PAGE fXt'R DAILY EAST OREGOXUX, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1010. eight pages AX IXDKrENl'KNT XKWSPArKR. ruhllalit.1 Il!y. rkly and Seml-Wcekly at Pendleton, Oregon, by tbe EAST OHKGOMAN llUl.lSHlNG CO. SUHSCK11TION RATKS. Dally, one year, by mall $5.00 Ially, six months, by mall 2.50 iMtlly, three montha. by mall 1.123 lallj, one month, by mail 50 I "ally, one year, by carrier T.50 Daily, six months, by carrier S.75 Daily, three months, by carrier 1.95 Daily, one month, by carrier 65 Weekly, one year, by mail 1.50 Weekly, six months, by mall 75 Weekly, four months, by mall 50 Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.60 Semi-Weekly, six month, by mall 75 Beml -Weekly, four months, by mall... .50 Tbe Dally Fast Oregonlan Is kept on sale at the Orepon News Co., 829 Morrison atreet. Portland, Oregoa. Northwest News Co., Portland. Oregon. Chicago ltureau, 909 Security Building-. Washington, l. C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth street, X. W. Member United frees Association. Kntered at the noetofflc at Pendleton, Oregon, as second class mall matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. THE LESSER MINISTRIES. A flower upon a threshold flower upon laid; A little kindness wrought un seen; I know not who love's tribute paid, I only know that it has made Life's pathway smooth, life's borders green. God bless the gracious hands that e'er Such tender ministries essay; Dear hands that help the pil grim bear His load of weariness and care More bravely up the toilsome way. Oh, what a little thing can turn A heavy' heart from sighs to song, A smile can make the world less stern! A word can cause the soul to burn With glow of heaven all night long! doing that he Is also administering left handed jolts on Congressman Ellis. By the course he is taking Bower man is showing himself a very cold blooded sort of a politician. He pre sents the spectacle of a man who will deal unjustly and unfairly even with Ms own friends In order to advance his own personal Interests. It Is not an edifying spectacle. HE DESERVES YOUR SUPPORT. Those who favor political progress and want to see Oregon's reformatory laws upheld should vote for C. A. Barrett for joint senator. This re gardless of party names and past party affiliations. Progressive dem ocrats should support Mr. Barrett even though he is a republican. Party ism Is not at issue. In this campaign Mr. Barrett seeks re-election upon his record made during four years service In the house of representatives. He was elected as a statement No. 1 man and he kept faithfully the pledge he had made his constituents. This In spite of much pressure that was brought to bear upon him by those who want ed to break up the statement phalanx it. the last legislature. Representative Barrett was also faithful to his trust in other particu lars. Being from the connty where the eastern Oregon normal school Is located It was his duty to uphold the interests of that institution. He did so and through last session was one of the normal school leaaers in the house. He is from a section where wheatraising is the chief Industry and where therefore the question of freight rates Is of big Importance. He showed his fidelity to the gralngrow ing interests of Umatilla county by Introducing and working for a bill for the completion of the portage road at Celllo. Politically Mr. Barrett takes a course that should also commend him to the people of this county. He Is not a machine man and refuses to line up with the would-be managers of his party in this county. He It needs not that love's gift be l sought the nomination for Joint sen- great Some splendid jewels of the soul For which a king might sup- plicate. Nay, true love's least, at love's true rate Is the tithe most royal of the whole. James Buckman in "Our Dumb Animals." A COLD BLOODED COURSE. Jay Bowerman la so eager to become governor that he is willing to trample down friends as well as foes in order to gain votes. He is showing a spirit of selfishness that is rare even among machine politicians. In his speech here Thursday night and in speeches delivered elsewhere in eastern Oregon Bowerman assailed Senator Bourne for allowing section nine of the irrigation law to be changed. That blow was also a blow at Congressman Ellis a Bowerman supporter and one of the men who sat upon the platform with him the other night. The amendment to the irrigation Uw was made in the house of repre sentatives. Congressman Ellis was a member of the committee which ad opted the amendment If any mem ber of the Oregon delegation is bfamable for allowing that change made then it is Judge Ellis. Bower man knew that when he made the unjust attack the other night Of course the charge that Oregon has suffered through the amendment to the irrigation law or that our dele gation is blamable for that amend ment is pure buncombe. The law was amended as has been explained btfore, because there are several western states contributing to the re clamation fund that have no feasable Irrigation orojecta. It would be a criminal absurdity to force the gov- j eminent to do work in those states under the circumstances. The law should have been changed just as it was. States that have meritorious Irrigation projects, as Oregon has, will not suffer. At least we have the promise of the president of the Unit ed States and of the secretary of the Interior that Oregon will lose nothing try the amendment All of this Is well known to Bower man. While at the army engineers banquet at Hermiston not long ago he heard Congressman Ellis and Sen ator Chamberlain speak upon this subject He heard them tell of the circumstances that brought about the amendment to the Irrigation law. But Bowerman Is running for of f Iceland he Is striving desperately to get away from the big Issue In the campaign which Issue Is assembly Ism. He Is trying to make Bourne tbe Issue and In doing so ha is stabbing some of his best friends. Tn west ern Oregon he has placed Congress man Hawley "In a hole" through his attack on the tariff. Hawley acted as did Bourne with reference to the tariff bin. In eastern Oregon Bower man la attacking Bourne with refer ence to the Irrigation amendment In ator in an open race. He went straight to the people for endorse ment and not to the assembly. Ob taining the nomination In that man ner he Is under obligations only to his people and not to any clique or boss. That is the sort of men to place In office. A REGRETABLE AFFAIR. That was a wretched and deplor able affair that occured on Court street last evening following the close of the Darrow meeting. Such scenes as that bring disgrace to the fair name of this little city ana add need less bitterness to the controversy that i in. It is up to the authorities and to the good people of this town to see that there are no more occur rences such as this. Perhaps the ministers erred last right In trying to address the peo ple as they came from the Darrow meeting. If so it was a case where their zeal overcame their better judg ment. Their mistake does not ex cuse those who egged the speakers. That was an act of hoodlumlsm that is intolerable. The ministers are guests of the city while here attending the synod ses sion. They are entitled to courteous and hospitable treatment. Such treatment they are being accorded by the rank and file of the people of Pendleton. " Responsible citizens deeply regret the riotous scenes of last night and they do so regardless of how they feel with respects to the liquor question. Roosevelt says the republican party Is progressive and that In time those who are .not "now in line will catch up. But some of the standpatters will have to hump themselves if they keep step with Roosevelt La Follette, Beverldge et aL The election Is still three weeks dis tant yet considerable Interest has al ready been generated and we have had one near riot. If things keep on at this pace some one Is liable to be come angry. No one can blame President Taft for wanting to see the Big Ditch. It Is one of the big sights of the world. Gently, gently, brothers. Mrs. Robinson I could have mar ried Brown or Jones If I'd wanted to. and both of these men I refused got rich, while you are still. as poor as a church mouse. Robinson Of course. I've been supporting you all these years they have not. Boston Transcript PUIS! Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powder matte from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar. Ho Alum, Ho Lime Phosphate A WOMAN'S UNIVERSITY. "Tour new plano-playtng machine Is a wonder. Its work reminds one of a recital by some celebrated per former." "Yes. When we darken the room and stand a jar of chrysanthemums on the piano stool the Illusion Is al most perfect." Washington Star. An Exception to the Rule. "There are two sides to every ques tlon." "Not If your wife has taken one of them." Chicago Record-Herald. Some years ago two little Japanese scholars made a quiet tour through our country to find out. as they ad mitted, what was most significant about the woman's educational sys' fern of tho We?t, says Robert Haven Schauffler in "Success Magazine." They returned and started a univer sity, the aim of which, in the words of its founder, is "to Impart higher education to the daughters of Japan with the object of enabling them sat isfactorily to discharge their duties as women, wives and mothers, fully equipped with ideas and knowledge, In touch with the progress of the na tion and the world." That university today is the larg est woman's college in the world, if one includes the model schools. "In all the courses" I quote from an article by Dr.- Theodate Smith of Clark University "phychology, child study, ethics, hygiene, education and nursing of children, and history of the fine arts are required. . .There is a dormitory system and the stu dents share In the household work. Students in advanced classes hold In turn the position of head woman (Shufu) and then learn the manage ment of a home under the supervi sion of a matron appointed by the university." Then the Japanese learned of us. Now we have to learn of them. And we have to remember that that na tion which first consistently works out the eugenic ideal, as this univer sity Is working it out is destined to rule the world. As Dr. Saleeby well says: "The history of nations is de termined not on the battle-field but In the nursery, and the battalions which give lasting victory are battal lions of babies. The politics of the future will be domestics." ORIGIN OK NAVAL ORANGE. After a series of experiments, some of them costly failures, the southern California colonists finally evolved the "fittest" product for their soil and market and that was the Bahia or ange or, as it is now called, the Wash ington naval orange. In December, 1873, L. C. Tlbbetts, a Riverside col onist, received by mail from a friend j at Washington, D. C, two small or- ! ange trees that had been imported by the United States agricultural de partment from San Salvador de Ba hia, Brazil. This variety is seedless and of fine flavor. The tree does not grow tall like the seedling and Its branching from near tho ground re duces 'greatly the cost of picking the fruit. The Bahia orange became im mensely popular. Buds were taken from the parent trees as fast as they could be obtained and inserted into the. seedling trees. The descendants from these two trees number up into the millions.' Tibbetts died a few years since in very t straightened circumstances. He was a public benefactor. The trees he introduced have been a source of untold benefit to the people of Cali fornia. Men have been immortalized as' heroes and cannonlzed as saints for far less good to humanity than he did. One of the original trees, now grown old and somewhat decrepit, has recently been presented to the City of Riverside. It is a living monument to the memory of Tlbbetts. J. M. Quinn, In the October Pacific iuonth- Known to Happen. "When a mob rushed on the field the umpire lost his dignity, all right." "If that's all he lost, he got off light. He might have lost his life. Birmingham Age-Herald. The Important Problem confronting anyone In need of a laxa tive la not a question of a single ac tion only, but of permanently bene ficial effects, which will follow proper efforts to live in a healthful way, with the assistance of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, whenever it Is re quired, as it cleanses tbe system gently yet promptly, "without irritation and will therefore always have the preference of all who wish the best of family laxatives. The combination has the approval of physicians because it is known to be truly beneficial, and because it has given satisfaction to the millions of well-informed families who have used It for many years past To get Its beneficial effects, always buy the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. ATTEHTIOH! The HOWARD is the only Prac tical and Success ful Cmonatiion Wood and Coal Heater. Let us Show it to You ft A -to &sSffiiBi Ift W. J. Clarke & Co. Phone Main 2 1 211-213 East Court St lEe Spirit of Idaho by Arthur W. North. Greater than Gold (The harnessing of Western Rivers) by Clayton M. (Jones. in October Sunset Magazine Now on Sale at all News Stands 15 cents .( -.!:,.-'S 4. Tt. I af ' Hu,M OracM, located tfc Mosk to Park Is abssjfsjvssv' tsFvpcsarf. of Seveatn and Stark Portland. Oregon. 8sMeH islisiilsi Osjr wmm Park Mm Rates $1 per Day dnd Up. European Orpheum Theatre J. P. MESKVf ACH, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children 8EE PROGRAM IN TODAY '8 PAPER. Program Changes oa Baaday's, Tuesday's and Friday's. Byers' Best Flour Is made from tbe &oieflt wkeat that grows. Good bread is g attired wbao BYERS' BHST FLOUR is vsod. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Peadietoo, Orwgw. Headquarters For ' Toilet Goods We are Sole Manofactarera and Distributors of the Cfescbrstaed F'S . TOILET CREAM COLD CREAK TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM Tallman & Co. Leartlus; DrusTlsU of Bastera Orecea. OLD LIV! LIVE STOCK IN SURANCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of OrawfonLrttlle, Has saw entered Orecon. PoaVdea mow gooj In erery state In the Union. Organ sed orer II years ao. Paid ap Capital llfO.OOO.oa. As sets oyer $410,000.00. REMEMBER, this Is NOT a Masaal Live Saock iaaor anee company. Mark Lloorhouse Company Atjent, Pendleton, O. Ill Banc Quart kt. COLESWORTHY'S Internationa Stock Food the old reliable The beat for your" stock Try it COLESWORTHY 127-129 E. Alta Thi QUELLE Gus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in Northwest First-class cooks and service Shell fish in season La Fontaine BIk., Main St. You Make a Bad Mistake When yon pat off baying yomr Cod! tt NOW Mae beat Roek eeJ the aasnee prostates at prises aanatearaMy lower than these pesalMsn fca Fat and r asl.a ep avail AUi danger ef hebms; -able to ssears It when sold weather arrives). Henry Kopittke Phone Mean ITS. ,a44 SO YEARS' VT V EXPERIENCE 2 ' Traoc Marks DcaiaNo Copyrights 4a AaraMaMillns a Kktlok and dnorlnUnn tna mum mtr viwinmi irm wnMiior ac nit ml lltWMtMMI ! MSlhAlilV nitlMMljthtA fVunmtiiilr UM,MrttljriiiidutJal. HANBDOOK onl'atanu setlt fraa, intist atfetirf for ftocurina' patetifa. I'auals taaaa thrauch Munn a CU. aacal awial aaciaa. wtlhaut olmrifA. lu Lha Scientific fltnerlcati. A hsaasiwlr niaatratae aktr. I.arat etr wn oi aniKiuiuuo lnuniaL 1rais. s a Man Uut niuuUia,L, Bold b ailnaitadMJara Puree Coidei fruvtute rneana