f . ..... ; ' ft PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, 'I IH'R.sDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 11. nam page. r - 4 ;. f The Peoples Warehouse MILLINERY If you have not seen our millinery display you have missed a realtreat Unquestionably the smartest, cleanest and cleverest showing of New and Exclusive Millinery ever shown in Pendleton and at prices that must command attention. A Special Offering for Thursday and Friday The Mushroom Turban" at $6.50 a beautiful medium size Mushroom of Duchesse Satin and Velvet combined, finished with dainty ribbon and silk. This Model Would Easily Command $10.00 The smartess assortment of SIMPLY TRIMMED HATS AND TURBANS for immediate wear, in new fall colorings and black, each $3.50 $4.98, $5.95 and $7.50 - Ask for Your Trading Coupons Everybody Needs Hosiery Now AXD TIIIS SALE OX THURSDAY AND FRIDAY WILL MEET EVERYBODY'S WANTS. Aur stock comprises some of the best makes of hosiery in the world. MEN'S FIXE IMPORTED HALF IIOSE. Hermsdorf fast color, reinforced heel and toe, made of fine combed yarn, 35 values, pecial price, 4 pairs for 81.00. CHILDREN'S RIBBED COTTOX HOSE. Fast, black for boys' and girls. Medium ribbed, double heel and toe, sizes from S 1-1 to 10 1-2, 13 value, special 6 .pairs for 50. 100 DOZEN WOMEN'S HOSE. Plain black, fancy embroidered and lace. Imported and domestic hose; all sires. Regular 35 value, special price 5 pairs for $1.00 WOMEN'S PURE THREAD SILK HOSE. " In black, tan and all the new shades. All have double soles and garter tops. All sires. Regular g2 quality, special price, pr. $1.39 200 DOZEN WOMEN'S HOSE. Plain black and tan, fancy embroidered, and all the late shades, garter top, double heel and toe. The best makes in the world. All sizes. Regular 50 quality. Special price 39. Women's New Fall Suits Beautiful adaptions of the new models. Smart styles, made of cuperior quality broadcloth and Fancy Mixtures. Excellent workmanship and high class tailoring stamp these splendid garments strictly high class. As many of our exclusive pat terns can not be duplicated later in the season the advantage of an early selection need not be emphasized. $15 to $50. GroceriesOur Pure Food Dep't. Is one of the most complete In the Northwest. We carry the well known brands of the best producers and sell them for the lowest possible prices. This department must be seen to be appreciated. A fine lot of Fancy Apples, both cooking and eating. Fancy Green Olives, the plnnt 35. . T. P. W. Special Blend. The best 23 Coffee on earth. T. P. W. Special Blend Teas, 30 and 60 package. All kinds of fruits and produce. Fresh bread and cookies. Something new. Deviled Ham in glass, each, 35, Boys New School Suits THE SMARTEST STYLES AT THE RIGHT PRICES. Just what you would expect to find at The Peoples Warehouse. Splendidly stocked with everything for the boy, for fall and winter wear. Our famous Hercules Suits are the best Boys' Suits made. All wool, stylish, extra well tailored, rain-proof, $3.50 to $10.00. Just Arrived A large assortment of the latest and best patterns in Percales and Shirtings. Call and see them. 12 1-2 18. Ask for your trading ooapong. ...THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE... Where it Pays to Trade Save Your Coupons Agents for Hnrt, Srliaffuer & Marx Clothes for Men, Johnston-Murphy Shoes, Manhattan Shirts, Jno B. SteUon If a to, Lewis Cn derwear. Boost the "Round-up." Don't "Pull Leather." S BREEZY NEWS NOTES FROM OLD UMATILLA (Special Correspondence.) Umatilla, Sept. 7. The action of the city council here in reaped to the Cleaning up of the city has received the condemnation of all the citizens and nothing too harsh can be said of the manner in which their part of the work was carried out. It is time to be up and doing, try another "clean up day" and rid the town of some of the weeds, old tins, etc., that make the atreeta an eyesore rather than an advertisement. John Knight, the well known con tractor, has started a gang of men to work at the gravel pits here. This mikes three rifferent gangs now work ing there. The schools reopened here on Tues day. G. W. Collins, C. E. Seattle waa a visitor here today. J. J. Lawlor, traveling engineer, Bpjkane, waa here today on official business. Visitors here today are A. C. Mul- )..,-, Portland; H. Packer. New Tork; V. Montgomery. Frisco; E. A. Bee K'", K. G. Ross and J. K. Moore, P r land. Mrs. Bullard and her sister have Bme on a visit to Portland. 3. A. Saylor spent Sunday and La-l-.r day In Portland. H. T. Peterson Is on a business trip t'i Portland and Seattle. Mrs. W. Swltxler and Miss O'Con r.e'I. were visitors to S'arbuck this week. W. Von Winder, who had been on the O. R. & N. telegraphing staff here for some time. Is now with the Great Northern at Vancouver, B. C, and L. A Gat who was also employed in the- same capacity Is with the West ern Union. Kan Francisco. A Burnt Child dreads the fire. The dread Is whole some but not the burn; that can be healed and Instantly relieved by ap plying Ballard's Snow Liniment. Be prepared for accidents by keeping a bottle always in the house. Best for sprains, bruises, cuts, scalds, rheuma tism, neuralgia, bunions any and all aches and pains. Price 15c SOc and $1. A. C. Koeppen at Bros. SHORT NEWS NOTES FROM PILOT ROCK (Special Correspondence.) Pilot Rock, Sept. 7. Mrs. Thomas Jaques and Mrs. Leota Drury spent Thursday at Mrs. Mathew's on Stew art creek. Rev. E. W. Warrington has return ed from his vacation trip and taken up his work again. H. H. Gilbert spent Tuesday eve ning In Pendleton. Mr. George and two children and Myrtle Westgate left Thursday for Vale, where they will visit with rel atives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. James Whittaker of N'ye, spent Sunday at Pilot Rock. Miss Grace Whittaker of Nye, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Thomas Jaques. H. G. Casteel spent Friday evening in Pendleton. Arthur KIdwell returned to Pilot Rock Monday morning, after a few weeks spent in Athena and other small towns. Julius Mathews of Stewart, spent Sunday in Pilot Rock. Maud Koontz of Pendleton, is vis iting with relatives and friends for a few days. Fred Olcott, formerly of this city, but who is now living In Portland, visited here between trains Tuesday. A card received from Bayard Gll liland by one of his many friends here, states that he Is now In Center ville. Colorado. Esther Sturtivant spent Friday In Pendleton. Roy Linsner left Tuesday for Pen dleton on business. Mrs. George Linsner was a business visitor in Pendleton Tuesday. Sunday school .opened Sunday after a month's vacation with one hundred In attendance. The public school of Pilot Rock opened Tuesday morning with alxty pupils enrolled. A. J. Sturtevant Is reported on the sick list this week and also little Ivy McKeown. Notice. VOTE- FOR R. W. Henneman, who stands for Statement No. 1, the direct primary and against 'the as cembly and machine politics. (Paid Advertisement) DEALT IN CHARM RINGS. French Police Capture the Unlawful Trader, Paris. For the alleged offense of dealing in amulets and charms, a practice which is forbidden by French law, a man has Just appeared before a provincial court, which will deliver judgment In a week. According to the charge, he made a good thing out of the business, though he was rea sonable enough in his prices, at least for what he professed to supply. For 15 trances a customer could become possessed of an "all-powerful ring," which gave him such strength of will that success in his enterprises waa as sured. For 10 francs he could have a "negative ring," which spread con fusion among his enemies. Then there was the amulet which brought luck for the modest sum of 7 1-1 francs. There waa, however, such a rush after these rings and amulets that their vendor is supposed to have made greatly from thla traffic. Proceedings were taken against him when some disappointed buyers discovered that they were not "all powerful," that their enemies were still flourishing, and that, in the matter of luck, they were going on pretty much as usual. If there have been "victims" most of them have been willing ones, and are silent. The Judgment, when It comes to be delivered, will certainly be Interesting. "Foley KKlnoy ilUu Have Cured Me." The above is a quotation from a let ter written by H. M. Winkler, Evans ville, Ind. "I contracted a severe case of kidney trouble. My back gave out and pained me. I seemed to have lost all strength and ambition; was both ered with dizzy spells, my head would swim and specks float before my eyes. I took Foley Kidney Pills regularly and am now perfectly well and feel like a new man. Foley Kidney Pills have cured me." A. C. Koeppen & Bros, GERMAN NEWS. frown Princo May Visit U. S. Sul ride Club In Kaiser's Army. ISerlin. While, according to the of ficial program, the crown prince will not visit the United States on his re turn from India, It is by no means sure that the program will not be changed. TIs royal highness Is anx leus to visit America, that Is certain. and there is high authority for say ing If the necessary arrangements can be made he will return via San Francisco and New Tork, touching the principal cities of the United States, particularly those having a large Ger man population. Suicide Club In Army. The German military authorities are considerably perturbed at the state ment that a suicide club Is in exist ence among the soldiers of the Nu rember garrison. Recently a private shot himself, apparently for no rea son at all. His death haa been fol lowed by that of a lance corporal. The Becond tragedy seemed as mys terious as the first, until among the dead man's effects a letter was found stating that he and the previous sui cide belonged to a club, each mem ber of which was bound by an oath to die by his own hand. A rigorous search by the military authorities has failed to reveal the Identity of the re maining members of this society. Ferment in Egypt. Dr. Berber, an oriental traveler, makes a remarkable statement on the alleged Insecurity of British rule in Egypt. He asserts that in the case of an insurrection In Egypt the na tives would be armed with plenty of the most modern weapons, there be ing over 40,000 English repeating rifles, with ammunition, burled in a certain neighborhood. These weapons havo been smuggled into the neigh borhood despite the watchfulness of the British cuirassiers. The British authorities, Dr. Berger declares, have made most strenuous effort to locate the hidden spot, but no native has been found willing to betray the In surgent cause. "Help for Elderly People. W. H. Dewees. Matoon, 111., over 60 years of age, found prompt relief for his kidney trouble In using Foley Kid ney Pills. He writes: "For several years I have been bothered with kid ney trouble, having much pain In my back, s severe that I would have to stop right where I was. I bought a bottle of Foley Kidney Pills and start ed to take them. They acted prompt ly, as the pain gradually grew less and less, till it was ntlrely gone. I am now over my trouble and am glad to recommend Foley Kidney Pills to people suffering as I did, aa a quick and permanent cure." A.-C. Koep pen St Bros. SPORTS Fresh Eastern and Olympla Oysters and Clams arriving daily at Lyman'a. PACIFIC- COAST LEAGUB. W. L. P.O. Portland 11 1 .IT Oakland 88.. 70 .lit San Franoleco 81 Tt .ill Vernon 71 S ,4M Los Angeles 78 81 .411 Sacramento .......57 88 .368 At San Francisco R. H. E. Portland t I I Oakland 1 1 Nine inning. At Sacramento R. H. BV Sacramento I 1 I Vernon U I Nine Innings. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Pittsburg First game: R. H. B. St. Louis t PitUburg 11 II I Batteries Corrldon, Golden and Phelps; Lever and Simon. At New York R. H. B. Boston . 0 I I New Tork t Batteries Frock and Smith; Mathewson and Hewyera. At Philadelphia R. H. B. Brooklyn 3 7 t Philadelphia 4 I I Batteries Knetzer and Miller; Stack and Moran. At Chicago R. H. H. Cincinnati 6 12 2 Chicago 7 10 2 Batteries Beebe, Caspar and Clarke; Overall, Mclntyre and Kling. At St. Louis Chicago-St. Louis, two game; postponed: rain. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Washington R. H. E. New Tork 1 5 0 Washington 2 6 2 Batteries Qulnn and Sweney; Johnson and Beckendorf. At Boston R. H. E. Philadelphia 1 6 1 Boston ..1 1 4 4 Batteries Render and Thomas; Collins and Kleinow. Ten innings. At Cleveland R. H. E. Detroit 3 8 1 Cleveland .....4 10 1 Batteries Mtillln and Stanage; Mitchell and Land. DREAD CHOLERA LAYS 30,000 RUSSIANS LOW St. Petersburg. The cholera situa tion steadily grows more alarming. Already the figures show that there have been more than 3,000 deaths from the plague, and new points of Infection are reported dally. The best estimates now place the number of cases at 65,000 and the death rate has been fully 60 per cent. The output of coal In the Donotz region haa been reduced by 60 per cent, and a -partial paralysis of rail way and industrial operations has set in. The ignorance of the peasants, coupled with the awful lack of prop er medical and sanitary organization, makes the task of coping with the unprecedented epidemic well-nigh desperate. Professor Roln and a numerous medical staff have gone south with instructions from the government to take every measure to arrest the pro gress of the cholera, especially In the colliery districts. The action is some what tardy. The epidemic has al ready laid low 4000 miners and thou sands of others have fled to their homes, spreading contagion In the vil lages In the central and southern zones. ' COUNTESS PROBABLY INSANE. Waa Involved In Notable Tragedy, and Never Recovered. Rome. According to telegrams re ceived from Venice, the Countess Larnowski has grown so violent In her hysterical fits that it has been found necessary to confine her at times in a stralghtjacket. It is feared that she Is losing her mind, and her condition has been made worse by the news of the tragic death of her cousin recently, which the doctors vainly attempted to keep from her. It will be remembered that the countess waa sentenced about two months ago to eight years' Im prisonment for her complicity In the murder of Count Kamarowskt who was shot by one of her lovers. lit Pipe With Ticket; Lost $40,000. Rotterdam. A Rotterdam black smith, excited by the news that he had won $40,000 In a lottery, lit his pipe with his ticket and Is now un able to prove his claim. OPTICAL GOODS Great discretion must be used in the selection of optical goods whether It Is one of our EYEGLASSES OR SPECTACLES. Sometimes a pair of eyeglasses that give temporary aid to your sight may soon cause further Injury, Our customers rely upon OUR LONG EXPERIENCE In the matter and we have yet to hear the first complaint A LARGE SELECTION ALWAYS IN STOCK. A. . SERUM OPTOMETRIST, WITH A. L. 8CHAEFER, Pendleton, Ore. mm CLEANSES THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY; DISPELS COLDS. AND HEADACHES DUE TO CONSTIPATION. BEST FOR MEN,W0MEM AND CHILDREN -Y0UNO AND OLD. TO GET IT'S BENEFICIAL EFFECTS -ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE. KAKUIiCIUBID BY THE Ft SOU BY All LEADING DRUGGISTS Okz size only. Riotlar peici Wa Bomg Correct Plumbing Means a ooatented Home and a Fatter Pocketbook. Alt the little plumbing troubles of freeeing, bursting, poor drain age and Improper vent are corrected by our expert exclus ive plumbers. "A stitch In time saves nine." A llulo plumbing now may save you time, temper and money when the cold days come. Your business Is cordially so licited by BEDDOW & MILLER EXCLUSIVE PLUMBERS. Court and Garden fits. Phone Black IISI Passengers NOW MAKE DIRECT CON NECTION IN SPOKANE WITH THE FAMOUS Soo-Spekane Portland Train Ds Lux Leare Peudleton Arrive Spokane Leave Spokane , Arrive St. Paul . . . 3:15 a. m. . . 1:1:45 noon . . .3:00 pjn. . . 4:45 p. m. You can purohase through ticket from the local O. R. A N. agent, who will check your bag fage through to destination and make berth reservations. Unequaled Service FaMt Time New Equipment Electric Lights Rates: Lowest current fares to any point G. M. Jackson, T. P. A. Geo. A. Walton, Gen. Agt. 14 Wall St, Spokane. AP-A-LArife Will Brighten I n Your Home Mi ' THE HIGHEST QUALITY VARNISH AND STAIN COMBINED. Can be used on wood or met al floors, woodwork, furni ture, picture frames, etc. Comes ready mixed. Easily applied quickly dried. For sale by Murphy Bros. FRESH MEATS 8 A USAGES, FISH AND LARD. Always pure and delivered promptly. If you phon tke Central Meat Market 101 E. Alta St. Phons Main It. LADIES This Is your opportunity to make big money for yourself dur ing spare time. Send for our "Special Offer No. 12." it tells how. Sent FREE to you. Send for It today. AMERICAN SUPPLY CO, 365 Third St., Portland, Ore.