, r4 DAILY EAST OREGOXLUf, PEJTDLEJrOJf, OREGON, TnXRSnAY, SEPTEMBEI S2, 1910. pagk rocs EIGHT PAGES. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. -tiallaoed Dally. Weekly and Saml-Weakly at Pendleton, Oregon, by tb CAST OREOON1AN ITHLlSHINQ CO. dt'BSCBUTION RATES. Oally, on yr. by mall $5.00 Dally, lii months, by mall 2.S0 Oally, tare aiootba. by mall 1.23 Oally, oae month, by mall .50 Jail. one year, by carrier 7.50 Dally, atz moo.ba, by carrier....... 4.75 Oally, three montha. by carrier...,,.. 1.05 Oally, one month, by rarrler 65 Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Weekly, six montha, by mall 75 Weekly, fear montha, by mall 50 ieml Weekly, one year, by mail.... 1.50 tool-Weekly, aix montha, by mall... .75 eml-Weekly, (our months, by mall.. .50 Tbe Dally East Oregonlan la kept on sale t the Oregon News Col, 147 6th treat, Jutland. Oregon. Sorthweat News. Co., Portland, Oregon. Chicago Bnreao, 909 Security Building. Washington. D. C, Bureau, 501 Four enth street. N. W. Member United Press As notation. Entered at the postofflc at Pendleton. Jragoa, as second class mall matter. telephone .. Main 1 Official City and Connry Paper. TIIE LEGISLATIVE COXTEST. In the legislative contest In the standpat cause. As chairman of the committee on appropriations this Tawney was right hand man for SINGER AXD TIIE SOXG. The singer sang, his heart aflame 4 With Freedom's holy light, He sang for love and not for fame; 4 Hia highest hope and clearest aim To hold aloft the right. Stilled was his pen! His work " , complete, The sijiger sang no more, He thought his song with rythm sweet, 4 With love for humankind re- plete. Lost in the mad world's roar. A song of hope and Joy and cheer Set hearts to beating light. It banished sorrow's falling tear. county the principal Issue has to do with the attitude of candidates towards statement No. 1. This is par ticularly true of the senatorships be cause the senators who are to be elec ted this year will holdover and so will vote for the next United States sena tor. For state senator from this county rr. C. J. Smith is seeking the demo cratic nomination and a re-election. He is and has always been a statement No. 1 man and is a staunch advocate Oi the direct primary law. In view cf his views and his creditable record as state senator during the past eight years it seems certain that he will be re-elected. Especially so if the re publican nomination goes to an anti statement man as now seems Inevit able. For Joint senator there are two can didates for the republican nomina tion. C. A. Barrett, representative during the past four years, is seeking the nomination upon his record. He 13 a statement No. 1 man and repre sents the anti-assembly sentiment He has. been tried in the fire and found true to the principles for which he stands. His opponent, S. F. Wil son, is the assembly selection and has refused to subscribe to statement No. 1. Under the circumstances it will be surprising indeed If Mr. Barrett Is not nominated. For representatives from this coun ty there are two statement No. 1 can didates. They are R. W. Henneman and Dr. M. S. Kern. Both have tak en the statement No. 1 pledge. S. D. Peterson also asserts his fidelity to the statement No. 1 cause but has not Speaker Cannon." His association with Cannonlsm was so repugnant even to Tawney's own people that they turned him down. Surely this is a day of political up heavals. Even W. J. Bryan has Join ed the bolters and will not support the democratic candidate for gover nor of Nebraska. There Is nothing creditable about a mob that attacks a woman ev'en though sVae may be charged with complicity in a murder. If it is a fair fight Sunny Jim will have to take the count. FItOM JESSE FAILING. Pendleton, Ore., Sept. 22. Editor East Oregonlan: Do you know there is a United States law defining how U. S. sena tors shall be elected? Take particu- I lar notice of the word shall. I pre sume you are aware that a man el ected to the state legislature before he takes his seat must take an oath to support the constitution and laws of the United States. Now are you not aiding and abeting these so-called re publicans to commit perjury when you advise them to subscribe to state ment No. 1? As a democrat it is ex pected that you will do all you can to divide the republican party, but don't ask them to commit a crime for the sake of a few democratic votes. Again a state law forblding the people to assemble for any pur pose would conflict with the consti tution of the United States, therefore would be null and void. It seems to me that the assembly is the very es sence of the primary law. Without this it has proved to be a delusion and , subscribed to the statement. For the mother In ffc homo to t strong and well, able to dcrote not time and strength, to tkft wring of children, Is one of life's greatest blessings. Often the hearing of children injures the mother's health, if she has not prepared her system CMuuQjott'uQaSCSas,Md8& in advance for the important event. Women who use Mother's Friend are saved much of the discomfort and suffering so common with expectant mothers. It is a penetrating oil that thoroughly lubri cates every muscle, nerve and tendon involved at such times, and thus promotes physical comfort. It aids nature by expanding the skin and tissues and per fectly prepares the system for tho coming of baby. Mother's Friend assures a quick and natural recovery for every woman who uses it. It is for sale at drug stores. Write for free hook for expectant mothers. BRADFTTTLD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Oa. Pur IP MSiiiMi a snare. It sounds nice t say the tl, av . nannlo rnlo Hnt Virtw rlnoa It- H'nrlf candidates for representative are u I.. Mann, J. T. Hlnkle and Henry Sehmitt. None of these men have t"ken statement No. 1. Though no senator Is to be elected and fear, And all the world grew bright. Eut the I Forgot the singer! song Still stirs the hearts of men. When bowed beneath the ty rant's wrong They sing it in a chorus strong And stand free men again. Two or more, perhaps half a dozen, nominate themselves for office. They may all be good men, and then per haps not one of them capable to fill any office, what Is the voter to do, pick out the best of the lot or lose his vote, only one can be selected and the chance Is the other five will vote the democratic ticket. This is why we have two "stolen bottles" in the upper house of coneress that no body wants. It was enough to make the bodies of Mitchell and Dolnh turn In their of electing senators and the people -graves when that 20 million was float should see that the legislature is com-! ing around to see the state of Oregon Dispelled "the clouds of doubt I81 the coming session of the legisla- ture it Is Important that statement iNo. 1 representatives be chosen. Fur ther efforts may be made in the leg islature to re-establish the old manner XO CAUSE FOR WORRY. In a letter which this paper pub lishes today Jesse Failing makes the argument that United States senators must be elected by legislatures and that therefore the statement No. 1 plan is unconstitutional. In answer, to Mr. Failing it may be said that legislative candidates do not have to take statement No. 1. They may take it or refuse to do so Just as they see fit. Those who take state ment No. 1 are in the position of the man who is looking for employment and says to his prospective employer: "It you give me a position I will fol low your instructions." The man who refuses to take statement No. 1 is In the position of the man who says: "I want the position, but If you give me the Job I will do what I please and will not heed your wishes." Usually an employer wants to secure a man who will obey Instructions and carry out the will of his employer who pays blm for his work. A member of the legislature Is noth ing but a servant of the people of this fate. He receives his office from the people and likewise his salary. If he l! a good Bervant he will obey their Instructions. That the people want legislators who will obey their Instruc tions with reference to the election of senators Is shown by the fact that Oregon has already elected two state ment No. 1 legislatures. That the system of allowing legis lative candidates to pledge themselves to the peoples' choice Is entirely legal and constitutional has been amply proven. The present Oregon senators -were elected In this way and both were seated without protest, despite the fact that one Is a democrat. Many other states of the union are also choosing senators In this manner and everywhere the system Is regarded with satisfaction. It Is considered better to have legislative candidates make open pledges to their constitu ents than to have them make secret and frequently corrupt pledges to po litical bosses. It Is better to elect a man who has made an open pledge to bis people than to elect a man who will go to the legislature with one hand held out behind, ready to de liver his senatorial vote In return for cold cash or In return for some petty office or other political favor. The East Oregonlan feels It can as sure Mr. Falling; and other men who may tblnk as he does, that there Is no occasion for worry for fear state ment No. 1 Is .unconstitutional. Nor need such men fear, if the republican party takes up with this and other progressive principles. Current events plainly show that the hope of the re publican party lies In the predoml nance of the progressive over the land pat element within that party. pnsed of men who favor the statement No. 1 system. Do not take chances on any more Infamous measures like the Brooke-Bean bill. If you favor the principle of. elect ing United States senators by direct vote of the people then vote only for statement No. 1 men at the primary election Saturday. A REPUBLICAN POLICY. loose its proper share. If they had been in place of Bourne and Cham berlain: if they had not been close ly watched they woulj have got away with the whole "cheese." Goodness knows that the old con vention was bad enough but com pared with the way the primary is worked it was a prayer meeting. This with statement No. 1 the democratic party have found a trap ready set to catch Gcudgeon. JESSE FAILING. Judge Grant B. Dimick, leading anti-assembly candidate for the re publican nomination for governor, points out that the republicans of t: is state favor the direct election of senators and therefore statement No. 1. The following utterance by Judge Dimick is from the Oregon City Cour. ier: "Before the adoption of the direct primary law by the legal voters of this state, the republican state con vention went on record by inserting a plank in its platform strongly en dorsing the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people, and we practically have the system in our state at the present time under apd by virtue of statement No. 1 provided for in our direct primary law, and which I contend should be preserved by our people as a safeguard against the corrupt practices usually incident to the election of United States senators by the members of the legislature." XATIOXAL ALARM CLOCK. An American and a Highlander were walking one day on the top of one of the Scotch mountains when the Scotchman, wishing to impress his boastful "cousin." produced a famous echo to be heard In that place. When the echo returned clearly after nearly four minutes the proud Scotchman, turning to the Yanke exclaimed, 'There, mon, ye canna show anything like that in your country"-" To which the other replied: I guess we can better that some, stran ger. Why. in my shooting lodge Irv the Rockies when I go to bed I Just lean out of my window and call out: Time to get up: wake up!" and eignt hours afterwards the echo comes back and wakes me." Truth. so are the dew-drops which give such a depth to the morning meadows. Emerson. John H. Lewis, who Is running for re-eiecHon as state engineer seems to have no opposition In either party. So his re-election is practically assured. The argument Is made In his behalf that no change should be made In his office for the reason that he was prac tlcally the author of the present Ir rigation code and Is In a position to see that the law Is carried out. The sunshine Is always better af ter rain. When Representative Tawney of Minnesota was defeated for a renom Inatlon another stiff Jolt was given TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUVTHEGENIIE WHIGS w AND It 9228 H 1 THE ftMERlGftN NATION AL BM If PENDLETON, OREGON I UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Statement at close of business September I, 1910 I Resources Knees Became Stiff Five Years of Severe Rheumatism The cure of Henry J. Goldstein, 14 Barton Street, Boston, Mass., is anoth er victory by Hood's Sarsaparllla. This great medicine has succeeded in many cases where others have utterly failed. Mr. Goldstein says: "I suf fered from rheumatism five years, it kept me from business and caused ex cruciating pain. My knees would be come as stiff as steel. I tried many medicines without relief, then took Hood's Sarsaparllla, soon felt much better, and now consider myself en tirely cured. I recommend Hood's.'V Get it today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatnbs. MANUFACTURED BV THE (flllfORKIflfiYRUPvD SOLO BY ALL LEADING One Size only, so a Bottle. U Succeed By Successful Fitting Our Optics Itualnew Is Stead ily growing owing to our mod ern methods and the Careful Consideration given every case. Hundreds of people In Pendle ton can tell you of the great Benefits Derived from Lenses fitted here. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY EXAMINED, GLASSES FITTED, LENSES DUPLICATED. DALE ROTHVVELL Optometrist Wm. Hsmostn, THE Jeweler. Resources Loans and Discount $1,094,341.4$ Securities and Warrants 19,443.11 Banking House 1 60,000.00 Other Ileal Estate 17,474.90 United States Bonds (at par) 101,000.00 CASH OS HAND 253,620.94 $1,545,880.38 Liabilities Capital Stock ... $ 100,000.00 Surplus '.. 100,000.00 V. , I I 1 n !. rf"e r 1"V liiuiviuto i-ruinu irr UO,VO),OU V Circulation 100,000.00 jj; Ke-uiscuiuiuj IlH,J4U.oif deposits 1,075,575.89 $1,545,880.38 p ' LT. G. Montgomery, being duly sworn, certify that jj$ the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. G. MONTGOMERY. Cashier 'Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of tbe Celebrated F4S TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM Tallman & C o. Leading Druggists of Oregon. Eastern B September, 1910. W. G McKINNEY Notary Public for Oregon. FOR THE SPOKANE INTERSTATE FAIR October 3 to 8. Dry Farming Congress October S to 6. Northern Pacific Railway Will sell EXCURSION tickets To Spokane and Return October 1 to 7. See the local passenger representative for relative dates, return limit, etc. WESTBOUND COLONIST TICKETS On sale from all Eastern Points. September 15 to October IS. WE DELIVER THEM. You can pay local agent for tickets. No charge for delivery. Give us their addresses and we will fully advise parties coming west ef these fares. Walter Adams, Agent. Pendleton A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Ore. OLD LIN I LITE STOCK IN SURANCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Sfock Insur ance Company Of CrawfordavUle, Indiana Has now entered Oregon. Policies now gooa In every state In the Union. Organ. sed over 16 years ago. Paid up Capital $200,000.00. As sets over S4SO.000.00. REMEMBER, this is NOT a Mutual Live tuxit Insur ance company. Mark Moorhouse Company Agent, Pendleton. Or. til East Ormrt Bt. Pbone Mala SS. COLESWORTHY'S International Stock Food the old reliable The best for your stock Try it COLESVVORTHY 127-129 t. Alta The QUELLE Cus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in Northwest First-class cooks and service Shell fish in season Lt Fontaine BIk., Main St. Oroheum Theatre I. P. MKDERNAO H, Prutwletor HIGH-CLASS UPTO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Changes on Sua days, Tuesday's and Frlday'i Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that rows. Good bread is assured whan BYERS' BEST FLOTJK is need. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. Daily. East Oregonian, by carrier, 15 cent per week. You Make a Bad Mistake When you put off buying your Coal! until Fall purchase It NOW and secure the best Rock Springs coal the mines prodnoe at prices considerably lower than those prevailing In Fall and Winter. By stocking Dp now yoa avoid ALL danger of being un able to secure it when nold weather arrives. Henry Kopittke Phone Main 178. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE i Anrnns amdlng a akatnh and dMnrtptlon m polcklr aansruin nur opinion fr wlmilier r Intention u prohahlf patemablo, Coninnmle HUflUSllUH on Patent f paienta, Co. Mcalm U Trade Marks DlSIONB Copyrights Ac. tloui utrlotlr confident 11. ent free. Olrieit aiiem-r for ecurltif patent,, fataiita Ukan tTirouiih Munn it Co. Mcali tff ial node, without ohnroe, lii th scicnimc American. A handarmalr lllnitntad weeklr. Lmeat an eolation or an? toiantlfla Journal, Term, as a l'.,.!I!r"l,,, "'aralUawaaaalW MUNN&Co"NewlfQS Branch Oflo. J r SU Waahlnitoi! IV U 4 .,. ft .f lat aUUaaatta