I PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST ORKUOXIAX, PFADLKTOX, ORKGOX, W KDXESD A Y, OCTOBER 12. 1910. EIGHT PAGES 1 (oA:i:(rgr4oMv) AX IXDKl'KXDENT NEWSPAPER. TublislnM Iallr. Weekly and SenilVeeklj t Pendleton. Orecon. by the EAST OKKUOMAN PI HUSHING CO. SLISSCKlPTltlX KATES. Imlly, one year, hy m.ill $5.00 I wily, nix months, by mail 2.f0 Itittly, three months.' by mall 1.25 laily, one ni.mth. by mail 50 laily, one year, hy carrier 7.50 I'aily, Kii nxmuis. by carrier 3.73 Iaiiy. three nmnilis. tiy carrier 1.K3 lally. one month, hy earrier 65 Weekly, one year, by mail l.r0 Weekly, six months! by mall 75 Weekly, four m.mtli. liy mail "0 Semi -Weekly, one year, bv mall 1.B0 Kemi Weekly, six months, bv mall 75 Semi -Weekly, f.mr months, by mall... .50 The Imlly East Oreonlan Is kept on sale at the on-con NVws t., ;(J! Morrison street. Portland, Oregon. Northwest News l'o.. Portland. OrpRon. hlcaao itnreau, . Security Buildlnir. Washington. l. ".. Itureau. 301 Four teenth street. X. W. Member l'nite.1 press Association. Knterei at the postofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as second class mall matter. Telephone Maln j Official Pity and fount? Taper. yami:uixst. Have you ever felt the wander- lust, the call of open rlaces! For the grrim ana ico-pnckod coast lines topped bj- everlasting snow When the rushing of the north wind, where the white- capped comher races, Drives the heaving, groaning timbers o'er the racing seas below? Have you ever felt the tropics calling, calling 'neath the moonlight? When nectar-seented, rtrowsy- sweet, the vagrant land breeze blows, And the stars seem flashing jewels in the sable dome above you As the rising sun at dawning tints the eastern sky with rose? From the Northland where the were wolf howls across the frozen silence, From the Southland, where the jungle breathes be- neath a molten sky, Comes the call of open places on the four strong winds of heaven, Comes the song of the free rovers as the reeling ships go by. Her.rv Stuart Dudley in Out- ing. I I ; i :i THEY AltE LOCAL QCESTIOXS. The folly of trying to settle ques tions pertaining to county division by submitting them to vote of the people of the state Is strikingly shown in con nection with the move to annex por tions of Clackamas and Washington ccunties to Multnomah. Some people living in Clackamas and Washington counties have draft ed bills for annexation to Multnomah, and those initiative bills w,ill be voted on at the general election. Yet Mult nomah county does not want that ter territory and for very good reasons. In Tuesday's issue of the Oregon Ian the proposition to add portions of Clackamas and Washington counties tc Multnomah was classed as a 'Me nace to Portland." "Rather than made larger, Multno mah county should be made smaller. One government for both county and city should suffice, instead of one for each," says the Oregonian. "It would te much cheaper for taxpayers. This has not been done hitherto because the county is too large. "Yet schemes have been started for nearly trebling the area of Multnomah by annexing to it big slices of Clacka mas and Washington. The purpose behind these schemes is taxation of Portiand for roadbuilding in country districts. This county, however. Is unable to provide all the road im provements needed in its present area. Then how much more impossible the problem after annexation? "If these Washington and Clacka mas county slices expect to tax Port land for their roads, why should they alone enjoy this privilege? Just as logical to make the whole state one road district, grabbing road taxes from this city. "These annexations, If carried, will make Impossible the future consoli dation of city and county governments a union which would be obviously cheaper for taxpayers and would re duce the number of political Jobs. "This is a question that should be properly decided by home rule of the 1 -calities affected. Yet it Is to be de cided by voters throughout the state, msny of whom know and care little about the real merits of the contro versy. Similar local questions are In volved In the numerous county parti tion projects on which voters are called upon to cast their ballots this rext election. These county questions should be deelded either by the leg islature or by vote of the localities concerned. The Initiative has been sorely misused In this business." This is entirely true and the fact Is Illustrated by Umatilla county's divis ion bill as well as by th measures J which relate to Multnomah. The Or- chard county scheme calls for the ere. pttnn of a new county of much terri tory that wants to stay In Umatilla. TJhe towns of Weston and Athena op pose division. In fact the greater por tion of the proposed new county Is against division. " There is but one way to deal with the county division bills now on the ballot. They should be voted down everyone of them. KXTEKTAIX THESE VISITORS. People are now gathering here for one of the most Important convent tions held In Pendleton during the year. It is the annual meeting of the Oregon synod of the Presbyterian church and something like 100 min isters and laymen are to be In attend ance. They are men of personal In telligence! and high character and by rtason of the work they do are of much Influence throughout the state. For these reasons and because of the excellent purpose that brings them together at this time they are entitled to treatment as distinguished visitors. Under the, auspices of the Commer cial club a committee is now at work organizing an auto trip to the Presby terian mission Sunday. A special ser vice Is to- be held at the mission for their benefit and upon the trip the isitors will be Jointly th- guests of the Commercial club and of the churchmen at the mission. In striving to make the meeting of the synod pleasant for those who are here local people are merely following a general policy Pendleton adopted many months ago. Pendleton Is the convention city of eastern Oregon and e want it to maintain Its reputation as such. " Pendleton has made many friends and boosters through the man ner In which It entertained such con ventions as the state woolgrowers, the Knights of Pythias, the state bankers, inland empire teachers' association and other meetings. Those gatherings vere accommodated and entertained ;:fter the manner which local people considered would be most pleasing to the visitors. In this same spirit and with the same end in view let us see that the Presbyterians enjoy their visit in the city. There are stories out to the effect that if the republican party becomes insurgent the financial Interests will back a conservative democrat like T-ffirmon ni- TTnAdrntr Wilson for nrfta. lUt III. VIX a iuiviiuvj not care for party names excepting when it resorts to the plea of partisan ship to serve its own purpose. Pendleton is In the limelight for sure these days'. Aside from the P.ound-up we have had a riot at the flepot, a fatal auto accident, a "very successful daylight" robbery and other events of current Interest. If Manuel cannot find anything else to do he might go upon the vaudeville stage. Apparently there are some war cor respondents covering the Minnesotl fire. West and Bowerman are now out upon their big cross state relay race. State elections only occur bienni ally but that is often enough. Battling Nelson seems to have come back upon a small scale. Have you read all of the voters pamphlet? CALX. OF THE HILLS. The hills are callin' 'way off all green, and gold and blue, And you want to take a day off, for ye hear 'em callin' you! Heaven listens listens, And hears the world's heart beat; ( Rest after toiling Rest time is Bweet! Far, faint, tender voices of valleys and of streams; By the hills of Autumn gather gold of dreams. Heaven listens listens Hear's the world's heart beat; Rest after tiling Rest time is sweet! Frank L. Stanton, In Atlanta Con stitution. LOVE'S FADELESS SCMMER. To Love there Is no winter, when violets of blue Are blooming still, my dearie, In the lovely eyes of you. Flowers do not wither When the summer goes; The heart Is a garden And Love Is the rose. When In wintry weather rose-leaves are In flight, With your hand In mine, dear, all the world Is bright Sorrow's a dream dear Not a world of sighs. With the light of heaven .Shining in Love's eyes. Frank L. Stanton, in Atlanta Con stitutlon. Boston Globe: Both the grand par ties are once more safely equipped with. standard bearers. And mean while, a few mackerel have come to market, the woods are beginning to glow, apples are getting hetter every day, and with a few exceptions the weather Is beautiful. HERE AXD NOW. Here, In the heart of the world, Here,, in the noise and the din. Here, Where our spirits were hurled To battle with sorrow and sin. This is the place and the spot For knowledge of infinite things; This is the kingdom where Thought Can conquer the prowess of kings. ' i . : ' 4 Wait for no heavenly life, Seek for no temple alone; Here, in the midst of the strife. Know what tho sages have known. See what the Perfect One saw God in tho depth of each soul, God as the light' and the law, God as beginning and goal. Earth U one chamber of Heaven, Dearth is no grander than birth, Joy in the lift that was given. Strive for perfection on earth. Here, in the turmoil and roar, Show what It is to bo calm: Show how the spirit can soar And "brink buck its healing and balm. " Stand not aloof nor apart. Plunge in the thick of the fight, There In the street and the mart, There Is the place to do right. Not in some cloister or cave, Not In some kingdom above, Here, on thia side of the grave. Here, should we labor and love. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. , A SAD SOLILOQUY. I am the dove of peace, I am. ' I a"m the dove of peace; But If they think so much of me, Why. don't these discords cease? I coo my sweet, pacific song, I beg men's harmony. And yet In turmoil of their hates They will not list to me. 4 They hold conventions in my cause. And bid tha world to come; The while to nations all my good And then each with the other vies To biggest warships build. And would secure the latest arms In warlike science skilled. I am tho dove of peace, I am, I am thj dove of peace; But much I fear me in the count, My boasted swans are geese; Indeed. I fear the poet wise Was very nearly right Who said eternal In man's breast Sprang hope to see a fight. Baltimore American. THE MARCH. I, who was very weary, turn again To f;uo the journey of the winding day. To take rrry place amid the march of men And be brave as they. 4 To soil to dare to battle to re joice Until night again yields us resting place; And yet I have not heard my Cap tain's voice Nor even seen his face. Nor do I know wherefore we strive or when Tho strife shall end. I only know each day I take my place amid the march of men And listen and obey. Theodosia Garrison. PROSPERITY COUNTRY. The trains that bear Prosperity are all along the line, And even in the wilderness the saw is singin fine! And we're up with the light, And goln' left and right; We're in the world for getting All the glory that's in sight! The valleys lookln' lively at Pros perity's commands. And the mountains as in old days are "a-clappin' of their hands." Oh, we're up with the light, And goin' left an' right; We're In the world to gather All the glory that's in sight! Frank L. Stanton in Atlanta Con stitution. You will find e Bitters cry effective C STOMACH Utomaeh r e e - BITTERS luires a tonic r when the appetite i s poor. Try It and ' see. It for Cramps, igCHtlon, Dyspepsia, Const Ijxnlon, Itilloiisnexs, and Malaria. Modern Sweets Make Welcome Treats Th Modim Stat it On Ouarantet of twt and WkoUtomt Candy f BPatronUt the "Modern Dealer dan CoolKtioMnr Co., Mlrs., Portlirvd, Ontes Milne Transfer Phone Main 5 CALLS PROMPTLY AN8 Hl, WERED FOR ALL BAQQAGE) TRANSrERRINO. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING AND HEAVY TRUCK ING A SPJJCIALTT. When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ? Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. W x "- "- ylo-.vn, suffered 10 ' 1 cwllul Winn, uut u siiorx distance ac a y.'4 itimc. She came very near having nervous t-v.-iproHtraticn, had beun to cough a good doal, R' jand seemed melancholy by spells, she tried ' It '.;( doctors but irot little heln. Since tnlHno- f j Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. say a few words in praise of your medicine. When I beiran taking it I had been very sick with kidney and bladder trou bles and nervous prostration. I am now taking the sixth bot tle of Lydia ILPinkhaiu's Vegetable Compound and find myself greatly improved. My friends who call to see me have noticed a great change." Mrs. A. if. Sanborn, Irasburg, Vermont. We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful or that cither of these women were paid in any way for their testimonials, or that the letters are published without their permission, or that the original letter from each did not coma to us entirely vr.soiicited. What more proot canr.nyoner.sk? For GO 7irs I.yfls xin1thams Vegetable ComiK'Und has been the atanti-ird rcmeuy lor female ills. .Na sick voirjiin dcej justice to herself wio vrill eo i y i!,is famous medicine. Made exclusively fro. 1 j-oots and herbs, and has thousands .i curt-) to its credit. pK? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women iir to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs 1'inkb.am, Lynn, Mans. A MfcllCENAKY NOVELIST. A New York editor, at the Century club, told a story about Robert W. Chambers, the novelist. "Chambers was one summer," he said, "to .Sunapee with his brother. At the Bon Mere Inn the aristocratic old ladies In rocking chairs, seated on the cool piazza that overlooked the lake, were very much stirred up by Mr. Chambers' arrival. Whenever he approached they gathered about him and talked books. "Chambers was always ready for them. He had always on his lips some witty saying to double them up. " 'Oh, Mr. Chambers," cried an old lady one day, 'I admire 'Lorraine' so much! I've read it eight times!' " 'Madame,' answered Chambers with a bow, 'I would rather hear you iwTjiratarataMP'wi',mc Known For Its Strength The First National Bank PEKDLETON, fOREGON CAPITAL, SURPLUS UNDIVIDED PROFITS RESOURCES OVER I SECURITY un Orpheum Theatre J. P. VEDEHXACII, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IX TODAY 'S PAPE7L Program Changes) on Sunday's, Tuemlny's and Friday's. Dyers' Best Flour my uausnwrwiw an run from pains in her side, head and ISiood PirrHIer and Liver l'ills she has im proved so nuich that she feels and looks like another girl." Mrs. C. Cole, ritchville, Ohio. Irashurcr. Verinoiif,. "T feel If. mv !n say you'd bought eight copies.' " Washington Star. OX CHICAGO. Dr. Heinrlck C. D. Htrsch, the Vien nese conductor, said the other day that New York's musical taste was much better cultivated than Chicago's. "A New York and a Chicago girl," he went on, "met at the seashore. In the twilight, while the sky flamed pink in the sunset on the terrace, the New York girl said to the Chicago girl: " 'Do you like fugues? "The Chicago girl sighed and ans wered wistfully: " 'No, but I adore clams." " Watch V. Glenn Smith's smoke when he gets afire. and . a, S45D oo Is made from the choicest wheat that (Ttoavh. Good bread is assured whan BTERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorta, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Pendleton, Oregon. s Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Bole Mannfactoren and DistriaotOM of the Celebrated PS TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM Tallman &Co. Leadln DmrginU of Bastsrn Oregva. OLD LIXrj LIVE STOCK IN 8CRAXCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of CrawfordsTiUe, Indiana. Has now entered Oregon. Polloles now goo.i in every state In the Union. Organ sed over IE years ag-o. Paid up Capital $200,000.00. As sets over $460, COO. 00. REM EM HER, this la NOT a Mutual Live fciock Insur anr company, Mark Moorhouse Company Agwnt, Peudletoo, Or. IIS East Ooorl M. Pbooe Mala S3. COLESWORTHY'S Internationa Stock Food the old reliable The beet for your stock Try it J COLESWORTHY 127-129 g. Alta Th. QUELLE Gus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in North west First-class cooks and service Shell fish in season Li Fontaine BIk., Maii Si. You Make a Bad Mistake When you pot off buying your CaiS aatil Fall pwcfcaae It NOW aad atxmre the bout Rock Sparnns anal the wines produce at priOM considerably lower ttian Ibose pravalttac In Pall and Whiter. ny atoekiag up now you areld ALL (laager of being un able to soonra it when sold weather arrives. Henry Kopittke Plume Main ITS. Trade Manna Dccicns Copyhihts Ac. AnrniiftftAnrilnff a nkAtrh nnd iloncrlntlon mn qnlrkly uonruiN our oihiih u True wliullior ac IliVMiMrin la pmhnblr ptiumtiihin. Cnniimtiiti-n tliwuMrlolljrcoiilldiMilliil. HnNPIlOOK on fnlonu oent Itm. Oldest iiiionot for mifurltiif pnumia. Pmmui taJCNl tiirourh Mmm Co. reocln mn none, wnimut nreo, lutns Scientific ftwtm. k bVMlonmnlr Itlnitmtod wmiIt. lament oil. OUlAllAn of anr floilLlllO InurnaL n'nrnia 1 a : nnth,L ttuld bjali nawadealara w vvi HUlf tintucb OAltsv. 62& F 8U WubUigioo. 1 irurea -oiJ; rcvanls Pnsumoata