East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 30, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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ely directed, will cause her to
fire t ler little ncs onlj the most
wkleaose and beneficial remedies
tod alj whcm actually needed, and
fke wdi-iMfsrmcd mother uaes only
tkc pleasat and pentle laxative rem
r Syr of Figs and Elixir of
Smna when a laxative is required,
a it is wholly free from all objec
tasnssle ssbetanoee. To get its ben
ifial effects always buy the genu
ie, niaiafactured by the California
Tig ftjrop Co.
In Effort to Stop Kunawar Team.
Falls Under Wheel Hip Badly In.
Jured Teachers Begin to Arrive for
Opening of School.
Its Pure
Have a case deliver
to your home today. If
healthful and Invlgorat
lng. We are agent for
Umatilla county, both
wholesale and retail.
We have the latast im
proved bottling machin
ery In eastern Oregon, and
bottle Root Beer, Soda,
Near Beer and soft drinks
by sanitary methods.
Pendleton Soda
l Office Phone Black 141.
Works Phone, Black SMI
(Special Correspondence.)
Athena, Ore., Aug. 29. D. C. Ba.
ker who has been in the employ of
George W. Gross, a prosperous wheat
raiser of this community, met with a
serious accident a few days ago while
hauling wheat from one of Mr.
Gross's fields west of town. Mr. Ba
ker had just started to load his wa
gon with the wheat sacks, when the
four horsees started to run and on his
attempting to check the running hors
es, he was thrown out in front of the
wagon and the wheels ran over his
hip, thus injuring him so badly that
he was brought into town on a stretch,
er. The injured hip was examined by
Dr. G. S. Newsom of this city and he
reports it to be in a very serious con
dition. Mr. Baker is improving, how
ever, and it Is thought that it will not
be many weeks until the disabled man
is on his feet.
Prof. Ernest Wells of Seattle, who
is to take charge of the high school
department of the schools of this city
was up for a few minutes from Pen
dleton last Saturday and after mak
ing some arrangements with the local
school board, he returneft to Pendle
ton en-route to Seattle where he will
spend a few days before returning
to this city to take up his duties here
September 12th.
Prof. C. C. Baker, formerly of
Gresham, Oregon, who Is to take
charge of the schools of this city as
superintendent, arrived late Saturday
evening with his wife and children.
School begins here the 12th of Sep
tember and Prof. Baker is here be
fore time in order that all arrange
ments and plans for the future year
may be made before registration day.
By the carefulness and thoroughness
with which the teachers have been
selected by the school board of this
city, the best corps of teachers are
to take charge of the schools this
year that have ever been hired here.
There will be more students enrolled
, this year than ever before and with
j the Improvements in the various de
partments of the school, the most suc
cessful and prosperous school Is be
fore the citizens and pupils of this
community and vicinity.
All goods purchased today or Wednesday charged on September account.
Pendleton Agents Fownes Gloves, Nemo Corsets, Stein-Bloch Clothes.
Walk-Over, Florsheim and Sorosis Shoes for Men, Women and Children.
The "Creflfceir' Alexander
Showing of New Ml Goods
Cass Matlock, Prop.
and illustrated songs in
the city.
Shows afternoon and eve
ning?. Refined and en
tertaining for the entire
Next to French Restaurant
Entire change three uxr.cn
"Hoh wefk. Be sure and 1
U'O th nxt chance.
Adults 10c. Children
under 10 years, 5c.
Disagreeable at Home.
Lots of men ana women who are
agreeable with others, get "cranky"
at home. Its not disposition, its the
liver. If you find in yourself that
you feel cross around the house, lit
tle things worry you, just buy a bot
tle of Ballarr's Herbine and put your
liver in shape. Tou and everybody
around you will feel better for it.
Price 60 cents per bottle A. C. Koep
pen St Bros.
from iwnrox
(Special Correspondence.)
Milton, Ore., Aug. 29. Mr. and
Mrs. George Miller are the proud par
ents of a wee daughter born Satur
day. Mrs. A. E. McKnlght has returned
from a trip to the toll gate.
B. F. Wright, father of Mrs. Chaa.
McKenzie, is the guest of relatives
Mrs. J. E. Cherry was a Walla Wal
la visitor Saturday evening.
Remember September Snnnet.
Read "Arizona, the 47th Star," by
Governor Richard E. Sloan, and
"Fremont and the Bear Flag War,"
by William Simpson In Sunset for
September, now on sale at all news
stands, fifteen cents.
Do you take the East Oregonian?
Northern Grown Fruit
Plant one-year-old top on three-year-old
roots. Will grow faster and
bear quicker than any other. Grown
under natural conditions (not irrigat
ed.) Guaranteed true to name. All
shipments bear inspectors certificate.
Write for prices. Address.
Albany Nurseries
Alktnv, Oregon Dep't. "Q"
A tew energetic salesmen wanted.
SoFe Feet
Tired, Aching, Swollen, S niwUy, Sweaty
Feel? Corns, Culloiise or Bun
ions? I'se TIZ. It's Sure,
Quit'k und Certain.
You Will Knjoy Using TIZ. Toe
Most 1'leuhunt Itemed)' You ever
'Jricxl und Moreover It Works.
At latst herg is instant n Hoi and a
lasting permanent rcmeuy for son
feet. No more tired feet. No more
uching feet. No more swollen, bad
mnelling, sweaty feet. No more corns
No more bunions. No more callous
es, no mailer what ails your feet or
what under the sun you've tried
without getting relief, Junt uo TIZ.
TIZ is totally unlike anything else
for the purpose you ever heard of.
It's the only foot remedy ever made
which acts on the principal of draw
ing out all the poisonous exudation
which cause sore feet. Powders and
other remedies merely clog i the
pores. TiZ cleans them out and keeps
them clean. It works right off. You
will feel better the very first time
its used. Use it a week and you can
forget you ever had sore feet. There
U nothing on earth that ean compare
with It. TIZ Is for sale at all drug
gists at 25 cents per box or direct If
you wish from Walter Lather Dodge
& Co., Chicago, I1L
i Inspect the .New Designs in Suits
for Autumn Season
tVWlIF The early arrivals in autumn tailored suits show
1 W trnmies8 m& smartness perhaps not to be equal
ed in any other stock you'll see in Eastern Ore
gon. At any rate you'll find here as complete a stock as the
most exacting could ask for. The tailored suits' for fall show
marked changes in style, but the extremes are avoided at Alex
ander's. The best adaption of Erench and American fashions
in such materials as broadcloth, worsteds, serges and fancy
rough materials. All the leading shades and fancy mixtures.
We invite your inspection and admiration.
New Neckwear, Ribbons and
Inimitable charm and individuality are tlie ke.Y"VljII
notes of the Fall styles in women's small ftx"I W
ings. The new Neckwear includes Persian ef
fects, real Irish crochet work in collars, coat sets (our impor
tations), Parisian scarfs, etc. New ruchings and ruffles, By
ron collars, embroidered collars, etc. Ribbons in stripes, Jac
quard woven effects, Persians, gold novelties, etc. Gloves in
every shade for Fall wear, street or evening tones.
Men's New Suits and Overcoats
IV 1 Men will begin to watch the Style Tendencies
11 V V as cosey as e wnien now, and they'll be as
well pleased with the models that the season
is bringing forth. The Greater Alexander Store has provided
in liberal assortment the styles that appeal to the men of the
W est the men who want a certain amount of dash and snap in
their clothes without following the extremes in styles that are
affect, in Eastern cities. Our Fall models show highest class
tailoring, matchless styles and uniform excellence of materi
als. They are priced from $15 to ?35 per suit here.
New Shoes for Women, in the
smartest models, for Fall Wear
(Special Correspondence.)
Adams, Ore., Aug. 29. Nebron Mur
ry bought the family residence owned
by M. A.' Baker of Adams, for the
sum of $1000, and Mr. and Mrs.
Baker will go to Portland with the
Intention of making It their future
Mr. Semington left Saturday for
Alba, Wash., to be doctored for a can
cer in his mouth.
Claud Wallan, Clara Wallan and
Edith and Ethel Perrlnger returned
home to Adams after spending a week
in the mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. Donrolson of St.
John, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Prof. Haly of Adams this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Stevens of
Walla Walla, are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. M. A. Baker for a few days
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Myrlck of Helix,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thom
as Brewster of Adams Sunday.
Fred Blake visited friends in the
city of Pendleton Sunday.
Mr. Troyer of Walla Walla, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Esscly
hyn Sunday.
Mr. Esselphyn visited In the city
of Walla Walla Sunday.
Henry Picard made a business trip
to Pendleton Saturday.
Frank Whitley visited in the city
of Walla Walla Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Murray were the
Ruests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Green
of the Adams hotel Sunday.
Art and Lester Watrus of Pomeroy,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Marquis of Adams this week.
Iawrencc King and Otis Lleuallen
v ent to the river Saturday for a day's
J. J. Rashtone of Walla Walla, was
the guest of Warren Green over Sun
day. -
Mr. T. T'rown visited In the city of
Pendleton Monday.
Mrs. Matie Denlni? was taken to
Pendleton Inst week to the hospital
to he under the doctor's care for
ing about herself and replying to
questions which revive memories
which she would prefer to forget. So
this time, after receiving her Inter
viewers with characteristic courtesy,
she leaves her lady in waiting to
speak for her.
Low is the whisper of night In the
Endlessly, sweetly, the night things
Chiggers get busy; mosquitoes don
And only the camper gives resent
ment voice.
Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens !!
All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old
For choice dressed ones phone your order night before. W'
dress none except for orders so If yon like eold storage poultry
patronise the other fellow or store yourself.
East End Grocery
Res. Phone B. J5l.
Main 536
Paris. The ex-Cjueen Ttanavolo. of
Madagascar, Ih at present in Paris
where she Is spending a few days In
strict Incognito. Queen Banavolo. by j
her modesty and the quiet resignation !
she has shown sinee her dethrone
ment, finds a great deal of sympathy
In France, where she Is always treat
ed with the best hospitality. Since
her arrival In Paris she has been
staying In a boarding house In the
center of the city, for she does not
hide her dislike for sumptuous hotels
and society life. Her visits to Paris
are by no means few, ana the Dent
part of her time here. Is spent in re
celving interviewers. But Queen
Ranavolo has also a dislike of talk-
He HlIfc&Up
A Frontier Exhibition of Picturesque Pastimes, Indian arid
Military Spectacles and Cowboy Racing and Bronco
Busting for the Championship of the Northwest
Pendleton, Oregon, Sept 29, 30 and Oct. 1, 1910
Eastern Oregon District Fair
Pendleton, Oregon, September 26 to Oct 1, 1910
Oregon Railroad (8h Navigation Co.
Will make round trip rate of One and One-Third Fare
From The Dalles to Baker City inclusive; and on the Washington Division from
Walla Walla and intermediate points.
Tickets on sale Sept. 26th to Oct. 2nd and Rood for return until October 4th
Horse Racing, Bronco Busting, Indian War Dances, Military, Society and Civic Parades.
32 piece band. 100 Wild Horses to be ridden. Horseback tug-of-war and Pistol Shooting
For further particulars apply to J. H. Gwinn, secretary of "The Round-Up" or Thos. Fitz
Gerald, secretary Third District Fair, Pendleton, Oregon, or to any O. R. & N. agt
T. F. O'BRIEN Agent, Pendleton, Oregon
Wm. McMURRAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Ore.