PAGK TWO. DAILY BAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGOH. MOXRAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1910. EIGHT PAGES., Welcome to the 3rd District Fair and to OUR 24th ANNIVERSARY SALE One Week of the Most Wonderful Bargain Sales Ever Inaugurated in This City BEGINS TODAY THIS STORE WILL BF OPEN 'TILL 8 P. M. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Large Values in Hosiery Pep t. Ladies' plain and fancy lisle. Hose C5S 50, 65, 73f Ladies' Hose extra good qualitv, 25 kind, while they last, 3 pair . . 50 Also jood 33 ladies' Hose for pair 23d lildren's blaek Heavy Rib School Hose 25 (Children's Heavy Rib Hose 15, 4 pair 50 ladies' Union Suits, lest rib, all sizes from 4 to 9 ?1, S 1.23 ilisses' and Children's Union Suits prices from 60fS 75S 81.00 Ladies Separate Vests and Pants, best quality wool, prices ;. i $1.25, $2.50 Be sure to qet your trading stamps with every cash purchase. 'J'hey heJonq to you and we want you to have them. Values in Childr ens Bearskin Coats In red, navy and white. All lined throughout. Sizes 1 .to 4 years at, each t $2.50 (TIILDREXS BEARSKIN AXD CRUSHED VELVET COATS in red, navy, gray, tan and white. Sizes 6 to 12 years, values up to $7.50, each $-1.95 Values in Ladies Winter Coats -New arrivals just placed in stock, in all the latest novelty mix tures and fanev smtiiiirs. Larci- sailor shawl and coat collar styles at $15.00, S1S.75, $20.00 and $25.00 each. A choice collection to select from. Pure Food Grocery in Basement Stairway leads down just inside the froni door. Telephone Main IT. T. T. W. Special Blend, the best 25 Coffee on earth. ( S: 15. Kippard Herring, per can .'. - 35f Smoked Salmon, clean bright, per pound . - ' 23 English Breakfast, Spider Leg and Gun Towdec Tea, 75 val ues, per pound Bayles Horseradish mustard, per bottle .. Eull Cream Cheese, mild and sweet, per pound .- Bright new Walnuts, per pound Xew Almonds. er pound Xew Dill Pickles, per quart Fancy Green Olives, per pint 60 25 2o 25? 25 20? 35 Ehmann's Celebrated Ripe Olives, they are delicious, large bottles, each 60 Eagle Chili Powder, per bottle - 35 lied Jap Peppers, per pound 50 Royal Egg Xoodles, 2 packages 25 Fancy Apples, worth $2 box, T. P. Y. price $1.25 Celery, Cabbage, Red and Green Peppers, Squash,. Sweet Spuds, Turnips, Carrots, Beets, Graps, Peaches, Tears, Lem on's, Bananas, and Water Melons. Prices always right Ladies Black Sateen Petticoats With deep flounce and dust ruffle, a $1.25 petticoat, each 9S Big Values in Children9 s Sweaters In navy and cardinal, cardinal, white, gray and red, sizes 26 to 34. ' $2.00 value for . '. . $1.25 Big Bargains in Ladies' Sweaters Ir red, navy, green and white. Knitted from pure Worsted yarn. All sizes, $ 4.00 values, each $2.95 Ladies Outing Flannel Gowns In pink or blue fancy stripes. Ilight or low neck styles, cut large and full for, each 9S CHILDREN'S OUTIXG FLANNEL GOWNS in blue or pink fancy stripes, with plain color yokes and turn down col lars. All sizes, for each 70 CHILDREN'S PLAIN WHITE OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS, low neck, all sizes, each 89 CHILDREN'S OUTING FLANNEL KNEE SKIRTS pure white, with silk stitched scolloped edge at .each 50f? We are receiving daily shipments of New Fall Suits in the nobby short medium length jacket styles, in blue, brown, olive, green, gray and black, Broadcloth and Serges, and black and white, brown and white Basket cloth. Splen did values at $14.75, $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00. All sizes in the lot. Save Your Coupons JHE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE eitPAY Trade This store is the home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes, Johnston-Murphy Shoes Manhattan Shirts, J no. B. Stetson Hats. LAUGHS OF NUIY VARIETIES ISSUE FROM ANATOMIES OF WASHINGTON CELEBRITIES : Washington. If as much depends though the levity of the occasion were upon a man's laugh, or his lack of laughter as has been asserted by a distinguished French scientist, Presi dent Taft. who is himself the father j of a particular brand ofuproarous mirth-sound, has an odd assortment of men whom he has placed in office to run the affairs of the executive end of the government. merely a bait to draw out the other person while the eyes scrutinized whatever secret of countenance might lie unveiled by the flash of merri ment. Secretary of War Dickinson has a raucous sort of laugh although It is not especially distinctive. It is much the same as that of any big man who at times has stood him in good stead, numbers of men and women working at 10 cents an hour, advancing to 12 but it is never upronrous. in factories. Special enrs are run at ; cents the third year. Motormen and Taken as a whole the lauehter of fixed hours, nicht and morning to ' conductors are furnished uniforms. the present cabinet is more or less re- transport working men to and from j Motormen get J4.8S extra every three straining and the president has but , their homes and workshops at two months when they have had no avold- cents fur any distance. The same rate ' :0le accident, in m iing umturms ana has also latelv been given to females; h.di.lays piid for. it w calculated that ( up to 9 a. m. For both classes four, the minimum wage of a motorman is ( cents buvs a return ticket that will about $7 60 and the maximum about, ittle competition whcii he gives way mirth at a meeting of his executive council. CZAR DEXOVXCIII) IX GERMANY AS ."DEMON" When the president was secretary can take pleasure In a funny story of war, the heavy mahogany doors of but It does not always indicate a the war department were not suffi- mirthful temperament, clent to shut out the sound that is- j Secretary of the Navy Meyer is not ued forth despite these barriers a man of mirth. His laugh is a quiet when he saw something that Struck one such as would not cause any him as funny. And he saw many j head to turn in the best ordered things In this humorous light. He j drawing-room, but he has the power laughed more then than he has since j of omitting it at the proper moment although from the executive office; He can lean back In his chair from there Etill Issues forth now and then 'the knottiest problem unwrlnkle his the echo of a great and sonorous . forehead and give a mirthful, ami laugh, a big man kind of laugh, be- able, velvety little ripple which quite nenklne rood dicestlon and gjod , suits the occasion. lungs. It la doubtful whether President Taft has selected a single man who can duplicate his laugh or even cdme anywhere near it. When Roosevelt was president he was no mean second in the matter of laughter to his secretary of war. It wasn't the sonorous, easy going corn- Uncle Jim Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture, and "grand father of the cabinet," has a nice, well defined, western Iowa laugh when the idea strikes him. It is a very characteris tic sort of uneuphonlous utterance. It comes forth unbidden by circum stance, is not very loud and depends entirely upon the secretary's Inward state of being. He laughs when he placent sort such as President Taffs , p)pages but It had rare qualities, ii nw Attornev CSeneral Wlckersham is far I diferent from Bonaparte, his pre i decessor who often chuckled to him self whenever the popular voice hap- effect of making everyone who heard It laugh too, or at least smile. It was exhuberant, choppy, if you like; Ir regular, boyish at times, rising to a treble as If its creator was having the time of his life at the moment of Its utterance. Many is the time that secretaries passing his door stopped to smile at his medley of merriment and it issued forth most often Just at the time when one thought that the colonel was in his tightest corner, held at bay by his enemies. Former Governor Guild of Massa chusetts took occasion the other day before leaving for Mexico with the American delegation which is to at tend the Centennial Celebration at Mexico City, to call upon Beekman Wlnthrop, assistant secretary of the nary. The result was a perfect flow O' language, uuua nas me mcnu-, club-fellow laugh. It is all of goodj humor, comfort, enjoyment of the moment. Winthrop't laugh is an ut terly wild, unrestrained sort that rip ples and splashes about as if the sur vivor of the tennis cabinet didn't care a rap for anything and proposed to amuse himself ss he chose. Wln throp has a hard time carrying on the traditions of the former adminis tration. Secretary Knox. President Taft's premier, likes a laugh now and then but mostly then. The Hps of the secretary of state seldom omit a rip ple except when the moment Is a most stimulating one. More frequ ently he sits and smiles, and his eyes do not laugh at all. They fix them selves on whomsoever is nearest as pened to be lambasting him. It was a quiet confidential sort of chuckle, apparently not meant for other ears. Wlckersham never laughs without conforming to the usages of the Am erican Bar association and well de fined rules of propriety and etiquette. He Is full of funny stories, however, and laughs robustly on occasion. Postmaster General Hitchcock has a useful smile but laughing is not one of his prominent characteristics. Ab andonment to mirth Is not in his makeup. He would never think of letting himself go to the extent of giving an ungraceful and reverber ating whoop. Secretary of the Treasury MacVeagh has a keen sense f humor and enjoys telling stories as well as hearing the anecdotes of others. He indulges in pleasing little chuckles that indicate his pleasure in the point that has been made In the story but refrains, ss a rule, from unrestrained hilarity. Secretary Nagle of the department of Commerce and Labor has a purring laugh which much of the time is noncommittal and neutral. It is a good evidence of cheerfulness but at the same time, If he desires. It often leaves hi hearers in doubt as to the depth of his mirth. Secretary Ballinger of the Depart ment of the Interior has a good-fellow laugh that is well known In the cir cles of his friends. It has been class- Berlin. The feature of the week's events in Germany has been the fe rocious attack made on the Czar by socialists, democrats, radicals and lib. erals. A great demonstration, which was planned to take place in the vi cinity of Freidberg Castle, where the Oar is staying, was postponed by the police, but within forty-eight hours the socialists held a meeting within five miles of Freidberg Castle with-, out police permission. The most violent speeches were de livered abuslng-the Czar. He was de nounced as "a bloodthirsty tyrant," "a murderer," "the Instigator of ruth, less massacres," "demon," and by nu. merous other epithets. Similar de nunciations have been made from plat form at many meetings in South Ger many. The Czar is regarded as the arch anti-semite of Russia and this has caused the radicals and liberals to supplement the attacks of the so cialists, all laying stress on the mas sacres and persecution of Jews In Russia. The Czar during his stay In Ger many ha been the target for a ser ies of absolutely unprecedented at tacks such as never before were lev eled at any European monarch. These attacks are embarrassing to the Ger man government to a most serious degree because the relations between Germany and Russia were never friendly and because a different al ignment of the powers Is feared. The Czar's personal resentment may be so aroused that German dip lomacy may never be able to detach Russia from the AnglorFrench en tente and thus restore the ancient hold alliance. "The North Gorman Gazette," the official organ of the I German government, and other in spired newspapers nave none tncir best to appease the Czar by publish ing stern reprovals of the attacks showered on him. But there Is a per. sonal dlfferenoe between the Kaiser and the Czar of long standing. carry the holder back to any part of the city at any time on any car. These privileges have proved of great benefit to girls aji'T women In va rious tirms of employment. Children uniler 16 years of ago travel at half fare. "The regular fare on the street cars Is two cents for the average distance of two miles and for the more ex tended lines the rate to the center of the city is four cents, or across the city, passing through the central sta tion on any one line, four cents. "Referring to accidents the man ager says: "There have been two fatal acci dents during the year. The ratio of fatalities to passengers was 1 in 23, 173.795." Birmingham originally constructed and leased tramways to private com panies, reports Consul Albert Hal stead. A majority of the lines revert ed to the city in 1907 and are operated under municipal ownership. The oth er leases wiH expire in 1911. The fares on the lines operated by the city were arranged on the plan of giving a maximum carriage of two miles for two cents. Workmen are transported to and from. their work on certain lines a distance of 4 1-2 miles for two cents. As a rule a workman's return ticket costs about three cents, but to secure these re duced rates he must start before 8 a. m. But may return at any time dur ing the same day. Motormen start at 12 cents an hour for the first year and rise to 12 2-3 cents the third year; the latter Is the maximum wage. Conductors start JS.50 per week and for conductors about $6.40 is ' n; nlruum and about $7 90 the maximum. Only a liiHo cold in the head may! may be the beginning of an obstinate case of Nasal Catarrh. Drize out the J invader with Ely's Cream Balm ap- ; plied straight to the inflamed stuffed ' up air-passages. Price GOc. If you prefer to use an atomizer, ask for Li- I quid Cream Balm. It has all tle ! good qualities of the solid form of this remedy and will rid you of catarrh or hay fever. No cocaine to breed a dreadful habit. No cercury to dry out the secretion. Price 75c, with spraying tube. All druggists, or mail ed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren street. New York. h n!''i Fraud in Family Bible. London. The already numerous duties which fall to the government iu Moratory have been added to since the passing of the old age pensions act In his annual report the principal chemist states that In consequence of suspected frauds by claimants of old pensions, entries in family Bibles, old letters and certificates were submit ted to the laboratory to ascertain, if possible, the date of the entry. In some cases the laboratory was able to show from the nature of the ink employed that the writing was comparatively recent, and that tho en try had been made for the purpose of producing evidence of age in order to secure the pension. A LITTLE TALK ABOUT SHWIXG MACHINES I have been In the sewing machine business a great number of years, and have tried theta all and should knew their best Qualities. I now offer the Standard, White, Free ana Singer machines at eastern prices, freight added. Doa't be fooled y traveling agents that will tell you anything to get your money. High prices hava gone forever at JESSE FAILING Main Street Near Bridge. Repentance soon after green apples is no promise of a new life. ftlilne Transfer Phone Main 5 dfT CALLS PROMPTLY AN8 HL, WERED FOR ALL BAGQAOE TRANSFERRING. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING AND HKAVY TRUCK ING A SPECIALTY. MCXICD7AL RAILWAYS. American Consul at Belfast Says the Scheme Haa Been Successful. Washington. Reports from United States consuls in England and Ireland tell of the result of the operation of street railways under municipal con trol. Consul H. B. Miller at Belfast, says the street railroad system In that city was placed under the manage ment of an expert whose administra tion has been remarkably successful. A popular feature of his management Is the concentration of all lines through a general central station. "Another feature," Miller says, "is the variety of rates and arrangements designed especially to suit tbe gen eral character of the city. Belfast cd by some as a political laugh and has diversified industries, with vast ST avenue, 34th and 35th streets, new YORK HAVE NOW READY THEIR CATALOGUE No. 102 FOR THE FALL AND WINTER SEASONS, A COPY OF WHICH WILL BE MAILED UPON REQUEST. ! Fresh Fish Meats and Saasagea EYBIY DAY. We haadle omly the purest f lard, kiM aad kacoa. Empire float Go. Pkoae Main 18. NOTICE PREPAYMENT OF SHIPMENTS ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE NEW SHIPPING SERVICE, FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF PATRONS. DETAILS OF WHICH ARE CONTAINED IN THIS CATALOGUE. Occk to Business Again Dr. F. A. CLISE wishes to announce .hat he can be found at his offloe In the John Schmidt building, Pendle ton, Ore. Eyes carefully examined, and glasses ground to fit SO rears practice fitting glasses. The only ex clusive Eye Specialist In Umatilla ounty. Dally East Oregoolan by carrier only 68 cents per month.