed primarily, for the use of our
patrons and the librarian is always
more than glad to explain it and
"how it works' to-all inquirers, it is
alphabetically arranged by author,
title and subject It answers the fol
lowing questions:
Has the library a book by a given
Has the library a book by a given
Has the library material en a giv
en subject?
Each book in the library Is repre
sented In this catalogue by at least
one card under the author's name,
and usually by cards under the title
and one or more subject headings.
The author, title and subject are
arranged in one alphabet like the
words In a dictionary; thus books
may be found under the last name
of the author, the first word of the
title not an article and under the name
of the subject of which the book
Example: Greely's Three Years of
Arctic Service may be found under
Greely the author; under Three Years
of Arctic Service, the title and under
Arctic Regions, the subject
Record of all works by or about
an author, may be found under his
All subject headings, Including
names of persons treated as subjects,
are written In red ink.
The red letters and figures in the
upper-left corner of each card rep
resents the call number, and show to
what class the book belongs, and
where it may be found on the shelf.
The books are arranged on the shelves
in numerical order from 100 to 900,
and under each number, alphabeti
cally by author.
Through the kindness of Superin
tendent Landers there has been ex
hibited In the library, this week, two
rather rare objects of Interest; one
is the mounted specimen of the Edel
weiss, the national flower of Switz
erland, which has lately been present
ed by Mr. H. E. Laatz to the Pendle
ton high school; the other a facsimile
of the Horn book, the earliest of text
Cuban Patents Headgear With Water
Reservoir for Purpose.
Geneva. It is announced that the
firm of Felix Mate Aguadte, Havana,
Cuba, has taken out a patent in Swlt
xerland for "a hat for women with
a water reservoir for natural flow
ers" Tho patent has been accorded
and registered. The "reservoir," to
which tubes for the flowers are at
tached, is made of a very light sub
stance and can be conceajed In any
hat. By supplying a little water nat
ural flowers can be kept fresh for a
day. A visit to the florist can, of
course, qhange the character of the
hat completely as fashion or weather
may dictate.
Your cough aanoys you. Keep on
hacking and tearing the delicate mem
branes of your throat If you want to
be annoyed. But If you wast relief,
want to be cured, take Chamberlain'!
Cough Remedy. Sold by all dealer.
The horse is a fine creature, but he
Isn't the main thing, by several thou
sand dollars.
People Who Work
Indoors With Their Hands
! Itfl '
prickly grres beat, and with one fitting of tbe font bums steadily for nine 'hours,
without smoke or smell. Has automatic-locking Home spreader which
prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove
and drop back so the wick can be quickly cleaned.
It hss a damper top and a cool handle. Indicator always shows the amount
of oil in tbe font. Tbe filler-cap does not need to be screwed down ; It is put in
like a cork in a bottle, and is attached to the font by s chain, snd cannot get lost.'
The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of s new device
in construction, snd consequently, it can always be easily unscrewed in an
Instant for rewicking. The Perfection is finished in Japan or nickel, is strong,
durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light end ornamental.
Bain BimynluM. M mot at yourt, mttt for lucrlptam ttmttar
a mi annst agtao v tkt "wbf
Standard Oil Company V
VHbWmbsPbI PMBpsMBHBMBsasswsiaswamwsMBsaBaiBBiasi
We have no Pipe
Dreams to offer to
the Public
Wo have the goods.
Sunshine Remedies will bring Sun
shine in every corner of your homo.
If not satisfactory your money back.
Reliable Druggist.
Office Phone Main 20
.Res. Phone Main 27
C. W. Lassen, M. D. V.
Veterinary Surgeon
Official Stock Inspector
809 YVett, Court Street
and Cook Stoves for the month of
October at the
Empire Furniture Store
Corner Webb aad Garden 8ts. Phone Red 1201.
ji 1 1 I
Repair work on all kinds of machinery a specialty.
Steam and Gasoline Engine Repairing
Automobile Repairing
Satisfaction Guaranteed we make our work FIT
....Pendleton Iron Works....
Pendleton, Oregon
Marion Jack, Pres. M. L. Alter, Sec and Treat.
Seamstresses, watch-makers, art
ists, draughtsmen, and many others,
cannot properly handle their tools
with cold, stiff hands. Many a lost
hour or two on cold winter morn
ings results from the delayed heat
of furnace or stove.
The Perfection Oil Heater In
a few minutes gives the tempera
ture that assures the worker warm
hands and pliable muscles. The
Smokeless a
Absolutely $mkeks and odorlea
Graduate McKillip Vet.
College, Chicago
All kinds ol
Farm Ma
chinery and
Extra Parts
Mode to Order
Structural Casting
and Foundry Work
Sickness !
Its Pure
Hare a can delivered
to your home today. If s
healthful and lnrlgorat
Inc. We ars ageata for
Umatilla county, both
wholesale and retail.
W have the tatest Im
proved bottllag machin
ery la eastern Oregon, and
bottle Root Beer, Sods,
Near Beer and soft drinks
by sanitary methods.
Pendleton Soda
OfOos Pbosr Bktek
Wort Vrm fiw-V is1
Soo-S okane Portland
yin Do Laze
Iiosw ' rJieton ... tilUm.
Arrir okn . . . . 1S:S shwo
Lssir- nofcane S:00 jun.
Arrl .,i PimI 4:41 pum.
-si parohase through
ticket fit the local O. R. A N.
ageat. wti- wfll check your bag
rage threo.h to destination and
make berth reserratloaa.
neqaaled Serrtos
Fas Hom
New Bqalpakeas
Htoctrio lights)
1 n''i! Lowest current faros
r lay point.
. ai Jackson. T. P. A.
Geo. A. Walton, Gen. Agt
14 WaQ Si, Bpokas
Desk loDosinoss Again
Dr. F. A. Clisn wishes to announce
that he can be found at his office In
the John Sohmtdt bsildlng, Pendle
ton, Ore. Byes carefully examined,
and glasses ground to fit. 10 years
practise fining glasses. Ths only ex
lias! re Eye Specialist In Umatilla
Fresh Fish
Meats and Samtagoa
We handle onfe- the purest
of lard, hams and bacon.
Empire Heat Go.
Pbooe Mstn 18.
Ilousckeepinff 1 looms for Rent.
Unfurnished housekeaninir mnma
for rent In the Bast Oregonlan build
ing. Steam beat, electrlo lights, hot
and cold water and bath. Recently
renovated. Enquire at Bast Orego-
nian omce.
LBGAL. BLANKS of every desert,
ttoc, for oounty sourL atrautt mst
Tostloo court, resj estate, ssfe.