PAGE rUR DAILY EAST ORBGOXLIX, PEMLETOX, OREGON, 11111) AY. OCTOBER 7, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. ttabllsbad PU, WeAlj ud 8ml-Wekly at Pvadlrtoa, Ortaaa, ay tae USI OREGONIAN PL KLISHINCJ CXX 8UK8CRHTION KATE. ally, on year, by nail all, alx moetfaa. by mall Mir, three atha, bj otall Pally, oae moota, by mall tail?, oae year, by carrier ally, all moo Jia, by carrier Dally, throe month, by carrier.... (ally, ooe month, by carrier Weekly, ooe year, by mall Veekly, alx monlba, by mall IVaekiT, fear month, by mail ml-Weekly, one year, by mall... Seat-Weekly, alx moatha, oy mail.. kami-Weekly, (eur mouth, by mall. $5.00 an 1 25 I .60 T.5S S.T5 1.B5 .05 1.50 .75 .60 1.60 .75 .60 The Dally Kaat Oregoalan la kept on aale it the Oregon News Co., 147 6th tract, fortao.d. Oregon. ortbweat Newa. Co., Portland, Oregon. Chicago Boreas. 00 8ecnrlty Building. Waablngton. U. C, Bureau, 601 Four taantb street. N. W. Member Vnlted Press Aaoclatloo. Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton, Bragon. aa second clasa mall matter. telephone Main 1 Official City and Connty Paper. IX CONTENTMENT TOWN. I. Why folks are livin' happy in new Contentment Town, They're thankful if It's rain or shine the sky is sendln' down; The frost Is silver sprinkled where the daisies used to grow; The Autumn's wealth is -with them and they scatter as they go. II. They hear no wolves a-howlin" in the cold and hungry night; The footsteps of the darkness are twinklin' with the light; The wilderness seems sfnging, and a!l the hills of snow Flame with forgotten flowers glad dreams of long ago. III. Life sings to them forever; If storms break, dark and deep, 'Tis but a fleeting shadow o'er the smiling face of Sleep; They bear no cross for gaining the bright gola of a crown; But hold glad hands with Heav en in Xew Contentment Town. Frank L. Stanton in Atlanta Constitution. J 4 J J 4 WORK IT OVT. The best Interests of this city call for a prompt and satisfactory settle ment of the question now up with reference to the closing of Aura and Lilleth streets where those streets cross the O. R. & X. tracks. The problem now before the city council I a business problem. It should be worked out In a business like way, without regard to politics and regard less of prejudices, if there by any prejudice upon the subject. The O. R. & X. company asks for the closing of the two streets at the points where those streets intersect with the tracks. It Is a logical re quest. At the intersections the rail road company has so many tracks that it is dangerous to allow traffic across them. It Is also unsatisfactory to the railroad company because it may be forced to break trains at those points. That the railroad company L entitled to proper room for the handling of Its business must be granted by all. Unless the company has room to operate here It will be very natural for the company to trans fer as much work as possible to other points. We don't want anything of that sort to happen. Pendleton wants the O. R. & X. company to Increase Its local payroll and not diminish it. In treating of this subject at this time the East Oregonian is frank to say it is not acting at the request of the rail road company, nor for the benefit of the company. It is seeking to protect the business Interests of the city. But, It will be objected by some, the closing of the streets will Injure property in that section. In some In stances that might be true and If It Is then those property owners should be reimbursed. There should be a way of arriving at an adjustment. Eut the injury, If any, could not be great. and the closing of the streets might prove of benefit rather an fnjury to those very property owners. This would certainly be true should the O. R. & X. company establish its freight division here, as many hope It will So. It would mean much to Pendleton to obtain the freight division and local people should take every reasonable step towards inducing the company establish the division here when, the contemplated change Is made. At this time It would be folly in deed to have a needless quarrel with the railroad people. Here's hoping the councllmen will be able to solve this problem and solve It with justice to all concerned. TIIAXK YOTJ. MR- OTAPMAX. Frankly and promptly Portland has denied any Intention of trying to steal the Roundup and on the other had assures this city of continuous anj cordial support for the show In Pen dleton. Certainly the message which Manager Chapman of the Portland Commercial Club, conveyed to the people of this city through the East Oregonian yesterday, is all that could be desired. That message breathes a spirit of friendship and fairness that snuu oe appreciated ana is apprecl a:ed. It is the spirit of the new and greater Portland the spirit that seeks to build up Portland by building up Oregon, not by stealing things from the other towns of the state. Possibly local people were hasty In becoming aroused over this matter. If so the excuse is that the Portland Oregonian openly advocated in it editorial columns that a frontier show, such as the Kound-up, be held In Portland each fall. Furthermore this vas not the first time such a sugges tion was made. Last summer, after the local Round-up had been well started, the Oregonian published a story to the effect that Pendleton would abandon the affair and that the show would be held in Portland In stead. The story was entirely false and unjust. That story roused indig nation though no open protest was made at the time by local people. Now that the accredited represenja. t'.ve of the business Interests of Port land has assured us that the metro polis has no intention of stealing our show the Round-up management may proceed with plans for a greater cele bration than ever next year. Make It tig as "all outdoors" for the whole northwest will be here. "Let'er buck." OX THE BACK TRACK. A few months ago the assembly was the great and only thing. Some S00 or more politicians gathered In Portland and in the security of the moment they became enthusiastic and i boastful. They put up a ticket and 'swore they would put it through. Only ' ossemblyltes were republicans and the .rest would have to get out of the party. i Those who favored statement No. 1 1 were to be hung up by the thumbs. ill was admitted the corporations should, have a man on the supreme I court and Wallace HcCamant was named for that position. i But in the primary election the as- ! cemblyites learned a few thinss. In i a single handed fight Judge Bean of ' tills city won against MeCamant by a landslide majority and many other assemblyites were beaten. .Seeing that the people understand their scheme and will not tolerate it L'owerman and his assembly followers j have changed tactics They no longer taJk of the assembly and they will leave the direct primary law alone if they have to. They are now try ing to make people forget the assem bly and believe that Chamberlain and Bourne are Issues In this campaign. It is absurd because Chamberlain has four years j f t to serve In the senate while Bourne's term does not expire for two years. Xelther senator Is be fore the people in this election. Bow erman is and he Is the man whose record should be scanned. The far fetched effort to make Bourne and Chamberlain the big Issue li.'stead of the assembly shows the panic Into which the assembly camp has been thrown. The assemblyltes ere fighting after the manner In which a hog goes to war with his tail toward the enemy. In the question now before It the city council has a problem In arith metic. The task Is to grant the rail road company the privileges It asks for yet not work injustice on any prop erty owners. Work it out gentlemen. Ir is important to Pendleton that you get the right answer. That was swift work In Portugal. The revolution was over with and a new government proclaimed almost before the wireless operators could send out word of the uprising. It was not like that In the olden days. Xow let everybody get ready to at tend the Portland rose show next June. Alfonso seems to sympathize with his friend Gaston (Manuel.) The colonel has ' Watch the smoke. started again. Portland Is a good town too. Rusty You grumble at hot weather Crusty Yes. Rusty And you grumble at the cold weather. Crusty Yes. Rusty Well, what do you like? Crusty I like to grumble. MANY PERSONS SUFFER DAILY from distress after eating. They have Heartburn, bloating, Reichlng, Smothering sensations, etc. If you are among that number let us per auade you to try Hostetter's Stomach Bitters It will work wonders for you. By strengthening and toning the diges tive system, the cause of jrour trouble la quickly removed. It la also for fndigeotlon, Cowtlvenem, RIUloos- nesfl, Stomadi 111, and Malaria, Fever and Aunt, EATING AN D HEALTH. The word "epicure" is rarely un derstood in the right meaning. It means not a glutton, but the reverse. An epicure Is an advocate of the sim ple life for the purposes of best ef ficiency. It Is the man who learns the good thing and uses It for his own nutrition. The general impression Is that the word has to do with those who devote their entire time to sampling things to eat, but this Is not the case at all. The Danes, among whom I have been living this summer, have accom plished much along epicurean lines. I am going to speak of some of the practical economies which have been been instituted in Denmark and which should be copied In other countries. Denmark is the Uyid of Jacob Riis, of Moltke, of Germany, of Hans Ander son and of Canute. Shakespeare speaks In Hamlet of things "rotten in Denmark," but I found the people far advanced in private and social life. There are about two million in habitants and of these about a half million live in Copenhagen. There Is a very fine school system among the farmers. Education Is brought to their doors by a system resembling the interurban trolley lines In this country that Is. the schools are dis tributed so that the farmer is In close touch with them. There is a great system of co-operation among the farmers. They work together In cultivating their pro ducts and in getting them to market. The farmer who has one egg to put on the market has the same chance and privilege as the farmer having 1, 000. This system of co-operation has led to an Increase of from 15 to 18 per cent In the value of the products above that of any other country. The Danes have reclaimed over eighty square miles of moors which were ut terly useless before. The Danes take care of the chil dren. They do not allow any child to escape over there, whether he be of low or high birth. There is a kind ly supervision and care, no matter whose child It Is The result of this protection of the young Is that the country Is almost entirely without crime. Xo children are allowed to go to waste simply because the'.r parents cannot or will not care for them. The Danes recognize children as being one of the resources of the country and so are careful to rear them to be effi cient and capable. It is a policy of true economy and a remarkably bene ficial one. I suppose I must, however, say something of the epicureanism of food, for food is the basis of true epi cureanism. Fletcherism has been tried in Denmark with good effects. It seems ridiculous that one person should attempt to tell you how to eat. If Edison were asked he might tell you something about electricity. You are not all electricians, and he would undoubtedly give you a great deal of information on the subject. But you are all eaters. Food is the basis of true epicureanism. Xature's foods were of the kind that necessi tated chewing. There were no soft foods and drinks in the early times. AH of nature's foods were of such shape that the nourishment had to be sucked or chewed out of them. In the primitive days people had all day to sit down and got the good out of food. There was no danger from lack of time in which to properly consume food. Consequently men lived to a great age unless they met death by vio lence.. The skulls which are found have all the teeth still in the head, worn but not decayed. The remark able feature of prehitsoric anthrop- BLOOD DISEAS CONTAGIOUS TROUBLES Contagious Blood Poison more thoroughly permeates the system than any other disease. Its infectious virus contaminates every corpuscle and tissue of the circulation, and for this reason its symptoms are of a varied nature. When it enters the blood it is but a short time until the mouth and throat begin to ulcerate, the skin becomes spotted, rashes and eruptions appear on the body, sores and ulcers break out, the hair fall3, and fre quently nails on hands and feet thick en and come off. Mineral medicines which simply shut the poison up in the system should be avoided, for when such treatment is ltft off the old dis ease will break out again, often worse than befote. S. S. S. cures Contagious Blood Poison permanently, and it does eo because it thoroughly purifies the blood. S. S. S. goes into the circulation, and drives out the last trace of the destructive germs, adds richness and vigor to the cir culation and allows it to nourish the diseased por tions of the body back to health. S. S. S. is purely vegetable, being made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, without a particle of mineral, and its vegetable ingredients always hasten the cure by toning np the stomach and digestive members. Home Treatment book and anymedi cal advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 0k, r.lilno Transfer Phcsa Ht!n 5 Jf CALLS PROMPTLY ANS BAOOAOE TRAffBTZRKIIfQ. piano and rcRNmnti If OVINO AND HBAVT TRUCK IN Q A 8PDCIALTT. If TVT NATIONAL BANK Clv-tv? O XV? rv rr -r, n ME MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK The requirements of the IT. S. Government National Bank laws guarantee safety to the depositors in OUR bank. The officers of our bank are always pleased to give the bene fits of their experience to our patrons. THE American National Bank Pendleton. Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY oMglcal remains is the excellence of the toeth found In skulls as compared with the teeth of the school children of our own gluttonous and carnivor ous age. Th'-n cam,? modern cooking. The result of this i3 that in the twentieth century we find ourselves without knowledge of how to overcome the menace of our luxury and wealth. We digest what we taste. Take a cube of bread Into your, mouth. It has no taste at first. Then the saliva of the mouth begins to change the starch into sugar, and it tastes sweet. The -tomuch must be prepared to digest the food before it is swallowed. It SPECIAL DISCOUNT on Heating and Cook Stoves for the month of October at the Empire Furniture Store Corner Webb and Garden Sts. Phone Red 3201. NEW A.VD SECOND-HAND GOODS HOlCiHT AND SOLD. IIiA... O recrn, located cornev of Serenth aud Stark Btreetw, 'extudlag through the block to Park Street, Portland. Oregon. Oar. new Park Aaaex Is absolutely fireproof. Rates $1 per Day and Up. European Oroheum Theatre I. P. BfSOHBlNAO H, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children MM PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPKR. Procraaa Ckanajee aa Swadaje, Taeada7s a ad Friday's. Byers' Best Flour ' Is not tijiiM of Fletcherism that it takes longer to cat than before. The same f mount of time should bo spent on a meal say twenty minutes to half an hour. The only difference will he In the amount of food consumed. Only one third to one-half the usual amount Is needed. Horace Fletcher. lanlnir.v Mow-Wow Show. Danbury. Conn., Oct. 5. With Jas. Mortimer, the famous fancier, as su perintendent, the annual bench show of the Danbury Society was opened today and will continue three days. Leading kennels of New York and Xew England are represented. Is made from the choicest wheat that srrows. Good bread is assured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Sole Mannfactnren and DUtrikutora of tbe Celebrated & S TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. ROOD CREAM Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of Oregea. Kaatera old Lixri live stock in surance. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of Crawfordsrllle, Haa now entered Orogon. Policies now good in every atate In the Union. Organ ed over IS years age. Paid up Capital f2SO.000.00. As sets over 14(0,000.00. REMEMBER, th la la NOT a Mutual Live stock Inaur ance company. Mark Moorhouse Company Agent, Pendletoa, Or, 113 Kaat Court at. Fbooe Mala M. f a a a a vJ International Stock Food the old reliable The best for your' stock Try it COLESWORTHY 127-129 E. Alta The QUELLE Gus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in North west First-class cooks and service Shell fish in season La Fontaine BIk., Main St. You Make a Bad Mistake When yon put off buying yonr Goal! ntll Fall purchase It NOW and seoKre the bet Hock Springs coal die ailaca produce a prions coaalderabry lower Uiaa these preraiUng In Fall and Wlater. By stocking up aow yoa aTeid ALL danger of being aa. able to seoare It wheat sold weather antree. Henry Kopittke Phone Mala 179. yimiijf 60 YEARS' avivrciticriB x. Track Marks 4T DISION8 rrfl" CorvmaHTB An. AiiTnae (miUnf a ka(ra and donorindon mat qnliiklf art4Un our ifii.. rraa wlicthdr o InmUia la prohhlf pKlanluhl. ('ominunlf. MnuMrtetljp o(loMl. HANDBOOK hi i-ainiia aeutfraa. OlXaat (imioy for Voi urfna patrnta. I'ainata taJiM tkromth Munn k Co. Moalra Scientific American. A aaaa'amncly ItlaHfalM mwklr. I.MTt oulaUno of anr iimiuig InuniaJ, Tarnn, Ma u-t fojr mMitha,L Bald brail nawadnalara CUNyC0"'.NwJf(3 Braaeb Oaoa. 48 F BU Q Cures Coldti Prevents Piraunteait vrr r5