EIGHT PAGES. ' """x -"uwia-. rarouapy. Oregon. Wednesday: august t ma , . . HEAVY ARRIVALS . PORTLAND YARDS S8 CARLOADS IS YESTERDAY'S RECORD Oregon Cattlemen Ship In tSJ Head Steers Bring; Good Prioee Calve Hull As High m 96.75. Portland Union Stockyards, North Portland. Or., Aug. IS. Heavy re ceipts of livestock and brisk sales marked today's operations here, 38 carloads of cattle and sheep being re ceived from northwest points; 131 teers were sold at prices ranging from $4.15 to $5. a consignment of calves brought $8.76. Among the well known stockmen who shipped stuff in today were: H. P. Sherrltt, Drain, one car cat tle. Lee Miller, Mlllersburg. one car cattle. Mrs. W. M. Waechter, Ashland, four cars cattle. George Kohlhagen, Roseburg, seven cars cattle. , . , W. I. Swetland, Grants Pass, one car cattle. F. S. Smith, White Salmon, three cars sheep. O. Ingle, Baker City, three cars cattle. ' R. Atterbury, Canfleld, one car caf tle. R. Erlckson, Huntington, one car cattle. . George McKay, Condon, four cars cattle and calves. Ferd Hunt, Condon, one car cat tle and calves. Dick Barnhouse, Condon, two cara cattle. P. S. Helms, Condon, one car cat tle. M. W. Williams. Junction City, one car cattle and calves. J. F. Flint, Junction City, two cars sheep. Ed Rankin, Drain, one car cattle. Receipts and Sales. Today's total receipts of stock are as follows: Cattle, 932; calves, 15; aheep, 935. Today's sales: 107 steers at $4.18; 14 steers at $5; 2 calves at $6.76; one bull at $3. General Quotations, General range of livestock values as shown by actual sales: Cattle Best Oregon steers, $4.90 6; ordinary steers. $4.90; common teers, $44.25; cows, best, $4.25; fancy, $4;4.10; poor, $3.50; heifers. st.zo; ouiis, isvfi.lt. Hogs Best east of the mountains, $9.75; fancy, $9.60; stockers and feeders, $g. Sheep Best east of the mountains, wethers, $4 16; old wethers, $4; spring lambs, Willamette valley, $4.G0?5.75; eastern Washington, $6; ewes, $3.75. . Calves Best, $6.75; ordinary, 15. CO06.76; poor, H& 5. "Keep Your Money in Pendleton" -ML MERCHANT- We Are Prepared to Furnish You With Loose-Leaf Ledgers Loose-Leaf Bilinlg Systems Sheets for the Loose-Leal -System You Are Now Using Sales Slips With Leather Holders MOT only can we, furnish you withja complete 11 new outfit, but we can supply you with new sheets for the system you are using at present and at the same price you would pay by sending away. "It Costs Nothing to Consult, Us!" 1 wan t Ads WANTED. WANTED, TOUNO MEN Get action. Bookkeeping department under di rection expert accountant New, modern equipment Bight modal offices. Positions furnished. av plre Business College, Walla Wal la. Send far catalogue. 1 8 11 uuillllll.ll IILUUIIIUI DC ANYONE, ANYWHERES, CAN START a mail order business at ham No canvassing. Be your own boas. oena tor free booklet. Tell how. Heacock, 1798, Lockport, . T. WANTED Laea cmrtala- to laundry. wont soma wMk especial Fhona Had till. FRED EIFFERT, AUCTIONEER, Freewater, Ore., R. f. D. 1; Walla waiia waiia, R. f. D. 1. phone F, L. IX or Freewater Times. HAIR WORK Come to Madam Ken nedy for your hair work, wigs and switches. Pomps made to order. Everything guaranteed. Highest prices paid for combings. Hair dressing, shampooing done. 607 B. Court street; phone Red 1711, WANTED, LADIES Stenographers trained by Portland -experts. Per fect modern equipment, i ncludlng Edison business phonograph. Good positions secured. L. A. E. Busi ness College, Walla Walla. Send for catalogue. TOUNO MEN AND WOMEN Lean a profession. Shaw caa wsitera aarn targe salaries; alar ha can aaa a their aarasag eapaeity: the fieM has never been evercrewsed. Tma uetan Business Jallfe affara yan the twnllij U fear sals' prefessiea uader s, frrat-clasa ia troeter, at a 1 expense, fa iaf a tins fresa year regular wsrk. Night eiass open Ma a say eraaiag, September I. Sail aay thae far tm-ftermatloa. FOR SALB. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF yea want to so surras to rasgsrlsnt or newspapers la the United States or Europe, remit by pasta; note, ask, or sand to the BAST ORB OONIAN the net paUlaaer'i prlet of the publication you deatre, anj wa will hays It sent you. it -111 ay yoa both troabia aad risk. 14 yon are a subscriber to tli AM ORXGONIAN, in remitting you ea teduct ten per cent from tke pub- titer's price. Address EAfTH ORBGONIAN PUB. CO.. P-.o! ton. Ore. Classified Directory PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D- HOM-O- pathlo physician and surgeon. Of flee Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 1411; residence, red lilt. LEADING MARKETS OF WORLD SHOW WHEAT IS SOARING Yellow Cereal Advances Full Point at Chicago on Strength of Adverse Weather Conditions In Grain Bolts. NOTED CASTLE FOR AN AMERICAN WOMAN London. Another old English cas tle may soon feel the revivifying ef fect of American gold. Already Mrs. James Henry Smith of New York has taken Broughton Castle, in Oxford shire for the season, and is trying to buy It. She will go there In Septem ber. With her will be her daughter, the Duchess of Vlzeu, and the Duke, who, when he married Anita Stewart last year was better known as Prince Miguel of Braganza. Although Mrs. Smith is exceedingly rich, the rental asked for the castle wn mt onnrmmia that Bha dnlnvail signing a deed until more satisfactory terms were reached. She has long had a great liking for the place, and when Lord Algernon Gordon Lennox's lease expires she hopes to purchase It. A great moat always filled with water, now seldom seen- in England, urrmtrwlai fhn nnatla nn,1 tliA drnv. bridges are there as in the olden days, though more modern ways of reaching the entrance have been provided. Some magnificent war trophies and old treasures will the rooms and hall ways, and the state dining room Is one of the finest in England. If she buys the castle, Mrs. Smith will en deavor to get Its contents Intact. Chicago, Aug. 2S. Bullish reports irom ine wneat belts and foreign trade centers, coupled with the good cash demand and the heavy short ivrnng iorcea me price of Septem ber above the dollar vanced prices in general a whole point uniess local observers are wrong a tiTiain coterie has bought wheat lib orally todav. Foreign cables showed improve ment from practically everv m.nrtor Further tending to bear up the mar- ei were me reports of unfavorable w earner conditions in the Argentine ana in Aioerta. Fla sbes from Other Marts. Paris, Aug. 23. Wheat closed 1 1-4 higher. Kansas City, Aug. 23. Unchanged to 1 cent higher. St. Louis, Aug. 23 September clos ed at 98 5-8; December. 11.03. Minneapolis, Aug. 23. September closed at 11.11 7-8; December, $1.10. CANADIAN ROCKIES LAKE LOUISE GLACIER COUPLE LIVE YEARS WITHOUT SPEAKING Good Results Always Follow The use of Foley Kidney Pills. Mr. W. II. Collins, Galesburg. 111., tells its how they helped him. "I have been troubled with kidney and bladder trouble for a long time and passed a brick dust sediment. Foley Kidney Pills were recommended to me so I gave them a trial, and got excellent rQiilt ThA nalm In mv tilaritl.i. and kidneys were relieved, and I passea no more oricic aust HKe suo- tAfinA Stlnnn tnlrlnv Pnlav TTtrinov Pills I feel much better than I have lor a long time and can heartily rec ommend them." A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Fire Chiefs In Session. Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 23. Syracuse is today the best risk in the country for the fire Insurance companies. The "fire demon" is expected to give the city a wldo berth during the next four days, owing to the' presence here of fire chiefs of nearly all the larger cities of the United States and Can ada. Fire fighters from Birmingham, England, and Dublin, Ireland, are also in attendance at the convention opened today by the International Association of Fire Chiefs. Automobile fire apparatus, which Is now in use In many cities, will be demonstrated and discussed during the meeting. Chief Croker of New York, will discuss "High Pressure Fire Service," and other chiefs have been assigned Important topics. Chief Georffe Hort'"n, of the Baltimore fire department, Is the present president of, the association. Sleeplessness. You can't sleep in the stillest night. If your digestion Is bad. Take Hood's SarsaparllU It strengthens "the stomach and estab lishes that condition In which sleep regularly comes and Is sweet and re New York. Think of being married to and living with a man for six years without even passing the time of day without saying a word, excepting about once a week saying, "Where's my money T" That was the condition nt a if-.. and Pauline Lothes nt T.mn -i as set forth In the complaint filed by me wire perore Vice-Chancellor Gar- usim m ner suit ror separate main tenance. The Lothes were married on July 15, 1888, and that's twenty-two years ago. They lived toe-ether hnnniitr with an occasional spat to season their arrecuon, until six years ago. Then one bright morning up came a subject me DreHKrasi table upon which they could not agree. Alfred held to his own opinion to show that he was a regular man, and Pauline was stubborn and wouldn't give In. Neither thought it was a matter of serious moment, yet neither cared to say the first word. Now six years have elapsed and it Is said that neither husband nor wife can remember the cause of their trouble it was so trivial. Lothes was surprised when he learned that his wife had filed suit for separation. He will oppose It to the utmost. BANFF FIELD Going or Returning Via VANCOUVER VICT0RI SEATTLE PORTLAND ALSO SHORT TRIPS THROUGH a wiMir AND AR ROW LAKES. Tickets on Sale Dally Until Sept. N luxuni liimu (Jot SI. Unlimited Stopovers. Ask vonr Tri At Write for Dartloulnra n-tn.. , h.v.bh,v W uenn reservations. G. M. JACKSON. Trav. Pass Agt GEO. A. WALTON. Gen. Agt Pass. Dept. wui at spokane. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLE, CHRO- nis ana nervous a eases, ana a IB- eases of women. X-ray and Electro- theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 154. DEN TtsTS. m BWBBBBBBBBBBBBa Baby Morphine Fiends, are made by all soothing syrups and baby medicines that contain opium and narcotics. McGee's Baby Elixir contains no Inlurloim drugs of any kind, a sure and safe cure for disordered stomachs, bow els and fretfulness splendid for leetning mrants. A. C. Koeppen A Bros. northern Grown Fruit TREES Plant one-year-old ton nn mi. '"'"in roots, win grow faster and bear quicker than any other. Grown unuer natural conditions (not irrigat ed.) Guaranteed true to name. All anipments Dear inspector's certificate Write for prices. Address, Albany Nurseries Albany, Oregon Dep't. "Q" A row energetic salesmen wanted Notice to Creditors. The creditors of th pi... Creamery company of Pendleton, Or- suu, are nereDy notiried that all claims against the Pendleton Cream ery company must be duly certified una presented to Mark Morrhouse, receiver, at lis F Onim r dleton, Oregon, on or before Septem- uvr i ism, MARK MOORHOUSB, Receiver. C. M. Alexander Is 111. London Thousands of friends in America will be sorry to hear of the Illness of Charles M Alexander for merly the evangelist colleague of Dr. Torrey, and now of Dr. Wilbur Chap man. Mr. Alexander has had to un dprgo an operation for appendicitis. nd though it is successful It will be be some weeks before he will be able to resume his work. Mr. Alexander is at nis nome in Birmingham and the latest report is rood. w recently returned from a great mission in me unttea states, following one held In Cardiff in the spring. Receiver's sale. The public Is herebv nntiruj Kt sealed bids will be opened at I p m. on September , 1910, at the office of Mark Moorhouse, Pendleton, Oregon, for the purchase of the plant, furni ture and fixtures of the Pendleton Creamery company. The plant con slating r.f a three ton Ice plant 1 churn creamery, Ice cream freeslng machinery, refrigerating display cases and refrigerating room, candy kitchen, ice cream parlor furniture, confectionery furniture, office furni ture, now located at No. 821 Main street, Pendleton, Oregon. Invoice price about $6000 on original cost Sale to be made for cash to the hls'i. est bidder and the receiver reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check to the amount of 10 per cent of the bid. MARK MOORHOUSB. Receiver. Ill B. Court Street. Pendleton, Oregon. (Paid Advertisements.) REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR JOINT SENATOR For Umatilla, Union and Morrow counties S. F. WILSON of the Law Firm of Peterson wiison AthAfiA. riMM I FIRMLY BELIEVE IN Direct Primary Law. Good Roada. Strict and Prompt Law Enforcement ' u or oue Fonda ocnoois. The "8auare rwt The Eternal T. Wl. TJ,..:r" i'"'c Ul n "d E. A. MANN. DENTIST. OFFICS Main street next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'nhone. black 1421; residence 'phone, red 8471. ' KERN at BENNETT, DENTAL 8UR- geons, omce, room is Juaa build ing. Phone, Red 1291. DR. THOMAS V AUG HAN, DENTIST, Office In Judd building. Phone, Main 71. ' VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. Ci. M'VARR T-M7AT. RT1TS Stork TnsiMtctnr nA mnli Omtm veterinary Boar a. umce at residence v is oBsi voiut au ft es. -pnons stain el. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS I HAH THAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKJH I rename abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans oa eny and farm property. Bays and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokers hntn. t. . taxes and makes lnrfmnA f residents. Write fire, life and seal. dent Insurance. RufamnM. ... bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. '. S. HENNINGER, Vlce-Prea C. H. MARSH, See. BENTLET A EFFING WELL. REAL estate, fire, Ufe and accident Insur ance agents. New location, 811 Mala street Phone Main 44. IJVERY AND FEED STABLE. fCITY LIVERY SUABLE. THOMPSON mam. varney .Bradley. Props. Livery, feed and assa rigs at all tlmaa. rh lln i tlon. 'Phone main 70. RESTAURANTS. i CHINA RESTAURANT, NOODLSst and chop suey, Ung D. Ooey, prop. At the old stand, Alta street in rear of Tall man A Co. ATTORNEYS CA. BARRETT Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon. Candidate for the nomination of Joint . Senatorial Dts- ""- won, comprising the Counties of Umatilla, Union and To the voters nt tt om , I nerebv &nnnnn.. w t ocu aa a can didate for .Tnlnf c..., . TTT. Senatorial District -. it . , uiiiauiia, union and Mor- PUbllcan voter at th T, Knt'.nft.E,ffi0n held Septem. -- 111V, If nominated nnri r -. . -.v-.i a will WOTI m . nterest of all the people of -., --wi iu me Dest or my ability. I favor the m&inninn. . ui di rect Primai rw r . - o-.-. .-'. cnoice u..mr ana statement No. I. A better system of imnr- mA . . a ruaas w.mu ovvilUIHV H nil nrnnlAnA . -"--" nesDectruiiv . C. A. BARRETT, RALEY RALE It, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank building. FEE SLATER. LAWYERS. OF- floe in Despatn building. MISCELLANEOUS. -rr LBCTRIOITT DO YOUR Work It's elaan- Mll.ta. ... entent Electric Sad Irons. guaraA- -u. .is. miectrtc Hot. Water aad Curllnaf Trnn TTo.- , . , ai sine iouaa Percolators, etc. A complete stock of iv -iwtnc ruRures. Flrst-clsas wiring of homes, etc J. U Vaughaa. C. E. MACOMBER. Presents himself n -Q.i.,. . .... u.iia iur me county surveyor; If nominated nn .11.. ... .-.muter me duties of the office wnn auigence and ability. at law. Office in American Nation- " al Bank building. SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY family washing; work done by kaad:' JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT mending free: goods called for ana law. Office over Taylor Hardware delivered. 408 East Court street Company. ; FRATERNAL ORDERS. LOWELL A WINTER, ATTORNEYS , ,. , - , , GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY rty Sty, nd. J.,.?0 " at la w. Estates settled, wills, deeds, ! - AU TUltln bratart- mortgages and contracts drawn. Col- vuea. lections made. Room 17, Schmidt r block. DAMON LODGE NO. 4, v tV"y v K. of P meats every Mast- PETERSON A WILSON. ATTOR- aT-i day W8f m I. O. O. F. neys at law: rooms S and 4 Smith- nft11- Visiting brothers ear- Crawford building. d'al'r Invited to attend. Oeorge W. Coutts C C; R. W. PHELPS & STEIWER, ATTORNEYS Fletcher, K. R. S. at law. Office in Smith-Crawford . - bulM""t' The Eart Oregotna, i. Eastern Or. CHAS. J. FERGUSON. ATTORNEY j S'p.LSST .!i at law. Office in Judd bunding. u byeTIlbrp.iro tZ DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Snnmi i f and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEARY KIMBRELL I architects, contractors, etc For Oountv ,.,..-. Most respectfullv anllnito . of the republican vntr t . nation at the primary election on -v...uer inn, lsio. if nominated and elected I will ennritmt ,- ...i of the office to the best of my ability. ujuaky KIMBRELL. D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks. stone walks, etc. Phone black 8788. or Oregonlan office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. CITY OF PHNDLETON MAPS at East Oregonlan office, price lie. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In the East Oregonlan build ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot and cold water: bath. Inquire mi East Oregonlan. JOSEPH T. HINKLE FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I. JoseDh T. Winkle - 4ii io-n neia precinct, Umatilla county, Ore gon, and my DOStofflen n.Mi-n.. lotr mlston, Ore. I am a duiv rertt.r. member of the Republican party. If I am nominated for the nffio. r resentative for Umatilla county at puiuury nominating election to be neia in ine state of Oregon, county ui umatnia. on ine 24th Aa nf c tember, 1910, I will accept the nomi- utttion ana not withdraw, nn if t . elected I will ouallfv and serve the people of my county u eiitur in me nest or my ability. JOSEPH T. HINKLE. The East Oreironlsn Is Ft, rw. gon's representative DSDer it and the people appreciate it and show n Dy inetr UDeral patronage. It Is the advertising medium of the section. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL DI rector and licensed emhulmur Opposite nostofflcc. Funeral n&rlnr. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone main 71. AUCTIONEER. COL. F. O. LUCAS. LTVESTOO- Auctioneer. Athena, flrairnn i.. erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods, if there la anything you need In new and second-ban furniture, stoves. mnltmraM ...a crockery, call and get lils prices. No zii ast uourt street ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embossed private and biuinM .t.iin. . ... Very latest stvlna. Call at w.,' n gonlan office and see samples. PENDLETON TRAIN SCHEDULM O. R. . Westbound Oregon division Portland local ia:ii . Ore. A Wash. Express. . l:li Portland Umlted nm p. M 11:41 p nt Motor .. .. 4; . sa, Pilot Rock Mixed :oi a. m. Eastbound Oregon division Mall 1:l0 Ore. A Wash. Express.. (:ii a, ra, Chicago Limited 1:11 p. , Motor 10:20 a. Port, local, ar. 5:10, leaves 1:41 pa Pilot Rock mixed .... S:00 p. m, Washlngto t Dlv. Leaving Pendletaa Walla Walla local .... S:II p. nu Pendleton passenger .. 7:00 a. m. Spokane local .,.' Washington Dlv. Arriving Pen d la tea vuuiciuu lucm ...... l'lo a. sa. Walla Walla local io a. sa. Pendleton passenger .. :t p. h. NOItTinPRV m Leaving Pendleton- Passenger 1:01 p. m. Mixed train .. - Arriving Pendleton rassenger la.00 Mixed train t;i