DAILT EAST OREGOXLW, PENDLETON, OREGON, 2HONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1910. EIGHT PAGES PAGE SIX L catarrh sufferers. FUND APPORTIONED Good Tiling to Know. If you now own a Hyomel hard rubber Inhaler. Tollman wants you to know that they will sell you a bot tle of HYOMEI for only 50 cents. Remember this, all who suffer with catarrh a bottle of HYOMEI (pro nounce it High-o-me) is put up in a separate package and sold for 60 cents, to accommodate the vast array of people who already own a Hyomel The October apportionment of aohool funds has been completed by County Superintendent Welles. The total amount of the state fund Is til. 880.70 and is divided at the rate inhaler. of tl 90 for each pupil in the county Tallman will sell it to you at that between the ages of four and 20 years, price and give you the opportunity to The county fund is probably a little begin at once to rid yourself of vile less than the state fund and Is dlvid- catarrh and the snuffling, hawking and spitting that go with it. Many people through years of neg lect, have let catarrh get a strong hold upon them. ''Some of these peo ple unreasonably think that one bot tle of HYOMEI ought to cure them. No matter how chronic your ca- tarrhi troubles, HYOMEI is guaran teed by Tallman to cure them if you give It half a chance. Just breathe It, that's all, and its healing, soothing, ed at the rate of $100 for each dis trict and J 5 for each teacher attend in the institute. The total amount received by the Pendleton district is $3,421. The total amounts, in even num bers, received by the 100 other dis tricts in the county are as follows: District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No.' District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. 1 $307.60 j 418.00 3 242.00 f SIDNEY STORY 4 242.00 antiseptic properties will make you 600.00 g 232.00 7 126.00 8 164.00 9 80.00 10 676.00 11 150.00 13 179.00 14 629.00 15 68.00 18 551.00 0 30 00 21 177.00 22 140.00 4 119.00 05 179.00 26 148.00 27 127.00 28 156.00 29 398 00 SO 156.00 jl 192.00 33 140.00 34 145.00 35 I"-00 36 U9.00 37 264.00 39 145.00 39 145 00 40 38. 00 41 144.00 43 148.00 45 19.00 47 61.00 43 67.00 49 147.00 50 76 52 143.00 E4 137.00 55 165.00 56 218.00 58 138.00 61 253.00 63 118.00 64 800 65 128.00 66 138.00 67 93.00 68 "1.00 69 130.00 72 231.00 74 110.00 76 156.00 77 151.00 78 166.00 SO 216 00 81 150.00 82 133.00 83 385.00 84 63.00 86 141.00 87 68.00 89 171.00 91 141.00 feel better in a day. If you own an inhaler get a 50 cent bottle- of HYOMEI today. If you do not own a Hyomei inhaler, ask for a Jl outfit, which includes Inhaler District No. 92 12S 00 District No. 93 141.00 District No. 94 138.00 District No. 95 129.00 District No. 96 153.00 District No. 98 135.00 District No. 99 160.00 District No. 100 126.00 District No. 102 137.00 District No. 105 185 00 District No. 108 91.00 District No. 109 119.00 District No. 110 145.00 District No. Ill 138.00 District No. 112 128.00 8 Forced to Leave Home. EJvenr year a large number of poor sufferers whese lungs are sore and racked with cougha are urged to go to another climate. But this la costly and not always aure. There'a a bet ter way. Let Dr. King's New Dlscov' ery cure you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble." writes W. B, Nelson of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed and I gained 47 pounds In weieht Its surely the king of all cough and lung cures." Tnousanas ow their lives and health to it. Its positively guaranteed f or coughs colds, la grippe, asthma, croup an throat and lung troubles, 60c and tl. Trial bottle free at Koeppen Bros. A-. ar.1 CmrM m id all that the flesh is heir U. Ky wonderful and low irlil roots, X.rba, remedies mposed o CTi 1 n s bods, bark and vegetables ta are uj-u aakaewn to medial asienaa of th r BJM no pouktbjp or iuii" operations. NO Kxore We care stomach troubles, liver, vmmv. catarrh, lane taroau mmim- ma, nervous aemucy. inuw .w " plaints and ruimtuni uu disorders of the blood. We i tn at&v cared, and guarantee an kinds of Piles -nd Prtval Diseases of men and women. Call aad see him or write. Constutt- tlon free. If yon are mnable to call and see him. send two centa In tamM for symptom Diana, aa- THE It. omo WO CHETEOT MEDICm CO. SrtQ W. Bnw wt. Wafta Walla. Wa. I.OXDON AGOG OVER APPROACHING CORONATION London. Despite the... fact that the coronation is many months distant, arrangements are rapidly being made and. according to one high in author ity, it will be one of the most brilliant anri statelv ceremonies recorded in British history. There is, first of all. to be a great naeeant of empires, in which every dominion In the British empire is to be represented. The colonial -pre mlers and other ministers will be In vited and, as on the occasion of the coronation of the late King Edward VII, arrangements will be made for the transportation of troops rrom every port of the globe which owes allecrianca to the British crown. June and the early part ot Juiy next year will be crowded with res tlvities. Already rooms are being se cured at the big hotels by Americans and colonials and the rush to London next year will be expected to exceea all records. There will probably be an interval of 10 days or a fortnight between the coronation at "Westminster and the In vestiture of the Prince of waies ai Carnarvon, but exact dates and other important details have not yet been arranged. It is hiehlv probably that tne im perial conference will be held Imme diately Drior or subsequent to me coronation. Nothing nas yei omo definitely decided about the program which will naturally depend to a lartre extent upon the government which Is then in power. ol New Orleans, One of the foremost speakers in Dixieland, cheerful, magnetic and convincing, will speak in Pendleton at the Oregon Theatre, Tues. Eve. Oct. 1 1th, on Prohibition is Mot Temperance Mr. Story's treatment of this subject has brought tears and laughter to thousands of his listners It is an acute appeal to the common sense of every sound thinking man and woman and is worth going miles to hear. Don t miss it ADMISSION FREE (Paid Advertisement) Avoid Sickness ! Drink HIRE'S ROOT BEER ( Its Pure He E Becltric Vaciim Oeaner LABOR SAVING SANITARY THOROUGH i! Tenia a Murderer. A merciless murderer is appendi citis with many victims. bui xjv- King's New Life Pills kill it by pre vention. They gently stimulate stom ach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that Invites appenaicius, curing constipation, headache, bilious ness, chills. 25c at Koeppen cros. MSTRIAV PUPILS TO BE TAl'GHT RlrLfci vsr. Watch Our Newspaper Ads. They will tell you the facts about this new cleaner Pacific Power & Light Company 'Always at Your Service" Phone Main 40. NIGHTS OP UNREST. No Sleep, Xo Rest, Xo Peace for the Sufferer from Kidney Troubles. No peace for the kidney sufferer- Pain and distress from morn to night. Get up with a lame back. Twinges of backache bother you all day. Dull achlne breaks your rest at night, Urinary disorders add to your mil ery. Get at the cause cur ethe kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills will work the cure. They're for the kidneys only Have made great cures In Pendle ton. Mrs. J. H. Hutchison, 6527 Lilleth street, Pendleton. Oregon .says: "I had a great deal of trouble from sharp, shooting pains through my back, sometimes extending Into my head. I was nervous, did not rest well and had headaches. My strength and ambition left me and I felt all run down. The. use of three boxes of Doan's Wdney Pills gave me such great relief that I think highly of them. Another member of my fam ily took Dean's Kidney Pills and Jpsaa me tn advising their use to all per sons afflicted with kidney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 oents. Foster-Milbum Co, Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the nam Doan's and take no other. Berlin. Final details ror tne new course of instruction in rifle shoot ing to be given in the Austrian grade schools have now been perfected by the ministry for national defense. The scheme goes beyond the mere teach ing of the use of the rifle and will in clude general outlines of army or ganization, the study of maps, and selected portions of military history. There will be rifle practice on every Saturday afternoon from October to May. All pupils in the two upper classes who wish to Join the course will be eligible. After preliminary training in the handling of the rifle and blank cart ridge shooting there will be shooting with loaded cartridges. Later on corn oetit ions will be held In shoot ing at long distance ranges. The rn.litarv authorities will provide drill grounds and shooting ranges, instruc tors, markers and outposts, iney win also lend the rifles and provide am munition either grata or at cost price. Boys who are unable to pay t..r i.rnmtinitlon will be given 100 i,inlc cartridges and 40 loaded cart ridges per season free. The other3 will be allowed to purchase blank and loaded cartridges at cost price. In places where there is no garrison, lo ill be Drovided. And where no such ranges can ge made only blank cartridge shooting will be permitted. The whole scheme of Instruction will be put under the charge of some specially qualified high officer to or ganize and carry out. Do you take the East Oregoniai.T When You BUILD, Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather, Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks Deiore you build your home. I will furnish your estimates for any class of worK on application. D. M. MHY Contractor and Builder Cor. Railroad amd Willow Sts. Pendleton. Ore Have a case delivered to your home today. It's healthful and Invigorat ing. We are agents for Umatilla , county, both wholesale and retail. We have the latest Im proved bottling machin ery' In eastern Oregon, and bottle Root Beer, Soda, Near Beer and soft drinks by sanitary methods. Pendleton Soda Works PAUL HEMMELGARJi. Proprietor. Office Phone Black Mel. Works Phone, Black SMI Money to Loan on City and Farm Property Long time, Easy payments, low in terest. Call at Hotel St. George This Week D. S. R. Walker FRESH MEATS sausages, rum Aire LARD. Always pure and delivered promptly. If you phone the Central Meat Market 101 K. Alta St., Phone Main St. Back to Business Again Dr. P. A. CLISB wishes to announce that he can be found at his office tn the John Schmidt building, Pendle ton, Ore. Byes carefully examined, and glasses ground to fit. 10 years practice fitting glasses. The only ex clusive Bye Specialist In Umatilla toanty. In the District Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the Matter of A. B. Stephens, Jr., Bankrupt. The undersigned will rttcclve seated bids up to 12 o'clock noon of Tues day, October 18, 1910, In the office No. 7 First street, Portland, Oregon, for the following personal property belonging to said estate, namely: A stock of merchandise, consisting of furnishing goods, dry goods, hard ware, shoes, groceries, etc., of the In ventory value of $3447.22, and a lot nf store fixtures of the Inventory val ue of 322.75, all located at Umatilla, Oregon. An Inventory of said prop erty Is on file In the office of the un dersigned and the stock may be in spected upon application to J. M. Foster who Is In charge at Umatilla. Cosh or a certified check for ten per cent of the amount offered must ac company each bid, and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Said sale Is made subject to confir mation by the court. Dated, Portland, Oregon, October 8, 1910. R. L. 8ABTN, Trustee. FOR SALE -Household furniture, preserved fruits and pickles; also chickens. 717 Aura street, corner W. Court