DAILY EAST ORBGOSriAlf, PTCNDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 5, ltlO. SHAKY FEELING IN THE CATTLE MARKET EIGHT PAGES. a w Wan UNEASINESS CAUSED BY THE PREVAILING PRICES Shippers Arc Scared Because of tho Lower Level Here Than In Ea.sk Poor Lambs Sell at Fair Values. rortland, Oct. 4. There was only a handful of livestock shipments to the local market today, but the trade was In no mood to receive additional supplies. The market for good steers Is generally at $5.25, and It took ex ceedingly good cattle to bring this price. One load averaging 1158 pounds wont at $5.50. Shippers and stock raisers of the Interior have become frightened at the way cattle values have dropped and all are looking for an escape from the present situation. The fact that east, ern markets continue to pay high pri ce for cattle gives them some hope and there Is a possibility that local killers will be forced Into line after a while. Other lines of livestock show no change for the day. I. G. Wright was the only arrival with live stock since yesterday's re port, lie had a mixed load of cattle, calves and sheep on this morning's market. Official Livestock Trades. Following are official trades. They represent demand, supplies and qual ity offering: STEERS. Average Lbs. Price. $5.60 5.25 5.25 5.25 6.00 26 steers 62 steers 51 steers 28 steers 15 steers 1156 1138 1150 1 J 23 1073 COWS AND HEIFERS 1120 $4.25 4.00 4.00 1 45 3S 34 2 27 54 21 41 13 . .1300 . .100S . . 987 . .1015 . . 968 . . S77 . . 931 . .1005 . . 935 .. 9 93 . .1170 DULLS. ..1400 . .1310 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.25 : 4.80 ; 4.00 4.00 4.00 ! 4.00 I $3.00 4.00 1 heifers . . heifers . . cows cows cows cows .... .STAGS bull AND stag CALVES. 62 calves 301 $4.80 , $4.25 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 160 sheep 68 1C0 sheep 68 145 sheep 67 148 sheep . . 68 4.2a 4.Z5 4.25 Official range of livestock prices as shown by latest sales: Cuttle best Oregon steers. $5.25 ; 5.50; ordinary steers, $5.00 9 5.25 ; : common steers, J4.00S4.40; cows,! "best, 14.50; fancy, $4. 2511 4.40; poor.: $3.00(1 3.25; heifers, $4.50; bulls, $3.00 j 6. 3.35; stags. $3.75(4.25. H.ks nt.t (act of the mountains, $lu.2.'; ordinary, 10.0 0; stoekers and feeders, $10.50. Sheep l!est east of the mountains, wethers, 34.00T4.25; old vrcrhcrs, $4: spring lambs, Willamette vulley, $5 5f 6.25; eastern Washington, $3.25. ewes. $3.0017 3.15. Calves Ileal $6.75 5? 7.00 ; ordinary $0.60; poor, $3.50 g 4.50. Comparative Livestock Prices. On the basis of prices obtainable to. day for best steers at South Omaha the market Is nearly a dollar too low at this time. For Instance best steers ore selling In the Nebraska yards up to $7.50 today while the best price here is $T.60 and only one load sold at that figure; tho bulk of tho busi ness In good stuff being around $5.26. On the basis of South Omaha pri ces hogs are too high here and only the small killers are forced to buy lo cally. In Nebraska today the best hoes arc quoted at $8.75 which means $9.8 5 to land here. Recent sales In the Portland yards were as high, as $10.25. Practically all the supplies of swine used by provision packers at this time are from Nebraska. Catarrh Cannot B Cured with LOCAL. API'LICATIONB, thejr can not resrh the sasi of the dloSM. Cstar rh Is a bloed or cnnititnclonat dltrsse, ssd In order to cars It too most take Internal rcmrdlra. Hall's catarrh Core Is takes la ternallj, sod acts directly on the blond and morons surfaces: Hall's Catairh Cars Is not a qoack medicine. It was prescribed by oos of ths brat physicians la tbls country for years snd Is s rtgntar prescription, it Is composed of tbe bast tonics known, combin ed wltb the best blood purifiers, actios di rectly on tbs mncous surfsces. Ths perfect combination of tbe two Isgredlents Is what produces sncb wonderful results la caring Catarrh. Bend for testlmonlsls fres. P. J. CHENEY CO., It-ops., Toledo, O. Bold by Dninlets. price TV. Take Hell's Psmlly Palls for Coast!- Wanted Bookkeepers, stenograph ers, clerics and all eye workers to know that our optical work Is scien tific. Dale Rothwell. optometrist Hansoom's jewelry store. THF. TI1IX AND WEAK. Easy Way for Thorn to Get Strong ami Fat. SnmoRe Is not an ordinary medicine; It Is a flesh-forming food that Is adapted to the most delicate. Its tonic effect (fives strength and health so that after Its use for a short time, all the flesh and fat producing ele ments In the food' will be easily as similated and retained by the body. The large sale Druggists Koeppcn have had on Samone since they first Introduced It In Pendleton and the wonderful results following Its use have made them such enthusiastic believers In Its great merits that they give their personal guarantee to re fund tho money If Samoso does not make thin people fat and restore strength and health. When a gain In weight Is noticed after Samose has been used for a : week or ten days, and health has Im proved, and you notice yourself grow lng stronger, you certainly should feel more than satisfied with what you have received from the small cost of - 50c. Sent postpaid on receipt of price, Qo.r i . "WANTED" A Representative to Handle ARTIFICIAL SUNLIGHT For Home Lighting A Practical Gas Plant for indivicJual ownership. Over 300,000 build ings, residences., factories, stores, hurclnw, ho tels, etc, were lighted with Acetyltnt Qu im 1909. This wonderful faa which produce a liffht 0 times greater than Electricity and 12 1-2 times greater than 'city gas, is made front a composition of coke and lime. Cost of lighting ordinary residence, 8 to 10 rooms, 12 to 18 dollars per year. The Generator is permitted by the "National Board of Fire Underwriters." No more conclu sive evidence of absolute safety from a fire haz ard can be offered. The Gas is piped through home or barn in small iron pipe. Beautiful Brass Chandelires in every living room. No more danger from Kerosene, no more claniag lamps. Ove 500 Generators in Oregti. Ask those in your coimty who are using it, how they like the light F. H. Hudarman Wm. Duff, Pendleton, ITerman Skul, Pendleton. Henry Lareazcu, Pmdletom. Joe IIodjjsoB, Weston. . A. J. Mclatyro, TPestoa. . R. W. Browa, Weston. Alex Johnson, Weston. Cast Cannon, Athena. II. L. Swag?art, Athena. W. R. Taylor, Athena. George Gcrking, Athena. W. ilcBride, Athena. And numerous others. A representative wanted to handle Umatill a, Morrow, Wallowa and Union Co.'s, a paying proposition to tho right man. , , , . t FOR INFORMATION WRITE ' '. ' Oregon Acetylene Lighting Co. INCORPORATED 230 1-2 Yamhill St., Portland, Oregon or Apply C. B. Perkins, Bowman Hotel, Pendleton THE WHEAT MARKET W HEAT CI.OSKS VP KXCEPT FOR jrXY Cliirnffo Not Aided by Cables But Closes With Advance of 1 1-8 for the Day. ' Chicago, Oct. 4. Wheat opened unchanged but eloped 1 l-8c higher for this crop and 1 l-8c for the July. There was fairly good buying of wheat after the opening, and while cables generally gnve no encourage ment to take hold of supplies, con siderable covering was noted among short Interests after the market got under way. Liverpool opened l-2d lower and closed unchanged to l-4d below yes terday. The big Increase In the world's vis ible supply was the dominating influ ence abroad. Bradstreets report of the visible shows: Wheat East of Rockies, Increased 2,604,000 bushels;' Europe and afloat, decreased 200.000 bushels; Canada, Increased 3,884,000 tushels; total world's supply Increased 6.2S8.000 bushels. Corn--Increased 331,000 bushels. Oats Decreased 660,000 bushels. Uroomhall cabled that the European visible supplies of wheat had decreas ed 160.000 bushels. He reports gen erally favorable crop conditions abroad. A good cash demand was reported both at Minneapolis and Winnipeg to day. , Ht'SSIAN DRY FARMING EXPERT VISITS NORTHWEST Spokane, Wash. Df. Theodore Kryshtofovich, assigned by the min istry of agriculture of Russia as a commissioner to study farm conditions in the United States, has come to Spo kane to represent his country at the fifth Dry Farming Congress, at the close of which he will vlBlt the grain and hay belts of the Northwestern and Pacific states. He expects to pass several weeks In Washington, Oregon, California, Utah, Idaho, Montana and tho Dakotas to study the growing of cereals, alfalfa and fruits and root crops. "I came to Spokane direct from Buenos Ayres, making only a brief stop at St. Louis," he said. "I passed some time In Argentina, where I was sent on a special mission by my gov ernment. There I studied the meth ods of tho farmer with a view to In troducing some of them In our coun try. I also expect to find much use ful material In this country. I have road In reports that your farmers are doing wonderful things on so-called dry and Irrigated lands and I expect to learn much that will be of value to Russia. "More than 12,000,000 acres of lands In Argentina are in alfalfa, as against between 7,000,000 and 8,000,000 acres In this country. They would raise .... ..1. . tf. . v rft , - V. 4 TT wS more of this feed In Argentina were It not for the shortage of seed, which they are now getting from France, Ppaln, Russia-Turkestan and Persia. Alfalfa is a paying crop. "I have heard much the last few years of the intensive cultivation prac tised in the Northwestern and Pacific states, and I expect to Join Colonel M. Malcor, special representative of the French government, who has ac complished much In the province of Algeria, on some of his trips Into the orchard districts while In this coun try." Dr. Kryshtofovich has been assign ed to read a paper on "Russia's Con tribution to Dry Farming In the Unit ed States" at the congress In Spokane this week. MARRIAGE NO EASY MATTER, UNDER FREAK LAWS . Paris. Marriage is a most serious proposition in this country. A citizen of this city who recently left the mil itary service writes to a newspaper saying he had unsuccessfully been try ing to get married for three years. The French marriage law Is very vigor ous. If the prospective bridegroom had not lived more than six months at his address he must get a certifi cate signed by the landlord and con cierge of every house where he has lived previously till he gets back to one where he did live for six months. Birth certificates are required and also the written consent of parents. As no paper must bear a date more than two months old It happens that the marriage must be postponed to get the papers renewed. The man who has been failed for three years once succeeded In getting all his pa pers correct, when he was called up for his periodical term of military ser vice. Ho says he will go to the Unit ed States if he Is further Interrupted. Seals Exterminating Fish. Dublin. Seals are playing havoc with fish in certain parts of Ireland. For example, at- a meeting of the Carllngford Lough commissioners, at tention was brought to the destruc tion of fish by seals In Carllngwood Lough. Two species of fish, a com panion, said, had almost been extin guished by seals skate and flat fish and other species had also suffered badly. He had seen as many as 60 seals In one spot in the lough at a time. CHILDREN'S HAIR. Keep It Clean and Free From Disease by Using Parisian Sage. If you want your children to grow up with strong, sturdy and vigorous hair, teach them to use Parisian Sage; the world renowned Hair Tonic. Parisian Sage is guaranteed by Tallman & Co. to cure dandruff and stop falling hair in two weeks. It grows new hair quickly In cases where the hair Is "thinning out." It Is positively the most delightful, Invigorating hair dressing on the mar- ket It Is not sticky or greasy and will make the coarsest hair soft, lus trous and luxuriant Get a EOc bot tle from Tallman & Co. and watch how rapid its action. NOBODY SPARED. Kidney Trouble Attack Pendleton Men and Women, Old and Young. Kidney Ills seize young and old. Come quickly with llttl ewarnlng. Children suffer in their early years, Can't control the kidney secretions. Girls are languid, nervous, suffer pain. Women worry, can't do dally werk. Men have lame and aching backs. The cure for man, woman or child Is to cure the cause the kllneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick aH forma of kidney suffering. Pendleton testimony proves It. Mrs. George Bargett, 1413 W. Webb street, Pendleton, Oregon, says: "A member of our family suffered from attacks of backache and occasionally was laid up for a month at a time. Stooping or straightening caused sharp twinges In the loins and there was also a distressing kidney weak ness in evidence. The use of Doan's Kidney Pills was advised by a phy sician and a supply of this remedy was procured. After Doan's Kidney Pills were taken, great benefit was received and there has been no se rious cause for complaint since. I have also taken Doan's Kidney Pills and can recommend them strongly." For sale by all dealers. Price 69 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, aole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Valuable Prizes. Given at the Pastime shooting gallery. First prize Is a .23 calibre Winchester; second prize, 35. J. H. ESTES, Prop. For rent Furnished housekeeping rooms, at 719 College street. The Well Kmwi CHUmsw Cures a a yi and all Ale eases that tbe hanaji fleak Is heir te. My wonderful aad powerfmlJ roots, Lerbsv remedies a composed o Chines bads, barks and vegetables that are eaUrelyl unknown to medical science ef tad n resent day. They are karnueas, aa we use no poisons or drugs. No operations, no cnire sea. We cure stomach troubles, liver kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asth ma, nervous debility, remaie com plaints aad reaumatlain aad all disorders of the blood. We care to stay cured, and guarantee te cure all kinds of Piles nd Prlvat Diseases of men aad women. Call and see him or write. Conatmlta tlon free. If you are unable to call aad see him. send two cants ta stamps for symptom blank. Ad' tub u onrwo wo tmniM MEDICINE CO. Sfie W. Rowe St. WaTta Walla, Wa. WANTED. ANYONE, ANTWHBRB, CAN START a mall order business at home. No canvassing. Be your own boss. Bend for free booklet Tells how. Heaeock, 7t, Lockport, . T. FRED EIFFBRT, AUCTIONBER. Freewatar, Ore., R. F. D. 1; Walla WaKa "Walla, R. F. D. 1, phon F. t IX or Free water Times. TUB UNITED ORCHBSTRA of Pen dleton will furnish music tor all oc casions; dances In particular. Any umber of pieces furnlahsd en short notice. R W. Fletcher, Mgs. Phone Main 1 or Blaok 383. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry Work done with especial care Phone Red till. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN bears a profession. Show card writer earn large salaries; clerks can deu ble their earning capacity; the field has never been overcrowded. The Pendleton Business College offers you the epportunity to learn this profession under a first-class in structor, at a small expense, takim no time from your regular work. Night class opens Monday evening September I. Call any time fer In formation. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D, HO Myo pathic physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephoaee: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2133. DR. LYNN K. BLAKKSLBB, CHRO nle and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlca. Judd bunding, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone? Main (54. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next to commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone, Black 8421; residence phone. Black 2951. KERN ft BENNETT, DENTAL 8UR geons, Office, room It Judd build ing. Phone, Red 3391. DR. THOMAS VAUCHAN, DENTIST, Office In Judd building. Phone, Main 73. i VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB. LOCAL STATM Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary Board. Office at resldense 916 east Court St. Res. 'phone Mala 5. ATTORNEYS RALEY ft RALE I, ATTORNBY8 AT law. Office in American National Bank building. FEE ft SLATER, LAWYERS, OF flce in Despaln building. CARTER ft SMYTHB, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In American Nation al Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL ft WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office In Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON ft WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms t and 4 Smith Crawford building. PHELPS ft STETWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Office la Smith -Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILBT ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 8, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. ARCB3TBCT8, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furatshed oa all kinds of ssasoary, cement walks, stoae walks, etc Phone black 1711, or Oreaoaiaa office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector aad licensed embalaaer. Opposite poetoffice. Funeral parlor. Twe funeral oars. Calls reepoaded to day or night 'Phone ataia 71. AUCTIONEER. COL F. G. LUCAS, LIVBOTOCJC Auetioaeer, Athena, Oregoa. Ref erence First National Bank of A these and Farmers Bank of Weston. Farm sales a apeotalty. KBCOND-HAVD DHALHR8. V. STROBLH, DEALER IN SECOND- aaad goods, if there la aaythrag yon need la aew aad seoead-aaad furniture, stoves, grant teware asd crockery, call aad get hi prices. Ne tit East Court street. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS, wedding aanouaoementa, embeessl private aad baalneae stationary, ete. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlaa office and see sample tamed W ANTED (Oootiaoed.) FOIL TAriTM V" kHi cleaning! good werk guaranteed, aheae Mra Hale's reemlng house, 112 Thesopeon street. Phone Red 3733. . F. Sasith. HAIR WORK Aster four aeaths vacation, Madam Ksauedy la aala at home at 7 a. rart street, aad is prepared to do all klads ef hair work. Shampoelag, batrareaataer. Also has a alee line of aatand he man hair goods fer sale. AH wouk strictly guaranteed. Phone Red 372 Chicago, Sept. 3-9. Wheat d rapped ANY LADY can easily make from tit to $25 per week working for ma quietly -in her own home locality. This is a bonafide offea eae whaea will pay you to Investigate evea if you can only spare two hear per day. No investment required. Turn your spare time into money. Write me at once for particulars. Addreaa Mary B. Taylor, Box 30. Womaa'a Building, Joliet, Illinois. FOR SALE Old newspapers wrap ped In bundles of ISO each suitable for wrapping, putting under car pets, etc. Price, l&c per bundle, two bundles, tie. Knqulra this of fice. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINTBrja HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. reuaDle abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla, county. Loan eat city and farm oronertv. Rn sells all kinds of real estate. Dees a feneral brokeram hmliun taxes and makes Investments for bob- residents. Write fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, amy tank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. 8. HENNINGER, Vlce-Prea, C. H. MAR8H. Sec. BENTLEY 4 LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire. life aad acclrlAnr ance agents. New location, 815 Main u-eei. v none Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, Carney ft Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion, 'Phone main 70. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT, NOODLES na enop suey. ung D. Qoey, prop. At me oia stand. Alia street in of Tallman ft Co. MISCELLANEOUS. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR rk it's clean, reliable and m. venlent Electric Sad Irons, num. teed. 35.25. Rlectrln Hnr w.t.. Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee x-ercoiaiors, etc. A complete stock ef Gas and Electric fixtures. Flret-elaea wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughaa. xo aiain street. SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDXY. inmiiy wasnmg; work done by kaad; mendlnr free! rnntm -aiia delivered. 408 East Court street. FRATERNAL ORDERS. -X, PENDLETON LODGE No. II AA. A. F. and A. M., meets the first and third Moadava e each month. All visit hntkna are Invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4, K. of P., meets every htoa day evening In L O. O. V. halL Visiting brothers cor dially Invited te attet. George W. Coutte C C.; B, W. Fletcher, K. R. ft 8. The East Orroniaa Is Eaatcra On Koa's rerjreaeiHatlve nanes. It 1 aad tbe people appreciate It aad atow it ey unr uaerei patronage. It ta uie wiTmiMin nseaiam of use seastosk CITY OF PENDLETON MAPS at East oregoalaa office. Price lie. Unfurnished . hensekeeritn for rent la the Bast Oreronlaa hatia. lng. Steam heat; electric lights; hat aad cold water; bath. Xaaatre at Bast Oregon laa. PHNDLBTON TRAIN SCKBBUXJL O. R. A H. ' Westbeuad Oregoa Artatoa rertiand local . ., lt:tl eaa. Ore. ft Wash. Express. . 1:M a. aa. Portland limited 11:21 p. as. Fast Mall ...11:4 p. aa. Motor 4:M p. aa. Pilot Rock Mixed t:f a. an, astboaad Oregea UrMoa Fast Mall i: a. as. Ore. ft Waah. Express, . 1:11 a, r. Cbleage Limited I: If. p, an. Motor. .lt:M a, as. , Pert. local, ar. t:l, laavee 1:4 p aa Pilot Rook aatxed t:M a. aa. Waahlngto Dlv. Leaving nasailia Walla Walla local .... l:tf p. aa. Pendleton passenger . , T:ee . am. Spokane local 1-ik m. Washington Dlv. Arriving PeedJetea Directory reaaietoa local l:lta,sa Walla Walla local lt:t a. sa. Peadletoa paane-igar .. : a. aa. NORTHJaUT PaataTBU Leaving Pendletea Passeager f sa. Mixed tret t:9 a. as. Arriving Peadlstcet Passeager 1:M a. sa. Mixed train T:l a. av