PAIZiT EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1H10. PAa TBKEB EIGHT PAQESw F.AC7S FOR FARMERS I 4 Poultry Pointers. It Is mid by those who have given this matter thought, that five pounds of food, when Intelligently fed, should add one pound of flesh to a young chicken. Without Intelligence In feed ing It may require much more. Good business judgment Is' required for successful poultry raising. A careful consideration of the business will be needed to find profits In the fowls. A variety diet is best for making hens lay. The fowls may thrive well for a short while upon one or two dif ferent kinds of foods, but permanent results will require a variety. Even a balanced ration will need to be changed to keep the appetite normal. About twenty-seven pounds of dry food will be required to every BOO pounds live weight of the fowls. One hundred hens weighing five pounds each would require about twenty seven pounds of dry matter every day. about four ounces a day of dry mat ter Is recommended for each hen. It Is very difficult to feed chickens intelligently unless you have an Idea of the composition of the feeds. Most feeds have been analyzed and the anal ysis can be had from bulletins of the experiment stations. Study these ta bles and get an idea of the relative value of feeds. . . . Give your chickens fresh water two or three times a day, as hot, dirty water causes more disease than any - thing else. Young people who are looking for aome way to make expense money hould investigate poultry raising. Thero are many opoprtunltles to make money with fowls, even If they are kept as a side line with some oth er business. Mongrel chickens are hearty eat ers, but they do not usually transform expensive foods into profits. What every home needs Is fowls that trans form larire Quantities of food Into profitable products. Not all thor oughbred fowls do this, but there are more among the thoroughbreds than among scrubs. Don't feed your poultry decayed fruit. It Is often fed to poultry and results in diarrhoea, which when once tarted in a flock of chickens general Iv nlnvs havoc. Onions chopped fine either by hand or bv a cutter, and mixed with the chicken food. Is one of the greatest health promoters that can be used, and it really ought to be fed to fowls through the hot season twice a week. Chickens are extremely fond or it. Does the old hen lay? Try this If he does not: Feed her all the chop ped clover she will eat, with an ounce t inun mem everv dnv. If there la any lay In her that wilt bring It out Fort Worth Citizen-Star. r,vm to tlie Front. There Is a growing demand for geese in the United States and as a result geese raising Is becoming more profitable, and therefore more attrac tive, says a prominent stock paper. It Is a fuct that as the country has set tied up in the territory where a few years ago there was more open range fewer turkeys are now being raisea The price of turkeys in recent years has made that fowl a great luxury and the next thing and the best substitute that can be had Is a big, fat goose, for a Thanksgiving dinner, for: There's no bird that flees so very nice As goose with sage an' onions. There is no reason why every far mer who has plenty of good grais rango should not keep geese and in crease his Income at a very little cost, as they can be kept on grass and wa ter from spring until late In the fall. Nearly every farmer has some mea dow pasture near his buildings which could be used to a good advantage by devoting It to goose raising. The only time geese require grain Is In winter and then very little is required to keep them in good breeding condition. Feed a few oats, cut clover and liny or en Uage. Give them oyste.r shells and MVXICIPAIi nAKEKY SUCCESS. Big Saving Made for Budapest Con Kilmers. I Vienna. The municipal bankery at Budapest has been working for about a year. At its start the management ' created a revolution in the local bak ing trade by making bread from the j best materials under the best pos-1 Bible conditions, and distributing It: to the public at prices which showed J an Immediate benefit to consumers of $500 per day on the quantity issued. After some experience It was found that, aftei providing for all possible plenty of water and a little corn fed at night on real cold days, and the geese will be In the bent condition when the breeding season arrives. Geese should not be fat for breeding purposes, but they must be well fed while they are laying eggs In the spring. io expensive yards or V houses are required; a three-foot wire ' th" f nclal ... ..... . favorable that the price of bread ..ciuuB win iioio. mem, nu an . ,. . ,,,, . , ,,. ,, open shed facing the south for them to go under and make their nests Is all that is necessary. t'lliiig Sheep Too Clone. It is a great mistake to clip the after careful investigation, the man aging committee decided to make another reduction. The price of a loaf weighing Just under 2 1-4 pounds is about 4 1-3 wool right down to the skin because centa for brown br(ia(, nearly B centB for half-brown bread, and 6 cents for white bread. The local private bakers have low ered the prices and improved the quality of their products as a result it to blister, says a Texas exchange. The sheep's skin is very tender, having been covered for a year with heavy coat of wool, and when ex posed to the hot sun the result will be n. fhi mneminn the same as when a buy strips his i heavy clothing and exposes his skin to i.Can be depended upon" is an ex- '" "" pression wa ail UKe to near, ana wnen swimming. I lt . ued ln connection with Cham- Machines clip much closer than , berlaln's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea hand shears and they should be ad- I Remedy it means that it never falls Justable so they could be set to leave ( to cure diarrhoea, dysentry or bowel me wuui buuui uuc-iimr men -ions, complaints, it is pleasant to taae ana Newly clipped eheep should be kept equally valuable for children and under cover for a day or two until adults. Sold by all dealers, tneir skins become a bit tough and HAU.OOXIST'S DAKIXG LEAP. From liurniiiK Craft Falls Through It oof and Lives. Berlin. Extraordinary good for tune favored a German aeronaut who leapt from a burning balloon and es caped death. The wind blew the bal loon toward Augsburg and then, sud denly, dense clouds of smoke and flames were seen issuing from the en velope, The balloon began to fall rapidly and the aeronaut, realizing his immediate danger, took his life in his hands and leaped, to the horror of the thousands of spectators who were watching from below. The houses stood thick beneath him and he fell on the roof of an English girls' school and crashed through it. He escaped Injury miraculously and crawled downstairs. After sailing over the town for a while the balloon was demolished by the flames. Pendleton JPiiMic Schools pen Nexk Monday. Seat.- B2th V u then, they can better stand the hot sun. Some large floekowners say that when they shear closely they save so much more wool, an eighth of an inch or so on every sheep. As a matter of fact the growth of wool la about so much each year, and If one gets an eighth of an Inch more this year, he gets Just that eighth-inch lens next. So the only time when it would make a dirrerence would be when a man waa going to sell his sheep before an other shearing. Stripping. If you haven't already whitewashed your dairy barns this year, yet busy and do It. A milker should see to lt that his or her finger nails are kept well pared and that there is no dirt under them. Be kind to your cows, for kindness Is conducive to thrift and profit. If you have a cow In your dairy herd that does not pay for her keep, let some other fellow keep her. The first, last and most important point In dairying is cleanliness. The man who looks after and carea for a herd of dairy cows should have a kind and gentle disposition. It counts for much. Study the needs of each cow in your herd. Know her capacity and feed her accordingly. . Never change milkers If It can be avoided. Keep the environments quiet and pleasant. A 300-pound cow with a 100-pound man behind her will be a failure. 16 of last year the Princess Remanls Hay, green in color and sweet In J Onesk was married to the Prince taste, Is the only quality that Is fit- I Chamberlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is today the best known medicine in use for the relief and cure of bowel complaints. It cures griping, diarrhoea, dysentry, and should be taken at the first unnatural looseness of the bowels. It Is equally valuable for children and adults. It always cures. Sold by all dealers. Bride 8. Groom 14. Divorced. Rome. The youngest divorced i couple in the world are to be found In the Court of Abyssinia. On May Happy, Happy, Use TIZ A Marvel for Sore Feet. Off. Acta Right ted for a cow. In milk, to eat. Orchard and Garden. No good good orchard 1st would ever shake apples from the trees to be sent to market, although many people con tinue to do It. Fruit of every kind should be thor oughly cooled before being packed for the market. Even strawberries packed while warm from the field and sent directly to the cars unless allow ed to get chilled will quickly deterior ate. If the strawberry bed has borne two crops plow it up and set out late cabbage. SOME NEWS CRUMBS PICKED UP AT E Sore Feet? Xevcr After Using TIZ Good-bye sore feet, swollen feet, aweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet, aching feet. Good-bye corns, cnllouses nml bun Ions and raw spots. You've never tried anything like TIZ before for your feet. It Is dif ferent from nnythlng ever before sold. It acts at once and makes the feet feel remarkably fresh nnd sore-proof, TI?. Is not a powder. Powders and other foot remedies clog up the pores. Tiv. rtrnws out nil poisonous exudl- atlons which bring on soreness of the feet, and Is the only remedy that dors. TIZ cleans out every pore and glorifies the foot your feet. You'll never limp again or draw up your fnce In pain, and you'll forget about your corns, bunions and cal louses. Tou'il feel like a new person. If you don't find all this true after trying a box of TIZ, you can get your money right back. TIZ is for sale at all druggists at 15 cents per box, or it will be sent you direct If you wish from Walter Luther Dodge & Co., Chicago,. 111. (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., Sept. 7. The first so cial event of the season was given by Mrs.- J. F. Spinning at her home on Kennedy street lost evening. A large number was present and a pleasant time was had. A majority of the business men went to Hermlston last night on the motor to attend the banquet given In honor of the United States army en giners at that place. Mrs. Jas. McLaughlin left for Port land today on a vl't with her broth er. Pat Doherty. Vm. Humphrey of Pendleton, spent the day here yesterday. Jacob Tro't returned Tuesday from an extended visit to Tckoa, Wash. Mrs. Louis Scholl returned Tues day from Walla Walla, where she was with her husband,' who underwent an operation at St. Mary's hospital. O. A. Cannon, who Is to teach tn the high school here this year, una Just returned from a visit to the east. Mrs. II. E. Stevens Is quite 111 at her home In this place. Dr. C. J. Smith una called down from Pendleton last evening to attend her in consultation with Dr. Dorn. Miss lone renin is hero from Pen dleton visiting with her uncle, Wm. Reeves and Elmer Reeves of tho Meadows. Mrs, T. G. Smith and son Guy spent yesterday in Pendleton. t LidJ Eyassu, the heir-apparent, the bride being then 8 years of age and the bridegroom 14. Now they have been divorced. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup Chamberlain's cough remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. Sold by all dealers. It's wonderful how bigger a dollar looks to a man when he spends it upon his wife at home than when he throws it away upon his friends down town. SAVED FROM AN OPERATION ByLydiaEaPinkham's Vegetable Compound FIXE XFW HOME FOR XEWRERG BANK Ncwberg, Ore. The contract for the erection of the new home of the First National Bank has been let to Bnr bnin brothers of Dallas. Tho struc ture will be 36x70 feet, two full strles, of Ncwberg brick finished with Willa intna pressed brick, and sandstone, The ground floor will be wholly occu pied with tho bnnking Interests tyhlle the second story will be arranged for offices. The contract calls for com pletion by the first of tho year. Your complexion as well as your temper Is rendered miserable by a dis ordered liver. By taking Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets you can Improve both. Sold by all deal-era. Do yea take the East Oregonlan? Te Forest. "Wis. "After an oiipr,i linn four years ago 1 luul juiius down ward in both side:!, backacliy, and a weakness. The doc tor wanted mo to have another opera tion, ltouk J.vtiia Iv. 1 aw entirely cured (jf my troubles." Mrs. ArofSTB Vil'KKMAN.N, Do For est. Wisconsin. Another Operation Avoided Xevv Orleans, La. "For years 1 suf fered from severe female troubles. Finally I was conlined to my bed and t!:e doctor sail, an operation was neces sary. I pave J.ydia 1.. 1 lnkham s ejr etablo Compound a trial first, and was saved from an operation." Jlrs. Lily Fey hovx, 1111 Kerlerec St., .rew Orleans, La. Thirty years of unparalleled success confirms the power of J.ydia F. link ham's Vegetable Compound to euro female diseases. The great volume of unsolicited testimony constantly liour infT in proves conclusively that Lydia E. Fiuklia m's Vegetable Compound is a remarkable remedy for those dis tres: iiiff feminine ills from which so r.nmy women suffer. If jou want special advice about .. '.r ease! wriicto Mrs. Pinklinin, Hass. ilcr advice is "r; always helpful. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. WE DEAL 11 DRU6S MOT PROMISES Resolved-A Toast Dear Bustir Brown p,i ue Ribbon Shoe Here's a brimming glass to YOU. And little Buster too. For we really think you'll do let's repeat fiusTER Brown Blue ribbon YOU BET YOUU -BUSTER; rtro COPriNCHT lM T THI tOW SHOt CO Full Line of School Shoes The kind that wears and are dressy too When the youngster sleeps That's the only time the little shoes get a rest From daylight till dark kno'ied, kicked, scraped. On!y tough leather and good shoe-'uic-Juiig will bland it. And that's what you get in Butter Brown Shoes. There's double wear in every pair. BUSTER BROWN Blue Ribbon SHOES. For yourrster, $1 50 to $2.50 New shipment of New Fall Suits just arrived Broad cloth, Serges and fancy mixed materials ...Alexander's Dept. Store.,. IV . lap' feJ? Reaching Out for Business Every effort to attract trade helps even if k only draws a child's wish for candy. Electric light for windows and signs should be given a chance to be useful. Every merchant can now get double electric light at no increase ia cost for electric current by using General Electric MAZDA lamps. Made in all sizes. We have them and will be glad to teU you about them. Pacific Fewer & Light Go. Always at your service Phone M. 40