FAGKHX. DAILY EAST OREGONIAX, PKN9LKTON, ORBOON, TUESDAY, OCTOniTR 1. 1919. EIGHT PAGES. 1 J&5S8 ADAMS NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Gladness comes with a better under t&nding of the transient nature of the Many physical ills which vanish be- tore proper efforts gentle efforts fjteasaat efforts rightly directed and assisted by the pleasant laxative rem edy Syrap of Figs and Elixir of Senna. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs oa which it acts. Tn get its beneficial effects al- wnrs bur the genuine maaufactured hy the California Fig Syrup Co. r POKTLAND, ORCOON A 8lf1 Bmt41m m nw - ol for lflrt 11 MK AJID BOS Kit. Jiwrra uuuem, v. a. t in. ilumian. G Pna. kWNca r.lonoy to Loan I on City and Farm Property Long time, Easy payments, low in terest. Call at, Hotel St. George This Week D. S.R. Walker (Special Correspondence. ) Adams, Ore., Oct. 3. Dr. MeKenny of Adams was called to Pendleton Friday and Saturday to attend Fred Collins, who has a bad spell of heart trouble. This Is the third spell the latter has hail In the past six months. Dr. McKonny has been the attending physician each time and ha always pulled him through successfully. Mr. Collins is in the Pendleton hospital now. Grandma Whiteley has been con fined to her home for the past week with inflamntion of the bowels. Her condition is some better the last few days. Dr. MeKenny is attending the case. Henry Whiteley cf Walla Walla, visited friends and relatives in Adams Suaday. Walter Adams and E. A. Merritt visited in Athena Monday. The mayor of Adams. C. C. Darr, turned to his home in Adams after spending a few days on his mountain ranch. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Christopher left for Portland Saturday to visit friends and relatives for a short time ana take in the sights of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Esselsten and son Carl attended the Pendleton fair Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Q. M. Morrison at tended the Pendleton fair this week. Charley Ferguson of the Crescent Baking Powder company of Seattle, was calling on the business people of Adams Friday. Ben Holt of Holt Sc. Co. of Walla Walla, passed through Adams Satur day on his way to the Pendleton fair. Fred Blake attended the fair in Pendleton Saturday and Sunday. A. M. Coffey went to the Pendleton fair Saturday. Frank Whiteley attended the fair in Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hale visited in Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Adams went to the Pendleton fair Friday and Saturday. L NOIES AND NEWS (Special Correspondence.) Milton, Ore., Oct. 3. J. N. Stone, traveling representative of the Fruit Growers' union, trrlvd home last night after an absence of three months in the middle west states with headquarters at St. Louis. Mr Stone secured during his absence good mar kets for the fruit of this section and the entire season has been a profitable one to the. union as well as the grow ers. The Aid Society of the M. E. church will be entertained Wednesday after noon nt the residence of Mrs. A. E. McKnight. Tea will be served. Win. Woodward is reported as be ing very ill at the home of his moth er in Milton. A Sunday school rally will be held at the M. E. church next Thursday evening. The Rev. Ralph E. Storey of Pendleton will deliver an address and special music will be rendered. L. L. Kerry and F. A. Sikes were business visitors at Walla Walla to day. Beginning with this week the Pyth ian Sisters will hold their regular meetings every Friday night. Ben E. Nichols is in the city from his ranch at Winona. Grandpa Whlteman is seriously ill at his home on George street. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Spence and Mrs. Henry Spence were visitors In Walla Walla today. Robert Still was a business visitor In the city today from his ranch on Dry creek. Mission Purple Frank Whetstone, first. . Schessler Rose R. O. Blackburn, first. Berries. Best display raspberries J. W. Hanna. first. Vegetables. General exhibit squashes George Buzan, first; Zoeth Houser, second. Largest squash M. F. Hobbs, first; George Buzan, second. Mangle Wursey Beets R. L. Oliv er first. Best Watermelon (Mono Crlsto) Fred Reiks, first; George Rand, sec ond. Largest watermelon George Rand, first; J. W. Haynes, second. Best watermelon (Rattlesnake) George Rand, second. Exhibit of carrots Polydore Dle rlcks. first; S. Torgeson second. Onions M. F. Wadsworth, first; H. M. Sumner second. Best general exhibit vegetrfblos City of Adams, first. Pumpkins O. Hobson, first; Joe Smith second. Parsnips S. Torgeson first; Dick. Adams second. Celery Koeth Houser first; Tom Guyer, second. Sugar beets W. E. Walbrldge, first; Eugene Noble, second. Burbank potatoes W. H. Patberg. first. Exhibit of cabbage W. H. Patberg. first; W. Baylows, second. Table beets W. E. Walbrldge first. Early Six Weeks potatoes Dutch Aulson, first; W. E. Walbrldge, sec ond. Tomatoes S. Torgeson, first; A. A. Thompson, second. Squashes M. F. Hobbs first. Musk melons Zoeth Houser, first. Cauliflower Zoeth Houser. first. Kohorabl Thomas Richards first. .OTHERS The greatest crisis in a woman's lift is when first she becomes a mother. All the physical strength of bet nature is domanded at such times, and It Is necessary that hoj system be thoroughly prepared for the event, In ordor that her health be preserved for future years. Mother's Friend is woman's safest reliance; it is a medicine for external use, composed of oils and other ingredients which assist nature in all necessary pnysicai cnanges or the system. Its regular use before the coming of baby prepares the muscles, and tendons for the unusual strain, aids In expanding the skin and flesh fibres, and strengthens all the membranes and, tissues. Another's Friend logons the pain and danger at the crisis, and leaves the mother in such healthful con dition that her recovery is always rapid and natural. Mother's Friend Is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. BSADFIELD MQULATOE CO, Atlanta, Oa. LIST OF AWARDS MADE AT UMATILLA-MORROW FAIR (Continued from page three.) Ghango of Tim o Stt-Spsksne-Portfexil Tula De Luxe Now leaves Spokane at 2:00 P. U. AU trains frm the Inland Bsasire make connections wtth this popular train. A card will srlag a traveling representative to explain In de tail any trip destred. Any agent of O. R. 4k N. will Mae through tickets at lowest current rates. 6. M. Jackson. T. P. A. Oeo, A. Walton, den. Agt 14 Wan A Household Medicine. To be really valuable must show srood results from each member of the family using it. Foley's Honey and Tar does just this. Whether it is the chronic cough of elderly people, or whether it is with children or grown persons, Foley's Honey and Tar is always safe, sure and effective. It cures coughs, colds, croup, whoop- Inir coueh and all effectlons of .the throat chest and lungs. Earl Fair, Waukesha, Wis., writes us recently. 'For some years past I have been a great friend of your Foley's Honey and Tar cough remedy, and our fam ily uses It for all coughs and colds. I had a most stubborn cough which gave me much distress and incon venience and failed to respond to or dinary treatments. I finally resorted to the old reliable Foley's Honey and Tar and less than two 60-cent bot tles effected a complete cure. I con sider it the greatest and best cough remedy ever made and recommend it to all." A. C. Koeppen & Bro. IX NIGHTIE AXD OPERA CLOAK GIRL BLOPBS St, Bnsksn. Atlanta, Mrs. Columbia Buchanan who eloped and married at 3 o'clock in the morning, denies that she wore only a nightgown and stockings at the ceremony. "It is true I was in my stocking feet and had on a night gown, sne aid, "but I also wore an opera cioaa. The costume was not conventional, but I am Just as happy as if I had been elaborately dressed. -My relatives thought they coaia prevent our elopement by leaving me in my reom without clotning, dui when Guy came I was willing to go with him te the minister." Mrs. Buchanan, who was Miss Co lumbia Cheek, is 19 years old. Her elopement caused a sensation In social circles. 1 THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. The Best art Right Price AP-A-LAfifc Will Brighten UfJ Your Home mS THE HIGHEST QUALITY VARNISH AND STAIN COMBINED. Can be used on wood or met al floors, woodwork, furni ture, picture frames, etc. Comes ready mixed. Baslly applied quickly dried. For sals by u. Cajrt. Bogardus Again Hits the Ball's Eye. Thia world famous rifle shot who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons in 100 consecutive snow is living at Lincoln, 111. Recently inter- Tiewed. be says: "I suffered a long time with kidney and bladder trou ble and used several well known kid ney medicines, all of which gave me no relief until I startedtaklng Foley Kidney Pills. Before I used foiey Kidney Pills I had severe headaches anri cains in mi kidneys with suppres. son and a cloudy voiding. On aris ing in the morning I would get oun headaches Now I have taken three bottles of Foley Kidney Pills and feel mo nor cent better. 1 am never both ered with my kidneys or bladder and again feel like my own seir. a. Koeppen A Bre. Slightly Colder With Saow. When you see that kind of a weath. ir forecast vou know that rheumatism weather is al band. Get ready for it now by getting a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. Finest thing made for rheumatism, chilblains, frost bite, ore and stiff Joints ana muscles, all ,.,... nd n&ins. 25c, 50c and $1 a bottle. A. C. Koeppen A Bros, j Murphy Bros. Deck to Business Again Dr. F. A. CLISE wishes to announce that bs can be found at his office In Iks John Schmidt balldlng, Pendle ton, Ore. Eyes carefully examined, and glasses ground to fit. Is yean atactic fitting glasses. The only est elusive By Specialist la Umatilla Notion to' Public. All parties knowing themselves to be indebted to me will kindly call and se'tle their accounts by Novem ber 3rd. H. M. BLOAW, Blacksmith. The pleaant purgative effect ex norieaceA bv all who use Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body ana mind which they create, makes one feel joyful. Sold by ell dealers. Wanted Bookkeepers, stenograph ers, clerks and all eye workers to know that our optical work Is scien tific. Dale Rothwell, optometrist. Hanscom's Jewelry store. Do yon take the Bast Oregoniai.T first; J. R. Nunemaker, second. Baldwin H. E. Carpenter, first; Harry Huber, second. Paradise Sweet A. C. Pettys, first; J. Farley, second. Tompkins King Frank Nash, first. Best plate Fall Snow Flakes Jeff Jones, second. Golden Russet Harry Huber, first; Crocket Kirk, second. Grimes Golden Crocket Kirk, first. Lady Roderick Dykstre, first. Red Cheek Pippin Harry Huber, first; S. Torgeson, second. Yellow Newton Pippin Henry Kel-! ley first; Lafe Williams, second. Arkansas Black H. Swandt, first; Harry Huber, second. Seek No Further Harry Huber, first. Bailey Sweet Harry Huber, first. Largest apple, any variety T. L. Beardsley, first; A. A. Thompson, sec. ond. Twenty ounce Pippin Charles Gelss, first. Ben Davis Mrs. Sykes, first; A. Miller, second. Lawyer Mrs. Beamer, first. Pears. Anjou R. L. Oliver, first; J. R. Nunemaker, second. Fall Butter Mrs. F. E. Gay, firsst; R. L. Oliver second. Clapp's Favorite J. Belenbrook, first; A. C. Pettys, second. Buene Easter J. Bellnbrook first; James Brunton, second. Idaho M. J. Clark, first; Hiram Clark, second. Sickle F. Burroughs, first. Winter Nellls Chas Gelss, first Mrs. F. K Gay second. Louise Boone Mrs. F. E. Gay, first; H. Gray, second. Flemish Beauty Lafe Williams first. Crab Apples. Transcendent Fred Rocks, first; Lafe Williams, second. Hyslop Crab J. Ayres, first; T. R. Hopper, second. Siberian Crab W. H. Patberg first, Wkltney No. 20 A. C. Pettys, sec ond. Plums and Prunes. Yellow Egg Plum George Rand second. Italian Prune H. Swandt, first; H. E. Carpenter, second. French Prune H. E. Carpenter, first; W. H. Patberg, second. Golden Drop prune W. H. Bat berg, first; French Bros., second. Hungarian prune French Bros. first. Columbia plums John Olden first; Mabel Mason, second. Silver prunes John Olden, first; Cecil Rhea, second. Green Gage Plum Mrs. Effie Gay, first; H. Gay, second. Peaches. White Heath William Heup, first Harry Huber, second. Late Crawford William Heup first. Elberta H. H. Stewart first; Fred Rieks, second. Freestone Mlxln J. M. Despaln first. Charlotte Freestone T. J. McMIl lan second. Salway Lafe Williams, first; H. H, Stewart, second. Indian Cling T. L. Beardsley, first. Lemon Cling James. Dodd second. Quinces. -Best display S. L. Carson, first; Manela and Jones, second. Grapes. Black Prince R. L. Blackburn, first; L. A. Doble, second. Chancellor Rose L. A. Doble, sec ond. Sweetwater L. A. Doble first; R. L. Blackburn second. Black Hamburg R. L. Blackburn, first; S. L. Carson, second. Zlnfindel S. L. Carson first Thompson Seedless S. L. Carson, first; Fred Reeks, second. Niagara 8. L. Carson, first and second. Concord 8. L. Carson second. Malaga Fred Relks first; H. W. Cress, second. Tokay M. F. Wadsworth, first; J. L. Egbert second. Purple Counchon M. F. Wads worth first. Diamond Fred Relks, first Muscat Fred Relks, first and sec ond. Sultana R. R. Hlnkle second. Hoarseness in a child subject to croup is a sure indication of the ap proach of the disease If Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy Is givert at once or even after the croupy cough has appeared, It will prevent the attack, Contains no poison, sold by all dealers. Wheat Ranches Wanted. Wanted Some large tracts of land suitable for wheat growing for east ern investors; also others to trade for good income bearing property in coast cities. Have some excellent Chicago properties with guaranteed income, to offer in exchange. Would like to hear from owners of good properties at values of from 150 to 3100. J. A. BENSON. North Portland, Ore. of Never Worry. About a cough there's no need worry If you will treat it at its first appearance with Ballard's Horehound Syrup. It will stop the tcough once and put your lungs and throat back into perfectly healthy condition, A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Valuable Prizes. Given at the Pastime Shooting gallery. First prize Is a .22 calibre Winchester; second prize, 35. J. H. ESTES, Prop. on to Your cough annoys you. Keep hacking and tearing the delicate mem branes of your throat if you want be annoyed. But If you want relief, want to be cured, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by all dealers. Mother's 'FmeNd Pure Food Grocery in the basement. Stairway leads down just inside and to the left of front door. Phone Main 17. The Finest Display of Pure Food in the Northwest NEW CliOP RAISINS, Currants, Citron Peel, Walnut-, Figs and Heney. SEE OCR DISPLAY OF THE BLUE RIBBON CLASS, C PENDLETON GROWN APPLES. Everything the market affords in fresh Vegetables. Fre6h shipment Imported Swiss cheese, BULK MACCARONI ready cut, per pound 10 FANCY WHITE ASPARAGUS, Diamond W. brand, per can 35 NEW PACK DIAMOND W. SHRIMP, 3 cans for 50 T. P. W. Special, the best 25f Coffee on earth. Everything displayed right before your eyes, makes your shop ping easy. The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade. Save Your Coupons. Daily East Oregonian, by carrier, 15 cents per week. r Ffcs HeaMny to Sleep m a Cool R.oom Leave your windows open; get the crisp, fresh air. It's good for the lungs With a GAS HEATER. You need not be cold while dressing, just strike of a match, and in a few minutes you can dress in comfort Ptroc sutdgD GJposiir'G! s Pacific Power & Light Company "Always at Your Service" Phone Main 40. .-"haw.