J If PAGE I OIH DAILY E.ST OKEGOX1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOHEIt 1. 1910. EKiUT PAGES. AN INDErENDENT NEWBl'APBE. rakJIabrd Weekly aad Hcml-Weeklj at Pendltoo, OrrcoB, by to taST ORRoOMAN Pi BLISHl.NU AO. BCUSCRirTION RATE. ally, on rar. by mall $5.0 ally, lit month, by mall J 50 ily, tbr moatba. by mall 1.24 all, oae month, br mall .ftd Gall, on year, br carrier T 50 all. Hi toon.h. br taarler 1.75 fall, tbre montLa. by carrier 1.95 Dally, one ciooih, by carrier 64 lm!;, ooe year, by mall 1.50 'kly. Hi matha, by mall 75 Tenkl. four month, by mall 50 taaollilT, one year, br mall.... 1.5 lilHy. tlx montba. Of mall... .76 amIWrekiy, four mooiLa. by mall.. .50 Tb Dally Eat OregoBlaa la Tt on aal rt the Ortgoa Xwa Co., 147 th strsat, "ortland. Oregon. tortbireat Newa, Co.. Portland. Oregon. Cnlrao Bureau. Oofl Socurlty Bnllrtlnj. Waablcglon. U. C, Bureau, 501 Four eactb atreet. N. W. Member Vnltcd frees Aioclatloa. Entered at tbe poatofflc at rendletoo. aa aecrua ciara mall matter. telephone Main I Official Cltr and Cannty Paper. ON THE MORNING WAY. Folks that meet the mornin' in the happy, hearted way, They keep the world rejoicin' ever' minute; And if the sky is shinin' or with shadows cold an gray. They know that Life has light an' music In It. F. L. s. THE FIGHT IS STILL ON. If the direct primary law is to bo really sustained and If the reaction ary or standpat element of the repub lican party is to be fully subdued then the flsht that was made during the primary campaign must be car ried into the state election. Assomblyism is stlil the Issue. The fate of that question was not decid ed at the primary election. Though the anti-assemblyites won In most In- iast ditch for the gamblers, a strln stances the assembly forces named u(nt anti-gambling law has been the candidate for governor, through passed and the press dispatches state a divided opposition, and they named ' that yesterday was the Jast day for many men upon the legislative tick- gambling in Reno. The profession eL If Bowermnn is elected and Jf an , of the tinhorn has become a thing of assembly legislature is elected then 'the past, the pssemblyites will be triumphant J - after all. They will claim that their j Next year the Round-up will be election is a vindication of assembly-j held on a greater scale still. There lam and they will proceed with their j will be a larger track and a safer one. work. They will probably revive the j Visitors should consider that the show efforts to make assemblies legal and j this year was gotten up rather hur O'.ey may bring the notorious Brooke-i i cdly and that it was therefore dif Bean bill out of the closet. Assem- ficult to make adequate preparations. blyites would like to pass the Brooke Bean bill and make It a crime for a legislative candidate to take state ment No. 1. Elect an assembly leg islature and Just such a measure may b reasonably expected. If the assembly scheme Is to be ef fectively squelched then the people, republicans and democrats alike, hould vote a?ainst assembly candi dates in the November election. Pro gressive republicans should follow the lead that has been set by Senator Bourne and others. It would be the height of folly to follow party lines at such a time as this. In Oregon there Is virtually no Issue between the republican and the democratic par ties. The issue Is between those who truly uphold the direct primary law acd those who seek to nullify the law. If you believe in direct nomina tions and In direct legislation then get ready to vote your convictions, and to vote them without reference to party lines that now exist In name only. EQCAti SUFFRAGE. This year the subject of equal suf frage Is to be voted upon again. It will be the first initiative measure upon the ballot and is designated as "Women's taxpaying suffrage amend ment, granting to taxpayers, regard less of sex, the right of suffrage." Because of the title there are many who bllve that the suffrage amend ment proposed this year, If adopted, will ' give the ballot only to women who are taxpayers. But the title Is misleading. The amendment is so worded that If it Is adopted the right t vote will be granted all women. Why the title and amendment are worded as they are Is difficult to un derstand. The coming election will be the fourth at which the people of Oregon have voted upon the question of equal suffrage In ecent years. The question was first submitted In 1900 and was beaten by 2137 votes. In 10 the subject was again up and the amendment lost by 10.173 votes. In 1908 the amendment lost out by a majority of ll.49. How the people will vote this fall remains to be seen. In the Judgment of the East Oregonlan the day when equal suffrage will be granted, if ever, rests with the women. As to their right to the ballot there surely can be no question, nor can there be question as to the ability of women ti use the right of franchise proper ly. The principal question has to do with the expediency of granting suf frage to the gentler sex. Do the wo-. I men want to secure that right with , e responsibilities that accompany the privilege? Whenever the ma jority of the wamen of Oregon come to truly want the right to vote it will rot take them long to obtain that right. SENATOR BOURNE'S STAND. In coming out flatfootedly against Bowerman and other assembly nomi nees on the republican ticket Senator Itourne has taken a courageous stand. It Is a stand that will make most ponticians hate him even more than they do at present. They will raise the cry that he is a bolter and they will get their knives ready for him. Yet Bourne has merely done openly what hundreds of machine politicians did in secret two years ago when they knifed H. M. Cake In the senatorial election and thereby aided In the elec tion of Senator Chamberlain. He has merely done what the ring politicians of this county have done many times to candidates of their own party who were displeasing to them. He has merely done what these same poli t'cians will do to C. A. Barrett this year If they get the opportunity. if a man distrusts some of the nominees of his own party why I should he not bolt them. And If he !.- going to bolt is It not far better to net openly, as Senator Bourne has dr.ne, than to uso the knife in secret? In the estimation of the East Ore Ionian Senator Jonathan Bourne has risen greatly. He has placed citizen ship "above partisanship; he has sail It! substance that he will support the men who uphold the principles In which he believes and that regardless of party names. He has broken a ccnventlonal rulo of politics and a rule which few public men have the nerve to break. He has virtually told the machine politicians of this state t go to the devil. For his courage and his independence Senator Bourne is to be admired. T'av day of tho green cloth operator K about over. Even in Nevada, the We had fair weather and every thing was lovely until the Portland crowd arrived with a webfoot rain. Those who saw the stunts at the Round-up yesterday know the' human race is not becoming degenerate. Did you notice the Hermistonlans? You can tell them by their smiles and their optimistic handshakes. The district fair It has been do ii.g some business too. Jupiter Pluvius deserves lynching. WHY THE HOY GAVE THANKS. Allan had played the entire day with Little Brother without an impa tient word. After saying his custo mary prayer that night his mother suggested that he add: "I thank God I was not Impatient with Little Broth er today." This he did with much fervency; after which he remarked that there were some other things he would like to thank God f r, and forthwith he closed his eyes and said: "I thank God I offered my candy to father before taking any myself. "I thank God I offered my candy to mother before taking any myself. "Ithnnk God I offered my candy to Little Brother before taking any myself. "And I thank GoU there was some left." October Llppincott's REX BEACH IN PANAMA. The October Everybody's contains the first Installment of a new serial story by Rex Beach, entitled "The N'e'er-Do-Wcll." Five years ago the first novel of the young writer, "The Spoilers," was published serially In Everybody's with Instant recognition, in the new story Mr. Beach Is said to do for the Carribean what "The Spoilers" did for Bering Sea In depict ing the life and activities of an Am erican outpost. It Is a plot-romance of the Panama canal, full of dramatic movement and power. "What are you doing these days?" "Playing the horses." "No money in that." "Yes, there is. I get two dollars a night for Imitating hoofbeats In melodrama." Loss of Appetite Is loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and 19 often a forerunner of prostrating dis ease. It is serious and especially so to people that must keep up and doing or get behindhand. The best medicine to take for it Is the great constitutional remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla Which purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. Get It today In usual llauld form or chocolated tablets called Saraataba. FAIll TIME TALES. I (Contributed.) s-ay, this is certainly fine fruit you have here," my friend of the previous day said ns I came upon him In front of the Milton-Frecwater booth at the fair, gazing In astonishment about him. "Yes. t am glad of this chance to show you the wonderful results of a 'little drop of wa'er and a little grain of s.in 1 this waste country you peo ple back east are just beginning to un derstand, irrigation and sub-irriga j tion. together with well selected va- rieties and practical cultivation have produced the most remarkable results in all fruits and grains. They are un excelled In size and form anywhere." "Why. this town is as metropolitan as Fort Wayne or Terre Haute. I see you have splendid streets and walks, lights and water work, colleges, hos pital and I am told splendid schools and fire department. I think I'll stay awhile and look about more." "Let's go on down on this side and tike a lo;k through that interesting Indian collection. Then I wish you would go with me and I will take you through a mill which turns out the most superior Indian blankets and bath robes of any town In the United States. These Pendleton blankets are a guarantee of perfection In weave and color; It's a big industry and its products are found on sale from San Francisco to New York City. Y u see we rsre in the center of a great stock country, from which train load after trainload of cattle and sheep f;nd their way into distant markets. If we had time and you cared to go I could take you down to the stock pens which are usually crowded at this time of the year. Fortunes are made in a single year by this industry alone. "Now. if von neonle Inst hnfl the caDital that is seeking Investment in : our country," my friend advised, "to bu:ld an Interurban line out to these close lying fruit tracts and towns an 1 so open up the country about, this vould be a wonderful section in a few years' time. I am told that all the country close In Is held by a few wealthy ones who have no need to sen and in which case your town Is very much crippled in growth. Why don't you f irm a syndicate to break the cond;tion. by buying out some of these fellows? That would be better than to wait an indefinite length of time for a change which may be years in coming." "Yes, but who is going to venture the nr-ney to try the tnrngT Will you put In yours and have It tied up?" I asked migiit uso a powerful lot or persua- sion ana get- iue parues w no own ine land to consent to allow such a com pany toso break it up into small tracts and thus increase the value to its owner." was his philosophical re ply. 1 noi.ee you nave so many auios i for the s ze of the town," he ventured as we v.T..KCd down court street. "Yes there is a great deal of wealth here, and all made locally, I am proud to say; while you will find a sprink ling of Pendleton people all the way from here to Portland and then up and down the coast who have made fortunes here in stock and wheat, they came mostly like you, in the ear ly days with a little to invest and w.'thin a few years are able to live In affluence." "I have been thinking over all you have said, my friend and observing closely the time I have been here, and I am deeply Impressed by the Ufa, and business and " promise of Pendleton and am resolved to tear up my ticket to the coast and cast my lot among you. I am going down to the Round up now and will see you again." Interesting experience of a local rc-idcr.t in inducing homeseeker to abandon further search for the place of best opportunities. Delicately Formed and gently reared, womer will find in 11 tbe Beasoos of their lives, as maid ens, wives and mothers, tbat the one Imple, wholesome laxative remedy, which acts gent! and pleasantly and oaturally and which may be taken at tny time, when the system needs a laxative, with perfect safety and real ly beneficial effects, Is Syrup of Fige and Elixir of Senna. It has tbat true delicacy of flavoi which is so refreshing to the taste tbat warming and grateful toning tr the stomach which responds so favor ably to its action and the laxative ef feet which Is so beneficial to the sys tern when, occasionally, its gentle cleansing Is required. Tbe genuine, always bearing tht Dame of the California Fig Syrup Co. may be purchased from all leading drugglats In original packages of one size only, price fifty cents per bottle Milne Transfer Phone Miln 5 ffT CALLS PROMPTLT AN8 HJ, WERED FOR ALL BAGGAGE TRANSFERRING. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING AND HEAVY TRUCK INQ A SPECIALTY. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. lElEllllHIH-HimaiStl 9228 THE AMERICAN PENDLETON, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Statement at close of business September I, 1910 Resources Loans and Discounts $1,094,341.43 Securities and Warranu 19,443.11 Banking House 60,000.00 OUier Real Estate 17,474.90 United States Bonds (at par) 101,000.00 CASH ON HAND 253,620.94 Liabilities Capital Stock . . . Surplus Undivided ProflU Circulation Re-discounts ... . DEPOSITS (net) I, T. G. Montgomery, being duly sworn, certify tbat the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. G. MONTGOMERY. Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd 'day of September, 1910. W. C. McKINNEY Notary Public for Oregon. ? Known For fiHftT 5x xw is t,,c t,nic miy -n. t vo! DisiniectanLs yi $ M B I 11 of,en Ba,'e'' sickness In your faav Cjf) t I fkM jf I I JS2?71 Chloride Llnio 15c lb. JfL i pJ'$!l Sulpliar, llcflned 0a lb. ' Crude Carbolic Acid 15c lb. f I ijL 1 5 VprS F. J. HONALDHO. J V L "irSSft Ki:U l r jfti. rf sssaTOssKVTrr-iTttTr-wi-siiiwiTK-ati 1 1 '.in n mil rrwitiiaHi?naiamiasiiwaaMM!i The First Mona! PENDLETON, I0REG0N CAPITAL, SURPLUS UNDIVIDED PROFITS RESOURCES OVER SECURITY Oroheum Theatre . P. MKDERNAC H, Prcprlecor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children REK PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Changes on Soartaya, TucHday's and FrMaj'a. Byers' Best Flour Daily East Oregonian, by carrier, 15 cent per week. NATIONAL BANK $1,545,880.38 9 100,000.00 ice.ooo.oo 65,963.60 100,000.00 104,340.89 1,075,575.89 ?1,54S,8S0.38 :nnm)nanmKnia)en:r.' Its Strength Bank and . S50 00 Is made from the choicest wheat that Crows. Good bread is assured when "BYERS BEST FLOUR is need. Bran, Shorts, Sieam Rolled Barley alwaya on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and DUtrlkatora of the Celebrated S TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM Tallman & C o. Leading Druggists of Eastsr Ore. OLD LIN : LIVE STOCK IN 8TJKANCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of Crawford rllle, Indiana. Has now entered Oregon. Policies now gooa in every state In tho Union. Organ ted over IB years ago. Paid up Capital 1200,000.00. As sets over I45O.C0O.O0. REMEMBER, this la NOT a Mutual Live &fKk Insur ance company. Mark Moorhousa Company Agwit, Prndlrtoai, Or. Ill East Co art M. Pboae Main S COLESWORTHY'S ! International Stock Food thr old reliable The best for your stock J Try it COLES WORTHY 127-129 E. Alta iir. quelle! Gus La Fontaine, Prop. i I Best 25c Meals in North west I First-class cooks and service 1 Shell fish in season I La Fontaine Blk., Main St. You Make a Bad Mistake When you put off buying your Coal anUl Fall puroliase It NOW aHl secure the best nock Springs coal the mines produce at priors considerably lower thaa those prevailing In Fall and Wuiter. By stocking Bp now yow avoid ALL danger of befauj en able to secure It when sold weather arrives. Henry Kopittke Pboae Mala ITS. 4 60 years V aArCnlCllwa . DeaiQNa rrrTfV, COVRIQMT Aft. .J!"00 ,T,.d,"f a tkatna and dwwrlptlnn ma? aalrtlF umtoiii nur opi.ir.. frM w limber tr lutNiUnn II pnibnlilf auwiUMit. Coninilmlmt Pmwiij i taken tUmuuh Mimn & Co. rcl yejUi iwdc without eh-irco. lu the Scientific nmtlm. ojlUon f anr (riomiun ImirniU, Term, ft t fi.i.? JU"",,U Wall nmUMlm &uo New Tort i OIBca. &U r SU Waahlaaloa. il U urM$m