East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 25, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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mestlc life. I believe In pure gov.
ernment and In this belief I don't rec
ognize party distinction."
First Great Showing
Hartford. After Frank Shea had
of our complete line of
Ladies, Misses and Childrens
1 I'll
Ladies Suits from $ 1 5.00 to $35.00
Misses Suits from $ 1 5.00 to $20.00
Childrens Suits $6.50 to $ 1 5.00
Ladies Coats from $5.00 to $35.00
Misses Coats from $3.50 to $25.00
Childrens Coats $ 1 .50 to $ 1 2.50
We are showing without a doubt
the largest and best selected stock of H
Ready-to-wear garments ever dis-
played in Pendleton.
Come and see for Yourselves
F. E. Livengood Co.
The Ladies' and Children's Store.
Pa time pictures pIuh alL
Remd the 'Want aOj today T
Try Mark Pattern sanitary barber.
Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra.
Snyder chimneysweep Tel. Red 1811
Saw dust for sale at the Oregon
Lumber Tard.
Automobile tor hire, day or night
fhone Main T4.
Wanted Woman to do washing.
Telephone Red ISZI.
For rentGood house and barn.
Address P. O. Box 401.
Wanted Waitress at Southern
Cafe. 206 E. Alta street.
For Sale Piano and household fur
elturs. Phone Red 2932.
For sale cheap, two first class pool
'tables. Inquire at this office.
. For sale Fire room house on
north side; easy terms. Ralph How
land. Dr. L. K Blakeslee has returned
from Union county, and has resumed
More moving pictures hown than
any other theater In the "ity the
For good, dry slab wood, call at
or phone your order to the Oregon
Lumber Tard.
LoBt Brown leather coin purse
Saturday evening probably on Jack
son street. Return to post office.
Lost On Main street, green Japan
ese opnl ring set In dull gold. Re
ward. Phone Mrs. Nloscn, Main 602.
Try one of those, caieful, sanitary
shaves at Mark Patton's barber shop.
Old Prlvett stand. Phone Main 417.
Sharon & Eddlngs sell galvanised
Iron bath tubs. Light and easy to
move around. Just the thing for
Lost Gold watch between Marie
and Main streets. M. D. on watch
Alice on fob. Call at this office and
receive reward.
Wanted Middle aged competent
woman to do cooking and general
housework. Write or phone J. H.
Koontz. Echo, Oregon.
Sharon & Eddlngs have Just recelV'
cd a car load of sewer pipe and are
prepared to make shipments to all
small towns near Pendleton.
For postal card photos, call at the
Electric studio, room IB, East Orego
nlan building. Six for 50 cents, while
you wait. Stamp, 24 for 25 cents.
Ijost Sorrel mare, bald faced,
branded "L" on left stine; weight
about 1000 pounds. White spot on
left front knee. Return to Oregon
Feed Tard for suitable reward.
Parly In financial distress has plac
ed with us for sale a beautiful Ho
bart M. Cable piano, cost $460. No
reasonable offer refused. El Hers Mu
ll la House, 813, Main street, Pendle
ton's home store.
The United Orchestra of Pendleton
will furnish music for all occasions.
Dances In particular. Any number of
pieces furnished on short notice. R.
W. Fletcher, manager. Phone Main
1 or Black 3836.
Montclnlr, N. J. ICcost Just J2600
to awaken a sleepy rooster In the
chlckencoop of Charles O. Child of
this city.
Child's hired mun passed through
tho coop carrying a lighted lamp and
accidentally Jarred a board on which
the rooster was reposing. The rooster
flew at him and knocked the lamp
from his hand. The lamp smashed
on the floor, the oil blazed up and the
coop caupht fire. The fire spread to
the barn and other buildings and It
was two hours before the blaze was
under control. The firemen placed
the loss at $2500.
Stubble field pasture for 150
gentlo horses; must have straw and
water on place. What have you to
offer? Address, W. P. York, Galena
P. O., Grant County, Oregon.
Hood the want ads today.
They, a little ice, water from your hydrant and you
have mountain water in your home. Just as pure,
just as good and entirely free (JI ftCJ onJ Itl
from contagion. PRICE . vJifcU ttllQ UP
The Dcag Store That Serves You Best
J. B. Baker Is down from Mea
cham today.
Chester Beam Is home from a vaca
tion spent In Seattle. 1
R. N. Adams of Stanfleld, Is a Pen
dleton business visitor.
Dr. C. J. Smith is in Weston today
on professional business.
C. V. Stuart of Stanfield, is tran
sacting business In Pendleton.
Mrs. J. Pepper of Athena, was the
guest of Pendleton friends last even
ing. D. L. Beherns of Helix, is in the
city for the transaction of business
John Kees was a passenger for the
west end of the county on the morn
ing local.
Guy Hayden, formerly of this city,
but now located at Xyssa, Is in the
city today.
Attorney J. Roy Raley went to
Portland last evening on a brief busi
ness visit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Twohy came up
this morning from the construction
camp at Barnhart.
Mrs. L. H. Hankey was an Incom
ing passenger on the Northern Pa
cific train this morning.
H. O. Casteel and R. M. Cantrell
came in last evening from Pilot Rock
for the transaction of business.
F. Parkhurst is now conductor on
the motor car run while E. M. Cross,
the regular conductor, Is taking a va
cation. '
Will Jamieson of Weston, came
down from that place last evening to
receive a bunch of cattle which he
purchased recently.
Alex T. Bruce, superintendent of
construction work on the Furnlsh
Coe dam, Is up from Coe for the
transaction of business.
O. F. Turner and family are mov
ing to Portland, Turner having se
cured a position in the baggage de
partment of the O. R. & N.
Ed Jay, formerly engaged In the
bicycle repair business In this city,
who has been In Portland for some
time, Is visiting relatives here.
S. W. Purdy, a prominent, bear
hunter of Victoria, British Columbia,
passed through Pendleton this morn
ing on his way north from Baker City.
Miss Mildred Cooper and little Miss
Mary Emily Fish of The Dalles, left
for home this afternoon after a visit
of a few days with relatives In Pen
A. Buckley, assistant superintend
ent of the O. R. & N.. came over last
evening from his headquarters in La
Grande and has been transacting bus
iness for the road here today.
tumbled 100 feet from the top of the
six story factory of Russell & Erwln,
In New Britain, where he was work
ing as a carpenter, and had seen an
other man. Michael Joseph, whom he
had hit on the way down, carried
away probably fatally hurt, he turn
ed hi head while the doctors were
fixing him up and told questioners
quietly that he lived at 68 Fulton
street, Bridgeport, and that he was
married and had two children.
Just how he started on his miracu
lous trip downward is not known, but
hundreds of men on the way to work
at noon saw him plunging head first
to the earth. He hit a piece of scant
ling forty feet down. This fell and
fractured the skull of the other work
man, who was on the ground.
Shea landed in the midst of a der
rick and hoisting-engine- apparatus,
escaping with a three-cornered gash
In his head, a bruise on his right leg
and a sprained left leg.
Joseph, who lives In New Britain, Is
suffering from concussion of the brain
and may not recover. Concerning
Shea the doctors are hopeful.
London. Kipling's dictum that
East vs. East and West vs. West may
be true, but that they do meet some
times, and meet charmingly. Is proved
by Princess Prevtta, of Hindustan,
who Is one of the most prominent
members of Anglo-Indian society.
The daughter of the Maharajah of
Cooch Behar, and born in India, the
Princess Is a typical Oriental In ap
pearance, but In all her habits of
thought she is essentially Occidental,
She spends most of her time in Eng
land and on the Continent, and at
Moritz she has established quite a
reputation as a daring tobogganlst
Extremely modern and progressive
in all her tastes, she has received a
thorough European educaUon, and ex
cels alike in all domestic accomplish
ments and outdoor sports. The pos
sessor of a collection of the loveliest
pearls in the world her tastes In dress
and adornment are remarkable for
their simplicity.
(Continued from Page One.)
Roosevelt will speak at Sioux Falls,
S. D.. and on the following Monday,
Labor Day at Fargo, N. D. In the
latter city many thousands of people
will be on hand to greet him as a
friend and neighbor, Mr. Roosevelt
having owned a ranch In North Da
kota, in the early eighties.
While the former president is
speaking at Fargo, President Taft will
be delivering an address before the
National Conservation congress in St.
Paul. The president will leave the
Minnesota capital In the evening and
a few hours later, young Lochlnvar
Roosevelt will come out of the west.
He will talk about conservation on
Tuesday, September 6, the day after
President Taft's address. It Is not
considered likely that the two men
will meet, but the arrangement of
Itineraries preventing a meeting was
of course, no more than a coincidence.
In Wisconsin After Primaries.
Colonel Roosevelt will arrive In
Milwaukee September 7. the day after
the primaries. This is unfortunate
for the Wisconsin Insurgents, who are
now engaged In the fight of their
lives. It Is pretty generally admitted
that the fight against Senator La Fol
lette is an administration battle, and
that President Taft would be delight
ed to have the Wisconsin solon retired
to private life. It Is suspected that
even the radical Colonel Roosevelt has
on several occasions found Senator
La Follette too radical. Otherwise
the colonel might have found it con
venient to get to Wisconsin the day
befure the primaries, instead of the
day after. Whether Mayor Seidel, the
socialist chief executive of Milwaukee,
will give Colonel Roosevelt the glad
hand. Is also a topic of Interesting
Two speeches are scheduled for
September S.- The colonel will be in
Freeport, 111., In the morning, and In
the evening he will go to Chicago to
deliver an address before the Ham
ilton club, the largest republican or
ganization in the west. From the
Windy City he goes to the Smolty
City nnd will speak September 10 be
fore the Pittsburg City Civic club. On
September 11 he will be back at the
office of The Outlook.
In Ocober he will make another
tour, going first to Atlanta, where he
U to deliver the principal address on
"Undo Remus' Pay." October 8. This
occasion will be of the nature of a
memorial to the late Joel Chandler
Harris, the kindly southern humorist,
w ho In his lifetime was a warm friend
of Roosevelt His other addresses
will be at Knoxvlllo, Hot Springs, Pe
oria and In Indiana.
British Cruiser Watches.
Ceiba, Spanish Honduras. The
British cruiser Scylla has again sailed
with a promise to return at an early
date. The Honduran officials of this
district have experienced the practical
results of demands by the British gov
ernment for alleged indignities to
British subjects. The president has
recalled Governor Medina, who was
In charge of the department of At
lantida. Mayor de Plaza Planas, who
was charged with the killing of a
British-Honduran negro named Thur
ston and a Honduran officer named
Gonzales, who is believed to have as
saulted another negro, a British sub
ject, are reported to have been put In
T. R. Will Hunt Itottii Crooks.
Buffalo, Aug. 25. "I feel It Just
a little bit more my duty to hunt
crooks out of public life if they hap
r.en to be in my own iarty.'"iUd
, Roosevelt today In addressing The
Ellieott club hero. The colonel was
the guest of honor at a breakfast at
which fully 600 were present. Ho
assured the members he would fight
In the New York state convention.
In his speech he said: "Just as we
must keep unpolluted the waters of
the great lakes we must likewise act
In the field of moral public and do-
Dickinson Tours Islands.
Manila, Jacob M. Dickinson, Am
erican Secretary of War, has left Ma
nila on a fortnight's tour of the south
ern islands. The secretary has been
Indisposed for the past two days and
was compelled to cancel several en
gagements. Today, however, he at
tended the celebration of the occupa
tion day, arranged by the veteran or
ganizations, and made a brief address.
The veterans announced their Inten
tion of forwarding a petition to Presl
dent Taft, asking him to promote
Brigadier General Clarence E. Ed
wards to the post of commander of
the Philippines.
Frozen Egg Kills Qulnea Pig.
Philadelphia. As the result of an
experiment upon a guinea pig that
died twelve hours after being Inocu
lated with frozen eggs, J. Buschel, an
egg dealer of this city, was arrested.
Harry P- Cassidy, special agent of the
dairy and food department alleges
Buschel sells frozen eggs that have
been removed from the shell and In a
solid body are disposed of to bakeries,
which thaw out the product.
Many mistake the worship of cus
tom for the custom of worship.
For Sale
the Dan
Doherty Farm
S miles south of Pendleton;
S20 acres wheat land and
crop. Good house and barn,
lots of water, nil for $10,500,
half cash.
300 acres wheat land six
miles from Pendleton, $13000.
Small grocery ami second
hand business Including tho
building all for $1000. The
business is averaging $50 per
day. Must be sold at once on
neconnt of sickness.
Dan ICemler
210 W. Bluff St.
Pendleton, Oregon
Silk, Serpentine Crepe
and Jap Crepes
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods for Less Money
Job Printing, Tel. Main i
Forty-Ninth Animal
Oregon State Fair
Will Be Held at,
Salem, Sept. 1 2 to 17
$35,000.00 in Premiums and Parses
Grand Livestock, Agricultural and Horticultural
Exhibits. Splendid Races, Bond Concerts, Free
Attractions and Fireworks.
For further information address
$3,000 In 'Prizes
Cowboys and Expert Riders Can
win $3,000 in Prizes at the
California State Fair and
Fiesta of the Dawn of Gold
Sacramento, Sept. 3 to 10 Inclusive.
Bucking Horse and Steer Roping
Contests and Wild Horse Races
Open to All. Pony Races and Re
lay Races for Men and Women.
Big Purses. Square Deal
Wash Day Necessities
We have them, a good and complete line of Wringers
Wash Boards, Tubs, Clothes Lines. Clothes Pins, As
bestos Irons, Mrs Potts Sad Irons, Common Sad Irons,
and a good assortment of Washing Machines.
When in need of a Washing Machine try "The One
Minute" It is easy running and not tiresome to operate
and the cleanest washer made
We Guarantee Them!
The Taylor Hardware Co.
Boost for Pendleton and "The Round Up" September 29
and 30 and October 1 st