KIGIIT PAGES. daily OAtrr oiuxxmoan, mmunH, rbgon, Thursday, September s, ii. PAGX FIVE. The Famous S1L-K1D SHOES For Women are Here $3.50, $4 and $5.00 Short Vamp, Button or Lace, Kid, Gun Metal or Patent. The best value in Pendleton today is our 1 6 Button high top Gun Metal or Patent, Broad toe, & IT A low heel Boot at only hWJv Just step in and let us show you Children's School Shoes of every description F. E. Livengood (Sh Co. The Ladies' and Children's Store. Talk about Itl Come! Bring your friends, tQ "The Kound-Cp" and Third District Fair. Sept. 38 to Oct. 1. For Sale 180 a roe wheat farm, 4 mlloa front Pendleton. Small house and good barn, 2 good springs of water and crop all for $2600, without the crop for $1800. This farm must be sold at once on account of sickness. 180 acre dairy ranch 20 miles from town and three miles from More and pout office. Good 4 room house, barn and chicken houses. SHendld orchard, about Si acres air&lfa, bottom land. Ttiis Is one of the beat dairy ran olios for the money in Uma tilla county. ISO acre wheat farm 3 miles from town, good buildings and lots of water, all for 10000. Anyone whiting for a good home dose to Pendleton this place oan't be beat In the state of Oregon for the price. Good resi. son for selling. 380 acres wheat land six miles from Pendleton, 113000. Terms. Small grocery and second hand business Including tho building all for $1000. The burin em is averaging $50 per day. Must be sold at once on account of sickness. 980 ACRE WHEAT FARM. Hi miles from Pendleton, new 6 room house one of the best wells In the country, wa ter piped In the house, one half of the land In stubble and Uie other one-half In summer fallow. 800 sacks of wheat to seed tills fall goes with the place and 14 head good work horses, harness and 11 colts, a good cows and 1 heifer, 2 gang plows, 2 seta of harrows, 2 seed drills, 1 reaper, 1 hack, 1 buggy, S good wagons, -Interest 18 foot Holt Bros, harvester. All the hay and furniture goes with this farm If sold at once; good reason for sell ing. All for $35000, $25000 cash,' balance easy terms at 8 per cent Interest. Address, Dan Kemler 210 W. Bluff St. Pendleton, Oregon I OF THOSE) GERM PROOF " FULPER. FILTERS WE NOW HAVE A SUPPLY They, a little ice, water from your hydrant and you have mountain water in your home. Just as pure, just as good and entirely frte Ail A? anr ,,n from contagion. PRICE . V4ist.ll alia UJ KOEPPEN'S The Drug Store Tint Ssrvei You Best . I LOCALS Pastime pictures please all. ! Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra. I Snvrfnr rhlmnsvniattn Tl Y) .a .... .j x, y aw. cu vol. Saw dust for sale at the Oregon Lumber Yard. ' Automobile for hire, dav or nlsrhL Fhone Main 74. I Good Spauldlng hack nearly new, 1 only $71. Phone Main I. ' $1600 for the A. L. Knight residence I on Lewis street Lee Teutsch. Wanted Girl for general house work. Apply 111 West High street Wanted Laundry work and clean Ing by day or hour 717 Aura street Fresh Eastern and Olympla Oysters ' and Clams arriving dally at Lyman's. I Dr. L. K Blakeslee has returned from Union county, and has resumed practice. j A. L. Knight residence on Lewis stret can be bought for $1600. Lee ' Teutsch. 1 More moving pictures shown than : iny other theater In the Mty tna j Pastime. I If price is right have many to buy ; two vacant lots on north side. Lee Teutsch. For good, dry slab wood, call at or phone your order to the Oregon . Lumber Yard. Good 7 year old horse, welsht 11E0 ! $131. Phone Main I. If you have two to four vacant lota : near hospital I have many seeking in- ' vestment. Lee Teutsch. You don't have to wait long at Pat , ton's shop. Five barbers every Sat urday. Across from Alexanders. I Wanted Furnished cottage, S or 7 rooms, with bath, near down town district. L. B. Ryan. Phone Main : 4i8. I For rent Three five room houses, all newly painted, two blocks from Hawthorne school. Inquire Kim Mor ton. Sharon ft Biddings sell galvanised ! Iron bath tubs. Light and easy to ( move around. Just the thing for farmers. t $1000 buys 4 room house, furnished ready to move into. For particulars, see Mr. and Mrs. Hatter or call on Le Teutsch. For Sale or Rent Eight-room , modern house, good location, furnish ed or unfurnished. Four lots and burn. Phone B-3781. Party In financial distress has plac ed with us for sale a beautiful Ho bart M. Cable piano, cost $460. No reasonable offer refused. Elllers Mu sic House, 813, Main street Pendle ; ton's home store. Meeting Notice of B. P. O. Elks. Notice is hereby given that there will be a regular meeting of Pendle ton Lodge No. 288, B. P. O. Elks, held at their lodge room on September 8, 1910, at 8 o'clock p. m. Balloting for candidates and the transaction of business. All members are requested to be present. By order of the exalted ruler. THOS. FITZ GERALD, Sec. Save money by reading today's ads. PERSONAL MENTION A. Mendenhall came np from Echo last evening. Pearle Edwards of Weston, Is a Pendleton visitor. Cyntha Burns of Echo, is register ed at the Bowman. William Potts of Helix, spent last night in Pendleton. K. Sharp ' of Athena, came down from that city last evening. Miss Newlln of La Grande, la regis, the Hotel Bowman. Mrs. J. B. Baker Is down from Meacham to do some trading. John B. Kerfoot of Pasco, Is here to look after business Interests. Rev. A. McKenzle Meldram cams down this morning from Athena. Mrs. Hammer of Echo, came up last evening to do some shopping. William Rourke came up from Stan- neid this morning for a brief visit W. S. Rinehart of La Grande, came over from that city last even ing. Will Jameson, the well-known Wes ton resident, spent last night In Pen dleton. E. B. Casteel of Pilot Rock, came down from that town yesterday af ternoon. R. L. Bender of Walla Walla, came ever from that city last evening to transact business. Mac Stocker came In this morning from his home near Albee, bringing in a bunch of cattle. William Kupers, the local hardware merchant, came In this morning from a business visit to Helix. Mrs. A. B. LaFaver and Miss D. Waddlngham of Duncan, are register, ed at the Hotel St. George. Mrs. Stlllwell of Astoria, Is visiting at the home of her father, James H. Jones of North Pendleton. T. S. Tlllson, former city marshal at Umatilla, Is up from that town for the transaction of business. A. H. Klnnear of Asotin, Wash Ington, is here to look after business Interests In Umatilla county. E. L. McBroom Is In the city, hav ing placed his two daughters In St Joseph's academy for the winter. H. H. Turner and Ben Turner of Dayton, Washington, are In Pendle ton for the transaction of business. Mrs. H. N. Dryer of Umatilla, came up from that place yesterday and re turned home on the noon train today. Mrs. .Turner and family of Long creek, are In from their Grant county home for the transaction of business. Miss M. V. Latourelle who was call ed to Pendleton two weeks ago by the Illness of her mother, has returned to Seaside. A. E. Eberhart of the Atlas bridge company. Is up from Portland to at tend the September ' term of the county court. Miss Effle Jean Frazler returned this noon from an extended visit to Hot Lake, where she was the guest of Miss Hester Phy. District Attorney G. W. Phelps re turned this morning from Hermiston where he had been to meet the board of army engineers. Wm. Konaseek, who is the N. P. agent at LaMar, Wash., Is here visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Konaseck of 2101 W. Webb. Circuit Judge H. J. Bean left this afternoon for Portland in the Inter est of his candidacy for the republican nomination for supreme Judge. Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Burgess return ed yesterday from a visit of two weeks to Denver and Salt Lake. They saw a six-Inch fall of snow Tuesday. W. R. Walpole, Jr., of Irrlgon, is In the city today, being interested In the water rights adjudication which Is now in progress at the court house. L. E. McBee, a prominent rancher and stockman, is here from his home near Cecil for a visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc Bee. Miss Marlon Paxton and Harry Pax- ton were among those who came over from Walla Walla last night to at tend the dance in the Eagle-Woodman hall. Rev. B. F. Harper, Presbyterian Sunday school missionary for east ern Oregon, came down Inst evening on the delayed train from his home at Milton. Mrs. Garder, wife of the former In structor In agriculture at the agency, is now here upon a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Garner are now stationed at the Roseburg agency. Wallace McCamant, assembly candi date for supreme judge, came up from Hermiston with the Pendleton dele gation this morning. He took the noon train for Portland. Dr. C. J. Pmlth drove from Hermis. ton and Umatilla following the army engineers banquet last evening and took the Spokane Flyer to Portland where he Is attending a medical meet ing. Mrs. James Adams of Fresno, Cali fornia, Is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. W. Goodman. She Is nn her way home from a trip to Iowa and will remain In Pendleton until after the Round-up. Harry Folsom has returned from California where he has been spend ing the greater part of the summer. He was accompanied home by his sis ter. Mrs. Guy Wade, who was former, ly Miss Elsie Folsom. Lloyd rtnrzeo, who has been visiting friends In Pendleton for Severn I days following a summer In harvest work In this county, left on the noon train for Portland to spend the two weeks before the opening of college. James H. Jones has received word that his daughter. Miss Olive Jones, who has been 111 In the hospital at Ln Grande, Is getting along remark nl ly well. Her mother and brother, William Jones, are with her. Frank D. Carruth returned this morning from Oakland, Eugene and Portland, where he had been for tho past two or three weeks. He Is pre paring to go to La Grande, where he has-a position ln the high school dur ing the coming year. ARMY ENGINEERS VISIT PROJECT AT HERMISTON (Continued from page 1.) told of the advance ln values due to Irrigation in the Milton-Freewater country. R. W. Alien, superintendent of the experiment station at Hermiston voic ed his belief that the land lying under the extension is more desirable land than that of the present project. United States Senator George E. Chamberlain responded in his usual affable manner to the call for a few remarks. He urged the engineers to order the extension of the project and spoke enthusiastically of the outlook for the extension. The senator also paid a high compliment to the men of the reclamation service. Jay Bowerman, acting governor de clared he was present at the meeting in order that the engineers might know that the sanction of the stats was behind the request of local peo ple that the extension be made. Judge S. A. Lowell was the closing speaker and voiced the sentiment of all present In the hope that the ac tion of the board would be of a na ture favorable to the growth and de velopment of this section. Following the banquet the cars con taining the engineering party and al so a car for the Pendleton delega tion were attached to the fast mall when it came through Hermiston at 2 o'clock. The train arrived In this city at 3:16 a. m. From Hermiston the reclamation party goes to Boise where an inspec tion of the Minodoka project Is to be made. Those of the army board with the party were General Marshall, Col. W. C. Langfltt, Lieut. Col. John Bid die, Major Charles "W. Kutz, Major W. W. Horta and Major Harry Bur gess. Aside from Director Newell, E. G. Hopson and C. S. Blanchard, both high reclamation officials, were present. William MeMurray, general passenper agent for the O. R. 4 N. and Jack O'Neill, traveling passenger agent, likewise accompanied the party to Idaho. GOOD WAT TO USE HTOMTTI FOR CATARRH Besides breathing through the in haler a few times a day, many ca tarrh sufferers write that they find Inhaling HYOMEI (pronounce it Hy-o-tne) from a bowl of steaming water each night before retiring, a great aid In curing stubborn cases. Try It; It's simple; gives quick re lief and makes you breathe easer. Fill a bowl half full of boiling wa ter; pour Into the water a teaspoonful of HYOMEI, cover head and bowl with a towel, and breathe through nose and mouth the pleasant medi cated, antiseptic and healing vapor that arises. i This method relieves that stuffiness at once and makes your head feel fine. You can get a bottle of HYOMEI at Tallman's and druggists everywhere, for only 60 cents. Ask for extra bot tle HYOMEI inhalent. But bear in mind that a HYOMEI outfit which includes Inhaler and bot tle of HYOMEI costs $1. HYOMEI is guaranteed by Tall- man & Co and druggists everywhere to cure catarrh," sore throat, coughs, colds, asthma and croup, or money back. Try it on that generous basis. XEW GRANDSTAND FOR COUNTY FAIR Ontario, Ore. The big grandstand at the fair grounds at Ontario, where the Malheur county fair will be held annually Is nearing completion and another week will see the structure completed. Every seat will have a back and plenty of room allowed for aisles. The grandstand will be a cred it to the county. The three flags for the buildings have arrived and are first class, hav ing the stars to represent the new states added to the Union. These flags were presented to the fair as sociation by 60 Malheur county peo ple through the efforts of Mrs. Fred Stewart, who solicited the money to purchase them. FARMERS WILL STUDY BENEFITS OF IRRIGATION Weston, Ore. Promoters of the Pine creek irrigation propect have planned a public meeting for Septem ber 16 with a view to acquainting farmers with the benefits of Irriga tion. It is proposed under this pro ject to conserve the flood waters of Pine creek with an immense dam, to he built about three miles above Wes ton and to irrigate thousands of acres of rich land now devoted to wheat raising. Plans and maps have been prepared and filed -with the secretary of state, and the preliminary work completed. Dr. N. G. Blalock and E. C. Burlingame of Walla Walla, and H. F. Marblo of North Yakima, have promised to address the meeting. Indian Statue to Edward. Calcutta. The maharajas of aah mlr, Jodhput and Mysore and the ni znm of Halderabad hnve each given 5000 rupees toward the cost of an all Indian memorial to the late King Ed ward. At a meeting held at Simla, presided over by the viceroy, an exec utive committee was formed to carry through the proposal. ' The memorial will take the form of an equestrian statue to be erected In the gardens at Delhi. Swiss lllvnl to Monto Carlo. Genon. A serious rival to Monte Carlo Is about to be set up in Switz erland. Tho two little Islands of Brlssngo, on Ixike Maggtore. have been purchased by nn Anglo-Italian syndicate and are to have erected upon them a large casino with gam bling rooms and a theater. A first class hotel Is also to be erected. Meat Is High In Vienna. Vienna. Great indignation has been caused in Vienna by an Increase In the price of meat and public ap peals are bolg made for legislation to prevent the action of tho butchers. Do you take the East Oregonian? Wohlenberg 50 doz. Children's handkerchiefs at. each lfJ ' 50 doz. hemstitched handkerchiefs at 2 for 5f 12 l-2c White outing flannels, yard ,',' 10f 36-in. all wool serge in navy, brown, cardinal and 8 shades yard 59 25c Hair ribbon, all colors at, yard , , . Boys' fleece union suits at, each , tttS Boys' all-wool union suits at, each . . $1.25 Misses' medium weight union suits at 85 and $1.00 Boys' extra heavy ribbed hose at, pair 25sft Shoes of the most durable kinds. Bring your children to this store for BETTER LOOKING, BETTER WEARING SHOES, at a saving in price, too. ' Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money Talk about ltt Come Bring your friends, to "The Ronnd-Up" and Third District Fair. Sept. 26 to Oct. 1. VEGETABLE pROWTN'G FINDS GOOD PROFIT Walla Walla, Wash. That vegeta bles are more profitable than fruit is the opinion of some of the farmers of this valley, and with this in mind they are to try farming produce on a large scale. Vegetables are now commanding a much higher price in the market than fruit, and it is point ed out by those who have the project in view that this is always the case. For Instance, tomatoes are now commanding twice the price of the same bulk of peaches, and canta loupes at twice the price of last year, are hard to obtain. All kinds of veg etables are in strong demand, and the Italian gardeners are reaping a rich er harvest than are the fruit growers. "The county is so interested In the growing of fruit that the production of vegetables Is almost forgotten," says a well known local dealer. "The production of vegetables is more prof itable, in my mind than the raising of fruit besides being more certain. From observations I have made since I have been In the business, I believe that there Is no Industry that 'will pay more Just now than the raising of vegetables. "Potatoes are Jn big demand now, and so are onions and all other kinds of vegetables. We will find a good market for all the produce we can ship this year, and this will be not a little This market will be better than that of fruit, too, although I look for apples to bring a good price this pear." Ballding Sewer System. Vale, Ode. Work has begun on Vale's water and sewer system, to cost $75,000. Several carloads of sewer pipe have already been unload ed in the railway yards and the rest of the material will arrive soon. 1 1 Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens !! AH kinds, sizes and colors, young and old For choice dressed ones phone your order nigbt before. We dress none except for order so If you like cold storage poultry patronise the other fellow or store yourself. East End Grocery Res. Phone B. Are You Going Hunting? Do You Need a Gun or a Hunt ing Coat? If you do look over our line as we have a complete stock of sporting goods and the Best makes here, also shells and cartridges, Gun oil cleaning Rods and Reloading tools. The Taylor Hardware Co. Talk about It! Come! Bring your friends, to "The Round-l'p" and Third District Fair. Sept. 20 to Oct. 1. at Dep't. Store 5 Room Cottage On Lllllth street. Bath and tsi let, electric lights, cellar, good lawn and in first class conditi on. This property sold for $1700. Can be bought for $1250 One-half cash, balance terms. 7 Room House On Lewis street. A splendid house, fine lawn, and abates trees. Several fine fancy trees. This place can be bought at bargain if you act quick. 5 Acre Tract IS minutes drive from P. O. This Is one of best small fruit and garden tracts in Umatilla Co. Fine small orchard and about 100 fine raspberry bush es, and several hundred other plants. Price very reasonable. 10 Acre Tract Only IS 1-2 minutes drive from P. O. This Is a bargain for some one who wants a nice home near the city. Splendid orchard and fine garden. I would like to show this place. Can be bought right LEE TEUTSCH The Real Est3te and In surance Man 550 Main St. Phone M. 5 Telephone Main 536 95a 1. are to be found I