EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREG4)NIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY. OcTOnFR 8. HMO. PAGE ALLEGED SLAYER OF PERRY IS INDICTED AT'TEC3T'lflC3! Remember that a Talking. Machine Mukes a Fine Xmas present, let us put one nlile for you. ACIirisfrnas Matinee. The HOWARD is the only Prac tical and Success ful Combination Wood and Coal Heater. Let us Show it to You W. J. Clarke (& Co. Phone Main 2 1 E TO PLANT PROMINENT AUTHORITY GIVES .FEW POINTERS F. I. Farrcll Before Dry Fanning Congress Tolls Host Time of Plant ing Winter Grain on the Dry Lands, In speaking before the Dry Farm ing congress at Spokane, F. D. Far Toll, director In charge of the south ern Idaho agricultural extension at Boise, said In part: A large numoer of factors must be carefully considered In connection with the tlme-of-plant!ng problem. Positive time rulea advocated as the result of experiments conducted In a aingle locality cannot be relied upon In places where the conditions are not similar to those obtaining; where the experiments were married on. If the behavior of the crops planted at different times has been carefully observed, however, certain facts can be made to assist farmers operating In widely different localities. Some varieties germinate more quickly than others; soft wheats, for example, usually sprout sooner after planting than the hard wheats do. ome varieties stool more extensively than others. Some are Inclined to produce a heavy foliage, while others the Turkey wheat, for example produce very little foliage. After considering .moisture, seed and soli conditions, this summary la reached: 1. The best time to plant varies with the locality and with the season In each. 2. Different varieties behave dif ferently when planted at the same time, some helng quick and some slow (terminators; some producing heavy foliage while others do not; some being heavy stoolers and others stool Ing very little, etc. The character istics of the variety to be grown should be learned, and the time of planting decided accordingly, with due consideration for the moisture conditions. 3. The autumn behavior of the winter grain crop Is strongly influ enced by the moisture conditions In the surfnee foot of the soil. These conditions should be studied by the farmer and so controlled as to In sure continuous growth after the seed has germinated. 4. The crop should be planted with regard not only for the autumn soli moisture, but also for the moisture to he used by the crop up to the time of maturity. 6. Grain planted early In a dry soli Is likely to mould before germi nation; In soli with only a small amount of moisture. Is In danger of drouth during dry fall periods; In wet soil, where the grain Is planted early, an excessive amount of foliage Is often produced, resulting In a large yield of straw, with a relatively small yield of grain, usually shrunken. In regions of summer rain this danger Is practically negligible, but it should be remembered that we want grain and not a large yield of straw. 6. Grain planted late may not germinate until spring, and Is likely to be crowded out by weeds; or It may V JJ.-tiESfii.J is the expectant mother's greatest help. It is a remedy which prepares the muscles and tendons for the unusual strain, renders the ligaments supple and elastic, aids In expanding the skin and flesh fibres, and strengthens all the membranes and tissues. It is especially valuable where the broaBts are trouble some from swelling and congestion, and its regular use will lesson the pain and danger when the little one comes. Women who use Mother's T- i nena are assured or passing tne crisis with safety. It is for sale at drug stores. Write for free book for expectant mothers. g&ASriELD EEOULATOS 00; Atlanta, da. 211-213 East Court St, be killed in the fall by low tempera tures. 7. In a broad, general way, It is best to avoid" extremes very early very late planting Medium planting being usually desirable, particularly in the mountain states. In the regions of abundant summer rains, early planting is generally advisable. 8. Farmers and experimenters should study the behavior of the dif ferent varieties under the varying conditions as mentioned above and apply their findings in such a way as to suit the peculiarities ef each local ity nnd season. Never Worry. About a cough there's no need of worry if you will treat it at its first appearance with Ballard's Horehound Syrup. It will stop the tcough a once and put your lungs and throat back into perfectly healthy condition. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. IIKC1N IX ACTO HOLDS VP TRAFFIC London. The artist known as the little "Georgia Magnet, Miss Annie Ab bott in private life, has a black bear for a pet. Going shopping in the Strand the other morning, she took her mascot with her and left him in the car when she got down to make purchases. A crowd rapidly gathered to see the strange beast, and a constable, find ing the traffflc going wrong, decided to summon the chauffeur, James Hook, for causing an obstruction. The complaints were heard . at a short distance away. Two constables stated that the small black bear sit ting at the back of the car attracted a great crowd. The crowd both com pletely blocked the footway and inter fered with the vehicle traffic. When the chauffeur was spoken to he drove away and then returned, saying, "I shall stny here as long as I like." The magistrate said there would have to be an Inclusive fine of IS shillings, but he did not know that there was anything to prevent a bear having a ride in a motor car. Permaneat Muscular Strength can not exist where there is ' not blood strength. Young men giving attention to muscular development, should bear this In mlsd. Hood's Sarsaparllla gives blood strength and builds up the whole system. Extending Heligoland. Berlin. Germany has Just under taken the artificial extension of one of her most treasured island posses sions Heligoland which was ceded to her by Great Britain in 180. The sea's encroachments on (the island have recently given some cause for anxiety, and as extensive dredg ing operations are toeing carried on at the mouth of the Elbe, the sand transported to Rellgorland. transported to Hellgordand. The new deposits are found to "grow to' 'the Island In a very satl factory manner, and already Its bulk has been considerably Increased. This "empire building" will be continued with all future dredgings from Ger man North Sea ports. Tour cough annoys you. Keep on hacking and tearing the delicate mem branes of your throat If you want to be annoyed. But if you want relief, want to be cured, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by all dealers. Save money by reading today's ads. No married rvoan's happiness Is complete wituout children; she yearns with the deeper longings of her nature for tlio joys of mother hood. But women who bear children physlc(a .ystems. Mother's Friend V, J TTTTTOTKn T. It. ELLEXSON CHARGED WTII I'NION MURDER Man Captured in Echo and Accused of Murdering Deputy Assessor of Union County, Will lie Tried Soon Great Interest Is Manifest. La Grande, Oct. 6. There was con siderable excitement In this city Tues day evening when it became known that the grand Jury had indicted T. 11. Ellexson for the murder of Waldo I'orry at Union a short time ago. El lexson will be tried at the present term of court and his trial promises to attract such crowds that the court room will not hold the people. Perry was shot down In his, home by some unknown party and his body wag not found for more than a week when neighbors broke Into the house. They knew he was at home and fear ed he might be sick. They were greatly shocked to find his body with six bullet holes In it, lying at the foot of the stairs. Not a clue was found that would lead to the Identity of the murderer. . Ellexson had been working for Perry and a couple of weeks before the crime left for Union and went to Baker City. He left Baker on Sat urday and the crime is supposed to have been committed on Saturday or Sunday night.. Ellexson was arrested at Echo, his whereabouts having been ascertained by a letter which he wrote to Mrs. Perry. He was brought to La Grande and placed in Jair to await de velopments. The fact that the grand Jury re turned an Indictment against Ellex son leads to the belief mat more evi dence has been found to implicate the accused man. The public is fa miliar with the circumstances sur rounding the case ana it Is not thought that the grand Jury would re turn an Indictment on .such flimsy evidence. The trial will probably be one of the most sensational In Union coun ty, as Perry was well known all over the Grand Ronde valley. He was a young man and very popular with all who knew him. The atrocity of the crime has aroused great public feel ing and people from all over the val ley will be in attendance at the trial. HAZING AT UNIVERSITY EFFECTUALLY ABOLISHED University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. Hazing at the state university seems to be effectually abolished. Not only is hazing done away with, but also largely the desire for hazing. The drastic measures taken last year by the president in expelling from the university several second year men who Indulged in a slight hazing of some freshmen, coupled with the te vr disaDoroval of an the faculty, alumni ami older students upon all forms of the practice of hazing seem to have accomplished its stamping out. Moral suasion this year alone is the rod of Iron with which freshmen are ruled. Obstreperous members are fast learning to walk uprightly from the simple reason that they respect the opinion of their fellows. inis opinion among upper classmen that the least form of hazing, besides be ing thoroughly undemocratic, un-Am erican, wholly at variance witn tne theorv of American mstitutlons. and above all, extremely dangerous to the university, Is so strong tnat Its quiet leaven Is working fast in the ranks nf tho SSO freshmen. Freshmen who are best absorbing the new spirit do not care to Invite criticism and dis pleasure by foolishly tempting and daring upper classmen to retaliate. Thus. It is being demonstrated in the miniature republic at the university that the most effective weapon of ad ministration is quiet moral suasion. For Over Three Decades. Foley's Honey and Tar has been a reliable household medicine and the "chlldrein's children" find jit today the same safe and sure remedy for coughs and colds that their grandslres did. Mahala Stockwell. Hannibal, Missouri, writing under date of Au gust is, 1910, has this to say about this rgeat medicine. "I have recently used for the first time Foley's Honey and Tar cough medicine. To say that I am pleased with It does not half express my feelings. It Is by far the best I ever used. I had contracted a bad cold and was nearly sick in bed. having a terrible headache as well as a cough and was threatened with pnemonia. I used but one bottle of your Foley's Honey and Tar find was completely cured. It oeats all the remedies I ever used and I have used many different kinds." A. C. Koep pen & Bros. CZAR WALKS UNGUARDED. Newspaper Stories of Close Surveillance- Untrue. Berlin. Columns have been print ed in the democratic press about the precautions taken to ensure the safe ty of the czar during his visit to Hes se .and a reader would get the im pression that the Russian ruler never left the precincts of Friedberg Schloss except In the middle of an Impenetrable ring of detectives. So far is this from being the case that the measures adopted do not even suf fice to protect his majesty from the intrusive curiosity of the holiday-mak ing public. Tho German authorities waxed In dignnnt and sent this outburst to the newspapers; "As the czar sat yesterday on one of the benches of the promenade at Bad Nauheim he was recognized by some of the visitors, and molested in a manner that was positively scan dalous. People stationed themselves directly opposite him, stared and sur rounded him, and pointed at him with their fingers. It was only with dif ficulty that the czar could escape these annoyances. if such occurances should be repeated, it would be made Bargain No. 1 One New Tyi Edison Machine and one Golden Oak Record Cabinet with 10, 50c Ambcrol Ue.eonN. SPECIAL Sale price $22.50 Regular price on tills outfit uos $35.00. This machine plays long ami short records, ONE DOLLAR PER W EEK WILL BUY IT Bargain No. 2 One Latest Stjlc Lilian Machine including one targe Golden Oak Record Cabinet and 10, 50c Am berol Records, only $34.90 Everywhere the regular price on this outfit would be $50.00. $5.00 DOWN AND ONE DOLLAR PER WEEK Bargain No. 3 One Latest Syle Colum bia Grand Concert Ma chine with a fine Tripple Spring Motor, 12-in. turn tabic aluminum tone arm, largo nickel horn, includ ing one doz. S. F. Colum bia Records. ' SPECIAL SALE PRICE only $61.10 Regular price for ma chine ulone is $100, Bargain No. 4 15 !n,Jr ai,T regu lar Columbia (J0 Rec ords. Only 1 dozen to each customer. 813 impossible for the czar in future to show himself in public and go for walks." That the emperor of Russia was not so much disturbed about the matter ns his hosts Is shown by the fact that on the day he left the Schloss on foot with his daughter, and followed the fieldpaths to the Ludwlgsbrunnon. Here they climbed the wooden steps, a hundred feet high, leading up to the salt works, which they examined. The czar and the princess walked back to Friedberg. Medicines Made from Roots and Herbe. In the good old-fashioned days of our grandmothers they depended up on medicines made from the roots and herbs of the field to cure disease. Lydia E. Ptnkhanvs Vegetable Compound, that standard remedy which is made from roots and herbs for woman's Ills, had Its origin In this way. For thirty years it has been re deeming Its promises written on the label of every bottle by curing thou sands of women of feminine Ills. It's a good honest medicine. Notice to Public. All parties knowing themselves to be indebted to me will kindly call and settle their accounts by Novem ber 3rd. H. M. SLOAN, Blacksmith. The Chinese government plans to establish communication between Pe king and the northwestern portion of the empire by a chain of wireless tele graph stations across the Gobi desert FRESH MEATS 8A USAGES, FISH Y LARD. Always pure and delivered promptly, if you phon the Central Meat Market 10S E. Alta St., Phone Main St. Back to Business Again Dr. F. A. CLISE wishes to announce that he can be found at his office In the John Schmidt building, Pendle ton, Ore. Eyes carefully examined. and glasaee ground to fit. It yean practice fitting glasses. The only ex clusive Eye Specialist In Umatilla out?. JoST t5 EDISON fc'iyVff The Largest Event of the Season is Ove , The Round-Up, The Next. Largest, Event Vill Be Pulled off gL the EiLERS MUSIC STORE Beginning at 8 o'clock FRI 10 JL ll Morning, Oct. 7 When we wiiS put on a Special Sale cn our Stock of EDISON PHONOGRAPHS. VICTOR AND COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINES, RECORDS AND RECORD CABINETS, ETC. WE HAVE OVER 40 DIFFERENT Git EAT BAR GAIN'S IN THIS SALE. Come early and make your selections Don't miss this only opportunity yon now have to procure this wonderful entertainer a '-Phonograph" at a very small cost, ami terms so small, that you never nil.-s it, WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS Which Ever You Like. Eilers Music Store Main Street. Pendleton's Home Valuable Prizes. Given at the Pastime sneotlng gallery. First prize is a .22 calibre Winchester; second prize, 15. J. H. ESTES, Prop. Save money by reading today's ads Avoid Sickness ! Drink HIRE'S ROOT BEER ( Its Pure Have a case delivered to your home today. It's healthful and invigorat ing. We are agents for Umatilla county, both I wholesale and retail. We have the latest Im proved bottling , machin ery in eastern Oregon, and bottle Root Beer, Soda, Near Beer and soft drinks by sanitary methods. Pendleton Soda Works PAUL HEMMELGARN, Proprietor. Office Phone Black S4l. Works Phone, Black SMI K0 Bargain No. 5 Wo alo lime preat !; fcnlns in Victor in;wlilii"-t' nnd Record Cnliliiety. A few simp n'mi ma chines, your cholf of c.K-Ij S5.00 Bargain No. 6 One Columbia Prirlrr . f.mnd Machine. with handsome onk cabinet, twin spring motor, nlnml II ll ni tone ami, iix'htdlns your choice of 12 Colum bia S. F. Ik-eonls. only $32.85 Rcfrulnr price on this fine outfit is $50.00. Bargain No. 7 One Columbia equipped with Larjre Black Horn, 10-1 n. turn table, almnl mull tone arm. mduntag your choice of one doa. 8. F. Columbia Records. SPECIAL SALE PRICE $17.10 Tills outrit eonld not W bought anywhere far Isaa than $32.50. Bring us t customer to buy a machine at this sale and we will make ytm a present of 9 EDISON or COLUMBIA S. P. RECORDS. Store Uonoyto Loan on City and Farm Property Long time, Easy payments, low in terest. Call at Hotel St,. George This Week D. S. R. Valker Means a contented Home and a Fatter Pocketbook. All the little plumbing troubles of freezing, bursting, poor drain age and Improper vents are corrected by our expert exclus ive pbamber. "A stitch In time save nine.' A little plumhln now may save yon time, temper and money when the cold days pome. Tour business Is cordially so licited by BEDDOW & MILLER FACLI SIVE PLCMBEItS. Court and Garden Bta. Phone Black 355 Correct Plumbing I