PACK I DAILY EAST ORRQOXTAX. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 34, 1110. EIGHT PAGES. f- r? Oo57n,TU7 Of 'I " si1 s-vv vi", w V...-t:.i-a-?-- ".. L.-::i-v-..-.--.' . . A '.-.-A V; J o-; ... . u ''--- ' m it- i-? .r W 1-.. The Best Stories by the Best Authors, and all the News the Day it Happens GO0B SUMMER. R&ADIN'G Two Extraordinary Offers Special Offer A Pacific Monthly with Daily E. O. One Year Paid in Advance, New Subscribers or Renewals Regular Price Pacific Monthly $1.50 Regular Price Daily E. O. by mail $5.00 $&50 Special Olfer B The Pacific Monthly and Semi-Weekly Em O. One Year Paid in Advance, New Subscribers or Renewals . . Regular Price Pacific Monthly $1.50 Regular Price Semi-Weekly . O, $1.50 $340 85.50 52.6 I0 The Paclflo Monthly la th laadlng macula of Western America., published on the Pacific Coaat, edited by Western men, and its entire contents are Western. The Bast Oreconlan, as you all know well. Is the leading paper of the Inland Empire, and is the official paper of TTmatllla Co. and City of Pendleton. No home can afford to be without It. This is a Short-time Offer PLEABB STATE IP NEW OR RENEWAL East Orefonlan Pub. Co Ore. Enclosed find I for which pl send yo-r premium offer to the following address: Name Addi CUT OUT AND KAIL US TODAY. NEW HIGHWAY WILL I WESTERN PACIFIC IB COMFLHrKD TO TERMINAL Gould Line iMMfurauu Oof to Ocean Service Oakland, California is Pacific Coast Terminal. J Oakland, Cat The completion of the Western Pacific railway from Salt Lake City to its Pacific Coaat ter. minal at Oakland, Cal., and the in auguration of passenger serrice Mon day, is an eyent of national import ance, as affecting the transportation interests of the country. This piece of road, Sit miles in length, is prac tically an extension of the Gould sys tem westward, and means that a new factor has entered the field In the distribution of trans-continental traf fic. The Western Pacific connects with the Denver and Rio Grande railroad at Salt Lake, so that the Gould lines are now continuous from Pittsburg and Detroit to the Pacific Coast, and with these connections are able to supply through freight and passenger service from the Atlantic, the Gulf and the Great Lakes, to the terminal city of Oakland, located on the continental side of the Bay of San Francisco, from which ocean lines will take traffic to all points on the Pacific Coast and to the Orient It was the ambition of Gould to control an ocean-to-ocean railroad line under one ownership and man agement, and while complications trowing out of the late financial cris is caused some compromises, and de ferred the realization of that project the completion of the Western Pacific is another step in the carrying out of this great plan. Tt means that an other vast system of railroads is reaching out for the profitable Pa cific coast business and Is In readi ness to participate in the tremendous development. o Pacific commerce, which is certain to come with the completion of the Panama canal, and the increase of population of the Western Empire beyond the contin ental divide. "LUiuid fuel" from the Inexhausta ble California oil fields and the "white coal" from the great hydro-electric power plants of the high Sierras, are supplying the cheapest energy known and working a revolution in industrial economics. California Is now In a position to compete with the East In manufactur ing, In the score of saving. In cost of motive power, while Its climate, free from extremes of heat and cold, gives a maximum of labor efficiency at all seasons. Accessible to abundant supplies of raw material, and fronting the awak ened Orient, whose teeming millions have made It in all times the Mecca of the merchant, California Is enter ing upon a period of industrial and commercial expansion, that wiU eclipse its golden era. To its Golden Gate will throng the merchant ships of all nations, bringing the rich wares of far Cathay, while they will bear away to all parts of the Orient and the isles of the Pacific the products of this country. The captains of industry and mas ters of transcontinental traffic have been quick to observe this new trend of commerce, and of industrial devel opment, and have seized upon the point of advantage on the east bay shore at Oakland, where already the great continental railroad systems, the Southern Pacific, the Central Pa cific, the Santa Fe and the Western Pacific are elaborating extensive ter minal docks. These corporations, with the San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose Railway companies, are building great piers, and warehouses, with electric cranes to transfer cargoes from ship to car, and from car to ship, that will involve an expenditure of upwards of 50,000,000. In addition to this, the City of Oak land has already voted bonds to the extent of $2,500,000 for docks and warehouses and a belt railway along its inner harbor, where the United States government is engaged In Im provements on a continuous system of appropriations which will total $2,-500,000. There are among the conditions that contribute to make the terminus of the Western Pacific at Oakland, Cal a point of continental contact, and one that will have a dominant Influ ence In world commerce. OREXiOX THEATRE OPENS THE SEASON 1910-11 INCREASE WEIGHT QUICKLY. Simple Way for the Thin and Pale to lie Plumn and Rosy. Samose can hardly be termed a medicine. It Is in reality a flesh form ing food. Taken tfefore or after meals It mingles with the food you eat, en ables it to assimilate and readily di gest, so as to make rich blood and pleasing plumpness. After Samose has been used a week or ten days a noticeable gal In weight Is seen. The sallow complex ion becomes rosy, the sunken cheeks will have a ruddy glow, the eyes will be bright, the breath sweet and the step elastic. Koeppen Bros.' customers have told them of the romarknble results fol lowing the use of Samose. the great flesh forming food, and they are so thoroughly convinced of Its reliability that they are selling It under their personal guarantee to refund the money If It does not do all that Is claimed for it. Prince is Hit With Rock. Rome. The Duke of Genoa, sec ond cousin of the King of Italy, and his son, the Prince of Udlne, while automoblllng to Stress were attacked by a youth who threw a stone, hitting tho Prince in the face. The police were notified and are Investigating. An event of great dramatic im portance will prevail in this city at the Oregon theatre on Tuesday Aug ust 30 when Margaret Illlngton will be seen here in her new play "Until Eternity" which comes from the French. In its original It was ac claimed by Paris on the occasion of Its premiere as a work of wonder ful power filled with heart throbs. the purpose of Its argument being an experience In life which Involves pos slble conditions. In the adaptation used by Miss Illlngton, which is the work of Edward Eisner, all of its powerful situations have been re tained. The play tells the story of heart gripping mother love, of a young wife driven to desperation through the ne. gleet of her husband and who In an Impulsive moment leaves her home and her child. The train in which she makes her-flight Is wrecked, and se verely injured she is brought to a London hospital where In the great confusion her identity is lost Regaining her health and learning Sam Say, Rastus, Miss Helen Gas pipe says she'd like to meet you very much. Dastus To' go and tell her I ain't no gas meter. ' " " 5 ? ItiTtiri'r i t itinn in Margaret Illlngton, In tho Great lT-iich Piny, "Until Eternity," ut tlif Oregon Theater, Tuesday, Au ' gust $0. that her husband believes her dead, had remarried, she Is further con vlnced that he never cared for her and she decides to continue under an assumed name. Mother love and the longing for her boy soon dominates however, and the knowledge that her child Is being neglected determines her to go to him at any cost. She enlists the aid of friends to se cure her the position of governess In her former home, believing that her disguise will safeguard her. As soon as she arrives there, her husband's brother penetrates it and for the time being her plan seems lost A scene between them ensues dur ing which the present wife enters, followed by the husband, who also recognizes her. This revelation stag gers him, but he decides to allow her to remain hoping to avoid uncom. fortable disclosures. The child, ignorant of his moth er's identity, pours out to her all the pent up love of his tender nature, un. wittingly cutting her to the quick as she cannot reveal her true position, which with every moment grows harder as she sees the tenderness and love which Is bestowed upon the wo man who has supplanted her. "Going Some." Lawrence and Sandusky will send their all star cast of players to this city on Tuesday, Sept. 27, for an en gagement of one night at the Ore gon theatre, presenting the uproar ously successful comedy "Going Some," which Is credited with more success than has greeted any other comedy of recent years. New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston and every other city of importance on the continent has seen and laughed at this clever play and the present tour Is the most successful the play has had. ART DEALERS ARRESTED; AMERICANS ARE DUPED Berlin. Herr Batteaux, assistant curator of the Westphallan Museum at Munster, and Max Helmann, a dealer In 'antiquities, have been ar rested on a charge of manufacturing and selling bogus ancient works of art. The affair creates great Interest In ' antiquarian and art circles., Helmann offered to a certain West phallan noble who carved wooden polychromatic figures for $1(25. One of these was a knight In chain armor, which on Investigation proves to be almost an exact reproduction of a stone figure In the porch of Mlndcn cathedral, which had been carved In wood to Heimann's order, but which was alleged by Helmann to date from the thirteenth century. The other Is a Balnt of the late Gothic per 1. Batteux had sent the original tr Helmann to be copied. When Helmann had finished the copy he kept the original and returned the copy to Batteux, and the case against Batteux Is that he knew it to be a copy. Those who havve seen the copy state It to be a most marvelous reproduction. Heimann's correspondence has been seized by the police, ana numerous letters reveal that this Individual was In an extensive way of business. Es pecially large were his connections with America, where he has supplied dozens of museums with his "origin als." It will be remembered that some months ago a band of Munich "ar tists" was discovered who had been supplying wealthy American connois seurs with "old masters" at very rea sonable rates. SERUM MAY CURE CHILD PARALYSIS Life Insurance. Life Insurance. Life insurance. Life Insurance. Life Insurance. Lee Teutsch. Do you take the East Oregonlan? Philadelphia. A discovery that may lead to a cure for infantile paralysis a deadly disease of childhood thought to be epidemic at the present time through the state, was announced to day by Drs. Simeon Flexner and Paul A. Wise of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York. As a result of a series of experiments performed on monkeys that were In noculated with the virus which caus es Infantile paralysis a serum Jias been found that In some cases pre vents the disease from developing and In others cures it within a short time after it makes an appearance. These two investigators also have found that it is possible to vaccinate monkeys with an "immune" serum that will prevent them from contracting the disease. The discoveries are of great Im portance to the entire medical profes. slon. There seems to be no theoreti cal obstacle to prevent a vaccination method to be found to produce Im munity. The question seems to be will the doctor be able to use the se rum as antitoxin? Will the serum chase the malady out of the body and make good again the evil done to the limbs of the little victims? Hundreds of mothers are anxiously waiting Dr. Flexener's answers to these ques tions. Avoid Sickness ! Drink HIRE'S ROOT Save money by reading today's ads. ONSETS Model A67 is a new one. BEER Its Pure Have a case delivered to your home today. It's healthful and Invigorat ing. We are agents for Umatilla county, both wholesale and retail. We have the latest Im proved bottling machin ery in eastern Oregon, and bottle Root Beer, Soda, Near Beer and soft drinks by sanitary methods. Pendieton Soda Works PAUL HEMMELGARX. Proprietor. Office Phone Black tK. Works Phone, Black 9881 worKs I'nonc, uiacK 9881 Milne Transfer Phone Main 5 C CALLS PROMPTLY ANS WERED FOR ALL BAGGAGE TRANSFERRING. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING AND HEAVY TRUCK INO A SPECIALTY. f-lla J