East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 05, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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By Vote of SS to 2 IS New Charter la
Adopted First Municipality In Or
rgaa ta Adopt Commission Plan.
"I 71
By a vote of 11 to 21S the new
charter u adopted at the special
election yesterday and within a short
time Baker will be under the com
mission plan of city government. This
plan has been tried out in scores of
cities aad not one has ever pone brick
to the eld council form. The city will
have a business administration and
the commissioners will be directly re
sponsible to the people for the aon
duct of all cKy affairs.
The vote yesterday was very light.
ns- CM votes balng cast In the four
wards. The greatest interest in the
election was taken by the business
men and taxpayers, the general sen
timent f the business men being In
favor of the new charter.
The rote by wards was as follows:
. Tes. No.
Ward No. 1 99 44
Ward Ne. I 63 44
War Na. S 9T 7S
Ward Ne 4
62 I
VU1 S93 213
The ifw charter provides that the
three commissioners shall be chosen
at the regular election in November,
aad that they shall take office tie
first Tneaday In December, which Is
December t. That is the date on
which the new charter will become
effective aad on which the new offi
cers will take up their official duties.
The general provisions of the char
ter are so well known that they do
not nee to be given here. A copy of
the new charter waa left at every
same hi the city and those not famil
iar with its provisions can easily ob
tain any desired Information. The
reseat ordinances of the city will
continue la force.
Baker City is the first municipality
la Oregon to adopt the commission
plan of government Other cities are
considering it but Baker la the first
to vote an ft and adopt it.
On good thing about the charter
is that it change the name of the
municipality from Baker City to Ba
ker. The new name is short and
worth Just as much as if city were
tacked anto the end of It.
There is general rejoicing over the
city at the outcome of the election,
as the influential men of the tow ft
desired the new charter. Baker Her
There are 695 opportuni
ties to become independent
by taking advantage of this
opening, no more, no less. This
sale will not continue long, act now
0 This
Only 25 applications will be
sold in Pendleton. We can
not sell more if we had the
price handed us. Don't delay, be
one of Pendleton's 25, Act Now.
Wheat Ranches Wanted.
Wanted Some large tracts of land
suitable for wheat growing for east
ern investors; also others to trade for
gaad income bearing . property In
ceast cities. Have some excellent
Chicago properties with guaranteed
meeme, to offer In exchange. Wauld
lata ta hear fratn awners at good
properties at valaes of front ISO to
..J. A. BUN BON,
North Portland,. OreA
Brogan, "Eastern Oregon's Fruit City;" The town with an assured
future, located in the Willow River Irrigation Project of 20,000 acres,
which will soon be on the market.
The Investment is Small The Returns are Large
The time is short to invest and to realize your profits.
pakaae. Wash. Arrangements
hav been completed by the manage
ment af the National Apple show ta
add ta the papalaritjr of apples grawa
in regaa, Washington, Idaha aad
at tatau by sareadlag their fame for
ealj, calar and uaifarm size to all
parts af the coatineat dariag the third
annaal exposition in Spokane, No
veaaar 14 ta II, when every district
wiM represented.
The trastees wMl bay large anaa
titiea af the best apples obtainable in
the fear states. These will be care
falky graded and inspected aad pack
ed la neat wooden baxea, each con
taiaiag six or It apples, marked with
the name of the district In which
they were grown and said at cast ta
thas who desire ta send holiday pack
ages ta acquaintances in the east aad
The management has arranged for
For Full Information and Booklet
Call on or write to
Sole Representatives Pendleton, Oregon
Bad blood does not always come as
the result of careless living, or indis
cretions ; it is a condition frequently
innemea. isormai, nealtny blood
contains millions of tiny red corpus
des, which are the vitalizing and
nourishing element of the circulation,
their office being to provide every
portion of the system -with its neces
sary strength ar.d nutriment. Ia
weak, impure blood thee corpuscles
are lacking in numbers, and therefore
the blood is not able to supply the
proper amount of nourishment to the
body. Bad blood manifests itself in
many wavs. With some it takes the
form of skin diseases and eruptions,
others become bilious and malarious,
with sallow complexions, torpid liver,
etc. Bad blood produces Rheumatism ,
Catarrh, Qores and Ulcers, Scrofula
and like troubles. Nothing is equal
to S. S. S. as a remedy for bad blood;
it is the greatest of ail blood purifiers,
possessing not
only the qualities
to cleanse and
purify the blood,
but composed of
roots, herbs and
barks that tone
up every part of
the system, and
assist in the cre
ation of blood nutriment. S. S. S.
cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Skin
Diseases, Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula,
Blood Poison and all other blood dis
orders. S. S. S. makes (rood blood,
and good blood makes good health.
Book on the blood free to all.
THE I WITT memo 00., Atlanta, ta.
a booth in the main exposition hall,
where an express agent will be locat
ed to take charge of the packages and
forward them, thereby sparing the
sender the usual inconvenience. Bv
ery box of apples sold in the boetn
will be guaranteed by the manage
ment to be free from blemishes of
aay kind.
"The coat of the apples and ex
press charges will not be more than
is required to cover the actaal ex
pense," said Ren H. Rice, secretary
and manager of the show. "It is
not the desire of the apple shew or
ganization to make a profit from this
concession, but rather to afford vis
itors aa opportunity to remember
their friends with a real souvenir of
the exposition, at the same time
boosting the orchard industry and as
sisting in popularizing the fruit grown
In the northwestern states.
"The management received many
rquests for apples at last year's ahow
but only a few wanted to send full
boxes, as the express charges arg high
to eastern points, but this year we
shall overcome that obstacle by pro
viding unall boxes at a reasonable
IYen4i Veteran Dusted Napoleon's
Paris. Not long since the manager
01 a jocai insurance company was
d'eorated with the legion of honor.
and his celrks, In honor of the event
presented him with a piece of plate,
with their cards attached.
The manager was amused by the
card of the office "boy," an old sol
dier from the invalids, who waa em
ployer to open the office doors. Un
der the man's name was the title,
"The Emperor's Orderly."
Not understanding this the mana
ger sent for the old soldier.
"Of what emperor are you the or
derly, and how?" he asked.
"I am the orderly of the emperor,"
he aald "Napoleon, le Petit Corpor
al. I am his orderly. 1 dust his tomb
for him," said the old soldier, with
(Special Correspondence.)
Milton, Ore., Oct. 4. The large
bailer for the Columbia college heat
ing apparatus arrived today and
workmen are busy Installing the radi
ators. A. L. Chrlstenson, a prominent ho
tel man from Boise, Idaho, has leased
the new brick hotel at Milton and ex
pects to open the house next month.
Jack Cockburn Is driving delivery
wagon for the Mosgrove Co.
L. Li. Berry is enclosing his sum
mer kitchen snd putting In a window.
-The trolly company is building a
spur around the new farmers' ware
house. Mrs. Chas. Spencer and Mrs. W. K.
Miller were among those who spent
the day in Walla Walla.
Miss Fannie Wilcox leaves Thurs
day for Spokane, where she will en
ter the Blair business college.
J. F. Slover was a business visitor
In Walla Walla this afternoon.
This vicinity is being treated to
some good rains thin week.
The ladies aid society of the M. E.
church was entertained at the resi
dence of A. E. McKnight this after
noon. Tea was served.
Htop Rale of Arms in Paris.
Paris. The minister of Justice will
prepare a bill intended to put an end
to the unrestricted sale of revolvers
to irresponsible persons. The growth
in the number of crimen among local
criminals who una revolvers without
any provocation Is causing much
Slightly Colder With Raow.
When you see that kind of a weath
er forecast you know that rheumatism
weather Is at hand. Oet ready for
It now by getting a bottle of Ballard's
Snow Liniment. Finest thing made
for rheumatism, chilblains, frost bite,
sore and stiff Joints ana muscles, all
aches and pains. He, 60c and fl a
bottle. A. C. Koeppen ABros.
Many Refugees at Sofia.
Sofia. One thousand four hundred
and thirty refugees from Maccedon
ia are registered at Sofia. The Tur
kish minister there has given assur
ances of safety If they return home,
but only 1(0 have decided to do so.
The first party of 60 refugees handed
over by the Bulgarian authorities to
the Turkish committee at Deve Bayr,
were atopped and turned back at
Oulshevo because the committee re
fused to receive them, demanding that
they ahould first deliver up their guns
and then proceed home.
( Special Correspondence.)
Adams, Ore., Oct. 8. Little did E.
Q. Marquis, the druggist, anticipate
the result of his example when he
selected a few of the finest potatoes
of his garden and placed In his show
The school children asked If he
would like something to go with the
potatoes. Older people became Inter
ested and Inside of a week there was
a display fit for the fair. And to the
fair It went.
Imagine the surprise of all the Ad
amites when the mayor marched down
the Main street with a big blue rib
bon pinned to his vest and a ten dol
lar check In his hand and a certifi
cate stating that Adams had won first
prize on best collection of garden
ana noi rouna warning in tnousanas or
homes all over the country. It has
won a place in the family medicine
closet among the reliable household
remedies, where It Is kept at hand for
vr in treating cold in the head Just
!'." oon as some member of the house
hold beings te preliminary sneezing
or snuffling. It gives Immediate re
lief and a day or two's treatment will
put a stop to a cold which might, If
not checked, become chronic and run
into a bad case of catarrh. .
For Candy
HtmriM tk "Modara fMdw '
0rOry p.., Mtn., frUmm. O.
Llcaoy to Loan
City and Farm
Long time, Easy
payments, low in
terest. Call at.
Hotel St. George
TMs Week
D. S.R.Walkor
I have been in the sewing machine
business a great number ac years,
and have tried them all aad should
knew their best qualities. I now offer
the Standard, White, Free aad Binge
machines at eastern prices, freight
added. Don't be fooled by traveling
agents that will tell you anything to
get your money. High prices have
gone forever at
Mala Saves Kmt Briskaa.
Ghango of Timo
Train De Luxe
Now leaves Spokane at
2:00 P. M.
All trains from the Inland
Empire make connections with
this popular train.
A card will bring a traveling
representative to explain In de
tail any trip desired.
Any agent of O. R. at N. will
Issue through tickets at lowest
current rates.
O. M. Jackson, T. P. A.
Geo. A. Walton, Oen. Agt.
14 Wan St,'' Bpokaaa, T.
AP-A-LA fib
Will Brighten I In
Your Home m
Can be used on wood or met
al floors, woodwork, furni
ture, picture frames, etc. Comes
ready mixed. Basil? applied
quickly dried. For sale by