turn aitr. . y,:. ,1,,, EIGHT PAGES. 0AILT KAflT uKBOOXlAlf, nOrSLROir, ORXOOH, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1910. A New Shipment of Ladies and Childrens RED, NAVY AND BLACK See Large Window F. . Livengood (Bb Co. The Ladies' and Children's Store. For Sale 100 acre dairy ranch 20 miles from town and three miles from store and post office. Good 4 room house, lmrn and chicken houses. Splendid orchard, about 25 acres alfalfa, bottom land. This Is one of the best dulrj ranches for the money la I'niatlUa county. 100, aero wheat farm 5 miles from Pendleton. House ami barn, plenty water, for $2:150. Must be sold at once on account of sickness. 320 acre wheat farm 3 1-2 miles from Pendleton, ever lasting well of the best water good houe and barn, will sell for $11000 If sold at once Small grocery and second hand business Including the building, all for $850; must Imj sold at once on account of .ickness. & room house and barn, 711 CalTln st., this property Is easily worth $1250. I will sell It for $700, $200 cash, balance In monthly payments. Any one wishing to Invest In business protcrty, I have one business block that will net 10 per cent clear of taxes aud Insurance; this piece of property would cost you double tlie amount If you was to build tlits same piece of property; now the price that I wlB make you will bold good for a few days only. Addreee, Dan Komlor 210 W. Bluff St. Pendleton, Oregon LOCALS I Pastime pictures (luu all. See Lane A Son for sign. ! Call up Main 41$ for signs. i Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra, Saw dust for sale at the Oregon Lumber Tard. Hand Ironera wanted at the Troy Steam Laundry. Automobile for hire, day or night. I'hone Main 74. Wanted, to borrow $1000, good se ' curity. Phone Main 6. Wanted A girl to do general house work. Phone Black 3652. Hohbach's coffee and oyster bouse i Is now open; best of service. If you have $1000 to loan on good security, call or phone Main 5. Fresh eastern and Olympla oysters ' at Hohbachs. Telephone Main 80. More moving pictures shown that tny othr theater In the Mty the , Pastime. For good, dry slab wood, call at or phone 'your order to the Oregon Lumber Tard. See Art Elliott for good coffee and ! lunch at Paul Hemmelgarn's after ' noon and evening. Wanted Suitable middle aged wo . man to do house work for Invalid wo ; man. Apply 415 Perkins ave. A clean and careful shave always at ' Mark Patton's shop. Across from Alexanders. Phone for patrons. For rent Three five room houses, j all newly painted, two blocks from 1 Hawthorne school. Inquire Kim Mor- ton. Black 1101. I W. O. Fisher, express and transfer, j phone has beea changed to R"a j Phone Red 1471 and stand phone Hotel Pendleton, Main 11. For Sale Eleven room house, new, completely furnished, stone cellar, woodshed barn, chicken house, cement walks four lots Improved with fruit trees and flowers. Cheap for cash or easy terms. See Harry B. Fol som, 902 Locust Hill, Pendleton. Ore. Girl Worked Year as Man. Sydney. The mysterious disappear ance a year ago of Miss Margaret Hale, daughter of a retired army of ficer, has been Bolved by the discov ery of the young woman working at Fremonth as a man. She came from Oakland to Australia several years ago as a teacher. Last December she started home and It was several months before it was discovered that she had disappeared. A search was Instituted and she was found work ing In an office as a man. She had been a club steward, bartender, light porter, bookkeeper and several other positions as a man. To lcmon8trnto New Suction Cleaner. Mr. J. Emigh of Walla Walla, la in Pendleton for a few days showing the Magic Electric Suction Cleaner. Mr. Emlgh is representing the Davls-Ka-ser company of Walla Walla and he would be pleased to demonstrate the workings of the cleaner. Calls left at the office of the Paclfla Power & Light company will be promptly answered. f KO E PR N . -l 1 .-11 1-K .1 is meeting the school folks over half way these days by mak ing them a price on their FOUNTAIN PENS $2.50 $1 and giving a guarantee with each one. Heir Jumbo tablets at 10c can't be .beat Better see KO EPPEN'S- The Drag Store That Tau Beat. PERSONAL MENTION W. McDanlel of Wallace, Idaho, Is here for a few days. Viola Hays of Pasco, Is a guest of the Hotel St. Qeorge. T. Cable came In from Pilot Rock yesterday afternoon for a brief visit. Al Green and wife of Nyssa, Ore gon, are guests of the Hotel Bowman. Arthur J. Stuart of Kamlah, Idaho, Is here to care for business Interests. Will Jamieson, prominent Weston merchant, spent last night in Pendle ton. Robert Stanfleld of Stanfleld, is in the city today for the transaction of business. William Mosgrove of Dayton, Wash ington, is here for the transaction of business. Fred Lampkln, business manager of the East Oregonlan, left last night for Portland. H. N. Dryer, the Umatilla mer chant, is transacting business in Pen dleton today. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Clemmons of Joseph, Oregon, are here for a visit of a few days. Mrs. Ollle Mansfield of Oakland, California, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. D. Siebert. Homer I Watts, the Athena lawyer. has been In the city today upon a piofesslonai trip. Lee Teutsch returned this morn ing from a business visit to the west end of the county. Dr. John Griswold of Helix, is in today from that place for the tran saction of business. Attorney Douglass Bailey was a westbound passenger on this morn ing's Portland local. John Schmidt Is down from his ranch on Upper McKay creek for the transaction of business. Al Green and wife of Nyssa, Ore gon, are here for a few days for the transaction of business. Eert Klnzie, night clerk at the ho tel Pendleton, leaves this evening for an extended visit to Chicago. R. X. Stanfleld was a passenger on the special section of train Xo. 17 which arrived todav at 2.30. Attorneys Charles Carter and O. P. Morton returned this morning from a fishing trip to trie headwaters of the Umatilla. Vantz D. Colvig. a prominent resi dent of southern Oregon, is here from his home in Medford for the transac tion of business. Hon. C. A. Barrett who was recent ly nominated by the republicans for Joint senator, came down this morn ing from his home at Athena. Attorney S. D. Peterson recently nominated for representative on the republican ticket, came down this morning from his home at Milton. Douglass Ball, branch manager for the Blake-McFall Paper company, and well known in this city, came ov er from Walla Walla this morning. It. S. Renn. express messenger for the American Express company and having Spokane as his home, is here as a witness in the Atfield embezzle ment trial. Fay Gibson, who recently resigned her position as chief operator In the Walla Walla telephone office, left this morning for Portland, where she will visit her sister, Miss Ruth Gibson. Mrs. James Shlnn of Baker City, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Swearingen, left this morning for The Dalles where she will visit relatives for a few days. She will be Joined in Portland by her husband and go to California for the winter. LAND FOR OREGON PFADLETOX PKOPI.E TO BE GIV EN AX OPPORTU NITY TO PAR TICIPATE IN imOGAN TOWN SITE OPENING. This is the Store for You? STIRRING BARGAINS For Thursday, Friday and Saturday $6.00 Silk Underskirts for each . . . $3.85 12 I -2 c Silkolines 36in. wide for yd . . . 9c $ 1 .50 and $2.00 Tailored Waists for each . $1.10 35c Sheeting 9-4 wide for yd. . . . 28c 65c Outing Flannel Night Gowns for each . . 48c $7.00 Wool Blankets, Extra Size, for . . $4.95 Women's 65c White Fleeced Underwear for . 48c $1.25 Table Linen 72 in. wide, for yd. . . 95 C Children's 15c Black Hose for pr. . . . IPc 45 c Pillow Tubing for yd. . . .. . . 20c Boy's 20c Black Ribbed Hose for pr. . . . 15c 65c Table Matting 50 in. wide for yd. . . 48c 1 2 1 -2c all Linen Crash for yd 9c Children's Hemstitched school Handkerchiefs 3 for 5 c Wohlenberg Bep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money ited number are on sale and have come to headquarters of the Townsite Company at Boise, Idaho, to secure an application. It Is hoped by Messrs Teutsch and Kemler that they can offer more ap plications should this supply be taken before the entire 695 are gone. Job Printing, Tel. Main i BETTER. Pendleton, Sept., 1910. Messrs Lee Teutsch and Dan Kem ler are authority for the statement that a development is about to be gin in Malheur county, such as will add greatly to the already large ex ports of fruit from this state and will furnish homes for a large number of homeseekers and Investors. These gentlemen have Just completed ar rangements .to act as representatives for the Brogan Townsite Company and they are now in a position to of fer the people of Pendleton an op portunity to take part in the opening of 695 valuable lots and tracts of land and buildings which arc Included In the sale. Mr. Teutsch advises that he will only be allowed to receive 25 appli cations, as only a limited number are to be offered for sale in any one vi cinity. The demand from the local points near Brogan is heavier than was anticipated and he has been un able to secure more than 25. The properties in Brogan are val ued at from $260 to $40,000 and the cost of participating in the opening is very low. A hotel, bank building, electric lighting plant, bungalow and a large number of very valuable acre tracts will be deeded to the purchasers by the Townsite Company. So far the demamls of applicants have far ex ceeded the number allowed per town and it will require quick action on the part of Pendleton people If they secure their share. The demand Is partly due to the fact that the Willow River Project Is about to be opened, offering about 20,000 acres of Oregon's richest fruit lands to the Investor. A large num ber of people are already on the ground awaiting an opportunity to purchase land and lots and many have ILLUMINATION Mr. Business-Nan Mr. Store-Keeper This Interests You! We have arranged for F. W. Loomis of New York and G. A. Kumler of San Francisco, our illuminating experts, to deliver a demonstration-lecture on illumination at the Commercial Club, Thursday Oc tober 6th, at 8 p. m. They will show the difference between good and bad lighting and the lecture will be particularly interesting from the standpoints of store interior and show window lighting. Be sure and attend. Ladies welcome Pacific Power & Light Company "Always at Your Service" Phone Main 40. been disappointed 'where only a lira