East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 08, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published Dally, Weekly id 8aU-Weekly
at t-easieisa, vraaraa, ay lae
Oalty. one year, a? Mil
Dally, six strath, sy mail
daily, tare aaataa. by Ball
Dally, oae eaeaea, ky sail
Daily, one year, ky carter
Daily, alx aaeatae, ky earlier
Daily, three atoatka, ky carrier
Daily, one Booth, by carrier
Weekly, one year, ky Ball
Weekly, all ateatfca, ay Ball
Weekly, fear Beatka, ky Ball
semi-Weekly, eae year, ky mall...,
4eml-Weekly, alx aaakka. b mall...
fteinl-Weekly, fear Baataa. ky mall..
1 25
1.50 !
The Daily East Oregonlan la kept on sale
t the Oreoa News Co., 147 6th street.
Portland, Orecaa.
Northwest Neva, Co.. Portland. Oregon.
Cblcairo Bareaa, MS Security Building.
Waahlagtea. . C, Bureau, 501 Four
teenth street. N. W.
Member baltea Press Aaoclatlon.
Entered at Us aestotflce at Pendleton.
Oregon, aa second daas Ball matter.
felephone Main 1
Official City M3 County Paper.
Joy is a duty; so with golden
The Hebrew Rabbis taught in
days of yore;
And happy hearts heard in their
Almost the highest wisdom man
can reach.
But one bright peak still rises
far above!
And there the master stands
whose name Js love,
Saying to those whom heavy
tasks employ,
Life is divine when duty is a
According to the declaration of Col.
Lang-fitt, made at the banquet at
Hermiston last evening, the chief
question in connection with the pro
posed extension of the Umatilla pro
ject Is one that must be answered by
the people of this section. The ques
tion has to do with the price per acre
settlers will be able to pay for the
lund under the extension. It is a
question that must be considered In
determining the practicability of the
In extemporaneous talks last eve
ning many local men told the engi
neers, in effect, that they need have
no fear upon this score. The land
will be worth reclaiming even should
the cost of reclamation run as high
aa $150 per acre, which it is safe to
say it will not do.
Such are the natural conditions up
on the extension that a, rather high
cost t)f reclamation may be borne.
The land is admirably located as to
markets and it has excellent trans
portation facilities. The altitude and
climate are such that early fruits and
vegetables may be raised and the
growing season is long. The soil Is
good and the contour of the land la
such as to make the cost of levelling
comparatively low.
Then under the terms of the recla
tion act the settlers are allowed ten
years In which to make their payments
to the government and they do not
pay interest. Under this arrangement
they have time to get their land to
producing long before they are re
quired to have it paid for. By the
time the final payment is due the land
should bo worth ten times as much
as the governmental charge for re
clamation. If the situation with reference to
the extension is as Col. Langfitt Indi
cated, then surely the hope for the
extension is bright indeed. We may
reasonably hope to see the Umatilla
project extended so as to Include the
60.009 acres lying west of the river.
The Madras Pioneer, of Crook
county, regards the various county
division schemes now before the peo
ple in this wise:
"Rob these county division schemes
of the ambition of some little town
which wants to he a county seat, and
the desire of a few men to Increase
the vale of their property, or to
brighten up their political chances,
and what is there left? These mo
tives are the source of all this county
division turmoil which is disturbing
the state from border to border at
Oils time. Not in a single Instance
does Investigation of . these move
ments prove this statement to be un
"County organization Is a part of
our government that most directly
affects the welfare of the people, and
this paper believes that such Import
ant Interests as this ought to be put
where every pety schemer In the
elate can't monkey with them. The
time to put these county division
schemes out of the wny for all time
Is now, and the way to do this is to
vrte against each and every one of
Certainly there would be no aglta
tion for the creation of Orchard
county were It not for the selfish am
bltlons of a few business men living
a; Milton. The people residing in
the greater portion of the district ae
lected for the proposed new county
are against division. Most of the
tnwns in the proposed county are
fighting division and many of the
people living right in the vicinity of
Milton do not want the move to
Prom all over the country comes
continued reports of progressive vic-
tories. In Wisconsin Senator La
r uiirne, ui igiuai uisui geui, tiua uccn
renominated for senator by a four to
one vote. He has a lead of 100.000
over his opponent. Thus has the
"old guard" of Wisconsin downed
Little Bob and the principles for
which he stands.
In Michigan Senator Burrows, one
of the most tried and trusty senators
of the Aldrich-Cannon machine, has
been turned down by the people. If
the Michigan legislature obeys the
will of the people as expressed in the
primary election Burrows' seat will be
filled by a progressive.
Even to conservative old New Eng
land has the progressive spirit ex
ten'ded. New Hampshire republicans
have named a progressive candidate
for governor.
In view of what is going on else'
where in the union what may we ex
pect of Oregon. This Is naturally a
progressive state. Oregon was one of
the very first states to break away
from the old system of machine rule
which always means rule in behalf
of special Interests. Now that Ore
gon has come out of the damp and
stinking hole of political corruption
is it to go back? The answer will be
given on the 24th day of this month
and it is the prediction of the East
Oregonlan that when the returns are
In from the primary election the
news will be sad reading for the re
actionaries of this state who are Just
now more specifically designated by
the term assemblyltes.
That Is a generous offer that has
been made the Commercial club by
the manager of the Pacific light and
power company. If the commercial
body will construct an illuminated
sign bearing a slogan exploiting the
city the light company will furnish
electricity for the sign free of cost.
This action on the part of the elec
tric company is most welcome and
the offer should be accepted with
pleasure. The offer of the company
ndicates that the present owners are
anxious to do their part towards
bringing about the further growth
and advancement of this city. In the
past the electric company has done
but little along this line and the
change in policy should be appreci
Let us have the big booster sign.
The cost will not be great and we
need it.
Towns are built; they do not grow.
The men who constitute the rem
nants of the old republican machine
p this county do not like C. A. Bar
rett, candidate for the nomination for
joint senator. But the rank and file
of the republican voters think well
of him. They have elected him twice
as representative and the last time he
led the legislative ticket despite knif
ing on the part of the machine men.
All indications are that they will
again uphold him. He is the "pro
gressive" candidate for Joint senator.
By the manner in which they en
tertained the army engineers and
other guests last evening the men of
Hermiston and the loyal ladies of
that little city upheld the reputation
of Hermiston as a hospitable and
courteous town.
It is evident that at leant five mem
bers of the Balllnger Investigating
committee are not In favor of a
Those Meacham safecrackers used
rare Judgment In going to a place
where many people had passed their
This county wants the army engi
neers to order a further attack upon
the west end desert.
Fish have many times been taught
to perform tricks and it would ap
pear as if they had much more In
telligence than is attributed to them
J. A. Bailey of circus ramc, once
had two brook trout In a small aqua-
rium In his private residence that
would Jump out of the water and take
Utterly Wretched
Nervous Prostration Long Endured
Before Remedy was Found.
Miss Minerva Remlnger, Upptr liern.
Pa., writes: "For several years I had
nervous prostration, and was utterly
wretched. I lived on bread and beef
tea because my stomach would not re
tain anything else. I took many r m
edies, but obtained no relief until i
took Hood's Sarsaparllla, when I begun
to gain at once. Am now cured."
Pure, rich blood mnkes good, strong
nerves, and this Is why Hood's Santa
parilia, which purifies and enriches the
blood, cures so many nervous diseases.
Get It today In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called S&rsalAbS.
files held -between the forefinger and
thumb, and would also ring a little
bell when they required fqod. They
would also leap over little bars of
wood placed about two Inches above
the surface of the water.
It was a very simple matter to
teach the fish these tricks. At first
a little tower containing a tfny, sweet-
toned silver bell was fastened to the
iron work of the aquarium with a
piece of string attached to the tongue
of the bell extending into the water
where the trout were. On tire loose
end of the string an insect or other
tempting morsel was placed, which
the fish would at once seize and,
pulling the cord, the bell In the tower
would naturally tinkle. . ,
After this had been repeated sev
eral days, the fish were left without
food for some little time until they
found they could obtain it by pulling
the string to which the delicacies had
been attached.
This they never failed to jjo ever
afterward when they were hungry,
and as that was nearly all the time,
the little bell was constantly tinkling.
as the fish were continually pulling
the cord and it was quite a pretty and
novel sight.
While the act of laughing may be
peculiar to man, the same Is not true
of weeping, which, if we are to ac
cept the testimony of a French natu
rallst, is a manifestation of emotion
that Is met in divers animals.
It is said that the creatures that
weep most easily are the ruminants,
with whom the act is so well known
that it has given rise to the trivial
but accurate expression, "to weep like
a calf." All hunters know that the
stag weeps, and we are ajso told that
the bear sheds tears when It comes to
a consciousness of its last hour. The
giraffe Is not less sensitive, and re
gards with tearful eyes the hunter
who has wounded it. This animal al
so weeps through downright nostal
gia. Dogs also are held to be lachry
mose, and the same holds In the case
of certain monkeys. Sparrman states
the elephant sheds tears when wound
ed or when It perceives that It can not
Aquatic animals, too, it appears, are
able to weep. Thus, many authori
ties agree, dolphins at the moment of
deth draw deep sighs and shed tears
abundantly. A young female seal was
observed to weep when teased by a
sailor. St. Hilaire and Cuvier re
count on the authority of the Malays,
that when a young dungong is cap
tured the mother is sure to be taken
also. The little ones then cry out
and shed tears. These tears are col
lected with great care by the Malays
and are preserved as a charm that Is
certain to render a lover's affection
. Windsor, Ontario, has decided to
purchase electric power from Ni
agara. The HO.OOO-volt line to Lon
don, Ontario, will be' extended the
108 miles separating Windsor from
London. Windsor will sell much of
the power it receives to Detroit across
the river. Thus the electricity used
In Detroit will have been conducted
over a distance of 220 miles.
Four and one-half miles of the
channel at the Pacific entrance to the
Panama canal hare been completed,
throughout this distance the dredg
ing has been carried down to a depth
of 45 feet.
Chile has contracted with a London
firm for a war vessel of 32,000 tons
to be armed with the heaviest gun In
existence. The cost will be, accord
ing to dispatches, $15,000,000.
Five year old Betty hates an apron
worse than anything else on earth.
The other day, as she was being but
toned into one of the despised gar
ments her anger burst forth.
"Oh. mother," she cried, "what's
an apron for, anyway to save a clean
dress or hide a dirty one?"
Day by Day
The maiden priced a diamond
It sparkled like the
She liked the diamond very
But didn't have the
The maiden had no time to
And folded up her ones
I've got a scheme the coyly
I'll go and find a man and
She bundled up In clothes
and furs
And lisped I'll sharm the
She didn't have so long to
For she found him at an
And on her dimple finger
He slipped the diamond
while they
Vm. HflllSCOM
THE Jeweler
p Palo Kothwcll, Optician. ' I
The Best at Right Prloes
Children Cry
Tho Kind You Hftvo Always Bought, and ivblch has boon
in uso for over SO years, has fcoino tho fclfjnatuio vi
0 and has boon mtiuo under his per-
77 sonal supervision elnco its infancy.
uxf?y, ac4ii Allow no one. to deceive you In thin.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" aro hv.t
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xareotlo
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AVoruis
and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and AVlnd
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend
i Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
A Counter Attraotlou.
It was at a ball game between Chi
cago and Pittsburg. The score was
tied, two men were out, a runner was
on third, and Hans Wagner was at
bat! The crowd was too excited to be
A sporting editor had taken his
neighbor to the game. Tho neighbor
was not a fan, but he had succumbed
to the delights of "traveling on a
Statement at close of business September 1, 1910
Loans and Discount $1,094,341.43
Securities and Warrants 19,443.11
Banking House 60,000.00
Other Real Estate 17,474.90
United States Bonds (at par) 101,000.00
CASH OX HAND 253,020.94
Capital Stock $ 100,000.00
Surplus 100,000.00
Undivided Profits (net) 65,963.60
Circulation 100,000.00
Re-discounta 104,340.89
deposits 1,075,575.89
I, T. G. Montgomery, being duly sworn, certify that,
the above statement is true and correct to the best of .
my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of
September, 1910.
Notary Public for Oregon.
,m44;!v''' f-:;";lvC tMl JTDE:T
ri"niiii ';-Uv:-.::;wr
Hul Oregon, located come of Seventn and Stark BtreetM, eatoaaMag
Ui rough the block to Park Street, Portland. Oregon. Onr new Park gnrsl
Aswex la absolutely fireproof.
Rates $1 per Day and Up. European
for Fletcher's
Signature of
pass,' and was having a real, garrul
ous, good time.
At the moment when there wasn't' a
heart beating on the bleachers, and
the grandstanders were nauseated with
suspense, the sporting editor's neigh
bor emitted this:
"Look. Jake! Look at that coke
train! Did you ever see one engine
pulling so many cars? I'm gonna
count 'em!" September Llpplncott's.
Headquarters For
Toilet Goods
We are Sole Ifamifactarers and
Dtotrlsutors of the Celebrated
Tonjrr cream
Tallman & C o.
Leading Druggists of Baaura
gTJRANCE. Indiana & Ohio
Live Stock Insur
ance Company
Of Cra wfordsv tile, Indiana.
Has now entered Oregon.
Policies 'now goo J In sTery
state In the Union. Organ
aed over SI years ago. Paid
op Capital $100,000.00. As
sets over $410,000.00.
a Mniual Live Mark Insur
ance company.
Mark Moorhouse
Agent. PemOetoa. Or.
Ill Bast Oeorl g.
Pboae Mans .
International Stock Food
the old reliable
The best for your stock
Try it
127-129 E. Alts
You Make a
Bad Mistake
When you put off buying your
on til Fall purchase It NOW
and secure the Best Itock
Springs coal the mines produce
at prices considerably lower than
those prevailing in Fall and
By stocking up now yon
avoid ALL danger of being un
able to secure It when raid
weather arrives.
Henry Kopittke
Phone Main ITS.
Trade Marks
Copyright Ac.
Anrnnfl ni1lns a Rkclrii anil iioncrlpllnn mi)
Qtllrklr wprlnln our opinion frQ ttlirllirr an
lliTciitlmi R pruhnltlf pKIAMtnlilA. Cninmunlrii
tltnm m rid I v flotmtonl litl. HANDBOOK on I'niniiu
octil free. Oldest nifonry for iriirliK patent.
'Hunts taken throuuh Mumt A lo. rocalfil
iyrlal notice, wit hout clmrire, lathe
Scientific Jimcr.can.
H rmndsomelj lllnatrnteil weekly, foment ot
dilution of unf oleiiUllo Journal, 1'erina, 19
.year I four mnntba, IL Sold by all newadealara
MUNN & Co eiB- New Yo
Branch Offlo. 856 r BU Washington. IX Q
Ourss Coldai Prevents Pneumonia
Cus La Fontaine, Prop.
Best 25c Meals in North- I
west q
First-class cooks and service 1
Shell fish in season S
La Fontaine BIk., Main St. i
i w; r.w TTirarrwm