East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 24, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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v I
As tie Partnership Between Barnhart &c O'Gara
(Standard Grocery Co.) nas been dissolved, it is nec
cessary that all notes and accounts be settled at once,
as the books must be closed and settled. So we kind
ly ask you to call and settle at the store promptly.
The business will be continued by O'Gara Bros.,
and we assure all our old customers as well as the
new the very best service.
Standard Grocery Co. Inc.
Where all are Pleased
Frank O'Gara, Pres. Bernard O'Gara, Sec-Treas.
214-216 East Court Street
"Wife of Local Merchant Succumb, to
DonMe Operation News of Death
Hiook to Friends Who Were Ignor-.
ant of Her IllmeaB.
Mrs. Max Baer, wife of the local
mercant and herself a well known res
ident of Pendleton for many years,
died in Portland about 9:30 last eve
ning, following a double operation.
She was about 41 years of age. News
of her death came as a distinct shock
to her many friends in this city, few
of whom knew that she was seriously
It peeras that Mrs. Baer had been
in ill health for many months and
that some time ago she went to Port-
Fine Residence
On South Main street, eart
front, on corner 100x100 ft.
This is one of the nicest bouses
in Pendleton. Everything mod
era, good barn, room for teams
r automobile, This boos, can
be boagbt twy reasonable.
3 nice furnished
houses for
$1650 for
Good House
On Alts St- Lot 190 by 150.
This place Is worth $200. Can
be bought on easy terms.
$450 Cash
Win put yon in business that
will make good living for any
The Real Estate and In
surance Man
550 Main St. Phone M. 5
Famous Kirschbaum & Co.'s Make
Just received a aew line of High Grade Fancy Pattern
Prevailing price ekewhere
Our regular price
Leas Expense Makes
land for treatment The rhvlHnn
there decided that a slight operation
would probably be of benefit Ac
cordingly this was performed last
Wednesday. In the performance of
that- operation It was discovered that
her condition was much more seri
ous than they had supposed and that
a second operation of doubtful con
sequences would have to be perform
ed at once in order to give her a
chance for life. This was performed
Saturday and her death occurred last
Miss Bertha Hexter was practically
dalsed in Pendleton, coming here
from Vancouver, the city of her birth,
with her parents when i
age. She was a successful teacher In
the public schools for several years
preceeamg ner marriage. She was
married to Max Baer about IS years
ago, and. has been verv prominent in
social, club and lodge circles.
She leaves besides her husband anA
young son. Victor, a brother. FTarrv
Hexter of this city, a widowed mother.
a sister Mrs. Ella Kahn and two
nieces, all of Portland, Ore. The
funeral takes dace In Portland tn.
morrow morning. Harry Hexter left
una morning 10 attend the funeral.
Mrs. C. F. Daniels left this morning
on the 7 o'clock train for Spokane
where she will Join a sister and pro
ceed to Davenport Illinois, In response
to a message telling of a serious ac
cident which befell her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Melners, yesterday.
According to the message received
last night, Mr. and Mrs. Melners and
son were riding in an automobile
when the machine was struck by a
train. The boy was apparently thrown
clear of the car but the mother and
father were both injured, the latter
seriously. Several ribs were broken
and his lung punctured. in addition
to internal injuries, so that small hopes
are entertained for his recovery.
The Oregon Cafe Is to be the name
of the Hotel Bowman dining room
which is to he opened tomorrow. The
cafe Itself will occupy the dining
room on the first floor or the build
ing and In the rear of the office.
while a lunch counter wfll occupy one
or the vacant rooms fronting on Rail
road street and facing the new O. R,
& N. depot The management an
nounce that they will be prepared
to provide first class service for all
The only thing one does well Is
what one does for one's self.
91.75 to 92.OO
91.25 to 91.50
Our Prices Lower
Just Dirt
or a bad soli it's the same to us our
work is sufficient in cleaning and
pressing particular people's garments,
yet our charges are modest to a de
gree that'll please the most economi
cal. Pcndlolcn Dyo Works
INK Bast AM 0k, Phone Main It.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
OrfUlal eaUior Report.
Maximum temperature, 75.
Minimum temperature, 46.
Wrwk on Sliort Line.
A freight wreck on the Oregon
Short Line yesterday delayed O. R. &
X. passenger train Xo. 5, which did
not reach Pendleton until 10:30 this
morning. A stub train was made up
at Huntington and was run through
on the regular time.
Off for the Mountains.
A party consisting of Jou Snyder,
Hawley Bean, Dot Anger and Cecil
Cole, left this morning by wagon and
team for the mountains. They head
ed toward Lehman springs and will
endeavor to bag some of the big game
reported to be so plentiful In those
George Foil Hoard From.
A recent letter from George Fell,
who U now mining near Mastadon,
Alaska, says Mrs. Fell and son Harlan,
are both well and enjoying them-selves-fe
says they are making good
progress with their mining operations
and are working a day and night shift
comprising 13 men each.
Pendleton Looks Good to Him.
Rev. F. P. Franklin, D. D., a resi
dent of Walla Walla ana temporary
pastor of the Presbyterian church at
College Place, spent yesterday in
Pendleton. He was surprised and de
lighted with the conditions existing
In this city, declaring that Pendleton
was a city of which every resident
could well feel proud. He was sui
prised to find such fine buildings, so
many large business houses, so many
people on the streets and so much
activity In general.
Train Has Close Call.
Eastbound passenger train Xo. 18,
formerly known as No. 8 or the Chi
cago Limited, had a narrow escape
from a plunge Into the Columbia riv
er near The Dalles yesterday. When
about three miles west of that city a
large boulder rolled down from the
mountain side and underneath the
coach Just in front of the observation
car. Both the rear coaches were de
railed, the train was stopped and for
a time It seemed that the two derail
ed coaches would be plunged into the
river. The train arrived In Pendleton
several hours late.
Raley Saw a Bear,
Col. J. H. Raley, who has been
hunting grouse near Lehman springs
for the past few days, had a rather
unpleasant experience yesterday, ao
cording to Lee McAtee, who came In
from the resort this morning. It
seems that when Raley entered a
clump of bushes In search of grouse
he came face to face with a mon
strous cinnamon bear. The colonel
says that he raised his shotgun to fire
but that a second look at bruin caus
ed him to lower the gun, for he de
cided that his double-barreled fire
arm was not equal to the encounter
which would probably have followed
When Raley's companions arrived on
the scene it was found that he had
been within 34 feet of the bear and
that the track of the latter measured
nine Inches.
Berlin. A company has been form
ed by Count Frederic Von Moltke,
nephew of the great Field Marshal,
and oldest of the Moltke family, to
construct a fleet of airships on the
Rhine, especially designed for mili
tary purposes.
The vessels will be capable of car.
rying light guns and a quantity of
explosives. The type chosen Is a pe
culiar triple Zorn balloon, which with
tn a single framework of Canadian
fir, contains really three motor bal
loons, each with Its own motor, and
each detachable in two minutes, to
gether with Its. own share of frame'
Thus, on arrival over the enemy,
the front balloon can be quickly de
tached to take back to headquarters
any dispatches, photographs, etc.; the
rear balloon can follow with later
news, while the middle part remains
to take part In the fight and drop
bombs over the enemy. All three
parts can be put together again rap
The whole construction Is 360 feet
long. The effective lifting power,
after deduction of the airship's own
weight and the weight of. the car's
machinery, Is 11,000 pounds.' The
entire framework can be quickly dis
mounted In sections. Each part of
the triple balloon can also be anchor
ed separately.
The government has promised its
assistance as soon as the balloon Is
finished. The constructor Is a Co
logne engineer named Lukomskl. The
idea of using Canadian fir has been
borrowed from Rettlg. The works are
at Grefmath, near Crefeld.
Was Twice Viceroy of Ireland and
President of the Council,
London. J. Poyntz Spencer, fifth
Earl of Spencer, died here today. He
was born In 1835. The Earl twice
held the posts of Viceroy of Ireland
and President of the Council, and
was First Lord of the Admiralty from
1892 to 1895. Up to 1907 he was
Chancellor of the Victoria University.
Viscount Althrop, half brother of the
Earl, succeeds to the title.
The Earl never recovered from a
paralytic stroke which he suffered In
Xovem'ber, 1905. He had another
slight seizure recently, since which he
had gradually sank In health.
The "Red Earl," as he was called
on account of his flaming beard, was
one of the last of the early Victorian
polltlclal warriors. Perhaps the most
conspicuous services of his career were
his two terms as Lord Lieutenant of
Ireland. He was an eyewitness of
the Phoenix Park assassination from
a window of the Vice Regal Lodge.
Do you take the East OregonlanT
Second Day of Rifle Tournament Gives
Infantry Five Leads.
Camp Perry. Ohio, Aug. 24. The
end of the second day of the national
match finds the United States service
rifle teams led by the Infantry, In
possession of all the first five places
and with New York ranking sixth,
heading the 38 national guard teams.
The ten leaders finished in the fol
lowing order:
Team. Rapid. . Total.
Infantry (43 1162
Navy 545 1115
Naval academy 52S 2109
Marine corps 530 1104
Cavalry 630 2095
New York 531 2094
Massachusetts 506 2092
Wisconsin .....635 2089
District of Columbia 615 2089
Oklahoma 625 2086
The even service skirmish match
awarded last week' to the United
States infantry goes to the 74 th New
York, according to corrected bulletins
Issued today. The committee sustain
ed Oklahoma's protest that the match
should be decided on points, not on
men eliminated. Oklahoma got sec
ond place and the Infantry third.
Xot since the big storm of five years
ago has Pendleton experienced a dust
storm of the proportions of the one
which swept across this section of
eastern Oregon and southeastern
Washington last evening. Fortunate
ly the dust was not accompanied by
as heavy a wind as has accompanied
some of the storms of the past and
for that reason less than the usual
amount of damage was sustained.
The storm arrived in Pendleton
about an hour before dusk. The cloud
of dust was so heavy that the skies
were Immediately overcast and chick,
ens started for their roosts thinking
that darkness had come. Lamps had
to be lighted and then to add to the
confusion the lights went off and on
intermittently while the storm lasted.
Xo windows were broken, no awn
ings dismantled, no wheat shattered
out and In fact about all the damage
sustained was to the dispositions of
careful housewives.
London. For the fourth time
Queen Alexandra has changed her
plans, and the members of her house
hold are becomng distracted at the
alterations which every day seems to
bring forth. Several of the members
of the household are badly In want
of a holiday, but as all the usual rou
tine has been dislocated no one can
tell when his or her turn will come
for a rest. ,
. The whole establishment Is, how
ever, profoundly grateful for the de
parture of the Dowager Empress
Marie of Russia, whose autocratic
methods are not at all In accordance
with those ruling In English court
circles. It was the empress who urg
ed her sister to keep the royal stand
ard floating over Buckingham palace
In defiance of custom. A bad attack
of lumbago kept the empress in bed
a few days at the palace before she
left for Denmark, and during that
period the household enjoyed com
parative peace.
Queen Alexandra's present plans
are to stay on In Scotland at Mar
Lodge, the residence of her daughter,
the Duchess of Fife, for the next two
months, instead of going to Denmark.
The health of Princess Victoria Is
mainly responsible for this decision.
The princess Is taking a cure at Har-
rowgate in the company of the Grand
Duchess Mlchaelovltch of Russia.
The two princesses go down to the
royal pump room in a motor car every
morning at 7 o'clock and drink the
nasty sulphur waters. They adhere
very closely to' the rules of the cure,
and Princess Victoria, who Is subject
to serious fits of depression, declines
to see any one but her ladles In wait
ing. She will Join her mother in Scot
land at the end of the cure and will
later on visit Queen Maud of Norway.
By the way, the English "cures" are
doing wonderfully well this season.
Many members of society who used
to flock to Hamburg and then to Ma
rienbad have suddenly discovered that
the home cures are even more bene
ficial. The result Is that., the hotels
at Harrow gate, Bath, Woodhall, Spa,
Strathpeffer, Buxto and Llandrldod
Wells are rapidly filling up and Ma
rlenhnd will attract onlv the old ha
bitues who went ther long before the j
late king made It the fashion.
It Is well known that King George
Intends to exert all his influence to
ward keeping Englishmen and Eng
lismwomen In their own country as
much as possible In the holiday sea
son, and he is equally desirous that
the beauty spots in Ireland should be
made better known to the tourists. It
Is certain '!-.at more Englishmen are
visiting I: viand this season than ever
Dublin. Richard Croker has ach
ieved the "Impossible" by growing
bananas on Irish soil. At his beau
tiful residence at Glencalrn he has
two thriving banana plants laden with
fruit, and intends to grow more in
a big glass house he will have erected
for that special purpose.
The cultivation of this semi-tropical
fruit In Ireland has been de
clared Impossible by experts of the
agricultural department of the Fruit
Growing association of Ireland. Lord
Rossmore, In the north of Ireland;
Lord Barrymore, In the sooth, and
the Irish Agricultural Department at
their various gardens near Dublin,
have tried In vain to raise a crop of
And Richard Croker, ex-Tammany
chief, has all the titled and official
fruit growers envying his success.
Most men die of the remedies and
not of their diseases.
Tbo Busy Boston Storo
Now Located at
725 Main Street
West side between Alta and
Court Sts.
Never come back when cleaned by the
Dry, wet. chemical and steam cleaners. We call for and deliver any
Phone Main 41. JACK WEBSTER, Mgr. 0 E- Court St.
1. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Vltagraph.
Part 1. 1000 feet long. Telling of the
escape of Elixa and the removal of
Uncle Tom from his old Kentucky
2. Bronco Billy's Redemption. Ea
sanay, 1000 feet long. A dramatic
story of the west. A strong picture
with thrilling and exciting situations
and a beautiful sentiment.
3. The Sculptor's Ideal. Gaumont.
Arias, a famous sculptor was in want
of a model but was not able to find
the type he desired. One day in a
vision he saw the girl ne wished and
resolved to find her. He set out on
this search and at last, coming to
the slave market, was presented with
the model he sought. He bought her
and hurrying home, commenced work
upon the wonderful statue he had in
mind. A friend falls In love with her.
Arias, enraged, ordered him from the
home and returned the model to the
slave market Later the lover finds
her and purchases her freedom.
4. The Forbidden Novel. Gaumont
6. Sadie Brady.
The Pastime.
"The Cowboy's Strategem." Selig,
drama, 1000 feet long. Bob loves Mab
and his love is returned, but as usual,
the course of true love fails to run
smooth. An eastern lady out horse
back riding stops to ask Bob for di
rections. Mab sees Bob paying mark
ed attention to the lady. Her Jeal
ousy Is aroused. The eastern lady's
horse runs away with her; Bob makes
an heroic rescue and Mab for the
second time In one day has cause for
Jealousy, returns Bob's ring and goes
away In anger. Bob shoots a bear,
hits on a happy scheme to square
matters with Mab and It is this plan
that gives our story Its name.
"Davy Jones and Captain Bragg.
Vltagraph, comedy, 1000 feet A nov
el comedy, full of rich humor.
The Cowboy's Sweetheart and the
Bandit." Drama. A dramatic west
ern film full of thrilling iiu-ideius.
Sensational from start to finish.
Par Infuiti and Children,
Ito Kfcd Yea Han Always Bssjfcl
Bears the
Bgnarore of
Though Slight
may cause much annoyance
which usually appears in the
form of aching eyes or dull
headache. If you are suffering
from strained vision, our scien
tific examination of the eyes
will reveal the cause.
And properly fitted glasses
will give relief.
Eyes Examined.
Glasses Fitted.
Lensce Duplicated.
Kryptok and Torlo Lenses a
Dale Rothwell
Wm. Hanseom, THE Jeweler.
Full Line of ,
Press Goods and
Ready-to-wear Waists
Ju$t Arrived at
The Beat at Right Prloaa
Fresh Fish
Meats and Sausages
We handle only the purest
ef lard, hams and bacon.
Empire Meat Go.
Phone Main 18.
Day by Day
The maiden priced a diamond
It sparkled like the
She liked the diamond very
But didn't have the
The maiden had no time to
And folded up her ones
I've got a scheme she coyly
' I'll go and find a man and
She bundled up In clothes
and furs
And lisped I'll sharm the
J She didn't have so long to
For she found him at an
And on her dimple finger
He slipped the diamond
while they
( Will. HAN SCUM
f THE Jeweler
I Dale Rothwell, Optician.
a opieaaia nowin anl IXj Hchnol for
F-ltraalr rnntMH In IVil H lh Hrhool Mil Pom.
siftrrial work. UrftmmnrimulrvlAiifihttolinvtnycr U
jrn. Kchool opraaHopt. 13, 1910, Cllo Fra.
Addrm. Kit. Jcwrra (lALUonia. O. H. (J., rm.
Back to Business Again
Dr. F. A. CLISE wishes to announce
that he can be found at his office In
the John Schmidt building, Pendle
ton, Ore. Eye. carefully examined.
and glasses ground to fit. 10 yean
practice fitting glasses. The only ex
clusive Eye Specialist In Umatilla
Mala as. Cents