East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 27, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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24th Anniversary Sale
This store is particularly strong on qualitynothing can be cheap without quality.
Whatever you find in this store you may rest assured has quality. It is worth every cent we ask for it no
prices are raised or manipulated in order that we may show an extra large cut in prices. Everything is marked in
plain figures, you can tell just as well what the price is as the most experienced salesman we have.
This Tuesday evening from 6 o'clock we will offer the following
Extra Special Bargains
Ladies Belts
Our assortment is the largest you'll find. The latest styles.
Patont leather, the latest sylc. Come in black, white, red
and greeu. Regular 50 sellers, tonight from 0 to S o'clix'k
your choice for - 39e?
Ladies Hand Bags
Come in all leathers and all the new styles and shapes. To
night we will sell our $1.75 hand bags for only $1.29
This is a positive bargain.
For this one evening from G to S o'clock we will sell our $1.00
P. X. Corsets for onlv 6Sc
$1.50 P. X. Corsets for only $1.15
Ladies Underwear
For this one evening only we will sell a dandy number fleece
lined rib union suits. Ladies' sizes from -J- to 0. rond winter
weight, cream. Regular $1.00 qualitv. Special from C, to
8 o'clock : - 890
Ladies Silk Waists
In red, navy, brown, green, gray, olive, white, polka dots and
blacks. in'Messnline and Taffeta Silk. All sizes, and worth
up to $S.50, Sale price, each $3.9o
$22.50 Ladies Suits
In navy, brown, gray, blacks. French serge. Jacket cut 34
inches long, semi-fitting and lined with tr"nd qualitv -ntin.
Skirts are the new model cuff effect. On sale at ea. $14.75
QUES worth up to $2.50. After six,' each S9
75c Ladies Muslin Gowns
High and low mvk styles with lace and embroidery trimmiiurs,
after six, each 480-
and lace trimmed. Worth up to $2.50. After six $1.29
$1.00 OUTING FLAXXEL SKIRTS in fancy blue or
pink stripes and plain white. After six, each ..750
Pure Food Grocery in Basement
The stairway leads down just inside the front door, to the left.
All goods displayed right before, your eyes. It makes your
shopping easy.
A new line of Meals, Pancake and llnckwheat Flour, in im
pound packages.
Corn Meal Diamond W 2-pound packages, each 150
Graham Flour Diamond W 2-pound packages, each 150
Pancake Flour Diamond W 2-pound packages, each 150
Buckwheat, packages each 29p
Coarse Hominy, packages each 20c
Lentils, Split Pea, Sago, Pearl Parley, Tapioca and Pop Corn
per package 12 1-20
Diamond W. Spaghetti, Vermicelli, Macearoni, pkg 12 1-20
Roval Egg Xoodles, per package 12 1-20
Chip Reef, glass jars 200 and 350
Diamond W. Tomato Soup, 2 cans 250
Lunch Tongue, can, each 200
Deviled Ham. tin and glass 200 and 350
Potted Roof, cans each 100
Veal Loaf, cans each . 150
Game Pates, cans each 300
Corn Reef, cans - 200 find 350
Sardines, can from 100 to 40
Salmon 150, 200 nnd 250
Pork and Roans 12 1-20, 200 and 250 cans
Olives, Pickles. Relishes and Sauce-;, the best of everything can
alwavs be found here.
Portland Boa to Sp-nanc.
Portlund, Ore., Sept. 27. The Spo
kane tenin of the l.crthwestern
league ana the Portland team of the
Pacific Coast league, crossed bats
here yesterday In an exhibition game,
Portland winning by 1 to 0.
, I The Washlngtonlnns were unable to
do anything with Krapp at all. Only
one man was able to hit him and not
effectively nt that. Portland found
Baker fop an even half dozen times,
but the Spokane pitcher killed off all
run getting prospects until the
eighth. Swore R. H. E.
Spokane 0 1 2
Portland ...1 6 2
linker and Shea; Krapp and Murray.
Philadelphia at St. Louis, postpon
ed; rain.
Washington at Chicago, postponed;
At Detroit R. H. E.
New York 3 12 3
Catteries Vaughn and Blair; Don
! ovan and Cagey.
At Boston R. JL E.
Boston S 8
Cleveland 5 10 3
j Batteries Cicotte, Solllns and
Madden; Blandlng. Fanwcll and Land.
' Game called in ninth; darkness.
i At Brooklyn, first game It. H. E.
..1 4 1
,.4 9 1
R. H. E.
, .1 2 1
Batteries Liofield
Scanlon and Berben.
Second game:
I tsrooklyn 4 7
Batteries White, Leever and
mon; P.ucker and Miller.
At Boston R. II. E.
Chicago 3 9 0
Boston E 9 9
Batteries Overall, Brow nand Ar
cher. Brown and Rarldon.
At Philadelphia
St. LU!M
Batteries Golden and
hnn: Bliss: Brennan and Dooln
Cincinnati at New Torn postponed;
R. II. E
12 1
9 11 0
Where it Pays to Trade
Save Your Coupons
A Pleasing Sense of Health and
Strength Renewed and of
Ease and Comfort
follows the use of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna, as it act? gently on
the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleans
ing the system effectually, when con
stipated, or bilious, and dispels colds
and headaehes.
To get its beneficial effects, always
buy the genuine, manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co.
' '
The Orplieum.
i. The Canadian Moonshiners. Ka
lam, 1000 ft long. This interesting
and true-to-life Canadian drama pre
sents many characteristic features.
Lively action all ihrough the story In
troducing Royal Mounted notice. La
cmes a young college man by the
name of J. Waliing-ford Speed, who,
although he is not an athlete, offers
to run :i return race with the rival
jr.-nch and regain the lost treasure.
I lie oner is nailed v im me uum m
l'lrou" cowpunrher fashion and amid
the nol?e the hero begins his train
ing under the direction of Larry
Glass, his valet, who happens also
to be the coach of the Yale football
team. It is all done In the spirit of
a joke buf the matter becomes a se
rious affair when the cowboys, at the
suegestion of one Berkeley Fresno
rival of Speed for the good graces oi
notion Tr,1lano rtho real thlnz) and i ITelen make, nnother of the house
the habits beyond the border. rnrty, instltufe a reign of terror for
2. The Stronger Sex. Drama, Lu-I thr- bogus athlete and his trainer. Ail
bin, 1000 ft. long. Men have the best manner of outlandish stunts are set
of It In the business world and the j for tnee two unhappy boys and they
little woman who found it lmpossble nr e-iven to understand that their
to support herself on the small sal- , i vc.s shall pav the forfeit should the
lines, IlliOCU K'J ucn.u .. "
brother. A fascinating story
3. Under the Old Apple Tree. Vit
agraph, 1000 ft. long. A comedy
which seems to prove that many un
expected things can happen under an
old apple tree.
Song, Honor Bright, I Loves Ter
Right, Old PaL
The Pastime.
"Ranch Life In the Great South
west," Sellg. in this picture Selig
has assembled the world's greatest
ropers and broncho busters. The
camera man scoured the country for
the kings of the prairie and the re
sults of his trip are all collected in
this picture. The picture abounds In
dare-devil and death defying feats,
such as never before witnessed.
"Back to Nature," Vltagraph, dra
ma. A love story. One of the kind
that will catch your Interest at the
beginning and bold It to the end.
"Willie," Selig comedy drama,
length 1000 feet. He started west at
the Instance of the girl's father to
grow up with the country. He grows
up rapidly and returns to claim the
"The Shepherds' Dog," Pathe, dra
ma. An interesting picture In which
a dog plays an Important part.
"A School In New guinea," Pathe,
educational. An entertaining picture.
boasting Speed fail to win bark the
cherished talking machine. Matters
grow into a most tankled skein be
fore the end.nir of the four acts and
the unique, manner In which Paul
Armstrong and Rex Beach paymast
ers of play making, bring the comedy
to a fitting ending places it far above
the many comedy attractions which
have been successes even though they
did not contain even a smalt percent
age of the originality which has made
"Going Some" the most delightfully
funny play berore me piayers oi Am
erica. lAwrence and Sandusky have
furnished nn exceptional cast and a
scenic environment which rivals any
thing that has come out or me earn
for many a season.
Colorado Agricultural college in the
class of '07, and of the University of
Illinois, where he took the degree "f
master of arts under Dr. Forbes. He
has had two years' experience as as
sistant entomologist in the U. bu
reau of entomology, where he had
charge of investigations of the cot
ton red spider. H's specialty tins
been plant lire, a subject In which he
is rapidly proving liTmself an author
ity. His private library' Is one of the
finest of this kind in the coun'ry.
As an author on scientific subjects
Mr. Wilson is already becoming
known. He has written a dissertation
on "The Peach Tree Barkbeetle."
published as a government bulletin;
an article on Aph'didae in North
America, in the Journal of Economic
Entomology: another on a similar
subject in the Entomological News,
and still another, on Lachnus Caryao
in the Canadian Entomologist.
To facilitate instruction and labora
tory research, the department has just
added forty new compound miscr-
added forty new compound micro
scopes together with other scientific
A Burnt Child
dreads the fire. The dread 1s whole
some but not the burn; that can be
healed and Instantly relieved by ap
plying Ballard's Snow Liniment. Be
prepared for accidents by keeping a
bottle always in the house. Best for
sprains, bruises, cuts, scalds, rheuma
tism, neuralgia, bunions any and all
aches and pains. Price 25c 60c and
tl. A C. Koeppen A Bros
Zoology ami Entomology Deartmenta
Have CW .ien. .ira viianrn
and New Equipment.
r-ortrnllls Georeo R Sukes. a gTad
uate of Brown University with the de
gree of M. A., Is to be Instructor in
nnlnirv anil nhVRlOlOKV. at O. A. C.
He received the degree of bachelor of
philosophy In the conege of noerai
art. anil nclenre at Brown last year.
and this year was made master of
arts there and elected to me nonorary
scientific society of Sigma A.1
.Seldom, Indeed do we find that an
Inanimate object plays a star role in
present day dreams or as it happens
In the present instance, comedy. Such
Is the case, however. In "Going
Some," the rattling good comedy at
traction which comes to the Oregon
theater thl evenlne
The pivotal point of all the furi hln- At Brooklyn Biological Institute
ges upon a pnonograpn, wnicn aiier Mr. Sykcs studied unier ur. v.. .
all Is as near to an Inanimate object as Davenport In 1907. and last summer
an inanimate object ever gets. It I he was engaged in a special study of
seems that the cow punchers of the I the anitarv conditions of the city of
Flying Heart ranch In New Mexico providence, R. I., with reference to
have lost. In a foot race with a rival the fly distribution. He gave the re-
1 .:. .V.A.nwn n n .1 BA rt. I . . i . ku..wA til
uuuil a inns vpllvJIlue "I'll oti v i nulls ji mis iiiveniiB""" v'-i1.'. o
records. With the loss of the phono-1 Society of American Zoologists at
grapn an enveloping gioom uampem their last conference in Boston ai
the ardor and saddens the lives of j present he is engaged In the solution
the attaches of the Flying Heart, and! 0f various fly and mosquito problems.
life seems to them without object un-; h. F. Wilson new research assist
til with the arrival of a house party ant in entomology, is a graduate of
Cettlnge. A royal golden wedding
Is something quite out of the ordinary.
Montenegro's king and queen have
just celebratd theirs.
Their majesties attended a religious
service in the little church where they
were married SO years ago. The ser
vice was attended only by the royal
pair, who were enthusiastically cheer
ed by the troops and the crowds who
lined the route from the palace to the
church. Afterward the king and
queen received the congratulations of
the princely personages present, me
diplomatic body and various dignita
A triumphal march past then took
place In front of the palace, the pro
cession including school children, vet
erans armed as in 1860, a company of
modern troops and officials of every
category, followed by representatives
of the population of the different dis
tricts of Montenegro, loudly cheering.
At least 10,000 men took part In the
procession, whioh was repeatedly ap
plauded by the king and queen and
their princely guests.
death of the present sultin and the
perpetration of murder by the nation
alist party during the coming year.
He declares '.hit King George will
annex three Moslem cities, but that
Egypt will not receive a constitution
during his reign. France will Increase
in Importance during the next few
years while the Turkish Influence
will wane in Arabia, a large portion
of which, will fall Into the hands of
Great Britain. In addition, Sir El
don Gorst will in the near future be
raised to a peerage.
Hunters Average ao Pounds for Encli
SIhj Killed.
Glasgow. Deer stalking, which is
now in full swing, Is apparently one
of the most expensive forms of sport
ever invented. According to a croft
er's commission report, there are 109
deer forests in Scotland, with a total
urea of about 2 000,000 acre The
yield of stags from these forests has
been set down to 4500 each season,
and the rental at about 135,000
pounds. So In rent alone, the tenants
f dei r forests pay 20 pounds for
each siag they bring down, and other
exp- nses bring this sum up to nearly
luilfs much nealn. The totals of the
ey-f!'('f .looting ami fishing in the
tiiiii il Kingdom have been set down
as abuut 7.000 000 pounds, of which
nearly one-third is spent in Scotland.
means that you need new glasses.
Your old ones have been worn long
enough. Three years Is about the
limit of usefulness.
at once so that you can have the
right glasses immediately. Wrong
glasses are as bad as or worse than
Pendleton, Ore.
For Rale.
100 acres suitable for wheat, barley
and timothy. A portion suitable for
winter apples end pears, also plums,
prunes, cherries, small fruit and vege
tables. Situated in rain belt. Five
head of horses and combine bought
this season Address, Box 10S, Wes
ton, Ore.
Irish Population Declines.
Dublin. The figures supplied by
the registrar general for Ireland show
that the estimated population of tlii
country Is 4.371,570, which means a
falling off of 3,923.491 since 1S4S.
I'.il Show In Oklahoma.
Oklahoma City, Okla., Sept. 27. As
the. fastest growing city In the United
States, Oklahoma City has "spread
herself" in the preparations for this
year's Oklahoma state fair, with the
result that it eclipses all previous ex
hibitions of the kind in the new state.
Although the Oklahoma metropolis
has become a city of skyscrapers, the
fair management Is determined not
to disappoint the tenderfoot visitors
from the east in the matter of local
color. Arrangements have been
made to insure the attendance every
day of a number of professional bad
men, blood-thirsty Apaches and cow
buys and girls. Wild West costumes
of the most aproved style, imported
direct from Paris, have been secured
for the occasion.
For rent Three five room houses,
all newly painted, two blocks from
Hawthorne school. Inquire Kim Mor
ton. Black 1101.
Not a minute shsuld be lost when
a child shows sr9toms of croup.
Chamberlain's cuti remedy given as
soon as the chlls becomes hoarse, or
even after the craupjr cough appears,
will prevent the attack. Sold by all i
The bearing of children Is frequently
followed by poor health for the
mother. This supreme crisis of life
finding her physical system unpre
pared for the demands of nature,
leaves her with weakened resistive
powers and sometlmos chronic all.
ments. This can be avoided if
Mother's Friend is used before the coming of baby, and the healthy woman can
remain a healthy mother. It Is the only remedy mat perfectly ana taorougniy
prepares the system for healthy motherhood, and brings about a natural and
easy consummation of the term. Women who use Mother's Friend are always
saved mucU sufforing when tie little one arrives, and recover more quickly, and
with no 111 cilecis, or chronic troubles. Every expectant mother should safeguard
her heal'.h by using Mothers Friend, Jk a -
for the hour of motherhood. This
medlclno is for sale at drug stores.
Write for free book for expectant " p
Atlanta, Oa. SJT W
alun Qnmi. .liflmia fnrono ota am
made by Shelgh Mahmoud, an Egyp-1
tian astrologer, who predicted in his ,
review, "Tawalch el Malouk," the
murder of the Premier Boutros Pasha,
and the appointment of Said Pasha as
Ida oo ess or, and also prophesied the
death of King Edward for the month
of May. Among the coming events
Sheikh Mahmoud predicts the early
Now Is the time to buy
Tt often nave sldrnewe In your fam
ily. Wo hnvo a complete stock of
Chloride Llrae 15c lb.
gnlpbur, Reahtad e lb.
Crude Carbolic Add lfto lb.
RslIaUe It sgtot.
ffiilns Transfer
Phone WeSn 5
Fresh Fish
Meats nnil Kaiiage
We handle only the pares!
f lard, hams and bacon.
! Empire Meat Go.
Phone Mali! 18.
Back lo Business Again
Dr. T. A. CLISE wishes to announce
that he can be found at his office In
the John Schmidt building, Pendle
ton, Ore. Eyes carefully examined,
and glasses ground to fit. 30 years
practice fitting glasses. The only es
elusive Bye Specialist In Umatilla
Always pure and delivered
promptly, if you phon the
Central Meat Market
108 E. Alta St. Phone Main II.
Notice of County Board of Equaliza
tion, Pendleton, Oregon., Sept. 18, 1J10.
Notice s hereby given that the
Board of Equalization of Umatilla
County, State of Oregon, will meet at
tho court house In Pendleton, In said
county and state, on the third Mon
day In October, being October IT, and
publicly examine the assessment rolls,
correct all errors In valuation, de
scription or quality of lands, lots or
other property assessed by me.
It shall be the duty of persons In
terested to appear at the time and
place here by appointed.
Assessor for Umatilla County,