DAILX BAN ORBOOHIAH, nCTOUBION, OKSQOX, FRIDAY. OOTOBEK 7. 110. If Another Lot of Suits, Coals 5 Drossos for Women and Misses Just in by Express Suits $15.00 to $35.00 Coats 3.50 to 35.00 Dresses 1 3.90 to 33.75 24 more of those $15 soft Taffetta Silk Dresses all sizes and colors, the best dress ever shown in Pendleton for the price. No Charges for Alterations F. E. Livengood Co. The Ladies' and Children's Store. For Sale I KaoBiiitTViiiiiiiiWi Miiigaa 160 aero dairy ranch 20 miles from town and three tii i 1 1 i fiHint ctnrA find nfwt office. Good 4 room house, S harn and clilckcn houses. Splcudld orchard, about 25 acre alfalfa, bottom land. Thin 1 one of the best dairy ranches for the money In Vmatilla county. 100 ncre wheat fnrin S mile from Pendleton. House and ham, plenty water, for $2350. Must bo sold at once mi account of sickness. 320 aero wheat farm 3 1-2 miles from Pendleton, ever lusting well of the best water good house and bam, will sell for $11000 If sold at once Small grocery and second hand business Including; the building, all for $850; munt be sold at once on account of Jcknces. 6 room house and barn, 711 Calrin St., this property Is cftMlly worth $1250. I will sell It for $700, $200 cash, buktuce hi monthly payments. Any on wishing to Invest lit business property, I hare one business block tliat will net 1 per cent clear of txea and Insurance; this piece of property would cost yon double tho' amount If you was to bulk this same pleco of propoity; now the price that I wiU make you "111 hold good for a few days only. Address), Dan Komlor 110 W. Woff gt. Pendleton, Oregon I LOCALS . . Pastime pictures pIwn all See Lane ft Son for signs. Call up U&ln 4I for signs. Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra. Wanted, to bbrrow $1000, good se curity. Phone Main 6. Wanted A girl to do general house work. Phone Black 3652. Ilohbach's coffee and oyster house Is now open; best of service. For rent Five room house, close !n. Inquire Jay's blacksmith shop. Fresh eastern and Olympla oysters st Hohbachs. Telephone Main 80. Loft Blark Cocker Spaniel dog. An swers to name of Trigger. Suitable re ward for return to this office. Wanted Suitable middle aged wo man to do house work for Invalid wo man. Apply 415 Perkins ave. A clean and careful shave always at Mark Pnttoa's shop. Across from Alexanders. Phone for patrons. Huy the Magic Electric Cleaner. It is the simidcst, lightest and most dur ably cleaner made. Phone Main 40. All parties knowing themselves to he indebted to J. Jay, the blacksmith, please call and settle by November 1. Wanted Young man bookkeeper and stenographer. Apply In person at the Pendleton Business college at once. Lost An Eastern Star badge on Main or Alta streets last evening. Finder please return to E. O. office and receive rev rd. W. Q. Fisher, express and transfer, phone has been changed to Res. Phone Red 3472 and stand phone Hotel Pendleton, Main 11. The Magic Electric Suction Cleaner Is guaranteed against all mechanical defects, Is sold on easy terms aid the I'llce Is within reach of all. It should lie lo every homo. Phone Main 40. It certainly Is a waste of money for mo to buy the ordinary kind of ba king powder. For all leading grocers now sell Cleveland's at the uniform price of 1 pound, 45 cents; 3 pounds, $1, and 5 pounds, $1.65. An auction sale of horses and farm Implements, gasoline engine, hay press, etc.. will take place at Weston, Ore., October 13. Six registered Per cheron mares and stallions. One reg istered Jaek and six head of other horses. Sale begins at 10 a. m. Free lunch A. Phillips. To nulld Laborers' nouses. Dublin. The Improvement com mittee f the Limerick corporation lias recommended that 26 workmen's ii.iiiom ha hnllf And that uteris be ta ken to acquire 74 additional, to be J secured by condemnation proceedings. PERSONAL MENTION H. J. Longley of Hermlston, la tran sacting business in this city. Miss Mollle Ragsdale of Milton Is a guest of the Hotel Bowman. Bert Whitman went to Echo this morning on a brief business visit. Will Ferguson came down this morning from his, ranch at Adams. H. C. Gard came in from Pilot Rock yesterday afternoon to transact business. Roy T. Bishop of the Pendleton Woolen Mills, leaves this afternoon for Portland. Edgar Smith left this afternoon via the Northern Pacific, for his ranch near Helix., The members of the county court went to Barnhart this morning to In vestigate some road matters. Bert Kirby of the Adams Mercan tile company, Is down from that place today for the transaction of business. Mat Mosgrove, the Milton merchant, came down from that town this morn ing for the transaction of business. W. A. Walpole of Irrlgon, Is up from that place today on business In con nection with the Irrlgon Ditch com pany. Rev. A. McKenzie Meldrum, pastor of the First Christian church at Athe na, came down from that place this morning. John Shea, section foreman for the O. R. & X. at Duncan, Is down from that place today for the transaction of business. C. S. Wheeler, the photographer, left last night for Boise, Idaho, to re main for a week looking after some farming property he has there. O. F. Moore, Jr., local manager of the Pacific Telephone company, left this afternoon for Helix on business connected with the exchange In that town. 11 Rev. E. W. Warren, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Pilot Rock, came' In this morning on the motor car from a visit to the west end of the county. Louis Winters and wife, well known residents" of Freewater, arrived yes terday afternoon from a two weeks visit to Buhl, Idaho, and have been spending the day in Pendleton. INlYFItSITY HONOR SOCIETY TO START Attention Artisans. There will be a special meeting of the Artisans lodge tonight. Matters of Importance. All members are urg ed to attend. By order of the Master Artisan. Mashed Dotntoes are made whiter and lighter by adding Cleveland's ! Baking Powder before beating. Try a 3 pound can from your grocer for $1. KOEPP.EN (I $1 Li meeting the school folks over half way those days by mak ing them a price on their $2.50 Fovs?r and giving a guarantee with each one. Their Jumbo tablets at 10c can't be beat Better see them, K O E P P E N ' S- 11m Drag Store That SerrM Ten Beat. University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. The Senior Honor Society, an or ganization that President Campbell and other members of the faculty tried to organize last spring, will be formed this month. Plans for the society have been drawn up by President Campbell, President Collier, of the stu. dent body, and a committee from the senior class. The society will consist of seniors who, in their four years at college have had bestowed on them by their fellow-students a certain number of honors. A rating of hon or points giving the value of each of fice has been drawn up and to become a member of this organization a man student must make eight, and a wo man six. The following is the official rating of honor points: President of student body, 6; vice president of student body, 2.5; ex ecutive committee, 2; athletic council, 2.. editor of Emerald, 3; president senior class, 3; president of junior class, 2.5; president sophomore class 2. president of freshmen class, 2; pres ident of any society or club 1; presi dent T. M. or T. W. C. T., 1; debate team (leader), 3; debate team (mem ber), 2; glee club (leader), 2; glee club (member), 1.5; mandolin club leader), 2; mandolin club (member), 1.6; editor of Oregon Monthly, 3; editor of Oregon. 3; assistant ou col lege papers, 1; manager of papers, glee club and oratory, 2; yell leader, 2, athletic team (winner of "O"), 2; athletic team (captain), 3; manager of teams, 2; assistant manager of teams, 2; manager of tennis and bas ketball, 1; member of tennis and bas ketball, 1. Suit Case Hurls Woman. Colfax, Wash. While on the way from Spokane to her home In Thorn ton Wednesday morning on board the Spokane Inland Electric train Mrs. Herbert Howie was struck by a fall ing suit case which rendered her un conscious for 40 minutes. Mr. and Mrs. Howie were riding .i the parlor car and bad placed their heavy suit case in the rack above their heads. As Conductor B. E. White wns taking' their tickets the suit case fell, striking Conductor White on the shoulders, knocking him aside as it fell on Mrs. Howie. No one saw how the suit case struck her, but all aid to revive her failed for 40 minutes. Dr. Alfred A. Strauss of Chicago was successful In bringing her to consciousness as the train nearcd Thornton. The Orpheum. 1 The healing Faith. Lubln, 1000 feet long. The question of the hour is the ravages of the White Plague and In a most effectual way this story demonstrates the value of the open air treatment. This la a strong dra matic play. Everyone ought to see It. 2. The Romance of Circle Ranch. Melles, 1000 feet long. For exciting romance of western life this film sur passes any yet produced. $. Advertising for a Wife. Com edy. Patho, 1000 feet long. Louts Conroy thought when he inherited his father's comfortable fortune and took a little apartment that he could desire nothing more. But he was soon disillusioned and found that he need ed a wife to complete his happiness. He advertised for one and the mis cellaneous collection of women who answered the advertisement would have done credit to a curiosity shop. But he got rid of them by a ruse that worked successfully and finally se lected his maid. Song Little Black Lamb. Turkey's first medical school for women has been opened at Constant! nople. This is the Store for You! STIRRING BARGAINS For SATURDAY ONLY $6.00 Silk Underskirts for each . . . $3.85 12 l-2c Silkolines 36in. wide for yd . . . 9c $ 1 .50 and $2.00 Tailored Waists for each . $1.10 35 c Sheeting 9-4 wide for yd. .... 28c 65c Outing Flannel Night Gowns for each . . 48c $7.Q0 Wool Blankets, Extra Size, for . . $4.95 Women s 65 c White Fleeced Underwear for . 48c $1.25 Table Linen 72 in. wide, for yd. . . 95c Children's 15c Black Hose for pr. . . . 10c 45 c Pillow Tubing for yd. 20c Soy's 20c Black Ribbed Hose for pr. . . .15c . 65c Table Matting 50 in. wide for yd. . . . 48c 12 1 2c all Linen Crash for yd. Brown . . .9c Children's Hemstitched school Handkerchiefs 3 for 5 C Wohlenberg DeVt. Store Better Goods for Less Money DELIVER LECTURE Oil ILLUMINATION PEOPLE LEARX PROPER rSE OF ELECTRICITT Messrs. Loomis and Kumlcr Explain Klcctrlc Lamps to, Audience In Com mercial Club Rooms. To an interested audience that prac tically filled the convention room of the Commercial club Messrs. Loomis and Kumler, representing the Pacific liBlit and power company, lectured last evening. In his talk Mr. Kumler treated of electric lamps while his as. sedate talked of the use of famps. Most of the evening was taken by Mr. Loomis with his explanations and dem onstrations and he gave much timely and valuable information to his hear ers. In a graphic manner Mr. Loomis explained how to get good from elec tric lights, through the use of proper globes and shades. He drew a dis tinction between lighting and illumi nation and incidentally criticised the wiring of some local show windows. He urgea all his hearers to give due investigation to the matter of using electricity properly so as to get the best service. He advised them not to use light globes ns long ts they will burn for the reason that old globes become blqf-kened, use more electricity than do new globes yet give less light. INDIANS GET FISn. Ruck Salmorr Go to the Redskins Be fore the White Men. Husum, Wash. A large number of Indian families are camped at the mouth of the. White Salmon river six miles below here, where tho govern ment is procuring salmon eggs for the hatchery, located a short distance wett of Underwood on the Columbia river. The old buck salmon caught In the traps are not thrown back In to the river, but are given to the In dians who have a prior right over white people In the .distribution. The fish are sun dried,' the Indians pro curing enough meat to last them dur ing the winter. Over 17,000,000 salmon eggs were secured at this point last season, al though the catch this year will fall below this number. Spawn from about 60 female fish Is secured dally, the season lasting a month. If you have $1000 to loan on good security, call or phone Main I. CASTOR I A Pot latitats aad Ckilirea. UiKfci Yea Han Ahrajs Bsgfct Bears th Signature of mi iu Jin i ill J 'i LMLwmmuni'ti usiiiiUugxamn ma Job Printing, Tel. Main i Here's a Real Clothing Snap 75 new Fall Suits left over from our great Round-Up sale, good quality and new styles, but in broken lots. Were regular $12.50 and $15.00 values. For to morrow, Saturday Only See Window J))8t75 ee Window Come early ihsy will go fast at this price WORKIMEN'S CLOTHING CO. Less Expense Makes Our Prices Lower Are You Prepared for Cold Weather? If not look over Our Line of STOVES diet on. We have the best and most complete line of Heaters In Pen- Come and see for yourself. The Radium is the best fuel caver and most simple operating combination' store made. Prices $18.00 and $20.00 OUier stoves priced at $6 and up. The Taylor Hardware Co.