East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 07, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Honey Producing Industry Proves a
Groat Suconss on Account of Alfal
fa Blooms Screrul Engaged In It
On Extensive Scale.
(Special Correspondence.)
Hermlston. Ore., Oct. 6. Aparlsts
are rinding: that there Ib no hotter
place In the northwest for bee rais
ing and honey production than In the
Hermlston country and especially on
the lands emhraced in trie Umatilla
United States government project. In
order for the little workers to make
the best grade honey, they must have
plenty of flowers on which to work.
The many acres of fine alfalfa supply
them with the raw material and ac
cording to experts the bloom of this
plant Is the best known for produc
ing honey. Sage brush bloom also
makes an excellent quality of honey,
,but this supply Is rapidly disappear
ing before the army of new settlers
coming Into the project. It being
cleared off tr make room for more
profitable crops, ilk alfalfa and fruits.
One of the main things to be con
sidered is that the bee can be han
dled -without so much care. They
end to keep the orchards freer from
Insects and help polonize clover and
alfalfa, and therefore Increase the
yield of seed, which Is one of the
coming industries of the west Uma
tilla district, the yield being exceed
ingly heavy.
Robert E. Thorn and John Thorn
are the pioneer aparlsts of this dis
trict. Together they have something
like 350 stands of bees and from them
they will take this year elgbt tons
of high grade honey. They say that
their output could be Increased ma
terially by straining It, but so far they
bave made quite a reputation with the
fine comb honey they produce. They
are Increasing the number of stands
each year and find no trouble In get
ting a ready market for each season's
crop at a fancy price.
George A. Cressy Is a Wisconsin
man who came to the project last
spring, bringing his bees with him.
He has followed this business for
years and is thoroughly posted. On
account of the long move this spring
he did not expect a large crop of
honey, and was greatly surprised
when he found that from 70 stands
he had taken nearly 6000 pounds of
strained honey of the best quality. He
says that he can ship to the same
astern markets as he formerly did
and make more money from a stand
than he could when be was within a
few miles of the market.
Charles H. Crandall Is another man
who has quite a number of stands
and reports large yields. ,
The encouraging reports have gone
out to all parts of the country and by
next season there will be a great
many more settlers engaged In this
paying industry. Only a few days ago
word was received from a man In
Warren, Minnesota, that he was ship
ping to Hermlston and In his car
would be 100 stands of bees.
The Increase In production Is ex
plained by the extra long growing sea
son, and the fact that here three and
four crops of alfalfa can be had each
year, against two and three In other
districts. Farmers are now busy cut
ting the fourth crop and It Is a good
8. A. Cobb of Portland Is In Hermls
ton looking after his property Inter
ests. J. E. Stelver Is here from Moro,
Oregon, looking for a good 20 acre
tract of fruit and alfalfa land. Ho
was here last winter and liked It so
For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female Ills
Bnfferpr from female, troubles which
caused a weakness
and broken down
condition of tho
syHtem. I read so
E. l'inkhani's "Veg
etable Compound
bad done for other
BiilTerinR women I
felt sure it would
help me, and I must
say it did help mo
wonderfully. My
pains all left me. I
fre w stronger, and within three months
was a perfectly well woman.
"I want this letter made public to
show the benefit women may derive
from Lydin E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound." Mrs. John (J. IIoldav,
2115 Second St., Korth, Minneapolis,
Thousands of unsolicited and genu
ine testimonials like the above prove
the efficiency of Lydia . Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, which is made
exclusively from roots and herbs.
Women who suiter from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
not lose sight of these facts or doubt
the ability of Lydia E. llnkham's
Vegetable Compound to restore theit
health. '
If you want sp'cii.l ndvlco writ
to Mi-n. l'inkbaiti, at Lynn, Mass
confidential. For 20 years she
bas been helping sick women in
this way, free of charge Don't
hesitate'- write at once.
IUu-kiiclio and All Distress from Out
of Order Kidneys Vanish A Few
Doses of Tape's Diuretic Will Make
Your Kidneys Act line and Cure
AH Urlnury Trouble.
If your kidneys are disordered or
you suffer with Backache or bladder
misery a few doses of Pape's Diuretic
now will effect a cure.
Put an end to kidney trouble while
It Is only trouble before it develops
into Dropsy, Diabetes, Gravel or
Bright's disease.
The moment you suspect any kid
ney, bladder or urinary disorder, or
fell a dull, constant backache, or the
urine is thick, cloudy, offensive or full
of sediment. Irregular of passage or
attended by a scalding sensation, be
gin taking Pape's Diuretic as directed,
with the knowledge that there Is no
other medicine, at any price, made
anywhere else In the world, which Is
so harmless or will effect so thor
ough and prompt a cure.
rape's Diuretic acts directly upon
the kidneys, bladder and urinary sys
tem; cleans, heals and regulates these
organs, ducts and glands aad com
pletes the cure within a few days.
Pains In the back, sides or loins,
rheumatic twinges, Prostatic trouble.
debilitating headache. nervousn,
dizziness, weakness, biliousness stom
aoh, sleeplessness. Inflamed or puffy
eyelids, worn out feeling and many
other symptoms caused by clogged
Inactive kidneys promptly vanish. Pre
quent, painful and uncontrollable uri
nation due to a weak or irritable blad
der is overcome.
Tour physician, pharmacist, banker
or any mercantile agency will vouch
for the responsibility of Pape, Thomp
son A Pape of Cincinnati, who pre
pare Pape's Diuretic 50 cent treat
ment sold by every druggist In the
well that he has decided to locate
After the full Irrigation season
there Is still left 9000 aero feet of wa
ter. Yesterday morning the govern
ment durned the water out of the
ditches and the gage m the reservoir
showed the above amount still avail
able for the project. For the com
ing irrigation season the reservoir will
be filled to Its full capacity for the
first time.
Slightly CoMer Wit Bswvr.
When you see that klad at a weath
er forseaat yea kaow that rheumatism
weather la at ha ad. Got ready for
it aaw by gettlsg a bottle of Ballard's
Saew Lialment. Ftaest thing made
for rheumatism, ohilblalaa. frost bite,
sore and stiff Jeiats aaa muscles, all
aches and aalas. Sic. SOo and SI a
bottle. A. C. Keeppea A Bros.
North Yakima. Wash. Word has
reached this place that the reclama
tion service has decided to raise the
levee of Lake Kachess SS feet to pro
vide sufficient water for a high line
dltcb. Thirty-five feet In figures Is
one thing; thirty-five feet measured
up tho steep banks of Lake Kachess
Is quite another.
There Is already a big dam at the
end of the lake, through which the
water has been locked Into the river
as needed. Since the high walls fall
away here which elsewhere encircle
the lake, the new dam must be a gi
gantic piece of engineering, rising 60
feet and running several hundred. Be
fore construction can be done It will
be necessary to drain the lake, and
a crew of men Is now at work on this
drainage canal, wblch Is to come In
a little above the present outlet.
Lake Kachess on the crest of the
Cascade mountains, Is one of the
sources of the Yakima river. Like
Lake Keechelus, a few miles away. It
Is a natural storage basin with rock
sides running sheer Irtto the water.
Unlike Lake Keechelus, it has no
great watershed. The former receives
each year from streams and snow six
times as Ynueh water as is needed to
keep It full. While there are numer
ous mountain hrooKs lumDiing imo
Kachess and several fair sized streams
there is little surplus. Tne pian.
therefore, Is to fill up Kachess with
the surplus from Keechelus. This will
require a 60 foot dam at the foot of
the lake, toward which the reclama
tion service has already taken pre
paratory steps.
Lake Kacheas, which will be wiped
out with the high water, is an old
Hudson's Bay company post, estab
lished upon the left bank of the Nar
rows, and of which only a few fallen
logs and the stumps of trees mark the
spot. The ruins of the two log huts
show the location of the old fireplaces,
and the buildings were evidently used
until decay, by the trappers of a later
date, who are still numerous in the
hills about Kachess.
Gives Guide Big Sum.
Paris. Miss M. Stoll, a Philadel
phia woman, has Just accomplished
what Is regarded by Alpinists as one
of tho most difficult climbing exploits
ever attempted.
Accompanied by a guide named
Piaz Miss Stoll made a night ascent
of the Wlnklerturm (9,185 feet), In
South Tyrol, and after reaching the
summit passed the rest of the night
in scaling two neighboring peaks.
The climbers arrived at the top of the
Wlnklerturm, which Is reached by a
succession of rocky minarets at sharp
angles, at 1 o'clock. Their lamp was
soon visible to the watchers below.
It Is said that the guide received
$5,000 as payment for making the as
cent. More moving pictures shown thaa
ny other theater In ths Mty tht
made in
rubber heels and rubber
Just received in yesterdays freight and
in Dry Goods Window
Also New Lines of Suedes
with fancy and
We Guarantee
(Special Correspondence.)
Umatilla, Ore.. Oct. 7. The govern-
ment boat Umatilla which has been
doing work on the lower Columbia
ior me past ten days is making Ima-
tllla Its headquarters. .
The Columbia river has begun to
rise again ana it loons as if winter
is cuiiting again.
Chaa. A. Grain of Spokane was a
visitor here today.
Engineer L. Gates is visiting n Spo
kane during the fair.
D. R. Brownell has returned from a
trip to Salt Lake city.
fc.a found has gone to Portland for
a few days.
mo euciui ciud nem meir weeKiy
dance on Friday evening and a num-
dot or invitations have been sent to
Hermlston, Stanfield and Echo. The
United Orchestra of Pendleton will , day for their home at Chester, Mon
furnlsh music during the evening. itana, after several weeks visit with
A number of Umatilla's talented
young musicians win assist In the mu-
sic of the opening of the new Cath-
ollc church at Hermiston which will
be opened for divine wojshlp in about
six weeks.
Rev. Father Shehan held services
here on last Sunday and Is expected
here on Friday when he will bring
the plans for the Catholic church
which Is to be erected here within the
next two months.
The contractors for the Umatilla
bridge have arrived and will begin
work today on the long-looked-for
bridge. This will be a great conven
ience to the traveling public as well
as to the ranchers of the west side.
The bridge will be completed In about
eight weeks.
Among the visitors in the city to
day are E. B. Klrby of St. Louis; J.
Swensen. W. J. Raymond of St.
Louis; A. G. Markland, Spokane; W.
McFnrlund of Seattle; Mrs K. A.
Taylor of Lewiston, Ida.; J. Moore, of
Boston; P. T. TrasKe. or Ontario and
P. O. Laughlin, of Kansas City.
Dr. Monkman of Hermlston, was a
visitor here today.
D. C. Brownell has presented to the
Catholic congregation here with a site
for their new church and the loca
tion offered by Mr. Brownell is an
deal one and should be satisfactory
to nil concerned. Mr. Brownell's gift
U highly appreciated by the Catholics
here and shows the high public spirit
for which the gentleman is noted.
Kills a Murderer.
A merciless murderer Is appendi
citis with many victims. But Dr.
King's New Life Pills kill it by pre
vention. They gently stimulate stom
ach, liver and bowels, preventing that
clogging that invites appendicitis.
curing constipation, headache, bilious
ness, chills. I6c at Koeppen Bros.
A very thin sheet of lead Is suffi
cient to bar ths emanations of radium
and other radioactive substances.
We wish to announce to our shue trade that
have secured the agency for the famous
"Julia Marlowe"
"Nurse's Sanitarium"
, (Special Correspondence.)
Milton. Ore., Oct. 7. The funeral
of F. B. Whlteman. who died Thnr..
day evening, took place this afternoon
at 1:30, from the Christian church.
the Rev. C. H. Hilton delivering a
short funeral serman.
Mr. Whiteman has lived In Milton
for the past 6 years and was loved
and respected by all who knew him.
At the time of his death he was 86
years, 9 months and 17 days old. He
leaves a wife and several grown sons
to mourn his ' loss. Interment was
made in the Athena cemetery at
Athena and was accompanied
by a
lr.nre concourse of friend.
.u.s jva rnompson is the new
clerk at the Milton bakery from 6 to 8.
-Mrs. Katie Russell and Mrs. Purcell,
sister and niece of S. K. Coe. left to-
. relatives here.
I Mrs J- L- Williamson and son
Charles of Lostine, are In the city for
a snort visit. Mrs. Williamson Is
the guest of Mrs. L. B. Storm during
ner visit.
A. M. Elam is a business visitor to
Spokane this week.
Wm. Anderson, representing Davis.
Kaser Co., of Walla Walla, was a
business visitor In Milton this after
noon. Win S. Brown is in the city for a
few days.
Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakely of Pen
dleton, transacted business in Mil
ton a couple of days this week.
C. J. Freese, representing the
Spokesman-Review, transacted busi
ness in the city today.
Wm. Mossgrove of Waitsburg, was
a Milton visitor this afternoon.
Henry rlerce came over from Walla
Walla on a visit to relatives this mor
ning. P. J. Kelly returned Thursday from
an overland trip to Washtucna, where
he visited his son Henry.
The dance at the Oregon Grand last
night was a decided success. George's
orchestra furnished the music.
Miss Mlna Wilcox is the assistant
postmistress In place of her sister,
Fannie, who is In Spokane, attend
ing Blair business college.
Miss Mildred Frazier entertained
several of her little friends this after
noon in honor If her 6th birthday.
London. An extraordinary situa
tion has arisen in regard to playing
off the preliminary ties for the Lawn
Tennis Davis Cup. which is now in
the possession of Australasia, The
Australians expressed their willing
ness to guarantee a sum of 13,000
upward, the expenses of the English
team, provided they thoroughly ap
proved of the names selected for the
Everything was arranged for play.
styles, both in
inside in turns
with pearl buttons, patent
plain doth tops.
a Fit or No Sale
ing off the preliminary tie in Aus
tralia, but as soon as the Australians
were given the names of the team,
they promptly withdrew their offer.
The English team consisted of Cap
tain Dixon; Arthur Lowe, son of Sir
Francis Lowe of Birmingham, and T.
M. Mavogordoto, who is of Greek or
igin. The Australians declared that
these players are not of the first class
and are not representatives of Eng
considerable indignation has been
aroused here by the apathy of the best
players, several of whom have re
fused point blank to contest the Davis
Cup. When Beals Wright was play
ing over here at Wimbledon, he cor
dially invited the English players to
visit America and play the prelimi
nary tie over there, but the question
of expense at once arose. America
must play England before meeting
Australia, and, when the American
players were invited to play off the
tie in this country they very naturally
also put forward the question of ex
pense. The British Lawn Tenns association
has, therefore, been driven to open
negotiations once more with America,
and it Is quite possible that the Eng
lish team will go to Newport and play
the preliminary tie there.
St. Petersburg. The news which
reaches St. Petersburg as to the con
dition of the czarina Is not encourag
ing. The treatment at Bad Nauheim
has not had any appreciable effect In
improving her majesty's nerves.
The cause or her Illness touches the
greatest depths of tragedy In the lives
of royal women. It is not for her
self or for her husband that her worst
fears have been entertained, but for
her children. The hand that strikes
at the ruler of all the Russlas would
not be likely to spare his heir even
though the heir be but a little child,
and the constant hideous fear that
death in its most shocking and violent
form may at any moment rob her of
her boy perchance of all her chil
dren has been more than a constitu
tion naturally delicate could stand.
Such mental torture through months
and years must surely be the nearest
thing to hell on earth that any wo
man could suffer. Through weary
days and sleepless nights the sword
has hung suspended until at last the
utterly wearied body has collapsed
under the strain. That rest and care
may In time bring Increase of health
and strength to this brave, but most
unhappy, lady will be the wish of all
who have a grain of sympathy In their
composition. But those best ac
quainted with her condition do not
believe any great Improvement can
be hoped.
Xever Worry.
About a cough there's no need of
worry If you will treat It at Its f rst
appearance with Ballard's Horehound
Syrup. It will stop the tcough a
once and put your lungs and throat
back into perfectly healthy condit on
A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
lace with
and welt
The Vacuum Clean
er Without a Fault
Phone Black 2083.
I have been In the sewing machine,
business a great number of years
and have tried them all and shoul
know their best qualities. I now offer
the Standard. White, Free and Singer
machines at eastern prices, freight
added. Don't be fooled by traveling
agents that will tell you anything to
get your money. High prices have,
gone forever at
Main Street Near Bridge;
win Brighten
r iT 111V
our nome V2r
Can be used on wood or met
al floors, woodwork. furni
ture, picture frames eto. Comet
ready mixed. Easily appiiej
quickly dried. For sale t
Murphy Bros.
scrlptloa, for eouaty art. cirrwM
court, justioo eeart. real estate, eta,