East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 11, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Ti ; .. AJKJii
IV 1
Proving It!
of Pendleton
To have been first---
Proves Antiquity
To have become first
Proves Merit
Standard Grocery Co. Inc. I
Where all are Pleased
Frank O'Gara, Pres. Bernard O'Gara, Sec-Treas.
214-216 East Court Street
I Muri-lHgo I. louse Issued.
J. A marriage license was iissued to
' day to Francis Frey and- Helen Ma
j honey, both of this county.
I Would Collet Notes.
A suit. to collect two notes was fll-
ed today by Frank Frazler against
J Itert Stoeffle. They amount to $250
I with interest. , ,
Uiiys lli-llx Chop Mill.
i Manuel Frieilley has purchased the
Helix chop mill of John Peterson.
: Hubert Wagoner is to be In charge of
the mill for the new owner.
Umatilla county flocks are now on
their way from the summer range In
the national forests to the fall and
winter range on the foothills and low
er valleys. Yesterday was the expi
ration of the time limit fixed by the
government officials and those sheep
which are not already on the trail
were shoved over the lines. : Owing
to the unusually dry' summer In the
mountains and the fact that the range
on the foothills has been better than
that further back, a great many
sheepmen did not wait for the expira
tion of the time limit, but moved their
flocks several days ago.
Notwithstanding the fact that the
unusually dry summer resulted In the
drying up of the range long before the
usual time and prevented the start
ing of the fall grass, the sheep are
coming out in fairly good condition.
According to Dan P. Smythe, who Is
probably the best authority on sheep
in the state and who has been mak
ing inquiries since his return to this
city, the condition of the sheep is re
markably good considering the ad
verse conditions with which the sheep
men have had to deal.
Portland, Ore. Entries In the all
Oregon Apple Show, to be held at
Portland Nov. JO, Dec. 1 and 2, are
coming in from all parts of the state
and the list of exhibits will be big
ger than at any similar show. Ont-of-state
exhibits may be entered but
Of the Eye Grow a Great Oaea.
Errors of Refracttcn are the
cause of maj eya alseaaea as
well as poer sight.
ES are the beat tsby In times
t eye trauaia.
Bare tke Fttaaasj Is Boiealtfle,
Hundreds of paaseas In Uma
tilla Oomaty TTis i nl oar
may not compete for prizes other than
diplomas. .
Cash prizes offered Oregon growers
total almost $1500. In addition, there
will be many medals and diplomas
awarded, together with prizes of mer
chandise. The prize list ia so attrac
tive that the entries will be of high
quality as well as large In number.
The Oregon State Horticultural So
ciety, whose 25th anniversary is be
ing celebrated by the show, found that
a meeting place would have to be se
cured that would afford ample room
for the many exhibits and the O. N.
G. armory. Tenth and Couch streets,
will be used. The big drill hall on
the ground floor will house the ap
ple show and the meetings of the so
ciety will be held upstairs in the con
vention hall. This will give a splen
did down-town location for the big
apple fair with ample space, for all
Counties ot the state are vieing
with each other in collecting prize
exhibits. Commercial clubs of vari
ous cities are offering prizes for the
best showing from their own coun
ties and in this way warm competition
will be aroused. There will be con
tests in all classes and the Judges will
have their work cut out for them by
the number and excellence of the ex
hibits. For the first time In the history of
the annual meeting of the Horticul
tural" Society, grapes, -egetables and
canned fruits will be exhibited, giv-;
ing It something the appearance of a j
fair. j
This year's show is felt to be In the!
nature of a transition between the I
small apple display formerly held and
a big affair that will in future attain
the proportions of a national apple
show, similar In scope to that held
each year at Spokane.
Mcliw I Out on Street. ; -
Charles Mcliee is out on -the 'street
today for the first time since4 the au
tomobile neridt-nt in whleh he figur
ed tvi vt t-ks ago. He is still carry
ing his arm in a sling.
Painting French l!ctaui-niit.
Tile front of the French restaurant
it in the hands of the painters today
and is being: ilven a new coat which
will envelop 'the Slain street front of
the building from top to bottom.
Former Pendleton Hoy Dies.
E1 H. Hansen, nephew of Carl
Hansen, the well , known retired far
mer, died recerily in Portland of ty
phoid fever. The deceased was clerk
of the bridge and building depart
ment of the O. It. & N. in this city
when W. A. Storie was foreman.
liarlx-r Shop Changes Hands.
Clark Wagner, formerly with 'the
Patton & Humphrey barber shop on
court street, has purchased the O. K.
shop of Charles Follensbee on Main
street and took possession last eve
nlng. Follensbee will Wave' in a few
days for Chehalis county, ' Washington.
Pay Out Much Money.
; The sum of $5503.42 is being paid
out of the dounty's general fund as a
result of the recent election, term of
court and the usual routine county
business. The hills were audited at
the October term of the county court,
the warrants have all been drawn
and are now being sent put by the
clerk. i i I
Kryptok ana Qsc Leases a
Wi. Hansoe ,
Berkeley, Cal. Professor C. W.
Woodworth, university entomologist,
has solved the mystery of the Jump
ing bean of Placer county by the dis
covery of a tiny worm inside whose
efforts to escape cause the bean to
hop in a peculiar manner.
The university scientist was recent
ly asked for an explanation of the phe.
r.omenon, which for the last 50 years
had been a conundrum to the resi
dents of the foothills west of Rose
vine. The beans, which resemblemus
tard seeds In size and color, hopped
In an active manner, sometimes sev
eral Inches in the air, and the moun
taineers were baffled.
Woodworth found that a small
worm, the offspring of a wasp, occu
pied the hall and was making efforts
to escape.
The beans were formed by wasps
stinging the oak leaves as a nesting
place for their young. When the eggs
developed they formed worms, which
by their gymnastics caused the ball
to fall from the trees and continue
their odd Jumps.
Adjutljred Insane.
Louis Wiscarver. a laborer . was.
brought up from Umatilla this morn
ing, charged with Insanity. He was
examined by County Physician Cole
this afternoon, adjudged insane and
ctmmitted to the asylum. He has been
a user of opium and says there is
someone who has power over him to
make him do things against his will.
placed-In service has "been transferred-
to I Orairde- and grva-otright
run. - The change was made" because
of Stacey's seniority In servlco.
Will Run Sugar ' Plantation.
Guy 0'Melveny,;8on-ln-law of Judge
Tho.-FltzGerald.l who has been vis
iting in ' Pendleton with .relatives for
the past month, has accepted the po
sition of chief engineer and superln
Undent of a sugar plantation at
Cullocan, Mexico, and will leave for
his new post tomorrow by way of Se
attle. Mr. O'Melveny was formerly
connected with the city engineer's of
fice In Seattle. His family -will re
main in Pendleton until he' Is . set
tled in his new home.
Roundup Pictures In Demand, t.
That the Roundup postal card pic
tures are proving to be almost as pop
ular as the big frontier show Itself
is evidenced by the fact thatW. 8.
Howtnan the . official photographer
has been working overtime to supply
t tie demand. He has already printed
more than 8000 pictures and is now
turning them. out at the .rate of 1000
per 1ay. But ven at that rate he is
unable to fill his mail orders and keep
the local demand supplied.
Spokane, Wash. Frances E. Park
er, an ambitious young woman, who
came to Spokane several years ago
from Henry 'county, Iowa,'; with' twt
purposes In view, Is likely to realize
the greater as a result of her sum
mer's., work, In. a vegetable patch at
Garden Park; near here. '. Miss Park
er's goal was to harvest the largest
crop of commercial potatoes ever
gathered from- a f ur-acre ' tracf Mn
eastern Washington also to paint the
best pictures in the Inland empire.
Her tract yielded more than 1000
bushels of tubers thTs season. - As
soon as thnae are marketed -she .will
go either to' Chicago or New York
to study portrait painting. Miss
Parker's two landscapes have been
praised by competent critics and they
havej eiioouraged her to. continue her
studies along that line, but she pre
fers portrait work. She has youth
and , plenty of enthusiasm and Is not
afraid ' of - hard '-" "work. -William
Rhodes, an artist-farmer at Mount
Pleasant, Iowa, is her uncle. Miss
Parker is. employed in a local gallery
and lives with her mother, Mrs. Alice
B. Parker, in a pretty suburban
home near Lincoln Heights.
Civil Service Positions Vacant.
Secretary Cronln of the board of
civil service examiners, has received
notice that examinations for the po
sitions of electrical assistant, testing
engineer, assistant superintendent of
construction for the federal prison on
McNeil's Island and editorial clerk for
the divisions of publications in the
department of agriculture will ba held
here November 9.
First Formal Party.
Invitations are . now being circu
lated for the first formal dancing
party of the season to take place In
the Eagles-Woodmen hall Friday
night. Several young men of the city
have taken the initiative in arranging
the affair but an organization . will
soon be perfected, the purpose of
which will be to conduct a series of
such dances throughout the. winter.
Many a rich man labors under the
delusion that he can right himself
by writing a check.
that It was that M eras arena clean,
ed aad pressed. Ton ean get added
wear out af your dresses by having
them cleaned at SULLIVAN'S,
aad they are eeuat to a new gown.
Delicate silk watats or suits will be
cleaned In a manner that will sur
prise you when you bring them to
Pendleton Dye Works
IMVi Bast Alta St, Phone Mala It.
i . i 1 4 I , 1
Secures Collcfie Honor, j : . ; 1
James Johns, Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Johns of this city, who Is
now In his Junior year at the Uni
versity of Oregon, has been elected to
the position of assistant manager of
football for the present season. This
position Is no great honor in Itself,
but as it Is the stepping stone to the
management of the next year, , it is
one quite generally .coveted by am
bitious students. ,
Would Collect Life Insurance.
A suit -to collect $1,000 alleged -to
be due as life Insurance was filed
today In the circuit court by Joseph
Parrazo and Louis Van Orsdall as ad
ministratrix of the estate, of Joseph
ine Woodall, deceased, bgainst the
Woodmen of Woodcraft. It is al
leged that Miss Woodall was a mem
ber of Daphne circle No. 3, Women
of Woodcraft and that when she
died she was In good standing.
New Motor Car Condnrtor.
Conductor C, P. Stacey, who -has
been In the service of the O. R. & N.
for many years, and who for that Tea.-
son 1s exceedingly wen ' known'""and
popular has been given the motor
car run between this city and Uma,
tilla. Conductor Cross, who has been
f ' i ' ' ':
White and Gold English Semi-Porcelain
itt'U 'UU.'f
Can hardly be told from the real Haviland.iCan be made
up in any assortment up to a 100 piece innersetr" :
An ornament to any home and useful besides
100 Piece set like shown m our Win-
i , , . ...... , -
Spokane, Wash. Workmen are
draining a small lake near Orovillc
in Okanogan county, Wash., to save
an immense deposit of epsom aalts.
owned by M. McCammon of Orovllle
and his associates, who took up the
land under a mineral right. A. W.
Doland,: president of the Spokane
Drug company has made numerous
laboratory tests and pronounces the
salts equal to the German product.
the wholesale price of which Is 25c
a pound. The lake. In which the de
posit was found some time ago, Is 1,
000 feet In length and about 180
feet in width and of . unmeasured
depth. The bed and banks are cov
ered with a thick deposit and it is
believed there are thousands of tons
of salts available for commercial pur
poses. The discovery was made sev
eral years ago, when hunters noticed
the glistening white crystals along
the shore. The find was reported in
Spokane, but little attention was paid
to it until after Mr. McCammon had
perfected his claim to the land.
Our, NewM Uh im m'
mtL CffcTHES
., U , -:
Are Now on Display Ready for
Your Inspection
Men's Suits Made to Your Measure
.V -.' K
li you are hard to fit in a roady-made suit we will fit you
eorreotly by making a Buit to your exact measure. Nothing but
new fall patterns to select from. Largo swatches enable you
to choose Vght and the pattern you most admire.
.Roosevelt's Boston Store
Berlin. The selection of Lord Rob
erts to head tho special mission sent
to Berlin to formally notify the Kais
er that King George; V has ascended
the throne has aroused some resent
ment in court circles because Lord
Roberts Is regarded? in Germany as
the head of the anti-German move
ment In England. Almost on the eve
of his departure from England Lord
Roberts expressed public approval of
the virulently anti-German pamphlet
written by Colonel Lyndendell entitled
"How Germany Makes War."
He -said he hoped the pamphlet
would be widely circulated In Eng
land. ' Its contents are regarded In
Berlin as grave aspersions In Germany
hence the anger that Roberts should
be selected as special emissary.
During the last few days an emi
nent official of the German army,
General Gagern, has been Involved in
a painful scandal, the details of which
aroused Indignation throughout Ger
many. It Is significant of the fun
damental Idea of German officers code
of honor that a deputation of officer
of the German army went to General
Gagern and requested him to commit
suicide. It was represented to Gen
eral Gagern that solf destruction was
the only way by which he could re
habilitate himself and wipe out the
stain on the character of the German
The advice has not yet been accept
ed. The officers' advice to General
Gagern appears to be generally ap
proved by public opinion.
Paderewskl, the great Polish pi
anist, has composed a new opera en
titled "The Symphony of Chivalry."
It is a colossal work and expresses
In music the ancient glory, decline and
fall of the Kingdom of Poland and the
present hopes of all patriotic Poles
that the Kingdom of Poland one day
will be reestablished.
Paderewskl has Invented a musical
Instrument called the tomtruone. In
order to produce certain necessary
sounds in the music of his opera.
Philadelphia, Pa. Arrested on a
charge of larceny of Jewelry valued
at $400, Lloyd A. Fanning of Chest
nut street, above Forty-fifth, declin
ed to see any of his friends while he
was In a cell at city hall unless they
first sent their cards to him.
'Two of Fanning's friends, who de
sired to1 help him, called at the Cen
tral Police Station. He was told of
their arrival, and he promptly in
formed the pollcemtn who carried the
message to him that he would see no
one until they.first sent in their cards.
Franklin Dundore, a ' member of
the Union Legue,' Who lives at Chest
nut Hill, caused 1 the arrest of Fan
ning. Dundore did not appear to
press the charge, and Fanning was
held on $500 bail for a further hearing.
5 Room House
on College street, one of the best small places in
$575 for nice cottage on High street, worth $850.
6 Room House on Star street
'worth $1250. If sold at once $850
will take it.
HOUSE in Byers grove, nice place for small
family, lot 50X125, price if sold quick, only $275
worth $ 600, if you will hurry can
get deed for $300
Talk With
Phon.M.in TEUTSCII ,
The Real Estate and Insurance Man
do We no small pieces, only
World Will Soon, Learn of .Wedding
of Members of Famous
English Families.
London. Much Interest Is aroused
by . reports that the . engagement Is
soon to be announced between Ivy
Gordon Lennox and the Earl of Wln
terton, Miss Ivy Is the daughter of
Lord and Lady Algernon Gordon Len
nox and is an extremely pretty girl.
Wlnterton Is chief owner and active
editor of the World, a weekly Journal
founded by the late Edmund Tates,
an 1 .. npnmlalnv nnlltlnlan Mlttlnir in
a , .... ... p, , c ... j
the house of commons for Horsham. ;
Her engagement to Lord Vllliers,
eldest son and heir of the Immensely
rich . Earl of Jersey, was announced. a
few years ago, but the marriage did
not occur.
Miss Lennox Is '-well known'" In Am
erica'. ' She spent a winter In New
York with her parents some time ago
and there met a number of Philadel
phia and Washington society people.
She Is a granddaughter of the late
Duke of Richmond and a niece of the
Countess of Warwick of the Duchess
of Sutherland and of Lord Rosslyn.
She1 Is also a cousin of Marie Tem
pest. 1 1
Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens !!
, All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old
. For ofaotoe Jsassd mmm phone your order night kefora. Wa
dreaa mm except for erAera so If yvm Ilka sold storage powttry
patronise the other ttMam or store joinaaH.
Main 536
East End Grocery
Bcri-Bcrl in London.
London. Blind masseurs, whose
highly developed sense of touch Is of
Inestimable value In the handling of
delicate patients, are being employed
at the Seamen's hospital, Royal Al
bert ' Docks, In the case of two Chi
nese sailors suffering from berl-berl,
who are being treated by the newest
system of massage ' ' with Swedish
movements. Introduced by Dr. Caut
ley. '" '..' .
Phone Mali &.
SOS E. Cowrt sM.
Dry, wet, chemi
cal aad steam
, cleaners.
We call for aad
deliver anywhere.
i New oome back when cleaned by the
Berlin Dye House 1
Beautiful Decorated Chinaware
at. Prices so Low that they seem Unreasonable
f rAti I :' '."' '
In our annex you can find many very pretty designs of china
ware, such aa Tea Pots, Chocolate Sets, Cracker Bowls, Fruit Dishes,
Nappies, Pin Trays, Match Holders, Paper Weights, Caps and Saucers
etc , . ,
, Mais sal Cmt Stmt