East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 26, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Titos fifirrinmm1onirrn??inanf nmi AM-nSimmi $
Contributed )
Mr. Ar.Jr- Shipman. one of the
grtsten '.:ir.jt au:hvrlth-s on Srn,!
affair writo? as follows in "Ameri
ca." a writer who si ens himself as
Otru.ti. a former Monk." has Just
yubhshed a bok. in Barcelona entitled
El trrnieato en los Conventore,"
(Tortures in the Convents and the
j-row afencir there are kindly sup
p'yinj: the Spanish radical papers and
the entire European press with cop
ious extracts from the book. It is
hardly worth while to go over the en
tire work. Scattered all through the
book are statistics of the various
Itriods showing the growth of the
monastic orders or congregations, and
If the alleged figures given there pre
no more correct than the ones I shall
presently mention, the. whole book is
a little mere than a mass of misinfor
mation. Afer speaking !out the religious
orders in Spain he says: '"Spain Is
simply fiUed with monasteries and re
ligious hosses. Today ther are in this
(Barcelona) diocese about 500 re
ligious houses of which 95 per cent
devote themselves to education and
particularly to business enterprises,
factories, trades and also commerce.
Jtany monks have the superintendence
over penal Institutions, asylums, or
phanages and hospitals, both govern
mental as well as local and private
ones. Besides this there exist in said
diocese which has not much more
than a million inhabitants six thou
sand associations, brotherhoods and
establishments, which are subject to
the management of the religious or
ders. For the maintenance of these
"Centres Catholicos" (Catholic Clubs)
religious houses, cathedral, diocesan
seminary. 2S9 parish priests, two bish
ops, the canons and the rest of the
clergy, constituting 2000 persons, the
government gives each year 8,000,000
duros. that is 130.000.000. In other
words, each Individual inhabitant of
the Diocese of Barcelonla must pay
annually the sum of $30 for the main,
tenaace of bishops, priests and the
male and female members of religi
ous orders." The "Former Monk"
then givs a statistical sketch of the
whole of Spain in tWs regard and
"According to the above figures
Spain has 4330 monestariee, and near
them exist many other members of
religious orders somewhat secretly
unier various pretences so that tho
government and the people may be
deceived. These statistics are suffi
cient to Justify the steps taken by
Canalejas in the matter of the religi
ous orders." I give this extract so
that the readers of America may rec
ognize the source whenever they see
them printed as newly-made investi
gations in Spain. It Is needless to say
that they are untrue, and that they
are given with a prolixity and versi
militude that would deceive the aver,
age reader who haa not the requisite
books on Spain and Spanish affair
with which to elicit the truth.
I have by me the statistics of the
religious houses in Barcelona diocese
1 91 4 ) and an account of the work
they are doing. There are In the
Barcelona diocese 388 religious com
munities. Of them 71 are composed
Of men, and 31 of women. There
are tii male members of the religi
ous com munities, and 3,974 women.
Thero are besides 1194 priests at pres
ent in charge of tit parishes. The
population of the Diocese of Barcslona
Is 1,154.54. of whom JSt.090 are
reokened m Catholics. The amount
of the population there and the num
ber of clergy and members of religious
communities somewhat agree with
ttie statistics of tiew Tort, reckoning
"Tt the Catholic population..
In Barcelona the male religious or
ders have communities devoted as fol
lows. To contemplative life, 2; re
fugees, protesteries and manual train
ing schools for children, 6; asylums
for old people, 1; charitable associ
ations, 17; schools and colleges, 47,
The female religions orders have the
following communities: Contemplat
ive l'f. 27; houses of refuges, protec
tories a"Bi training schools for girls,
t; hospitals, asylums and homes for
eld people, (2; Schools and colleges,
221. In the schools and colleges free
Instruction is given to 75.009 annually,
and among them are included kinder,
garten, day nurseries and reception
rooms for the children of the poor
while their parents are at work during
the day. All these are maintained at
their own expense and efforts, are
entirely exclusive of the state public
chools, hospitals, and charitable in
stitutions except in regard to three
religious orders, who perform at state
expense in the public homes and hos
pitals the works of charity and mercy
carried on by these Institutions. If
they were displaced that expense
would be vastly Increased by the em
ployment of lay persons in the ser
vice of the state.
But this anonymous author says
nothing of this. Then ho tries ,to
bring in the various Catholic cluhs.
fraternal organizations. Christian Doc
trine confraternities, sodalities, which
exist in connection with every Catholic
church the world over, and whioh'are
always organizations of laymen who
pay their own meager expenses in
every instance, and who are only too
glad to contribute. In no single In
stance is there one cent contributed
to their support or maintenance by
the government. The statement of
the anonymous author in this regard
Is an absolute invention. It is like
wise untrue that any religious orders
in Barcelona are engaged In business
or trade, or carry on factories for the
sale of their products. The list be
fore me shows that there are none
tl-.ere which are so engaged. Then
the author goes further in the realm
of invention. He says the Spanish
government gives every year S.P00.
000 duros (that is 4.000,000 pesetas
or $30,000,000 (!) for the support of
the clergy, religious orders, and lay
associations of Barcelona. In the
first place, a duro is the Spanish word
for dollar, and is 'equal to five pese
tas, so that $30,000,000 is that am
ount actually given multiplied by
four. In the second place, the sum
of .8,000.000 duros or 40,000,000 pese
tas is the sum spent by the Spanish
government for the entire church In
all Spain. It goes to pay the secular
salaries of the minister of worship
and his clerks, the upkeep of church
buildings, and finally the salaries and
stipends of the clergy in actual charge
of the churches and parishes. The re
ligious orders and lay associations get
none of it, except the three orders ac.
tually in the charitable and benevo
lent institutions of the state who re
ceive their bare maintenance as In
dividuals in lieu of a salary.
The total revenue of Spain Is about
1.090,750,000 pesetas (or $218,150,
000), and the church Including the
civil officers, who are paid out of the
appropriation get a little over 40,
000,000 pesetas (some $8,000,000) or
about 3 6-10 per cent of the Spanish
revenue. As Spain has 19,000,000 in
habitants tho Province of Barcelona
(coterminous with the diocese) pays
nearly 1-19 of the total sum set aside
for the church, and accordingly, to
use the methods of the anonymous
author, each individual inhabitant of
Barcelona has' to pay 42 cents (in
stead of $30) for the support of the
church. If the members of our con
gregations (of any creed) In America
could be let off so cheaply, they would
be proud to acclaim it. The rest of
the figures in this latest book are ab
about as true as the figures which the
j anonymous author gives for the Bar
celona diocese and which I have Just
. analysed.
- -" - h m wi vw u imihu ru U U U B4I tier" fcV B M II u
Oregon Theatre Tuesday, Sept. 27th
Shubert Bros. Amusement Company Presents
The Big Eastern Laughing Success by Rex Beach and Paul Armstrong
Don't Break Down.
Severe strains on the vital organs,
like strains on machinery, cause
severe break-downs. Tou can't over
taxv stomach, liver, kidneys, bowel
or nerves without serious danger to
yourself. If you are weak or run
down, or under strain of any kind,
take EJectrlc Bitters, the matchless
tonic medicine. Mrs. J. EL Van do
Sande, of Kirkland, 111., writes:
"That I did not break down, while en
during a most severe strain, far three
months. Is due wholly to Blectrio Bit
ters." Use them sad enjoy health
and strength. Satisfaction positively
guaranteed. 50c at Koeppen Bros.
Moves Out When Tlyomel Moves In.
No stomach dosing. HYOMEI
(pronounce It H!gh-o-me) is made
fromhe highest grade of eucalyptus,
taken from the eucalyptus forests of
Inland Australia, and combined with
the excellent antiseptics employed In
the Llsterian system.
'r In Inland Australia the atmosphere
Is so impregnated with balsam thrown
out by the eucalyptus tree that germs
cannot live, and In consequence ca
tarrh and consumption are unknown.
Breathe HYOMEI and get the very
same, pleasant, healing, germ-killing
ntr as you would get in the eucalyp
tus forests and kill the germs.
Hyomei Is sold by Tallman ft Co.
and druggists everywhere, at $1 a
complete outfit
An outfit consists of a bottle of
HYOMEI, a hard rubber pocket in
haler and simple instructions for use.
The Inhaler will last a lifetime, but
bear In mind If you need another bot
tle of HYOMEI you can get it at
druggists for only 60 cents. Guaran
teed to cure catarrh, croup and throat
troubles, or money back. Trial sam
ple of Hyomei free to readers of the
Bast Oregonlan Address Booth's
Hyomei Co, Buffalo, N. T.
Berlin. Hard though Germans are
themselves against the oppressed
Poles and Danes In their eastern and
northern provinces, they are neverthe
less very outspoken in their condem
nation of Russia's politics toward Fin
land, and many are the influences
which have been brought to bear en
the kaiser in an attempt to make him
try to Boften Czar Nicholas' heart to
ward his Finnish subjects during their
meeting at Friedberg castle.
The kaiser himself Is said to be a
great admirer of the Finns, bt it is
exceedingly doubtful whether he had
thought it wise to bring up the sub
ject. If he did, the results are not
yet apparent and Finland is awaiting
her destiny in proud reserve. A Ger
man Journalist who has Just returned
from a visit to that northern country
says that whenever he spoke to a
Finn, no matter of what class, high
or low, he felt the sense of the com
ing tragedy, mingled with a spirit of
grim determination that unites men
of all sorts and condition.
The crisis in Finnish ' affairs will
come in about three weeks, when the
Diet, at the command of the czar,
will have to send six representatives
to St. Petersburg to, become parties
to the settlement by Russia of affairs
which have been hitherto the exclu
sive business of Finland's own par
liament. One must admit that the Finns have
tried in every possible way to assert
their Just national rights in a peace
ful and dignified manner, and the
statesmen, judges and politicians of
Europe not .long ago rendered . a
unanimous verdict In their favor, that
the Russian premier, M. Stolypln, will
be the one who will have to give In
when the curtain raises for the next
act of the great national political dra
M. Leo Mechelin, Finnish senator
and ex-premier, one of the most in
fluential men in Finland, has given
his opinion of the coming struggle in
a letter to a friend in this city, which
was shown to ine the other day.
"It Is a coup d'etat," he says; "the
greater violation of the positive law
In a modern state, but the crisis Is,
yet to come.
"The Finnish Diet will be convoked
at the end of September to elect, un
der the new law, members to sit in
the Russian duma and state council.
M. Stolypln Imagines that the Inter
ests of Finland are sufficiently guard
ed, but this trifling participation in
A Comedy of College Boys and Cowboys
Prices: Lower Floor $1.00; Balcony 75c; Gallery 50c
Sale opens Monday, Sept. 26, at Hanscoms Jewelry Store, Phone Red 3291
the arrangement is mere comedy. The
Finnish deputies could do nothing to
prevent the enactment of bad laws.
The chief thing, however, is that all
this is contrary to our constitution.
"I am convinced that the Finnish
diet will not consent to be represent
ed in the Russian chambers. Then
the decisive moment will arrive. What
will the Russian government do? I
cannot predict, but I may say that this
new Russian law cannot be applied
as it stands when Finland refuses
to send deputies to St. Petersburg.
"It is possible that the Russian gov
ernment may take administrative
measures to prove to us and the world
that it can do harm 'tn Finland. What
will we do then? We will keep our
sangfroid, and we will remain faith
ful to the constitution of Finland. As
to the consequences of this correct
attitude it is for the future to say
wheher we are wise or foolish, weak
or strong."
A Man of Iron Nerve.
Indomitable will and tremendous
energy are never found where stom
ach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out
of ordr. If you want these qualities,
and the success they bring, use Dr.
King's New Life Pills, the matchless
regulators, for keen brain and strong
body. 25c at Koeppen Bros.
Paris. The Baronne de Vaughan is
scarcely to be blamed for marrying
so soon after the death of King Leo
upold of Belgium. Her lot has not
been altogether agreeable during the
last few months.
For her problems M. Durleux was
the Ideal solution. She is 27, he is 50.
He acted as her steward for some time
and all her affairs were tn his hands.
A great friendship has long existed
between them. The marriage cere
mony was conducted with the utmost
privacy. The question of the two chil
dren has been most carefully consid
ered. A morganatic union Is a le
litimate union, and the Issue is legiti
mate. The youngsters, Counts of Te
rvuren and Rainenstein, if lawful sons
of the late monarch, deserve a better
fate than that of adoption by an eld
erly French burbeois, but their future
fate still remains a deep secret. Per
haps the Baronne, now that she has
changed her name, may think the time
oportune for making a statement. It
may have a world of complIcaMons
in the years to come.
For the Purchass of Fir Hose, Hose
Expander and Smoke Protectors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be reeelved at the offloo sf
the city recorder of tho city of Pen
dleton until September 21, 111, at
7:80 o'clock p. nt for the furnishing
to ths city of Pendleton of lot foot
standard brand, 2 l-I inch firs hose,
with couplings complete, 1 hose ex
pander, standard make and 6 smoke
protectors the bids to specify prices
delivered f. o. b. Pendleton, Oregon.
The sity reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this
15th day of September, A. D. 1910.
City Recorder.
For Bale.
100 acres suitable for wheat, barley
and timothy. A portion suitable for
winter apples and pears, also plums,
prunes, cherries, small fruit and vege
tables. Situated In rain belt Five
head of horses and combine bought
this season. Address, Box 108, Wes
ton, Ore.
Pendleton People nave Found That
This Is True,
A cold, a strain, a sudden wrench.
A little cause may hurt the kidney
Spells of backache often follow.
Or some Irregularity of the urine.
A certain remedy for such attacks,
A medicine that answers every call.
Is Doan's Kidney Pills, a true spe
cific. Many Pendleton people rely on IL
Here Is Pendleton proof.
Mrs. E. J. Melners, 501 Lewis
street, Pendleton, Oregon, says:
"About two years ago a cold settled
on my kidneys and caused backache
and pains through my loins. I felt
lame and sore and any movement
such as stooping or lifting was ac
companied by sharp twinges. While
I was suffering in that way, Doan's
Kidney Pills were brought to my at
tention and I procured a box. They
gave me relief at once and I had not
used them long before my trouble
was entirely removed. I know that
this reedy Is one of great merit and
consequently I do not hesitate to rec
ommend it." (Statement given Oc
tober 10, 1901.)
Time Is the Test.
Mrs. Melners was interviewed on
May 17, 1910, and she said: "I still
hold Doan's Kidney Pills in high es
teem and I am pleased to again say
a good word for them. I have taken
this preparation recently and it has
done good work."
For sale by all dealers. Price 10
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the Unit
ed States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
For good, dry slab wood, call at
or phone your order to ths Oregon
Lumber Yard.
fts Healthy to Sleep
m a Cool ILoom
Leave your windows open; get the crisp,
fresh air. It's good for the lungs
With a
You need not be cold while dressing, just a
strike of a match, and in a few minutes
you can dress in comfort
Price $3 aonaS MproainrJI
Pacific Power & Light Company
"Always at Your Service"
Phone Main 40.
Change of Time
Train Deluxe'
Now leaves Spokane at
2:00 P. H
All trains from the Inland
Empire make connections with
this popular train.
A card will bring a traveling
representative to explain la do
tal! nny trip desired.
Any agent of O. R. 4 N. wIU
issue through tickets at lowest
current rates.
O. M. Jackson, T. P. A.
Geo. A. Walton, Gen. Agt.
14 Wall 6C, Spokane.
I Ttf Bl at Right Prices
Will Brighten I Jl
Your Home KS
Can be used on wood or met
alfloors, woodwork, furni
ture, picture frames, etc. Comes
ready mixed. Easily applied
quickly dried. For sals by
Murphy Bros.
Cass Matlock, Prop.
and illustrated songs in
the city.
Shows afternoon and eve
nings. Refined and en
tertaining for the 'entire
Next to French Restaurant
Entire change three times
each week. Be sure and
ioc the next change.
Adults 10c. Children
under 10 years, 5c -