East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 07, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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f-ti- rut
it n. n Miir- i m h
Proving If!
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
To h
ave been
Proves .Antiquity
To have become first
Proves Merit
Standard Grocery Co. Inc.
Where all are Pleased
Frank O'Gara, Pres. Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treas.
214-216 East Court Street
lorrU'lul Weather Report.
i Maximum temperature, 71.
I Minimum temperature, 40.
Moves to Veiulloton.
Sylvester Simmons of Myrlck. who
recently purchased the Lee Teutsch
property on Jane street, has moved
,T into the house and will continue to
k lL'.i Vila Vti.TtiA In tV.tH I4..
! .
, Dance at Umatilla.
j Members of the United Orchestra
left on this afternoon's motor far
i manna wiu-re tney will furnish the
I music tor the dance that is to be
given at that place this evening.
Do Xot Expect Victory But Hope to
Mk Good Showing Coach tie
Has Fast, Snappy Eleven Five Old
Men Are Missed.
The football season of the Pendle
ton high school will be inaugurated
this afternoon whea the local boys
line up against the eleven of Whit
man college in Walla Walla. The
team, accompanied by Coach Lytle,
left on the early train this morning
for the Garden City, and while having
no hopes of winning from the colle
giate aggregation, they expect to make
a creditable showing.
As the Pendleton team will line up,
it will be composed of A. Jordan, cen
ter, Williamson and Stangier, guards;
Hinderman and Houser, tackles;
Milne and Tromedy; ends; Kimball,
quarterback; Thompson and Bowman,
half backs and Divine, fullback. In
this lineup will be seen several new
names and those of such reliable play
ers as Bean, Struve, Graham. C. Jor
dan and Snider missed. Of these the
first three were lost by graduation and
Jordan is kept from donning the
moleskins by a strained tendon in his
leg. Snider has not yet reentered
chool but is expected before long
and will be seen again on the fight
ing line.
Notwithstanding these vacancies
which the opening of the year found
both Coach Lytle and Captain Divine
are optimistic over the prospects.
"The team will be light, but the
Purr Pleads Guilty.
Ell Parr, who was arrested on the
reservation sesveral weeks ago for
hiking liquor onto the reservation, en
tered a plea of guilty in the federal
court in Portland yesterday. He was
fined $10 and sentenced to serve a
term of three months In Jail.
Of the Eye Grow to Great Ones.
Errors of Refraction are the
cause of many eye diseases as
well as poor sight.
BS are the best standby In times
f eye trouble,
Here the Fitting Is Scientific
Hasdreds of patrons In Uma
tilla County Recommend oar
Kryptok and Torlc Lenses a
Wn. Hanscom, THE Jeweler.
men are taking advantage of the new
rules which place a premium on speed
and alertness," said the former last
night when putting the candidates
through their paces, "and I am con
fident that their record at the end
of the season will be one in which the
school can take pride."
The line this year will probably not
be as heavy as last year, but the gen
eral average will probably be higher
as Graham's weight brought last
year's average up several pounds. Art
Jordan is slated at present to fill the
position of center, and, although this
is his first year on the regular team
he has been on the squad during two
previous seasons. He needs practice
in passing the ball but will acquire
this as the season advances
Williamson at guard is entering his
second year on the team and is espe
cially valuable as a defensive man
Stangier, the other guard, Is only a
freshman, but, although young and
inexperienced, he has size and
strength and should develop into a
good lineman
Hinderman at right tackle is one of
the most efficient linemen the high
school has developed and with his
two years experience, is bound to be
a prominent factor in defense this
season Hinderman Is also one of the
best kickers on the team and will be
called upon to do part of the punt
Houser, who is appearing at left!
tacKie is a new man on the Pendle
ton team, but last year played guard
with Walla Walla high He is light but
very fast and is showing up well in
the early season j
Milne made a good reputation at
end last year aa a heady, consistent
player and a hard tackier and will
take good care of his position this'
season, !
Tromedy, who is at the other end,
is another freshman, but tomes to
Pendleton with a good reputation
from portlandt where last year he,
played quarter on one of the gram
mar schools and was selected for that
position on the all-Portland eleven.
Bowman and Thompson at halves
are well-known players, and make an
extremely fast and aggressive pair to
advance the ball and back up the
Kimball at quarter and Captain Di
vine at full are top well known In
gridiron circles to need comment
Kimball is the peer of all acholastie
quarurs in the state from the point
of speed, judgment, and all around
ability, while Divine has every quali
fication for a star player on any col
lege team.
In Chapman, Finnell and McDonald
Coach Lytle thinks he has three prom,
ising utility men, and there are a
number of others on the scrub squad
who will make strong bids for eligi
bility to permanent places.
The schedule this year includes
games with Walla Walla and Baker
high schools and Columbia College
Jr., and, should the eastern Oregon
championship fall to Pendleton's lot,
it Is probable a game with one of the
Portland teams will be arranged bo
that the state championship can be
decided. '
Captain luucs Improving:.
Captain John Isaacs of Helix, who
was brought to Pendleton a few rtnv
ago, following a second stroke of
paralysis, is much better today than
he has been any time since he was
brought In. He has been seriously til
but hopes are now entertained for his
Train Hits Sheep.
Train No. 17, running five hours
late, ran into a band of sheep, just this
side of Meacham yesterday afternoon.
But two or three of the sheep were
killed and the train was only delayed
a few minutes. The sheep were own
ed by the J. E. Smith company.
Will Locate in Oregon.
A. Bechtel, wife and son, of Ker
win, Kansas, are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Bechtel's daughter,
Mrs. C. P. Strain. They have come to
Oregon for the purpose of finding a
home, but before deciding upon a lo
cation will tour a large part of this
state in their automobile.
County Court Adjourns.
Having transacted all the business
coming before it, the county court
adjourned for the October term last
evening. The judge and commission
ers went to Barnhart this morning to
view the site of a bridge which has
been petitioned for but they will not
take any action before the November
meeting. , jj .
Burned Structure Removed.
The O. R. & N. company has re
moved the charred remains of the old
store department warehouse, which
was destroyed by fire a few weeks ago.
The burned timbers have all been ta
ken down and their complete destruc
tion by fire allowed to proceed. The
debris resulting from the destruction
of the blacksmith shop at the corner
of Court and Vincent streets, has also
been cleared away. - .
Former Pcndletonlan Dies.
Jechro Hardwick, who formerly
conducted a second hand store in the
Bowman Hotel Building, died in Wal.
la Walla yesterday according to a tele
phone message received here last eve.
ning. It was understood that the body
would be brought to Pendleton this
morning for burial. Funeral arrange
ments were accordingly made, a
hearse, minister, pall bearers and
undertaker were at the station when
the train pulled in but no corpse ar
rived. Later it was learned that the
body would be brought over tomorrow
rm.i sl ii.
that it was that old drab dress clean
ed and pressed. You can get added
wear out of your dresses by having
them cleaned at SULLIVAN'S,
sad they are eeual to a new gown.
Delicate silk waists or suits will be
cleaned in a manner that will sur
prise you when you bring them to
Pendleton Dye Works
Itftt Bast Alt St, Phone Mala
Open House at Library.
From 7 o'clock until 9 this evening
there will be open house at the Pen
dleton public library. All local peo
ple and especially the patrons of the
library are invited to attend. People
will be allowed to talk as much as
they please and they will not have
to whisper. It will be an informal so
cial evening and will be for the pur
pose of exhibiting new books that
have just been purchased for the li
brary. The books have been purchas
ed with money from the Sturgis fund
and from the funds of the ladies' civic
and library club. The books consti
tute a valuable addition to the li
brary and may be drawn after this
evening. Miss Fleet, who now pre
sides over the destinies of the library,
does so In a very capable manner and
is anxious to have the people learn
of the new volumes.
Salvation Army to Invade Russia.
London. The Salvation army, says
General Booth, will soon begin work
in Russia, providing the czar consents.
Speaking at Scarborough recently
General Booth said he had never tak
en a penny from the army, never
owned a fine house or automobile as
If it, is Good to Eat
You'll Find it Here
Eating and Cooking Apples of all Kinds
Phone in your order, it will receive our closest attention
and be delivered promptly
gsB mm ss
W. L. P. C.
Portland ..- 97 73 .671
Oakland 104 S3 .657
Sun Francisco .... 96 91 .613
Vernon 91 94 !491
Los Angeles 92 98 4.84
Sacramento 70 111 .387
Oakland 2, Vernon 0.
Los Angeles, Oct. 7. Oakland won
the game from Vernon In the first
Inning yesterday, 2 to 0, and after
that period there was no scoring. The
scoring was partly due to an accident.
With the bases filled in the first In
ning. Wolverton was hit in the fore
head by a pitched ball. He dropped
to the ground and It took some time
to revive him. He was unable to
continue In the game. Score R. H. E.
Vernon o 4 l
Oakland 2 7 0
Batteries Hitt, Carson and Hogan;
Moser and Mitze.
Los Angeles 4, Frisco 3.
Oakland, Cal., Oct. 7. Six hits off
Browning, one of rnern a home run
drive by Howard, proved sufficient
yesterday to give Los Angeles its sec
ond victory over San Francisco by a
score of 4 to 2. Browning was re
lieved In the sixth inning, Eastley tak
ing up the burden and while the lat
ter was touched up Tor five hits none
of them figured in the tally column.
Los Angeles hnd Its batting clothes
unpacked for the day. Criger ham
mering out a three base hit and
Smith getting a double, beside How
ard's long drive. Criger and Naglo
who relieved him in the sixth allowed
nine hits, but fast fielding and poor
base running prevented San Fran
cisco from piling up more than two
runs. Score: 1 R. H. E.
Los Angeles 4 11 2
San Francisco 2 9 1
Batteries Criger, Nagle and Smith;
Browning, Eastley and Williams.
Portland 3, Sacramento 1.
Portland, Ore., Oct. 7. Portland
won the second of the present series
of games with Sacramento by the
score of 3 to 1 yesterday. Both
pitchers made fine showings, and it
was only the good fortune of Port
land in hitting Arrellanes in two In
nings, the sixth and seventh, that sav
ed the day for the local team. The
score: r. h. E.
Sacramento 1 4 1
Portland 3 6 2
Batteries Arrellanes and LaLonge;
Spiesman; Steen and Fisher.
At Washington, 1st game: R. H. E.
Boston 5 10 1
Washington 2 8 2
Batteries CoJlins and Carrigan;
Gray, Otey and Ainsmith.
At Philadelphia R. H. E.
New York 3 6 1
Philadelphia 1 7 3
Batteries Ford and Mitchell; Dy-
gert and Thomas.
At St. Louis R. H. E.
Cleveland 5 8 4
St. Louis 6 7 4
Batteries Koestner and Clark;
Mitchell and Stephens.
At Washington R. H. E.
Boston .5 10 3
Washington 6 7 3
Batteries McHale, Wood and Car
rigan; Walker, Johnson and Street.
Game called In eighth inning, ac
count darkness, , ,
At Chicago R. H. E
Detroit 5 7 3
Chicago 11 11 3
Batteries Pesley, Wlllett and Ca
sey; White, Lang and Sullivan.
At Chicago R. H. E.
Pittsburg 0 8 2
Chicago 9 0
Batteries Adams, Phllllppl and
Gibson; Richie and Needham.
At Boston R . H. E.
Philadelphia 7 12 3
Boston 20 22 3
Batteries Ewlng, Slaughter and
Dooln; McDonald, Parsons, Mattern
and Rarlden.
At New York R. H. E.
Brooklyn 3 8 6
New York 9 16 0
Batteries Barger and Miller;
Drucke and Wilson.
Smith to Meet Beechcr.
New York, Oct. 7. Tom O'Rourke
has arranged a bout between Young
Sammy Smith, the Philadelphia light
weight, and Willie Beecher, the local
fighter, to be staged at tonight's stag
of the National Sporting club. The
fight is for ten rounds. Smith recent
ly beat Knockout Brown, and O'
Rourke decided to pit Beecher against
him. Smith Is declared to be a comer
by fight experts.
George McDonald, one of the pro
prletors of the Coe tent saloon, who
was arrested a short time ago, after
being indicted by the grand jury on a
charge of violating the local option
law and who yesterday changed his
plea from one of not guilty to guilty,
was this morning sentenced to pay a
fine of $200. He announced that he
would serve It out and is now in the
county Jail. .
Dave Myers, who pleaded guilty to
stealing a vacuum carpet cleaner from
his brother-in-law, Louis Carglll, was
this morning sentenced to serve one
year In the penitentiary.
The cases against the Pendleton and
Athena near beer sellers who were
Indicted by the last grand Jury will
probably come up this afternoon.
Our New
" " 1 1 " 1 1 " i ... .... i
Are Now on Display Ready for
Your Inspection
Men's Suits Made to Your Measure
If you are hard to fit in a ready-made suit we will fit you
oorrectly by making a suit to your exact measure. Nothing but
new fall patterns to select from. Large b watches enable you
to choose right and the pattern you most admire.
Roosevelt's Boston Store
its effort to overtake Spokane in that
respect, is the traffrc in babies that
Is going on between the two cities,
with Walla Walla always the gainer.
During the past few weeks six ba
bies have been brought from Spokane
to homes In Walla Walla, where the
foundlings will be raised, and so
heavy has become the Importation of
youngsters that regular visits ore
made by an agent from the Falls City.
A. W. Lannlngham of Spokane is
the man who brings homeless waifs
to kind-hearted people of this city,
and he Is assisted In this work by
Mrs. C. E. Glllllan or this city. The
latter keeps a constant eye ror the
homes not blessed with babies, and
upon finding a home for a child at
once notifies Mr. Lannlngham, who
has plenty of applicants to fill It.
Your Health
is your most precious posses
sion: Your first aid to health
should be the reliable and
proved family remedy
Sold Ercrywhcra. In boxM 10c. and 25c.
A German Inventor has brought out
a frame mounted on small wheels
which a soldier may carry to lie down
upon to be used in creeping over the
surface of the ground.
A Bpfovdld Betrtlnf ud Iy Be Weal for
sinrw OTTB, unnnnwr flMMUMBI to Mn OTr 11
! Meh4Kl 0mu Mont. 13, 1 9(6. Ctio Fre
UOfcUMH UVTYVltUTX. I I TlOl Bslfs .
Bay' Today
and Thank Teutsch
5'5 for nice small place on High St., In splendid repair, newly
papered and painted, fine lawn, shade trees, good cellar, and
everything ready for some young couple to start housekeeping.
Say, George, speak to her about this place.
$1000 pays for splendid 5-room house on Marie St. It Is worth
$1650. Arthur Gibson say the house could not be built for that
$1050 for good 6-room house on west Court St. This property Is
worth $1800 and it will only be short time when you will be say
ing I could have bought that place for $1050, but that will not
make you any money. Buy while you can get it for the $1050.
Do It now!
$5000 That sounds like big money, but when you see the place
I will show you that sold once for $6500 and Is worth more to
day I am sure you will be very much interested. The house
occupies lot 100x100 on corner of Main and High streets, splen
did barn, In fact everything is In fine condition.
$1600 for the 7-room house on Lewis street Is a bargain. The
lot is worth $1000 and house could not be built for $1600.
Nice lawn, fruit trees, beautiful rose bed. In fact this Is a splen
did place. If I was single man I certainly would get the place.
$5000 Pays for one of the best houses in Pendleton. All fur
nished ready for housekeeping. This Is without doubt one of
the best pieces of property in the city. In fact it Is so good I
will not attempt to describe it, but ask you to let me show
you if you are from Missouri
Phone Main
Tfllk With
550 Main
The Real Estate and (Insurance Man
Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens !!
All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old
For oholoe dit ad oaes pkone your order night before. W
Arena none except for orders so if you like cold storage pom! try
patronise tbe other fettsw or store yourself.
Main 536
East End Grocery
Res. Phone B. 151.
Many Spokane Waifs Are Sent to
Good Homes in Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, Wash. One of the
most potent means of gain in the
population of this city and helps in
Phone Mass 4a.
SOS E. Oowrt St.
Dry, wet, chemi
cal and steam
We call for and
deliver anywhere.
Never come back when cleaned by the
Berlin Dye House
Beautiful Decorated Chinawore
at Prices so Low that they seem Unreasonable
In oar annex you can find many very pretty designs of china
ware, such as Tea Pots, Chocolate Bets, Cracker Bowls, Fruit Dishes,
Nappies, Pin Trays, Match Holders, Paper Weights, Cups and Saucers
EX!Xl2fel'fc.i -.
Mats sal Ctirt Stn