.' ".if", v' 10. EIGHT PAGES. 8 s. Proving if! To have been first Proves Antiquity To have become first Proves Merit Standard Grocery Co. Inc. Where all are Pleased Frank O'Gara, Pres. Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treas. 214-216 East Court Street about 25, was arrested In this city last spring by Chief of Police Gui dune, tollowiiiK the disappearance Of the package containing the money and the resignation of the express agent. He was immediately turned over to Sheriff Taylor and has spent the summer in the county Jail. . O'Xeal on Trial. I Jack O'Neal, one of the proprietors of the Coe tent saloon who was ar rested several days ago, following his Indictment by the grand Jury on a charge of violating the local option law. Is on trial this afternoon. Theo dore Cramer who was connected with O'Neal has already entered a plea of guilty and is serving out a $200 fine. CIVIL SF.KVICE EXAMINATION von ixntEST clerk Newsy Notes of Pendleton Orricliil Weather Report. Maximum temperature, 74. Minimum temperature, 48. Marriage LJeens Issued. A marriage license was issued this morning of George McHargue of DoukIuss county and Rena O. Lewis of this county. Small Defects Of the Eye Grow to Great Ones. Errors of Refraction are the cause of many eye diseases as well as poor sight. PROPERLY FITTED GLASS ES are the best standby in times f eye trouble. Here the Fitting is Scientific. Hundreds of patrons in Uma tilla County Recommend our work. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED LENSES DUPLICATED Kryptok and Toric Lenses a special tyw DALE ROTHWELL Optometrist Wm. Hamcasn, THE Jeweler. ATFIELD IS FOUND GUILTY AS CHARGED The U. S. Civil Service Commission announces an examination on Novem bir 23 and 24, 1910, for the position of forest clerk, (male) at an entrance salary of $1100 or 11200 per annum, in the forest service. A knowledge of bookkeeping, stenography, and type writing is required for this examina tion, and all qualified persons are urged to apply for and take It. For amilication blanks, full information -! apply to the Commission's local rep resentative at the post office build- i ing. this city, or to the Secretary of the Eleventh Civil Service District, j Federal Building, Seattle, Washlng : ten. Will Shlu nody East. The remains of George Abbot, the woolbuyer who committed suicide In the Pendleton hotel Sunday night, will be shipped to Portland, Maine, for interment. This Is in accordance to instructions irom Mrs, Abbott, County Court In Session, The October term or tne county court was convened in the commis sioners' robm this morning with Com mlsaioners Lee and Walker and Coun ty Judge Gilliland In attendance. The day has been consumed in auditing bills against the county. UMATILLA EXPRESS AGENT CONVICTED OF EMBEZZLEMENT Jury Reaches Verdict in Few Min utes Convicted Man Says he Will Appeal Case Proprietors of Tent Saloons Now on' Trial. "Guilty as charged" was the verdict of the Jury at noon today in the case of W. W. Atfield, former Umatilla express agent who was charged with the embezzlement of $500 from the Pacific Express company. The Jury was out but a few minutes, the agree ment apparently having been reach ed on the first ballot. Atfield says he will appeal to the supreme court but the opinion pre vails among those who heard the testi mony that he will change his mind. Atfield, who is a young fellow of Install Dr. Burton. Northampton, Mass., Oct. B. The Rev. Dr. Marion Leroy Burton was today Installed president of Smith College, an institution for women, succeeding Dr. L. Clark Seelye, who held the office thirty-five years. Dr. Burton has recently completed an exhaustive study of the educational institutions of Europe. Observe German Day. Washington, Oct. 5. A large num ber of prominent Germans from other cities Joined with the German-Am erican population of the national cap ital today in a celebration of the founding of the first german settle ment in the United States. A ban quet and ball this evening will be fea tures of the festivities of the day; loiiiuliio Sells Property. James Carr. a prominent resident of the John Day country, who came up from his Grant county home to at tend the Roundup, was so pleased with Pendleton that he decided to Invest here and has purchased the Dave CarKill residence on West Jackson street. Coo Dam Nenrs Completion. Construction work on the Furnish- Coe dam at Coe, Is rapidly drawing to a close, according to J. M. McEachern of the Esclibach-Bruce Construction company, who Is in the city today. He says his company expects to turn the dam over to the owners as completed in about six weeks. GERMAN EMPIRE BUYS MANY EGGS BARGAINS Every Day Ladies Hand Bags Large Assortment Lowest Prices Ever Ottered The Pendleton Drug Co. Berlin. The German empire im ports more eggs than any other coun try. Its imports have increased with its prosperity, until. In order to meet its manufacturers' requirements,., : It has begun to draw upon China for eggs, the latter, being sent In tins, the yolks separated from the whites. It is also drawing on Italy as well as almost every other country in Eu rope. It Is increasing Its imports from Italy so largely that Italy has been compelled to look to Turkey to satis fy its own demands. In 'consequence of this England is importing fewer eggs from the coun tries mentioned. There is another interesting view of the position. Hitherto Germany has been drawing its eggs from the eastern side of Europe, but its in- creasine demand tor eggs has now forced it to draw from western Eu rope also, and as its imports from the latter direction grow so will England's supplies of first-class foreign eggs fall. This must be so because there will be fewer countries near enough to supply, Extra Westbound Train. Train No. 17, the westbound through passenger, passed through here in two sections today. The first section was made up at Huntington and consisted of five mail and baggage coaches and one chair car. It reach ed here at 2:30. The regular No. 17 did not arrive until 4:15 p. m. Leaves for School. Carl Peringer, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Peringer of this city, who was graduated from Hill's Hilitary acad emy of Portland last spring, leaves to- night for New York. After a few days spent In the metropolis, he will leave for Deal Beach, New Jersey, where he will enter Groff school to prepare for matriculation at Princeton university. Suffers Second Stroke. Capt. S. T. Isaacs, the well known pioneer and postmaster of Helix, who suffered a stroke of paralysis several days ago, was attacked by another stroke yesterday and has been brought to this city for treatment and Is now reported some better. He is now at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Perham on West Court street. London It Is understood that the Austrian emperor will be represented at the coronation next June by .the Archduke Frederick, as the Archduke Francis Ferdinand has no taste for state ceremonials. The Archduke Frederick is the richest member of the imperial family, as he inherited the bulk of -Archduke Albert's prop erty. Charles Despaln Honored. That Charles D. Despaln, son oi Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Despaln, stands well In the estimation of his class mates at O. A. C. Is Indicated by his election as treasurer of his class. Young Despaln Is now a senior and at the recent class election ne was fhosen treasurer over two other can didates. Spirited contests were on for all class offices. SPECIAL DISCOUNT on Heating and Cook Stoves for the month of October at the Empire Furniture Store Corner Webb and Garden Sts. Phone Red J201. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD. WHO WOL ETER THINK IT. that it was that old drab dress clean ed aad pressed. Too can get added wear eat of your dresses by having them cleaned at SULLIVAN'S, and they are equal to a new gown, ellcate silk waists or suits will he cleaned in a manner that will sur prise you when you bring them to Sullivan's. Pendleton Dye Works IMtt East Alt St., PkoM Mala CASTOR I A far IbJuU find Children. Ib Ktf Yta Rim Al in tegl 4UcJU4i B tlM Btgnatara of SANTO The Vacoum Clean er Without a Fault L. M. CARGILL OPERATOR AND AGENT. Phone Black 2082. Johnwm Is Promoted. C B. Johnson, former division fore man of the signal service on the Pen dleton district of the O. R. & N., has been promoted to the position of sig nal Kiinervlsor with Pendleton to Hnntlnirton as his district. R. U. Charlton who was formerly supervls or for the entire Oregon district, Is now In charge of the line between this city and Portland. TteorlHtratlon Books Now Open. Voters who did not register prior to the primary election but who de- sire to participate in the general elec tion, November 8, can now get their names on the books. Registering Clerk Sutherland Is ready for business at the court house and has been since last Friday, but so far local people have not availed themselves of the opportunity. The booKs will remain open until October 19. Savs "Hubby" Beat 'Her. Charging that her husband cursea her, called her vile names and beat her with his fists, Mrs. Ida M. spen cer nas Drougni euu iur um" BKainst Snowden w. Spencer. They were married In Columbus. Kentucky February 19. 1908, and have no chil dren or property. According to the wife she has been compelled to en dure the treatment of which she al leges her husband Is guilty, almost ever since they were married. It it, is Good to Eat, You'll Find it Here GRAPE FRUIT QUINCES GRAPES STRING BEANS GROUND CHERRIES vnirvri rWTONS ft SWEET POTATOES IV - - - mm a Eating and Cooking Apples 01 ail lunas CUCUMBERS GREEN AND RED PEPPERS PUMPKINS SQUASH Our New FALL CLOTHES Are Now on Display Ready for Your Inspection . Men's Suits Made to Your Measure If you are hard to fit in a ready-made suit we will fit you correctly by Making a suit to your exact measure. Nothing but new fall patterns to select from. Large swatches enable you to oaoose right and the pattern you most admire. Roosevelt's Boston Store Phone in your order, it will receive our closest attention and be delivered promptly as DmiPjirainni's (Sipceipy SHA 37 J O'Urien Has Bum Toe. T. F. O'Brien, popular O. R. N. r- it for Pendleton, Is now nursing a s re foot and the trouble is not due to the gout. He has a sore toe which began to feel bad several days ago when a big trunk' descended upon the same. At the time Mr. O'Brien was helping "smash" baggage during a congestion at the depot. He now stands aloof from the trunks and carries his right foot in a shoe speci ally prepared for the occasion. Attention Eagle. Every member of the Fraternal Or der of Eagles is requested to attend the funeral of the beloved wife of our brother, Ed Barr. Funeral services will be held at the Church of the Re deemer tomorrow at 2 o'clock. A. D. SEIBERT, W. P. V. STROBLE, Secretary. The "Universal Food Chopper" CHOPS ALL KINDS OF RAW OR COOKED lEATS BETTER TIIAN ANY OTHER MACHINE. It also chops all kinds of vegetables and fruit Fine or coarse as desired into clean-cut uniform pieces, without mashing them. In this respect it has no competitor. It does away with the chopping bowl and knife altogether. We have a complete stock of this chopper. Price $1.00 to $2.25 The Taylor Hardware Co. Think Twice Before You Act and if its a new suit, overcoat, pair of shoes, or anything in the men s fur nishings line that you intend buy ing. Have both those thoughts of the WORsUuGLlEu'S CLOTHING CO. Leas Expense Makes Our Prices Lower LET US PROVE IT! Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens !! All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old fyr cfeotoe mm1 osms phone your order nlgtot before. We drew noae esse (or orders ao If yon Uke eold storage poultry patronise the other feOew t more yourself. Telephone Main 536 East End Grocery Res. PboM B. SMI. L. J. Estes and wife of Grandvlew, Washington, who were guests of James Estes and family during the week, left this morning for White Sal mon, where they will visit for a few day. Hand lroners wanted at the Troy Steam Laundry. Phone Hate 4S. SOS B. OMt . Dry, wet, chemi cal aad team cleaner. We call for and deliver anywhere. OLD SPOTS Never come back when cleaned by the Berlin Dye House JACK WEBSTER, MANAGER. Beautiful Decorated Chinawore at, Prices so Low that they seem Unreasonable In our annex you can find mny very pretty designs of china ware, such aa Tea Pots, Chocolate Seta, Cracker Bowls, Fruit Dishes, Nappies, Pin Trays, Match Holders, Paper Weights, Cupa and Saucers etc KEEP OUR ANNEX IN TOUR MIND AS THE PLACE TO SAVE MONET DURING THE HOIJDATS. THE WONDER STORE DESPAIN ft BONNBV Mais aa4 Ctstt Stmt '1