PAGE POlTt DAILY EAST OHEGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OHEGOX, MOXIAY, OOTOUEU 10, 1910. EIGHT PAGES AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. ollaad Dally, WtAly and Semi-Weakly at Pendleton, Oregon, by xht 81 OREGON I AN PUBLISHING CO. 8VB8CI11PTION BATES. ally, one yar, by mall oo ally, alz moctha, by mall ally, three Booth, by mall 1.25 ally, oae month, by mall 50 ally, oae year, by carrier 7..V) ally, alz month, bv -nrrler .T5 Bally, three montu. by carrier 1.05 Oally. one mootli. cnrrlrr Ho Weakly, one year, by mall 1.50 Weekly, ali ia"tli. bv mall T5 jeeklTj J....r iu..aiL. by mall 50 temtWr-iW l . .ne veitr, by mall.... 1.50 eoal-WeekK. lx montiia. by mall... .75 oanl-iv eeiiiv. f.'nr inontna. by mall.. ,5C Tbe I "b 1 1 v l"imt Oregonlan la kept on aale it tbe nn-ou New Co., 147 6th afreet, 'orriauil. Oregon. orthwtet Neva. Co.. Portland. Oregon. Ctaliaco liureaa. 08 Security liulldln. WMhlusrton, l. C, Bureau, 501 Four ntb itwt, N. W. Member I nlted Presa Aaoclatlon. Entered at the nrwt.fft af Tnia,rtn : T'in. as aecend claaa mall matter. ' ' "'"' Main I i "'via' rity and County Paper. 4 SO IT GOES. 4 Storm and beauty day by day, all the world alotiff; 4) Dim December mixed with May sunshine, rain and song. 4V That's the life-road So it goes, Reapers of The thorn and ruse. Yet we're In the living land hear the joy-bells ring- ing; Take your sweetheart's trembl- ing hand walk the way a-singing. 'Tis the life-road So it goes, Reapers of The thorn and rose. Frank L. Stanton. . :i THE FA IK AM) KOrXD-l'P. In its last issue the Pilot Rock Record had some remarks regarding "signs of desuetude" at the annual fair and also a criticism of the references to the fair were timely. While the fair just closed was very successful it must be admitted that sufficient interest in the same was not taken by the horticulturists, the livestock raisers and the farmers of this county. The success of the fair demands that a greater interest be j aroused on the part of such people. ' Surely that interest can be aroused if only the proper work is done. The Record suggests that the Round-up and fair be held at differ- ent times. That suggestion the East ' Oregonian has aLo made. This pa per would like to see the Round-up : lield In the spring. Yet there are veil Informed men who say It would lie impracticable to hold the show in the spring. They say the fall is the logical time for the Round-up and point to the fact that when the fair up n whQ beljeve , c) nn,, pr0. time the Round-up visitors mav at- ! . i gressive politics, tend the fair in the evening and there- J by find proper entertainment. Death is no respector of persons The question as to whether the two . ana claims his victims from among events should be pulled off simultan- tne young and the old. It Is particu eously or separately is one that must j iily s;u though when the Grim be worked out by the people who are Reaper comes suddenly like he did to In charge after a full and careful consideration of the subject. The welfare of the town demands, however, that the fair directors and the Round up management work in harmony. If the two events are to be held simul taneously then programs should be arranged accordingly. The big after noon programs for the fair could be scheduled for the days when the Round-up is not on. The Record's criticism of the Round-up it would be a waste of time t- answer. The splendid success of the Round-up and the general ap proval with which the show was re garded by all who saw it is vindication enough. The Pilot Rock paper ob jects because the show was rough and dangerous. But the Round-up was not unduly dangerous. Besides it Is rot a parlor show., It Is the Carnival of the Strenuous Life. POLITICAL KYOLCTIOX. In an able editorial upon the sub ject of "The law of evolution in poli tics" the Denver Times had the fol lowing: "And we are no means certain that one day, the larger part of Colonel Roosevelt's dream will not be real Led. The" country is changing more swiftly than we have time to note. Eighty years ago we wore a religious people. The Bible was the literature of every schoolboy. In the civil war the men of the North, like very Iron sides, sang the Battle Hymn of the Kepubllc; with its terrific refrain of rn implacable, Divine Justice. In the war with spain our" soldiers " sang There'll Be a. Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight;" and if they prayed the chronicles observed not their de votions. During the last 60 years tr illions of men and women have come here, and have been made citizens to whom tbe Idea of a centralized gov-1 eminent is a natural inheritance, how ever much they may have resented the tyrannies of the governments they fled from. The Initiative, the refer endum, and all those other attractive Implements of legislative machinery, are. in a most intricate way, Import ations from the Old World, the source of which, their advocates here, have never known, or have forgotten. In stead of giving larger powers to our state legislatures, the tendency is to withdraw power from the legislatures and place it in the hands of the peo ple. And. the more rapidly we de crease the authority and responsibil ity of our state legislatures, the more rapidly are we dooming those legisla tures to extinction, and paving the way for the Xew Nationalism and some form of. centralized government, lor, the lesson of evolmton which silence is watching so closely, has not yet entered into the philosophy of pol itics; and our statesmen have no't commenced to ask of any projected f'rm: "Put, after this, what next?" We are all moving blindly, the play thing of our environment, and the streams of evolution carry us to' the river, and the river sweeps us Into the sea. It seems to be Inexorable law.'' It may be in place to add here, what the Times noglectPd to say, that evolution will briiijr about a change in the national government as veil as in state governments. In time we are going to have direct election f United States senators. We will also soon see the day when members of the various political parties will vote under the direct primary system f"r delegates to national conventions. The general tendency is to make our government a true democracy. The people must really rule or else the United States will become an oligar chy of wealth. ASSEMIU.YISM TIIE ISSUE. j Bourne is not an issue in the gub- ernatorial fight. Senator Bourne's t(rm do.-s not expire for two years, i Then if he wishes to stay in the sen ate he will have to go before the peo ple and secure their endorsement as h: did before. He is not directly i j concerned in this fight. He has felt .-' llll.e i'-muei lieu m mai ui.ii. j lit has gone cast upon an extensivo ! speaking tour while the Oregon cam ; paign is underway. j The great and overshadowing issue lin the campaign is assemhlyism shall i our direct primary law be maintained as It is or shall corporation and ooss controlled assemblies be substitute! j for the open primary. Jay Bom r I nan is the champion of assemb!y:s;ri ant to elect him governor will m-an j to give encouragement to the reac j nonaries who would like to the lirect primary law and all other re- formatory measures. Oswald West is the defender of the direct primary law and of other laws . t!.at tend to take power away from ' the machine bosses and give it di- rectly to the people. He is the pro I gressive candidate and the candidate j who is entitled to the support of all the home of Bert Smith to take the wife and mother and those who are bereaved are entitled to the generous sympathy that has been shown them. Reports from Honduras, the "Ba nana Republic," indicate life down tbere is tropical In more ways than one just at present. There is material for a few new novels by Richard Harding Davis. From appearances Young Manuel does not stand high at all with many of his former subjects. When burglars steal eggs there must be something to the cry that the cost of living is high. Local people know something of the liquor problem from first hand ex perience. The Los Angeles still loose. dynamrters are What is finer than a day In Oc tober? "I have been an officeholder for 25 years and no man can show where I ever took a dollar dishonestly." "Gee, old man," replied the graft er, "put me wise to your system, will you?" Chicago Record-Herald. You will find Cjt 7JlV t h e HI CELEBRTJED'aSwhen t Hitter effective STOMACH BITTERS V STOMACH Otomach re. 'luires a tonic r when the appetite i s poor. Try it and see. It is for Cramps, Indigestion, IH'MlK1Hla, CoiiHtijwiUnn, HillOIIHnCNH, and Malaria. THE WAS1IEH WOMAN'S SOXG. In a very humble cot. In a rather quiet spot. In the suds and in the soap, ' Worked a woman full of hope; Working, singing, all alone, la a sort of undertone; "With the Savior for a friend,' He will keep you to the end." Sometimes happening along, I had heard the semisong, And I often used to smile. More In sympathy than guile; Hut I never said a word In regard to what I heard, As she sang about her friend Who would keep her to the end. Not in sorrow, nor in glee. Working all day long was she, As her children, three or four. Played around her on the floor; But In monotones the song She was humming all day long; "With the Savior for a friend, He will keep me to the end." It's a song I do not sing. For I scarce believe a thing Of the stories that are told Of the miracles of old; Rut I know thather belief Is the anodyne of grief. And will always be a friend That will keep her to the end. 4 Just a trifle lonesome she, Just as poor as she could be; But her spirits always rose, Like the bubbles in her clothes, And, though widowed and alone. Cheered her with the monotone. Of a Savior and a friend Who would keep me to the end. I have seen her rub and scrub. On the washboard in the tub. While the baby sopped in suds. Rolled and tumbled in the duds, Or was paddling in the pools. With old scissors stuck in spools; She still humming of her friend Who would keep her to the end. j Human hopes and human creeds Have their root in human needs; And I should not wish to strip From that washerwoman's lip Any song that she can sing. Any hope, that song can bring; For the woman has a friend Who will keep her to the end. Eugene Ware. v A PRAYER. My dear and only wife, I pray, That you will straight forbear To purchase ties in colors gay. I hat I perforce must wear. Your charming taste I'll not deny Denial were in vain But when you give to me a tie You also give me pain. , i You mean well. I am pleased to think, But all the same it's true Your choice is usually pink, Unless it's baby blue. t t Sometimes, of course, you'll get a check, And sometimes it's a plaid. But, though I try to grin, by Heck! They make me hopping mad. I'll let you buy my daily bread, I'll let you buy my steak, Tut, Sweetest Angel, on the dead, Your neckwear makes me ache, i t So grant this one request, my dear, List while I make my moan: Go buy your own blamed woman gear. And let mj- ties alone. Kenneth Harris. TALKED ESPFKAXTO. When Mr. Smith your intimate friend Smith awoke the other morn ing he was greeted by his wife with this: "My sweet boy, do you know you came home last night and that you talked in your sleep?" "Great Scott! No; did I?" said Smith,' badly agitated. "What did I say? Tell me." "I Just couldn't make it all out, but it sounded like ante-up Jack-pot stake." "Oh, yes. yes. my dear. I was re citing a little Esperanto that a friend was teaching me. I intended to tell it to you when . I came home. It means 'How Is my darling girl to night?" Philadelphia Times. BEWARE OF TIIE DOG. A family moved from the city to a suburban locality and were told that they should get a watchedog to guard the premises at night. So they bought the largest dog that was for sale in the kennels of a neighboring dog fancier, who was a German. Shortly afterward the house was en tered by burglars, who made a good haul, while the big dog slept. The man went to the dog fancier and told him about it. "Veil, vat you need now," said the dog merchant, "is a leedle dog to vake up the big dog." Everybody's Magazine. CASTOR I A Pot jnfnnfa frr.fl Children. Ito Kind You Have Always BougM Bean the ENgnator T.lilne Transfer Phone ESain 5 JTT CALLS PROMPTLY AN8 Hi, WERED FOR ALL BAGGAGE TRANSFERRING. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING AND HBAVT TRUCK INO A SPECIALTY. Read the want a da todajr. BARGAINS Every Day Ladies Hand Bags Large Assortment Lowest Prices Ever Offered The Pendleton Drug Co. THE "WILD WEST REVIVED. (Weston Leader.) The romance and glamor of the "Wild West" have not departed with the advance of civilization. The mind loves to linger upon traditions of the days when countless buffalo roamed the plains; when the savage warrior rode forth upon the trail in the full panoply of his tribe; when the brave frontiersman battled with the wilder ness, and the early cowboy reached the zenith of his glory. We are fortunate now. We have lost the hardship of the past, while retaining much that is bizarre and picturesque. We may sit comfort ably In a grand stand and watch the new west turn back the pages of Its history and present to us such phas es as may well quicken the heart and thrill the blood. We are In no dan ger of los'ng our scalps when a band of painted and bonneted Indians dash out upon the arena. We will not be burned at the stake when they cele brate their war dance. We will not be dared to a duel to the death when the hardy cowboys ride yelling forth. They have come to "bust broncos" for the edification of us, the tenderfeet. and have left their shooting-irons at home. Each looks fully capable of bagging two men for breakfast before h's appetite is nssauged but this mere ly adds to the realism of the spec tacle. Xobody is in any danger ex cept the performers themselves nnd occasionally one of them Is carried off on a stretcher, for accidents will happen at the best regulated round ups. It all beats a circus, or a fair, or a race meet, or a drama, and will hold a crowd for four solid hours as pre sented at Pendleton, wnere event fol lowed event in bewildering novelty. There was nothing tiresome, nothing tame. The feat of Buffalo Vernon, who threw a wildly running steer with his arms, and held it with h's teeth, was daring and unusual yet it was merely one feature of a festival of thrills. N'ever was such a remark able and noteworthy entertainment presented before in all the history of the Inland empire. Pendleton feels proud of its achievement and well t may. It rose superior to every obstacle, chief of which was the lack of proper grounds and gave its visitors all it advertised and more. Xn less an authority than the great Buffalo Vernon himself says that Pendleton had Cheyenne beaten. No visitor who attended Pendleton's Roundup came away dis satisfied. This in itself is a distinc SPECIAL DISCOUNT on Heating and Cook Stoves for the month of October at the Empire Furniture Store Corner Webb and Garden Sts. Phone Red 3201 NEW AND SEOOND-IIAND GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD. FRONTS W:j!r::v'iv; :rv:.Av: " m ifN',' IIia... Oregon, located cornev of Seventh and Stark KtreelM, exteadtBg through the block to Park Street, Portia nil. Oregon. Our new Park lliw Bnex In ahuolutHy flrrpronf Rates $1 per Day and Up. European Dyers' Best Flour tion, for there never was a celebra tion or fair within the writer's ken which escaped some criticism. The usual system of getting as big a crowd as possible, extracting as many dol lars as possible, and giving it as little entertainment as possible In return, was pleasantly missing here. It is true that Pendleton got the crowd the lnrgest that ever gathefed be tween the Umatilla hills and It's al so true that the Round-up was a fi nancial success. But the crowd re ceived much more than It paid for and will come again with "its sis ters and Its cousins, and its aunts." Xext year Pendleton will have much bigger grounds for its Roundup and promises a better show but will have to "go some" to surpass Its Ini tial success. Next year people will come from across the continent, per haps from across the pond, to see this spectacular event. It will likely make Pendleton famous as has the Passion Play made Oberammergau famous. And It has done something locally of value. It has revived the old-time "Pendleton sijlrit" which has shown signs of dissolution. "Let 'er buck" again n 1911. MISSFD THEM WELL. There are always two ways of tell ing the truth. The man who told the king that he would outlive all his subjects was a true courtier and un derstood human nature far more than the man who was put to death for declaring to the same monarch that nil his subjects would die before him. The gamekeeper in Francis Pigon's "Odds and Ends" also had the gift of presenting the pleasanter side of a fact. A certain noble lord was a very bad shut. one day after a particularly disr-ourag'ng exhibition of his bung ling he said to the keeper: ".Vow. my man, tell me the truth. Did you ev,'r see any one who shot as badly as I do?" "Oh, yes, my lord," returned the keeper. "I've seen worse shots than your lordship. Your lordship missi s the birds so clean." Youth's Com panion. Cousin Bob So Arthur proposed last night? Maud Yes. Cousin 13olj And did you accept him? Maud I was so awfully excited I don't know whether I accepted him or not. If he comes tonight I did, and If he doesn't I didn't. Quimy Patriot. Is made from the choicest wheat that irrown. Good bread is assured whsn BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, ShorU, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Pendleton, Oregon. s Headquarters Por Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturer and Distributors of the Celebrated TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of Baatora Oragem. OLD LUT1 LIVE STOCK E. SCRAN CE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of CrawfordarUle, Has now entered Orogon. Policies now gooj In ever; state In the Union. Organ ed over 15 yean ago. Paid up Capital 1200,000.00. Aa ets over I4SO.000.00. REMEMBER, this la NOT Mutual Live Mock Inaur nee company. Mark Moorhouse Company Agent, Prndletoa, Or. IIS Kaa Court St. Pbone Mala 8S. COLESWORTHY'S J International Stock Food j the old reliable !rhe beet for your stock Try it COLESWORTHY 127-129 h. Alts T w t v w S Gus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in North west First-class cooks and service Shell fish in season La Fontaine Blk., Main St. You Make a Bad Mistake Wlicn yon put off buying your until Pall parcluuie It NOW and secure the txwt Rock Hprlatra coal the mine produce at price conatrirrohiy lower than those prevailing In Faij Winter. Dy Btoeking up now you void ALL danger of being on able to secure It when mid weather arrive. Henry Kopittke Phone Mate 178. 60 YEARS' U Dir Manna Copyright Ac. qvloklT moot Win our oi.lnl.m fro whntliitr r liiTiil5..ii probnhlr palw.tjihlo. Con m ini " m " KU, IU .U Scientific Murk A bmitaoniJr llhiahmtM) wmktf. turgart en. Curaa 1::.: frtvtntu PuauiaoaJ I PI I I I I WHmm sjrf.