EIGHT PAGES. DAILY BA9T ORBQOXlaN, PENDIiETOJT, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBEtt 5. 1810. PAGE THREE Health Restored, Gained 35 Pounds When your blood U thin, your appetite poor, your energy all gone and your system gener ally in a run-down condition, don't be discouraged. Take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. It will make you well and strong, just as it did Mr. Weinstock. 'I have been using Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey for several years and it has improved my health very much. I have felt fine ever since and I tell all my friends about it. Before using this great medicine I was run down in health, had no appetite and was losing weight rapidly. But since using it I have completely recovered my health and have gained over 35 lbs. Mr. M. Waxier, of 725 Mifflin St., one of the friends to whom I recom mended your malt, and who was generally worn out, is as pleased with the results and benefits derived from the use of same as I am and we de termined to give our testimony, hop ing that it will be the means of helping some poor sufferers to better health, like ourselves." E. Weinstock, No. ii No. 52d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey will bring a healthy glow to the pallid check, give new energy to the falter ing limbs, strengthen and invigorate the weary bbdy and throbbing brain; reanimate the vital organs and create a new supply of rich, red blood. It makes the old feel young and keeps the young strong and vigorous. Pre scribed by physicians, used in hospitals and recognized as a family medicine everywhere. Thousands of our pa tients, both men and womcp alike, who have been restored to health and strength, extol its virtues as the world's greatest tonic, stimulant and body builder. Sold IN SEALED BOTTLES ONLY by druggists, grocers and dealers, or shipped direct for $1.00 per large bottle. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y. EXAMINATION FOR FOREST RANGERS CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AXXOCXCES TESTS OCT. 21-25 XortmvCNt States Included In l,nt of Office Vacancies Entrance Salary Is $100 Per Annum. The civil service commission will hold an examination for assistant for eBt ranger on October 24-25, 1910. The U. S. department of agriculture estimates that 490 ellglbles will bo needed during the field season of 1911. Assistant forest rangers are paid an entrance salary of $1100 per annum. The examination will be held at national forest headquarters In Alas ka, Arizona. California, CoIorado.Flor Idn, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan. Minne sota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mex ico, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington anil Wyoming. No ex aminations will be held in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Utah, except at Kanab nutional foreBt. Since all of the Iil bab forest is In Arizona, residents of Arizona will, under the law, have preference In appointments for this forest. Forest rangers must be, when prac ticable, citizens of the state r terri tory In which the national forest' on which they are to be appointed Is sit uated. In the states In which no ex aminations are to be held there Is still a sufficient list of eliglbics to make the holding of another exami nation unnecessary. The requirements and duties of for est rangers are thus described in "The Use nook," which contains the regu lations and Instructions for the use of the national forests: "A ranger of any grade must be thoroughly sound and able-bodied, capable of enduring hardships and performing severe labor under trying conditions. He must be able to take caro of himself and his horses In re gions remote from settlement and supplies. He must be able to build trails and cabins, ride, pack and deal tactfully with all classes of people. He must know something of land, sur veying, estimating and scaling tim ber, logging, land laws, mining and the livestock business. , "On some forests the ranger must be a specialist In one or more of these lines of work. Thorough familiarity with the region In which he Beeks em ployment, Including Its geography and Its forest and Industrial conditions. Is usually demanded, although lack of this may be supplied by experience In similar regions. "The examination of applicants is along the practical lines Indicated above, and actual demonstration by performanoe, is required. Invalids seeking light out-of-door employment need not apply. Experience, not book education, is sought, although ability to make simple maps and write Intel ligent reports upon ordinary forest business la essential. "For duty In some parts of Arizona and New Mexico the ranger must know enough Spanish to conduct for est business with Mexicans. "Where suddle horses or pack hors es are necessary In the performance of their duty, rangers are required to own and maintain them. The forest service furnishes no personal or horse equipment. "Hangers . execite the work of the national forests under the direction of supervisors. Their duMes Include pa trol to prevent fire and trespass, es timating, surveying, and marking tim ber, the supervision of cuttings and similar work. They Issue mlnsr per mits, build cabins and trails, oversee grazing business. Investigate claims, report on applications and report up on and arrest for violation of forest laws and regulations." The examination will consist of questions regarding the use of the for est, supplemented by a field test to show the applicant's fitness to do the actual work of a ranger. Education and experience will be rated on the answers to the questions on those sub jects In the application form and on the applicant's use of English In the written test. Horses for the tests in riding and packlngwlli be provided by the forest service. Details regarding the examination, Including the names of the places at which It will be held, will bo sent to anyone applying to the United States civil service commission, Washington, D. C. Forced to Leave Home. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. There's a bet ter way. Let Dr. King's New Discov ery cure you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nelson of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed and I gained 47 pounds In weight. Its surely the king of all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their Uvea and health to it. Its positively guaranteed f or coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, croup all throat and lung troubles, 60c and 1. Triad bottle free at Koeppen Bros. SPAIN'S BATTLE WITH CHCKCH CBOWS SERIOUS Berlin. Political Interest in Eu rope at present is all directed toward Spain, where the great struggle Is still going on which is to mold the des tinies of King Alfonso's kingdom for years to come. Were the people of Spain as en lightened as the Germans the conflict would be short, for they would then realize, as the higher classes do, that the religious question is largely fi nancial a question to decide whether associations shall be allowed to exist which are uncontrolled by the state and which may thus carry on Indus tries without paying their share of the taxes, of which the national treasury Is so hard In need. The Industries of the religious con gregatlons are far from being the only case in which the rights of the state are evaded in Spain; the estates of many private individuals are, for the the purpofres of taxation, assessed far below their real value, and statistics show that the years 1897-1908 the stato received only 77 per cent of Its reci.gn'zed dues In Industrial taxation. Hut the simple peasants of the north understand only that the church fnd their religion are attacked so the local press and their priests have told them and the Basques, a noble, finelont, stronely conservative race, are as eager to protect their ancient religion as they were to protect their ancient privileges, or fueros. The Basques, however, have tieen disil lusioned by two Carlist wars, which resulted in the loss of their beloved fueros, and today even those most ln clinejl to take up arms will shake their heads wistfully and say: "The gov ernment Is very strong." The precaution taken by the gov ernment of sending troops to Tolosa, Alsasua, Pamplona, Durango and oth er small towns was warranted, for the Basques and Navarrese make the best soldiers In Spain and are very for midable In their hilly, Intricate coun try, where many peasants still record with pride the doing of Santa Cruz, the curacabecilla, who, they say, In the second Carlist war, "knew more than all the governments." But the sight of the troops has ap parently produced its effect, and through the Catholic Juntas of the four provinces Navarre, Guipuzcola, Alava and Biscay may continue to summon meetings and manifestations, they would certainly fail to organize a general rising, even were they to make the attempt. Their energy will probably spend It self in publishing addresses such as that now Issued by the Junta of Bis cay, which ends with the words: "For ward, inhabitants of Biscay! Let the Impious revolutionaries learn that this is the land of brave men, that we de spise their threats and ean In a sin gle moment . 6f decision put an end forever to. their ridiculuous bravado." Kills a Murderer. A merciless murderer is appendi citis with many victims. But Dr. King's New Life Pills kill It by pre vention. They gently stimulate stom ach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, curing constipation, headache, bilious ness, chills. 25c at Koeppen Bros. Notice to Public. All parties knowing themselves to be indebted to me will kindly call and settle their 'accounts by Novem ber 3rd. H. M. SLOAN, Blacksmith. Permanent Muscular Strength can not exist where there is not blood strength. Toung men giving attention to muscular development, should bear this In mind. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives blood strength and builds up the whole system. Save money by reading; today's ads. IS XO SOUtXESS, GAS OH DYS PEPSIA IX FIVE MINUTE A LUtlo DlaiK-.ln Now Will Make Your Out of Order Stomach Feel Fine Digests All Your Food, Ix-ov-ing Nothing t0 Ferment and Sour. Nothing will remain undigested or sour on your stomach If you will take a little Diapepsln occasionally. This powerful digestive and antacid, though as harmless and pleasant as candy, will digest and prepare for as similation Into the blood all the food you can eat. Eat what your stomach craves, with out the slightest fear of indigestion or that you will be bothered with sour risings, belching, gas on stom ach, heartburn, headaches from stomach, nausea, bad breath, water brash or a feeling like you had swal lowed a lump of lead, or other dis agreeable miseries. Should you be suffering now from any stomach dis order you can get relief within five minutes. If you will get from your pharma cist a 50-cent case of Pape's Diapep sin you could always go to the table with a hearty appetite and your me'ais would taste good, because you would know there would be no Indigestion or sleepless nights or headache or stomach misery all the next day; and, besides, you would not need laxatives or liver pills to keep your stomach and bowels clean and fresh. Pape's Diapepsin can be obtained from your dragglst, and contains more than sufficient to thoroughly cure the worst case of Indigestion or dyspep sia. There is nothing better for gas on the stomach or sour odors from the stomach or to cure a stom ach headache. You couldn't keep a handier or more useful article In the house. v Notice. Having sold ray hay, grain and feed business, 127-129 E. Alta street to the A. T. Matthews company, I would recemmend them to all my old friends and customers and the trade In general, as being men of long ex perience in the business, reliable and worthy of their support. And to all those knowing themselves indebted to me I would kindly ask to call at the old stand and settle immediately. C. F. COLESWORTHY. X'etcr Worry. About a cough there's no need of worry if you will treat it at Its first appearance with Ballard's Horehound Syrup. It will stop the tcough a once and put your lungs and throat back into perfectly healthy condition. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. I JB WILLI mTTOT'I I f I OS E E EE D & 1 l ctcct; i 1 m 1 1 1 .' 1 - IE IL 11. 11 L. I m Get Catalog Read our in scriptions a ti l Dots the? quui.t (ullll gusrant " by us. Comi th prices u : those that others ask ! the same quality. ys mid fllmen :ro( trie. oflts for children. SAVE 1 On SASH. DOORS Ani Other rnwork DELECT ro FACTORY Goodi la Stock Ask tor Catalog No. 44 Send us deal er's estimates or your own list. Ask us about freight rates. Ws pack earefully. ship promptly, anywhere. to anybody. O.B.Williams fA 1943 FIRST VVa AVE. S. Seattle, Wash. ).rV IW P:, ".urn mm. "IMIMlM ill. 1 m Fresh Fish Meats and Sausage EVERY DAT. We handle only the purest ef lard, hams sad bacoa. Empire Meat Go. Photic Main 18. FRESH MEATS SAU "Ft S iU t. Always t-zrr and deltvsrsd promptlv it vnn phone tha Centra! eai Market 101 E. A" t.. phnre Mala St. Back to Easiness Again Dr. F. A. ZX.' .Mies to announce that he can ti ' r. at his office to-' 'he John Schr... U building, Pendlsw !cn. Ore. r carefully ris mined. nJ gltiM.-e fe.....j to fit. I year practice f:tUn passes. The only e eluMve Ee socialist In Umatilla icunty. Yon to AcMisve It is just as important for you to be properly attired as it is for the best dressed banker or clubman-Even more so, for perhaps you haven't gone as high in the world as you aim to Have that snap that helps you to achieve Anv suit of Stein -Bloch-clothes that von bnv is criiamnf-r-rl tr Vrlr1 Jfc cUno onrl f noir m J J no ciiujyv,) U11U WJ IJVVll break back in the front. They are all wool, and are cut in the latest and most up to the minute styles to be had. A Big Line of Cravanettes, Raincoats and Overcoats JUST RECEIVED Our Suits and Overcoats range in Price from to Remember the label, it stands for 56 years of knowing how ASK FOR STEIN-BLOCH AND TAKE NO OTHER ALEXANDER. The Progressive Store I