PAGE POCK AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. tvikaLd Datiy. Weekly ud IbI-WmU At Paadlatoa, Qrccoo.. by taa SAW OBBOONIAN PUBLISHIHg CO. SCBMCBIPTION RATES. tally, oo yaar, by mall $5 00 Aally, all moacha, by mall i.60 ally, tfarw mootba. by mail 1.29 ally, oaa month, by mall 60 bally, oaa year, by carrier T SO ally, atz months, py carrlar....... S.7IJ ally, tbrea montna, by carrlar..... l.M ally, od month, by carrlar.. 60 Waokly. oaa yr, by mall 1.60 Kaeklf, alz mootba, by mall T9 Vaklv. tour moDtha. by mall B0 toml-Weekly, oaa year, by mall.... 1.60 leml-Weekly, six moaUM. y mall... .TS lemt-Waekly, foor moatoa, by mall.. .60 the Dally East Oregon lan la kept sn aala t the Oregon News Co., 14T 6th straat, rartiand. Once. lorthwaat Newa, Co., Portlaad, Orecon. Chicago Bureau, 809 Security BoJldlag. Waahrngton, D. CL, Bureau, . B01 Foor aotk street, N. W. Mem ear Halted Preaa Aaoclatloa. Entered at the pastoiflce at Paadlatoa, Jragoa. aa secoad claaa mall matter. -toUfrhoae Mala 1 Official city aad C aty Paper. TWILIGHT. Transparent eve. that dimly veils The fleeting day, the coming night. Thou seem'st to grieve in fitful wails The day thou wooest in its fUght; Till, mournful of thy hapless chase Dost fall, art lost, in night's embrace! So many a soul to virtue gaged. Seeing the ideal slowly fade H'er at its goal. Its power as suaged, Its plan at fault, itself dis mayed. Discouraged to anew begin, Falls hopeless in the arms of l sin! I John Edward Boys. THE CRIME-MAKER, That the freedom of the press is often abused in America is the opin ion of many thinking men. There are those who also believe that the weak and ignorant are frequently incited to crimes by newspaper articles for the publication of which there can not be found the slightest Justification. After declaring that the attempted slayer of Mayor Gaynor is a crazy, coward ly scoundrel whose Intent to commit murder should have greater weight with his jury than that he happily failed, the Portland Spectator goes on to say: But if we are to fittingly punish one whose intent to murder was armed with cartridge aand weapon, what pun ishment shall we inflict on those who ty daily suggestion of Mayor Gaynor's unfitness and unworth, planted the intent in Gallagher's weak mind? Gallagher carried with him on his Journey of assassination clippings from a notoriously yellow paper, the New Tork Journal, which day after day sneers at constituted authority and derides those who represent It, It may be mentioned as a coincidence that Czolglos, when he killed Presi dent MeKinley, carried from theame paper clippings which were bitterly abusive of the executive. Those ar ticles spurred Czolglos and Gallagher to their crimes. Czolglos found, and undoubtedly Gallagher will learn, that while we permit some people to Incite to mur der we seek to dissuade by detention, suspension, and electrocution others from committing murder. Probably some day we shall become wise and brave enough to fix and inflict a punishment on those who kindle the desire for assassination in the weak minds of the ignorant. In the mean time, the editor of the New Tork Journal, Gallagher's "pal," expresses the arihorence which all decent men feel at the attack on Mayor Gaynor. "IIOME INDUSTRY." The editor of the Walla Walla Un ion sometime ago put a short squib in his columns which has been wide ly copied by papers throughout the country. It is short but it makes a point which Is applicable to a great many cities besides Walla Walla. Here It Is; "The average Walla Walla farmer buys canned and dried California fruit ani canned eastern vegetables; he gets up at the alarm of a Connecti cut clock, fastens h!s Chicago sus penders to his Detroit overalls; wash. es hi face with eastern soap In a Pennsylvania wash pan; sits down to a Grind Rapids table, and eats Indl ana hominy fried in eastern lard on a St lyiul." s'ove then he puts a St. IouIa irl-!!e on a Missouri mule and plows with an Illinois plow. When bedtime comes he reads n chapter from a bible printed In Philadelphia, says a prayer written In Jerusalem, and crawls under a blanket made In New Jersey, only to be kept awake by a Walla Walla dog which Is about the only home-raised product on the r'sce 'Hurrah for home Industry.' Roosevelt's speech yesterday before I the New York grangers contains some advice which Umatilla county farm. rs could profitably digest. The evils of country life which he points out a:.-e nearly all exemplified here in our own part of the United States. And there was one very pertinent para graph which some of the howling ad vocates of woman suffrage would do well to read and heed. "I haven't the slightest sympathy with any move ment," says Teddy, "which looks to excusing men and women for the non performance of duties and fixes at tention only on rights and not on duties. The woman who shirks her duty as housewife, as mother, is a contemptible creature. Just as the corresponding man Is a contemptible creature." The members of the board of wa ter! commissioners are to be com mended for action taken by them to secure a gravity water supply for Pendleton. The residents of the city are not particular as to whether the water comes from Thome Hollow, Meacham creek or the North Fork of the Umatilla river, but they feel that they are entitled to an abund ant supply of pure water and are willing to foot the bill. The most effective cure for the lo cal knocker Is to compel him to spend a few days in any other city of sim ilar size in the northwest. Those who have tried the experiment and who are honest, declare that Pendleton Is so far In advance of the others that there can be no comparison. Even residents of Portland, Spokane and Seattle marvel at the evidences of prosperity and business activity in Pendleton. Residents of Pendleton who stay at home are in no danger of forest fires in summer or floods in spring; neither do they freeze to death In winter or die of sunstroke In sum mer. William J. - may be the leader of the democratic hosts in 1912, but if the signs of the time are correctly enterpreted It will be 'William J. Gay nor, not William J. Bryan. The areoplane hat nay be the rage In New Tork or Paris, but the "round-up" hat is the latest thing in Pendleton. Get one. Clean up your premises before the district fair and "round-up" arrive. "Wanted a song and a slogan for the "Round-up." FULLER PARTICULARS. Chief Justice Fuller was a school mate of Senator Frye. He ran a paper in Augusta in oppo. sition to James G. Blaine. He was only five feet seven Inches high and weighed about 120 pounds. He looked like a miniature of Mark Twain. He had eight children, all daugh ters. He was active In democratic poll- tics In Chicago when appointed. He had a law practice of about $50,- 000 a year , when appointed. He, it is 'believed, leaves a fortune of $1,000,000. He was an LI D. of Northwestern Cnlversity, Bowdoln, Harvard, Tale and Dartsmouth. Among the notable decisions writ ten by Chief Justice Fuller was that declaring the income tax unconsti tutional. He also wrote, the decision declaring the Employers Liability act unconstitutional. In the famous five to four decision in the Northern Se curities case Chief Justice Fuller, with Justices White, Holmes and Peckham, composed the minority. He died, like Adams and Jefferson, upon Independence Day. Syracuse Post-Standard. TARIFF FORTUNES AXD EVASION When the new collector came In, the first curiosity he met with was that "those who had made fortunes by reason of high and protective tar iff' were most unscrupulous In evad ing on their own luxuries or necessi ties the tax imposed. Tariffs were made for their profit, not their loss. Plttsburghers, he found, residents of the greatest of protection-built cities, were the worst offenders. It Is a moeking spectacle swollen tariff-born fortunes In skulking eva sion of the mother that coddled them! Iron ore being protected by 11 per cent duty, pig Iron 12.95 per cent, and manufactures of iron 41.S8 per cent, L. Lanstorf of Milwaukee, accumulat ed enormous holdings of ore lands In Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan, and was enabled to leave his family exceedingly wealthy. A few months ago his widow and daughters came down the Rang plank of the Amerlka followed closely by a customs Inspec tor who had observed at quarantine that they had declared only -J100 worth of dutiable goods the amount allowed free entry. At the pier one of the daughters greeted a young man who had come to welcome her, and tossed to him a baby lamb coat There came the hoary old explanation: "Why, it is an old coat purchased on this side, and only repaired abroad!" Under the lining the inspector found th foreign maker's label. From the trunks pieces- of silk, laces, made-up gowns wire lifted, all of foreign make. When the three women were told that their persons would have ty be searched. Mrs. Lan storf protented. You are subjecting us to humiliation. We are willing to pay the duty we didn't understand." Two women inspectors, taking them to their suite on the ship, compelled them to undress. Around the neck of one hung a pearl necklace. Frank lin Clarkln in the September Everybody's, DAILY EAST OKBGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AtULST 24. 1910. IX OXE SOLE PLACE. In one sole place a rose should blos som, now That thou art dead; Out of thy grave alone Its ' stem should grow, Should spring its lovely head: No other spot on earth Merits its birth. And when the moon is waxing slowly bright I say. Nowhere But on thy grave should fall Its silver light; And gentle girls should there. There only, come to sing The tale of spring. If thus the beauty of the world might be Amassed and kept. Then in that place I think that I should see Thee, thee whom I have wept. And, grief forbore awhile. Dare then to smile. Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer Everybody's for September. in STAGE JOKES. In "The Follies of .1910" Jacques Kruger accurately portrays John D. Rockefeller. As he enters, he greets the other members in the scene, which include Carnegie. James J. Hill, J. P. Morgan and Hetty Green, with: "How do you do everybody?" "The same as you do, John," Is the reply in chorus. . "How do you feel today, John?" asks Hetty G. "O, I'm up to the standard," says John. B. Richardson, Impersonating Wes ton, the pedestrian, enters, covered with dust. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" he asked. "I am walking from California to New York." "Don't you know," asks Jim Hill, "that you are cheating the railroads?" "Well. If I am. I guess I'm the first one that could ever do it. In the first scene, which represents a rehearsal of the "Follies," It is dis covered that the prima donna is mis sing, and the rehearsal can't go on. Suddenly Grace Tryson, as an un known, cries out from the audience that she can take the part, and she is asked, to come to the staee. The stage manager divests her of her outer garments, revealing her shapely form in tights. The . unknown's "mother" shouts from the audience when she sees her daughter's sparse attire: "Say, ain't there . something goes with that?" The stage manager puts, his arm around Grace and walks off the stage with her, calling back to the "moth er:" "Oh, yes, anybody would." Then comes a street scene In Reno, showing a bunch of sharps about to take some pictures of a fake fight. A white man and a colored man have been engaged to pose, these parts be ing taken, respectively by Billy Reeves and Bert Williams. The man ager of the outfit explains to Wil liams: "Now, you do as we tell you and pose in this fight, and then every time the pictures are shown anywhere you get two dollars per." 'Yes. perHAPS," replies Williams. in his droll way. When everything is In readiness for the fake mill the manager slaps Wil liams on the back and tells him to get into the ring. "Have you got your speech?" he asks of him. "Well," says the fake Johnson, ah've got It now, but Jes how long ah will have It ah can't tell." Another scene represents the now defunct Cafe le L'Opera, with a horde of waiters, coat boys, hat boys, glove boys, cane boys, each after' his tip. Blckel and Watson, as two strangers In New York, wander In and order a couple of drinks. For these two humble sips they are charged $4.95. They gasp and hand the waiter a $10 bill, saying: "Keep the change and make it grand larceny." From "Follies of 1910" at the Jardin de Paris. "One year ago when I got married, the orchestra played 'Three Little Maids from School,' and do you know. a funny coincidence happened yester day? The stork brought three ba bies to our home." '"Good heavens! When I got mar ried six months ago, the band played the Sextette from 'Florodora.' " GOOD OLD SCHOOL DAYS. The conductor of a western freight train saw a tramp stealing a ride on one or the forward cars. He told a brakeman In the caboose to go up and put the man off at the next stop. When the brakeman approached the tramp, the latter waved a big revol ver and told him to keep away. '"Didn't you get rid of him?" the conductor asked the brakeman, when the train was under motion again. "I hatfn't the heart," was the reply. "He turned out to be an old school friend of mine." "I'll take care of. him." said the conductor, as he started over the tops of the cars. After the train had made another stop and gone on, the brakeman came into the caboose and said to the con ductor: "Well, Is he off?" "No; he turned out to be an old school friend of mine, too." Every body's Magazine. ' ISN'T IT' TRUE that you would like to lie Ktrong and robust have a good appetite be able to enjoy life? Then you really ought to commence taking this abso lutely pure remedy, HOSTETTFR'S STOMACH BITTERS During the past 57 years It has been the means of making thousands of people strong and hearty. and It will do as much for you too. Start today. It is for Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspoiwla, Costlveness, Illlllousness, Kidney Ills, Cramps, Malaria, Fever and Ague, Eczema. Aone, Tetter, Salt Rheum, tc are simply the ulceration of skin tissues, caused by humors and acids in the blood. The circulation has beconia infected with impurities which are being constantly deposited Into the pores and glands of tho cuticle, and a continual state of Inflammation and irritation Is thus kept up. Juit as long as these humors and acids remain In the circulation the skin aflfaction will ccntlnus. The trouble may he temporarily soothed and covered over with external applications, but snch treatment does not make the blood any purer, and can therefore be of no permanent benefit. To cure any skin disoase it is necessary to purify the blood remove tho causa. 8. S. S. Cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Eheum, pimples, eruptions, etc. because it is the greates; of all blood purifiers. It goes into the circulation and drives out every humor, acid or impurity. It cools the feverish blood and allows it to furnish the akin with healthy nourishment. Instead of fiery, acrid deposits. S. S. S. is purely vegetable mild and pleasant in its action, it does not cure rkin disaase by forcing all the impurity to the surface, but stimulates the excretory members to carry it off through the natural avenues. If you have any skin affection you can not do better than purify your blood with S. S. S. It will assist nature in quickly restoring the smooth, even texture of the cuticle, and the cure will be perman ent and lasting. Book on Skin Diseases free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. OA. A CONFESSION. The late Father Ducey was once eagerly sought, while hearing confes sions, by an enterprising reporter for a New York newspaper. There was a long line of penitents In the church and the reporter saw that the only way to get a speedy Just. Arrived Quality Toilet Soap, fine floral odors, 10c cake, 3 for 25c. Look at oar window. SPECIAL Duroy's Claret Soda, 6 uts. Delicious and refreshing. Wise Men and Women Know that most of the sicknesses of life come from inactive bowels and from unhealthy condition of the organs of digestion. If your digestive system is not working right, your food does not nourish you poor blood and weakness follow; if your bowels are inactive waste matter poisons the whole system and serious sickness is sure to follow. To take promptly is to save yourself trouble and expense. Genile, but quick; safe, but thorough, they enable the bowels to c.i.-ry uwny waste matter . naturally and tone up the whole digestive system. They will not injure the most delicate. They help you to get your bowels and your digestive organs in that erudition when they can take good care of themselves and of you. Beecham's Pills Do Good Naturally Fotfemalaa, Baacaun'a Pill ara specially auiubla. Sea InitructioDs with each bos. Sold Everywhere in boxes, 10c and 25c Known For Its Strength First National Bank PENDLETON, (OREGON The CAPITAL, SURPLUS UNDIVIDED PROFITS RESOURCES OVER SECURJTY FRONT b.-.'Ni"'-'-''. HT'. M-t.--Vr-!-V -'. H. . Oregon, located cornet- of (Seventh and Stark Strecta, inleiHeg tbrough the Mock to Park Street, Portia ml. )regon. Our new Park tares Anaex Is absolutely fireproof. Rates $1 per Day and Up. European CUBES ECZEMA, ACKE.TETTEH,ETL hearing would be to get a place In the line. At last his turn came. "Father Ducey," he began, "I'm a reporter for the Journal." "My son," interrupted the cleric, "eyen that might be for given." From Success Magazine. Do you take the East Oregonlan? mm fit F. J. DONALDSON. Reliable Pr- uts. and . 11 3150 0 00 EIGHT PAGES. Headquarters For Toilet Goods W are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER MT. HOOD CREAM Tallman & C o. Leading Druggists of Eastern Oregon. OLD LINT! LIVE STOCK IN SURANCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of CrawfordaTille, Indiana Has now entered Oregon. Policies now food in every state in the Union. Or (ran ted over 16 years ago. Paid up Capital 1100.000.00. As sets over I4S0.000.00. REMEMBER, this Is NOT a Mutual Live ftaook Insur ance company. Mark Moorhouse Company Arrat, Pendlesoa, Or. IIS Beat CoorsM. Pnooe Maim M. COLESWORTHY'S Internationa) Stock Food the old reliable The best for your stock Try it COLESWOR.THY 127-129 E. Alts Th. QUELLE Cus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in North west First-class cooks and service Shell fish in season La Fontaine BIk., Main St. You Make a Bad Mistake When you put off buying your nntll Fail purchase It NOW and secure the best Rook Springs coal the mine produce at priors considerably lower than those prevailing In Fall and Winter. tif stocking 0p now yon avoid ALL danger of being un able to secure It when mild weather arrives. Henry Kopittke Phone Main 178. k! 60 YEARS' ,-ur 'A . . ' . "'ar I MAOC IV1AHKS Designs Copyright? Ac. AtiTnnp ending a fikatch nnrt 1M,rriptlnn nnl qut.' nmwinhi inir uplnlnn frne olicthnr no tntmtttnti ki prfittnlilf ptiioiit'i'iln, romiminlr. ttnni. t rid It coiiii,i,..i (intlilllilOl unl-nlciili jojit fr-fl. UMeat Htxnitrr f.r iruruir pttlpntH, I'nfutn Inki'H tlipuu'li J!m.n X to. nicolta offfU nuUct, without uhnmn. In the Scientific Jlmitlm. h nandiiomolf ninalrnliul wwklr. J unroot n ctilntlcm of nj iiMliln ImmiaL Tornn S3 a L".y.'uI'.T":i,"',,L all nmdwlan Branca OIBoa. 63ft r BU Wartlngtoo. J, Q. FOlETfSSOSEMrVn Cures Coliii Prevents Pneuraeais)