EIGHT PAGES. 110 ARRIVALS Hi PORTLAND YARDS Portland Union Stockyards, North Portland, Aug. 24. Following yester day's heavy business came today with absolutely no receipts at all. Not a horn or hoof came Into the yards. A few sales were made at unremarkable prices. Today's Sales. Twenty-seven cows at $3.66; I cow at $3.50; 17 steers at $3.6; 2 bulls at $3; $3 steers at $3.65; 2 steers at $4.75; 1 steer at $5.50; 7 steers at $4; 10 cows at $3.60. General Quotations. General range of livestock values as shown by actual sales: Cattle Best Oregon steers, $4.90 $5; ordinary steers, $4.90; common steers, $404.25; cows, best, $4.26; fancy, $4 4.10; poor, $3.60: heifers. $4.25: bulls $3(33.75 Hogs Best east of the mountains, $9.76; fancy. $9.60; stockers and feed ers, s. Sheep Best east of the mountains wemers, $4.15; old wethers, $4; spring lambs. Willamette 05.75; eastern Washington, $; ewes, Calves Best, $6.76; ordinary. $5.60 w.id; poor, Mir 5. daily hast qgaaoiriAH, pgypuroox. Oregon, thuk&day, august is, iti. WATER LANDS IX GOOSE LAKE VALLEY Lakevlew, Or. Goose Lake valley is to nave a new Irrigation project work was started- this week when a large crew of men left here to be gin construction of a dam a the mouth of Dry creek, wnere the stream eaves the mils and enters the valleys The walls at this point rise to a con slderable height. The Wheeler reser voir company Intends to impound suf- Ticient water to cover 10.000 acres which can be done at comparatively small cost to the landowners of that portion or tne valley. This Is anothQr link In the chain that will ultimately result In th Hroin age of Gooso lake and the completion of the Nevada, California & Oregon railway which Is now building near the lower end of the lake to Lakevlew la the west side of the valley. This will mean the opening of many thou sands of acres of the most fertile por tion of the valley to settlement and transportation. For Bale Cheap or Rent. A five acre tract In Riverside Park. Good house, barn and out buildings. Two miles east of city. Apply to Bentley & Lefflngwell. Wo have for women all the respect in the world but some of their hats make us think of the other place. CATARRH A Reliable Remedy Ely's Cream Balm il quickly abtorbed. Oiiti Relief al One. It cleans, soothes, heals aud protects the diseased mem. bran e resulting from Catarrh sad drives ewy a Cold in the stores the Houses of HAY FEVER IWe aud Smell. Full size 50 cts., at I'-ru". cists or by mail. In liquid form. . ; fcly Brothers, GO Warren Street. New 1 ork. I I Z? A? I I vsr. El ft fi ' - "r- sv a r saw Miracle Care for home Treatment The world knows Chinese doctors. with powerful and wonderful C h I nese remedies, cure all diseases successfully. If yjVjjv you are out of r!A3kvf J heaUh. unable to folte7J'"tf "81 it. write us todav an1 it. scribe your symptoms. We ac cept only curable cases. York A ior, Chinese Medljlne Co lie w. Main St., Walla Walla, Wash. After suffering with rhnmi.n for many years, other doctors not curing me, wrote Dr. York A York for treatment. Thai- -.-. derful treatment cured me wlthla a month, and now T em narm nently cured, for which I write this true testimonial. If an. Am suffering. wMies to know more about their treatment, thev can write me. J. M. ASITWORTH, Weston, Oregon, i I "Keen Your Monev in Pendleton" 1 ; -MR.. MERCHANT- We Are Prepared to Furnish You With Loose-Leaf Ledgers Loose-Leaf Bilinlg Systems Sheets for the Loose-Leal "System Yon Are Now Using Sales Slips With Leather Holders MOT only can we furnish you with a complete A new outfit, but we can supply you with new sheets for the system you are using at present and at the same price you would pay by sending away, "It, Costs Nothing to Consult, Us!" 1 Want Ads f WANTED. WANTED, TOT7NO MEN Get actlea. Bookkeeping department under di rection expert accountant New, modern equipment. Bight model office. Positions furnished. Em pire B twin ess College, Walla Wal la. Send for catalogue. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order buslneaa at home. No canvassing. Be your own boss. Bend for free booklet Telia how. Heacock, 1701, Lockport, . Y. FRED EIFFERT, AUCTIONEER, Freewater, Ore., R. F. D. 1; Walla Walla Walla, R. P. D. 1, phone F. I IX or Freewater Times. HAIR WORK Oome to Madam Ken nedy for your hair work, wigs and switches. Pomps made to order. Everything guaranteed. Highest prices paid for combings. Hair dressing, shampooing done. (07 E. Court street; phone Red I7S1. T WANTED, LADIES Stenographers trainea ny roruana experts, per fect soedern equipment, 1 noludlng Edison business phonograph. Oood positions secured. I A. E. Busi ness College, Walla Walla. Send for catalog. WANTED Laos earas to kMWdiy. wan mm wwa ssescial Phono Red 8181. YOUNO MEN AND WOMEN Lear a pvofeaslsa. . Show sard waiters . earn targe Ian; eleraa can dea- their earasaa; msrfty; the 14 has never beta ereacrewded. T1m Pendletea Bastae awllege esTers yea the essostaatty te lean Usi psafe loa uaaer a ffsst-otaas la structar, at a snail sxpsasa, taUag no time fsosa year segalar work. Night class spaas Misssi evesaas, September (. all ear thae far ia- FOR SALE. FOR SALE About fifteen hundred tons of alfalfa hay on Butter creek, about 15 miles from Echo poetoC flee Address, C. P. Bowman, Mchst Umatilla County, Oregon. FOS HAT.B- 011 MmHn pad in bundles of 110 each, suitable for wrapping, putting under aar aets, ate. Price ltc par bundle, two bandies teo. Enquire this w flaa. Dally EM Oveeooun only as i Classified Directory PHYSICIANS. H. a GARFIELD, It. D, HOMXO- pathlo physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 1411; residencer red Mil. THE WHEAT MARKET DULL MARKET BRIGHTENED . BY TRADING OF DAY Chicago Wheat Pit Socg No Surpris ing Cliangos m Situation Liverpool Rnylng SU11 Goes On. Chicago. Au. 25. There Wflji tin special feature to the wheat market this morning. One commission house appears to have selling orders in Sep- lemDer but the bulls are not worry- ng. The Minneapolis market had a weak tinge. Wheat In 'Liverpool was steady on merican cables and there was a eood deal of buying, attributable to the unsettled weather conditions In France. Corn ooenetl with n Rhnnr nt firmness that was soon lost on sellina by some of the larger commission houses. k WINS MILLION DOLLARS JCST BY KINDLY DEED BTasaaaaaaasBaaaaaBaamaaaaMBmHHM I niuiun.Mni in if max.nA . Evory Woman , Is Interested and should konw I atxiut the woorisrftil f Marvel nlK? ' VVUvllV It lr h ennnut 0 tha MARVKLa ftcccpt no ihnr. hut SArta stimn for tinted book fUel It (flTfui avirttrni!ira nnrl dtrprttnns InTAlnnhln ffff m Mristara, X?A Ot N0I N N ATI. 0 JW MEN AND WOMEN. Dm Bit O for annttursl OlcbftrgM,lnfloillifttioDt, Irrlutlont or alratloni of in a 000 merabnnM, r"-- ' raiaiMt, ftna not sitrm, !EtVN8CHMI()HC0. (ant or polmnoak old hr hnuiiiu At Mn In Ml. it br Hsrent. rrtpuid. (or SI.OO. i. SbotilMta.To. ClroalM Hut a miutxi McDonold. Pa. Word has come from Texas that the will of John En- nls, who recently died at Comus Christi. leaves all his estate, vnind at $1,000,000 to his wife during her life and at her death It is to he equ ally divided between Boyce Rankin and his wife, Nancy Ferguson Ran kin. This uncovers a romantic tale of the McDonnld oil fields of 20 years ago. Jack Ennls, who has just' died worth a million, was then a very poor teamster without credit. Rankin, who was clerk In a feed store, took pity on Ennls rind extended him credit for horse feed at a time when credit was needed. Ennls declared he would make Rankin his heir for this, and some time later, he struck oil on his own account and when a small for. tune rushed to the then opening Beau mont on Holds of Texas, where he quadrupled his money and retired to Corpus Chrlstl, building an immense pleasure resort hotel and bathing pavilion. In the meantime Rankin, still a poor man had married Nancy Fernls and two years later Ennls came north and found Rankin at Cambridge City, Ind., and offering him double salary and a life position if he would take charge of his Corpus Chrlstl business Interests nulcklv carried tho Ranuin family off to Texas, where they have since been. Rankin is to be emdoveil nt a Inn salary during the life of Mrs. Ennls. inking enre of the Ennis business in terests. LAKE LOUISE BANFF GLACIER FIELD Via tfce Arrow and Kootenay Lakes ARE YOU INTERESTED? I Ask your local agent how you an secure a circular-tour ticket right from your home town. You can make the trip in a week, ten days, two weeks or a month. At all principal stop over points the Canadian Pa cific maintains Its own hotels, at rates running from S3. 60 per day up, covering room and all meals. Write for detailed information. G. M. JACKSON, Trav. Pass. Agt. GEO. A. WALTON, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept. 14 Wall St., Spokane. rcfjlMMfiTTfiTTI CANDIDATES CARDS KEEP CHILD IN CAGE TO PROTECT MORALS Frankfort, Ind. Chare-orl wit el treatment of their son, Ora Lewis and wife, living near here, are In 1n!l They are accused not only of neg lecting the boy, but keeping him in a wire cage while thev were awnv from home. Probation officers who investigat ed the case say the child was placed In the cage and was almost starved. Lewis says he Is determined to ronr the boy according to his Ideas and that ne nad him in the cage at times to keep him from associating with unde sirable children. He and his wife were held uridcr heavy bonds. Very Little in Common. "And how old are you, little girl J" "Six," "And how is it vou &r out walking without your mamma?" "Oh mamma doesn't go In for exercise. Really, we have very little In com mon." Houston Chronicle. Save money by reading today's ads. Northern Grown Fruit TREES Plant one-year-old top on three-year-old roots. Will grow faster and bear quicker than any other. Grown under natural conditions (not irrigat ed.) Guaranteed true to name. All shipments bear Inspectors certificate. Write for prices. Address. Albany Nurseries Albany, Oregon Dep't. "Q" A few energetic salesmen wanted. Notice to Creditors. The creditors of the Pendleton Creamery company of Pendleton, Or egon, are hereby notified that all claims against the Pendleton Cream ery company must be duly certified to and presented to Mark Morrhouse, receiver, at 112 E. Court street. Pen dleton, Oregon, on or before Septem ber 7 1910. MARK MOORHOTJSE, Receiver. (Paid Advertisements.) REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOB JOINT SENATOR For Umatilla, Union and Morrow Counties S. F. WILSON of the Law Firm of Petarann a Wilson Athena, Oregon. ' BELIHVE IN: Direct Primary Law. Oood Roads. Strict and Prompt Law Enforcement uvunuray in use of Publlo Funds. Better Schools. The "Sauare rl " The Eternal Progress of Man and nw XHBatUUOnS. C. A. BARRETT Athena. Umatilla County, Oregon. Candidate for the nomination of Joint rcuaior i or uie i9Ui Senatorial Dis- ncx or Oregon, comprising the uuunuos or umauila, union an Morrow. To the voters of Umatilla county: I hereby annaunoa mi - dldate for Joint Senator for the 19th senatorial District nnmirf.i.. w. ...... iui,.g UIV counuea or Umatilla, Union and Mor- ruw. ouoject to the will of the Re publican voters at the Primary Nom inating Election to be hM If nominated and alanta r win for the interest of all ih - ifavyig J L my district to the best of my ability. i ravor tne maintenance of the Dl reci t-nmarv law. pnnio. ... , - UIUKO tor senator and Statement No. 1. A oetter system of Improving our roads and economy and efficiency in public uiucmis. KespectruUv C. A. BARRETT. DR. LYNN K. BtAJCESUB, CHRO- nlc ana nervous aiaoasea, ana ojb eases of women. X-ray and Kleetro therapuUca. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main Tt; residence 'phone. Main 114. DENTISTS. E. A. MANX, DENTIST, OFFICII Main street, next, to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone, black 4l; residence 'phone, red. 1471. KERN ft BENNETT. DENTAL. BUR. geons, Office, room IS Judd build ing. Phone, Red f$9i. C E. MACOMBER. Presents himself as candidate for the office of COUNTY SURVEYOR. If nominated and alaota t.- m administer the duties of tha with diligence and ability. Receiver's sale. The public is hereby notified that Sealed bids will h nnenaA at n m on September 6, 1910, at the office o' Mark Moornouse, Pendleton, Orejron, for the purchase of the plant, furni ture and flXtUrpa nt thA Ponlslnn Creamery company. The plant con sisting or a three ton Ice plant, 1 Churn creamery. Ice cream freezlnsr machinery'. refrigerating display cases and refrigerating room, candy kitchen. Ice cream narlor fiimitnu confectionery furniture, office furni ture, now located at No. 821 Main street, Pendleton. Oregon. Invoice price about 6000 on original cost Sale to be made for cash to the hls". est bidder and the receiver reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check to the amount of 10 per cent of the bid. MARK MOORHOUSB, Receiver, 111 B. Court Street, . Pendleton, Oregon. GEARY KIMBRELL For Connfv finnirrnp Most respectfully solicits thn'nmt.nri of the republican voters for the nomi nation at the primary election on September 24th. 1910. Tf nnmi..) and elected I will conduct the duties of the office to the best of my ability. J GEARY KIMBRELL. JOSEPH T. HINKLE FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I. Joseph T. Hinkle, reside In Stan field precinct, Umatilla county, Ore gon, and my postofflce address IsHer mlston. Ore. I am a duly registered member of the Republican party. If I am nominated for the office of rep resentative for Umatilla county at the primary nominating election to be held In the state of Oregon, county of Umatilla, on the 24th day of Sep tember, 1910, I will accept the nomi nation and not withdraw, and If I am elected I will qualify as such officer and serve the people of my county and state to the best of my ability. JOSEPH T. HINKLE. The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads, and the people appreciate it and show It by their liberal patronage. It is the advertising medium of the section. DR. THOMAS VAUCHAif, DENTIST, Office la Judd building. Phone, Main 71. VETERINARY SURGEONS. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS Lhartman ABSTRACT CO, rename a Da tracts or title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans oa cltv and farm nraiwn,. Him mmA sells all kinds of real estate. Dees a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes investments for Boa residents. Write fire, life and aost- dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, Vice-Pros. C. H. MARSH. See. BENTLEY A LUFFING WELL. REAL estate, firs, Ufa and accident Insur ance agents. New location, 81 Main street Phone Mala 404. i LIVERY And FEED STABLE. fclTt WVERY 8TABLE. THOKJvQN I uarney a jBradley, CTP. MJvery, feed and sate stable. Oood P times. Cab line in connec tion, "Phone main to. DR. D. C. M'NABB. LOCAL STATS Stock Insnectnr anrt tnamhar Rf at Veterinary Board. Office at residence vis east court st Kee. 'pnone Mala St. ATTORNEYS RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODUM and chop suey, Ung D. Ooey, prep. At the old stand. Alta street in rear of Tan man A Co. MISCELLANEOUS. "ST ELECTRICITY DO TTkTTB work It's clean. iwiiaMa . ventent Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed. II.1E. Rtoetrln ta -or Curling iron Heaters, Electric Coffee RALEY A RALE, ATTORNEYS AT law. ornce in American National Bank building. " aiwuig USUM ft SLATER. LAWYERS, OF- ! rCOla!' e5; A complete steek of 4s Taonaln Kl14lv rw , uas and Electric fixturea lrintiiua : wiring of homes, etc. A SMYTHS. ATTORNEYS I MaJn "treet Office in American Nation CARTER at law. al Bank building. FIrst-claaa J. la Vaugaaa, JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. ornce over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL ft WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office In Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON ft WILSON, ATTOR- neys at law: rooms S and 4 Smith- Crawford building. PHELPS ft STEIWER. ATTORNEYS at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY. family washing; work done by haaa; mending free; goods called for and delivered. 408 Bast Court street FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE Ne.il A. F. and A. IL, meets the rirst ana third Mondays ad each month. All visiting brethren are invited. . DAMON LODGB NO. 4V. Jv; 1 K. of P meats every Mea--Vi day a In L O. O. W. hall. Visiting brothers cor dially Invited to attend. Georsra W. Pontt. r C n rxr Fletcher, K. R. ft 8. CHAS. J. FERGUSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. win practice tn all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, S, 2, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. The East Ceegonlaa is BMem ra-- gon's rvpresentstlve paper. It toada) and the people appreciate It and snow It by their liberal patronage. It hi the advertising medium of the rfam ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks. stone walks, etc. Phone black 1784, or Oregonlan office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone main 7. AUCTIONEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS. LIVESTOCK Auctioneer. Athena. Oreoron. Rf. erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN Sltpnwn. hand goods. If there Is anvthln you need in new and second-hand furniture, stoves. sranltavar- aj crockery, call and get Ills prices. No 212 East Court street ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS weddlnr annonneamanta an.hn.- private and business stationery, eto very latest styles. Call at East Ora gonlan office and see samples. CITY OF PENDLETON MAPS ad East Oregonlan office. Price 2Ke. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In the East Oregonlan build ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot and cold water; bath. Inquire at East Oregonlan. PENDLETON TRAIN SCHEDUUE. O. R. ft N. Westbound Oregon division Portland local 10:11 a.m. Ore. ft Wash. Express.. 1:25 a. m. Portland limited 1J;16 p. m. Fast Mail n:4 p, Motor 4: p, Pilot Rock Mixed 1:01 a, at, Eastbound Oregon division Past Mail i:8o a. Ma- Ore, ft Wash. Express.. S:ll a. ra. Chicago Limited CIS p. m. Motor o:2 a. aa. Port. local, ar. 6:10, leaves 1:44 pat Pilot Rock mixed .... 8:00 a. ta. Washington Dlv. Leaving Pendletea Walla Walla local .... 5:21 p. m. Pendleton passenger .. 7:00 a. av Spokane local -m a - Washington Dlv. Arriving Pendletea r-enmeion local 1:80 a. at. Walla Walla local 10:01 a. a Pendleton passenger .. 1:04 a. at, NORTHERN Ptrmn Leaving Pendleton Passenger :o p.'a Mixed train l-ia Arriving Pendleton Passenger 10: W . Mixed train 7;tt a. at. ;. .1