East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 10, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Improvements Bolnit Made 1" Or
cluird Tract Postmaster GIiIiciih
Very Iov With Rr;lit's Disease.
(Special Correspondence.)
Athena, Ore., Oct. 8. Since the re
cent rains the weather in this vicin
ity has been very favorable to the
planting of fall grain. There was
about two weeks of the rainy spell
and after that the sun has been shin
ing almost continually. This enables
the farmers to seed their summer fal
low Immediately, consequently all of
the kernels will be In the ground quite
early this year.
A number of Improvements are be
ing made In the orchard tracts below
the city at present and when Fifth
street Is put through, which will be
in the very near future, a few more
will be made. S. S. Plersol, who Is
thu owner of a very choice piece of
sub-Irrigated land consisting of five
acres, Is building a new house and
barn; Z. V. Lockwood has hog-wlre
fenced his thirty acres and has sec
era new buildings built already; and
Vic Harris Is building one of the
finest concrete barns In this country.
This land has already proven itself
to be very productive, as Cass Can
non has recently plucked several
large pumpkins off the vines and one
of them weighed 64 pounds.
Postmaster L. A. Githcns of this
city Is very 111 with Brlght's Disease
and very little hope Is held out for
his recovery. Mr. Glthens' health
has been fulling for several years
and fr the last year he has been up
and down, and it was thought that
one of his attacks would prove fatal.
But he recovered to a certain extent
and tried to take his old stand in the
postofTice, but he soon took down
again and has been very sick for the
past two months. The last few days
he has been growing worse and If It
continues he cannot last long. How
ever, his son Harold Is now In charge
of the office. .
London. The police of London are
getting seriously alarmed because the
"hnol leans" here, encouraged by the
niTi.. nf their brethren. the
"apaches." are beginning to manifest
themselves in a very similar way to
their French brothers.
Thi not Tio first attempt these
youthful desperadoes have made to
terrorize the people of the worm s
ornn t Oo, .ItV
Two years ago a serious attempt
was made by the authorities to stamp
out the gangs of roughs which syste
matically paraded the streets 01 me
v.aat TTn,i nml southeastern districts,
but within the last few months the
police have found themselves con
fronted with a serious situation. An
Increasing number of cases has been
tiv in which members
of the public and the police them
selves have surrerea seriously irora
the attacks of hooligans.
TV,!., ,-nir mnm thnn a dozen cases
have occurred In the East End alone
mainly In Bethnnl Grfcen, Shoredltch
and Hoxton. Police court procedure
does not appear to have any effect.
In some districts residents are com
plaining loudly that more police
hnnlrl hn nut on the streets.
Th Trillion hoolliran works . with
method. He generally uses a stick or
a belt with great effect It Is esti
mated that there arc more than two
dozen hooligan gangs Infesting the
metropolis und defying the police at
h nrtsent time. They roam the
tr..i.lB In lptnrhments and when sec
tlons of rival gangs meet, pitched bat
tles sometimes result. The leaders
of these gangs are known to the po
11 n gn:i thi'v ran irenerallv ascertain
when trouble s brewing. When knots
of the lads aro seen wnispering to
gether at Htrcet corners a raid or a
fight Is almost sure to result. The
It is a generally recognized fact
that tiled ici ties taken from the botan
ical kingdom are better adapted to
the delicate human system, and safer
in every way than those composed of
strong mineral mixtures. Among
the very best and safest of vegetable
preparations is S. S. S., a blood med
cine made entirely of roots, herbs and
barks, in such combination as to
make it the greatest of all blood puri
fiers and the finest of all tonics.
S. S. S. does not contain the least
particle of mineral in any form, and
is an absolutely safe medicine for any
one to use. While purifying the
blood, this great vegetable remedy
builds up every portion of the system.
S. S. S. cures Rlieutfiatism, Catarrh,
Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases,
Scrofula, Constitutional Blood Dis
eases, and all impurities and morbid
conditions of the circulation. t It is
perfectly reliable and safe for children;
nnd little ones who have been weak
ened with scrofulous affections or
other inherited blood troubles, can
take this mild vegetable remedy with
good results and without the slightest
danger. S. S. S. i3 unequalled as a
tonic ; it invigorates every portion of
the system, and the healthy blood it
creates largely assists in overcoming
any derangement of the stomach
and digestive system. If you need a
blood medicine you could do no better
than to take S. S. S. It has been in
use for more than forty years and is
ptill recognized as the best. Book on
the blood free to all who Write.
following are some of the names oy
which these gangs are known: "The
Forties," "Silver Hatchet," "Old
Ford Boys.' "The Hackney Bruisers,"
"New Girdle Gang," "The New Boys,"
"The National Green Boys."
Berlin. The disgust and Impa
tience felt at St. Petersburg and dally
expressed In the newspapers at the
half-hearted and Ineffectual attempts
of the authorities to. stamp out the
cholera, have been considerably
heightened today by the discovery
that vessels loaded with grain from
Odessa, where there Is plague as well
as cholera, are allowed to enter St.
Petersburg without any medical in
spection or sanitary precautions
whatever. Such a vessel has been dis
charging Odessa grain on the quays
of the Neva for some days past, hav
ing naturally brought with It some
of the rats' of Odessa, which are be
ing officially exterminated as far as
possible in the latter town in order
to prevent the spread of the Infection.
The sanitary regulations of the Port
of St. Petersburg appear to be those
of the time of Peter the Great, 200
years ago, but without Peter the
Greats genius and energy in dealing
with emergencies. The Novoe Vrem
ya despairingly declares that the dead
bureaucratic formalism, official care
lessness, and the mediaeval habits of
the uncultured population have en
tered into a conspiracy to sow Rus
sia with the seeds of disease and destruction.
The highest Russian medical and
sanitary authorities are beginning to
express the most pessimistic views
concerning the unhealthlness of Rus
sia. One of them has Just declared
his belief that the cholera will be
worse next year. Professor Veliamlh-
off also certifies to the failure of all
measures against It, as long as the
Insanltatlon In the towns and villages
13 not radically dealt with.
Out of 1082 towns throughout the
country, only 38 have any kind of
drainage at all, and only 192 are pro
vided with a water supply. At Huge
sofka, the great metallurgical center,
belonging to the English-New Prus
sia company, 500 Turks have had to
be engaged to take the places of the
Russian workmen, who have decamp
ed in consequence of the cholera.
Never Worry.
About a cough there's no peed of
worry if you will treat it at Its first
appearance with Ballard's Horehound
svrun Tt will stoD the tcough a
once and put your lungs and throat
back Into perfectly healthy condition.
A. C- Koeppen & Bros.
Portland Ore. As an Instance of
the way the Coast cities are working
together to bring conventions west
may he cited the campaign waged by
Portland the past week to aid Tacoma
In securing next year's convention of
the National Association of Commer
cial Executives. This organization Is
now In session In Grand Rapids,
Mich., and Secretary Somtners of the
Tacoma Chamber of Commerce has
gone East bearing the official Invita
tion for next year's gathering.
To back up Tacoma's invitation
Pnrtlnnn has sent telegrams to the
commercial bodies of the Coast cities
calling upon them to help tiring the
convention to Tacoma and It is ex
pected that each will Bend messages
to tho Grand Rapids gathering, urg
ing the delegates to come West next
The telegrams were sent out by the
Portland Commercial club and sign
ed by Manager Chapman of the Pro
motion Committee and Manager Ray
mond of tho Convention Bureau. The
messages went to every prominent
commercial body on the Coast from
Los Angeles to Seattle. The messages
sent vary with tho people addressed
but all ask that telegrams be sent to
Grand Rapids, urging delegates to
bring thenext convention to Tacoma.
Los Angeles endorsed Portland for
the next meeting place of the con
vention but Tacoma had already laid
plans for it and Portland gladly
waived Its claim In favor of Its nor
thern neighbor.
The action Just taken shows that a
nn1tn1 Pnnifln fnnst hnn heennie a re
ality and that a working agreement
tins been framed wtiereDy tne wnoie
will be a powerful machine, running
harmoniously for the good of the en
tire Coast.
London, October 7. Great Britain
is more Interested In the controversy
between church and state In Spain than
Is generally understood. It is a known
fact that the Spaniards put much of
the blame for their trouble with the
Vatican upon the shoulders of Queen
Victoria, who is an English woman
by birth and training. There are cer
tain Spaniards who declare that al
though she became a Catholic before
her marriage to Alfonso, she has
never been able to dethrone the love
of protestantism in her religious af
fections. During the lifetime of King
Edward VII, his .Majesty's frequent
conferences with his niece led to the
belief that he guided her solely In her
actions with members of tne Spanish
royal family and government, but
since the accession of King George,
the influence of Queen Victoria Is not
so noticeable about Marlborough
House. It Is said that though His
Majesty is Intensely interested in the
outcome of the controversy, he has
Informed his royal cousin that It will
be Impossible for him to consider the
affair In any way except as a rank
In four weeks more Parliament will
reassemble and during the recess the
conferences of the two dominant par
ties have done much toward compos
ing the constitutional differences of
the House of Lords and the House of
Commons. It is very difficult to get
any one in authority to express a view ;
upon the matter. In fact several of
the leading members of the Cabinet
are still away on their holiday, sever
al helng at their shooting odges, but
from what can be gleaned in a gen
eral way it Is believed that the ne
gotiations will continue until a satis
factory agreement is reached, thus
avoiding another bitter conflict when
Parliament reassembles.
Early in the season it was said that
King George would hold the winter
court because he is aware that the
compulsory abandonment ut the sea
son Imposed very great hardship on
West End shopkeepers. Now it is
declared in equally certain terms by
tnose In a position to know what they
are talking about that the reason
George Is to have a winter court is be
cause of the Intense rivalry of certain
social leaders for supremacy. They
declare that the court will be the roy
al method of announcing who are and
who are not to consider themselves In
the court circle before the coronation
takes place and the festivities of the
spring season approach. Hnlf mourn
ing will be compulsory and the Queen
Mother will not appear unless of
course, she should defy all precedent.
A club for "lady servants" is about
to open in London. The main ob
ject of the club, according to the sec
retary, Is to give such servants an op
portunity of enjoying the social life of
which their social position deprives
them. People would be astonished
she says, if they knew how many la
dies have gone Into domestic sen-ice
in the last few years. Many of them
belong to distinguished old families.
and others are the daughters of doc
tors, clergyman and lawyers. The
chief hardship in the career of a lady
who becomes a servant, it is pointed
out, Is the lack of congenial society,
but she will be lonely no longer, for
she can spend her future evenings
out at the club, which will permit
male friends to done at the club and
enjoy a quiet rubber of bridge.
l'olond rurnlstics the latest ex
ample of the grief that sometimes
too often, indeed comes to socialistic
enterprises in Europe. Two or three
years ago, owing to the pressure
from the socialists, working men be
gan to run factories and mills on their
own account. Better pay, shorter
hours and a fair share of profits
were to result from the new scheme.
One by one these enterprises falU"d,
and the latest to be added to the list
13 a small glass manufactory In Czen-
tochowa. These failures have done
much to discredit the socialists am
ong the working classes, as the agi
tators promised them the profits
from all the lorger factories nnd mills
ns soon as co-operation became general.
Tliut. of Professor Unhn for Goethe
Statue In Chicago Accepted.
Berlin. The international Jury
chosen by the German societies of
Chicago to select a design for the
Goethe memorial to be erected In Lin
coln Tnrk, in that city, decided to
day on the design submitted by Pro
fessor Hermann Hahn.
Nine sculptors competed, the others
being A. Jaegers of New York, H.
Shuler of Baltimore, Hugo Lederer of
Berlin, C. A. Berman and Hubert Net-
zer of Munich, George Werba of Dres
den and O. Schlmkowltz and A.
Hanak of Vienna. Professor Hahn's
home is in Munich. All nine designs
will be executed for the principal
cities of the United States in case the
other municipalities express n desire
to commcmornte the German poet.
The winning model Is fifteen feet
high and shows the lightly draped
figure of a young man, who with one
foot resting on a block of marble Is
holding an eagle on his knee. Just
above the pedestnl Is a portrait In re
lief of Goethe.
Harry Rubens, who represented the
Chicago committee at the competition
and selection, gave a reception to the
Jury at the Royal Academy of Arts
this afternoon. Other guests were
Count von Bernstoff, German Am
bnssador at Washington: Dr. Hill. Am
erican Ambassador to Gerinnny, and
Professor Hugo Munsterberg of Har
vard University.
Valuable Prizes.
Given at the Pastime shooting
gallery. First prize la a .21 calibre
Winchester; second price, $5.
J. H. ESTES, Prop.
Ely's Cream Balm has been tried
and not found wanting In thousands of
homes all over the country. It has
won a place In the family medicine
closet among the reliable household
remedies, where It is kept at hand for
use In treating cold In the head Just
as soon as some member of the house
hold beings te preliminary sneezing
or snuffling. It gives Immediate re
lief and a day or two's treatment will
put a stop to a cold which might, if
not checked, become chronic and run
Into a bad case of catarrh.
Ifavlng sold my hay, grain and feed
business, 127-129 H. Alta street to
the A. T. Matthews company, I would
recommend them to all my old
friends and customers and the trade
In general, as being men of long ex
perience In the business, reliable and
worthy of their support. And to all
those knowing themselves Indebted to
me I would kindly ask to call at the
old stand and settle Immediately.'
Catarrh Cannot Be Cared
with LOCAL APl'LICATIONS, they csn
not reach the seat of the disease. Catar--h
Is blood or constitutional dlseaw, sod
In order to cure It you mint take Internal
remedies. Hall's I stsrrh Cure Is takeo In
ternally, and arts directly on tbe blood and
mticou surface. Hall's Catarrh Cnre t
out a quack medicine. It wss prescribed by
one of the beat physicians In tbls country
for years and Is a regular prescription. It Is
composed of tbe best tonics known, combin
ed with the best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly on tht mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tbe two IngreJlents Is what
produces sucn wonderriu results la earing
Catarrh. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Hold by PrugKlsts. price Tne.
Take Hall's Fsrnlly Pnlls for Coastlpa-
Notice to Public.
All parties knowing themselves to
be Indebted to me will kindly call
and settle their accounts by Novem
ber Srd. H. M. SLOAN.
mw m dOT'.m
Hhe new
N9330 l't l!ij'f.
I : "i r
Two of the most important items in a womans' dress
!st-Her Corset 2nd--Her Underwear
Nemo Corsets, R.G. Cor
sets and Munsing Underwear
Munsing Union Suits for all Ages
Satisfactory in Every Way
Ask your dealer this fall for Munsing wear. Don t say
underwear: say Munsing wear accent on the wear
There's all the difference in the world so far as comfort
and service is concerned between ordinary underwear
and Munsing wear. Munsing union suits are fine in
quality, non -irritating, always perfect fitting. They stand
the tub test the fit wont wash out. More than 6,000
000 Munsing wear garments sold annually. They come
in light, medium and heavy weight fabrics in every re
quired style and size for women and children.
Bmy Today
and Thank Teutsch
$573 for nice small place on High St., in splendid repair, newly
papered and painted, fine lawn, shade trees, good cellar, and
everything ready for some young couple to start housekeeping.
Say, George, speak to her about this place.
$1000 pays for splendid 5-room house on Marie St. It is worth
$1650. Arthur Gibson say the house could not be built for that
$1050 for good 6-room house on west Court St. This property is
worth $1800 and it will only be short time when you will be say
ing I could have bought that place for $1060, but that will not
make you any money. Buy while you can get it for the $1050.
Do It now!
$5000 That sounds like big money, but when you see the place
1 will show you that sold once for $6500 and is worth more to
day I am sure you will be very much interested. The house
occupies lot 100x100 on corner of Slain and High streets, splen
did barn, in fact everything is in fine condition.
$1600 for the 7-room house on Lewis street is a bargain. The
lot is worth $1000 nnd house could not be built for $1600.
Nice lawn, fruit trees, beautiful rose bed, in fact this Is a splen
did place. If I was single man I certainly would get the place.
$5000 Pays for one of the best houses in Pendleton. All fur
nished ready for housekeeping. This is without doubt one of
the best pieces of property in the city. In fact it Is so good I
will not attempt to describe It. but ask you to let me show
you If you are rrom Missouri.
Talk With
rw m. LEE jeujsch 'os ".in
The Real Estate and Insurance Man
Means a contented Home and a
Fatter Pockctbook.
AH the little plumbing troubles
of freezing, bursting, poor drain
age and improper vents are
corrected by our expert exclus
ive plumbers.
"A stitch In time saves Bine."
A little plumbing now may save
you time, temper and money
when the cold days come.
Tour business Is cordially so
licited by
Court and Garden Sts.
Phone Black S55
OrDheum Theatre
9. T. KEDERNAC II, PftHprietor
For Men, Women and Children
Prognun Chances on Sua days, Tuesday's and Friday's.
The Vacuum Glean
er Without a Fault
Phone Black 2082.
scription, for county aonrt. olrcuH
court, Justice eourt, real state, eta.