East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 24, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Prominent Lumberman DerJaree
Nothing Can He Don in Day Time
Hut Between Midnight and 3 a. as.
Fire Can lie Focgbt Effectual.
"While every man available Is
ni-edfd In southern Oregon, the peo'
pie here have a queer Idea regarding
the foret fires," declared George
Kelly, formerly of the Booth-Kelly
Lumber company. "For 16 years
had to fight forest fires and bad
charge of the patrol In our section of
the state, and I am rather familiar
with the business. Now, forest fires
do not race along at a terrific speed
as is reported, and supposed. I ney
er saw a forest fire that moved mora
than three miles a day, and the only
one that ever did move faster than
that since the white men came to this
country was one in the state of Wash
lngton several years ago, when there
was almost a hurricane to shove it
"The only time to fight fire la at
night. Between midnight and 8 a.
m. the fire will go almost out. Then
is the time to attack it with hoes and
hovels. During the day the only
thing to do is to watch it burn.
Everything is warm and dry, but
along about midnight the damp night
air checks the flames and then is the
time to get busy always fight a for
est fire at night; never in the day
time. And it is almost impossibla to
top a fire when It is climbing a hill
side, but a fire rarely will burn down
the side of a ridge, unless, of course,
the sparks have been blown ahead
and have started another fire. Dur
Ing the day about all fighters can do
la to pull down rotten stumps. Send
men ahead with a crosscut saw and
get down the old, dead trees, for they
are responsible for spreading the fire.
"There isn't much danger of people
being caught in a fire if they are any
way careful. They can almost always
get out unless they are on a point
which is surrounded by fire. For the
past two weeks the fire has been
burning in the Crater country, ret it
has not gone very far. It is spread
ing to the north, south and east, the
front is widening, but not rapidly.
It is a good thing to gave the soldiers
on the ground, but neither the soldiers
nor officers know how to fight a for
est fire, and even several hundred
more troops would be useless unless
they have some experienced fire fight
ers to work under. If the soldiers
turn to work at night and do their
sleeping in the daytime, they should
quickly have the fire under control.
The more men the better, provided
they have experienced men to direct
them." Portland Telegram.
London. Cora, the Countess of
Stafford, who Is one of the most pop
ular and successful American hos
tesses, was the recipient of a special
honor a few days ago. Lady Stafford
and her husband, Mr. Kennard,' have
. taken Houghton Hall, Norfolk, from
Marquis Chlomondeley. The Dowag
er Queen Alexandra went over from
Bandringham and spent the. entire af
ternoon with Lady Stafford. This is
the first visit Alexandra has paid
since the death of King Edward and
It came as a complete surprise.
Lady Strafford was engaged In
gardening and dressed in old clothes
when the Queen Mother's motor car
came up the drive. Lady Stafford at
tempted to run Indoors and change
ber clothes, but Queen Alexandra
smilingly refused to allow it and In
sisted on viewing trio countess at gar
dening. The queen looked beautiful
In her widow's weeds, but her deaf
ness has increased to such an extent
thru everyone who addresses her is
obliged to shout without appearing
to do so, as the queen Is very sensitive
on this subject.
Those knowing Alexandra intimate
ly say that she Is deeply pained by
the three attacks Kler Hardle, the
leader of the socialists, made on her
and against paying her a pension of
3W),000 yearly. It Is well known to
the royal household that Alexandra Is
prodigal to gifts of charity. The fact
thnt such a large part of her Income
la aeroted to charity makes Hardle'!
attacks more hurtful.
to the
Portland Race Meet, Live Stock
Show and Harvest Home Fair
September 5th to 10th
THIS will le the greatest Live Stock Show and Fair
ever held west of the Rocky Mountains. Every
day will be great there will be big nxclal features.
A good racing card every day.
will be the grand prize days.
The Bankers' Purse of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dol
lars for- trotting horses. The Hotel Purse of Five Tuous
and (5,000.00) Dolors, for pnecrs only two of the fea
tures. Reduced Rates on All R.ailroads
' ' t f "." -4 uX I i'lri.i IJ X
Horsemeu of the uurtbweKi are coufWeutly looking forward to see a long
list of broken track records at the Spokane Interstate Fair, held thin year
Oct 3 to 9. Their anticipations are based on three Important factors In the
1010 meet: the purses, aggregating $20,000, over JC.O00 more tbnu was hung
up at last year's Interstate Fair; the fact that all of the best horses of the
northwest. Including California and western Canada, will race at Spokane
the schedule of fair dates being far superior to tbnt of last year and the
caUltton of the track itswlf, covered slBce 1U08 with six inches of new clay
tsy soil, raced over last yaar and enthusiastically pronounced by horsemen
the fastest half-mile track la the northwest, and perfected since last season
Into an even faster track.
For the Spokane Derby, run, as usual, on the fourth day of the fair, a
purse of $2,000 Is hung; tip this year Just double the purse captured by Bean
man, winner of the derby last year and whose picture is seen above.
The automobile races, which proced mjch on unqualified suwus last yenr,
will le n feature of the race program this year. nn:l tlire will be motorcycle
races, novelty races. In .l.in nud pany rncos. : :.:!..' li nks nnd entry blanks
wlil be f '.a aUhcd n app l'': tlnw io Fern ttrr IV..' c : II. 'VFrore.
St. Petersburg. The czar has fol
lowed the example of the New York
American" in adapting the British
Boy Scout Idea to the conditions of
his own country. Only in Russia the
conditions are so different from
those In America and England that
the organization evolved here is of
the purely military, parade ground
The Russian boy-soldiers are term
ed "potescnoe voysko" (play troops),
and the organisation Is really a re
vival of the Juvenile corps formed by
Peter the Great, the Emperor Paul,
and other czars in their youth.
The boys are uniformed, armed and
drilled Just as miniature soldiers. One
crops Jn St. Petersburg had the honor
of being reviewed by the czar him
self, who was accompanied by the six-
year-old czarevitch; while the minis
ter of war Inspected another.
The movement Is to be extended to
all the elementary schools, where
military movements, rifle drills and
gymnastics will be taught. Although
differing widely from the British and
American boy scouts, the formation
of the new "poteshnoe voysko" can be
traced directly to the czar's Interest
In General Baden-Powell's account of
his organization, which he gave his
majesty when visiting St. Petersburg
Will Save Wild Flowers.
Vienna. To prevent the devasta
tion of the beautiful valleys among
the. mountains near Vienna, the city
council has forbidden the sale In the
streets of the rarer wild flowers, such
ns the wood enemone, wild cyclamen,
all kinds of gentian, narcissus, Iris,
orchids, miles and hart's-tongue fern.
New Embroidery Style,
Paris. A novel style of embroid
ery for gowns Is much in vogue again
this year. It Is a revival and brings
back to memory the beadwork bags,
purses and bands so popular
thirty years ago as evidence
lady's handiwork.
of a
For Sale Cheap or Rent.
A five acre tract in Riverside Park.
Good house, barn and out buildings.
Two miles east of city. Apply to
Bentley A Lefflngwell.
Wednesday and Thursday
Vale, Or. Walter S. Martin and P.
D. Martin of San Francisco, owners
of the Eastern Oregon Land company,
are making Vale their Headquarters
this week while on an Inspection trip
of their large holdings in Malheur
county. The eastern Oregon Land
company also owns The Dalles Mili
tary road tract which comprises In all
about 4 30.000 acres of land in Ore
gon, while 100,000 acres of this land
is located within Malheur county.
Their grants extend from Riverside
Ferry through Vale and up the Wil
low creek valley as far as Cow val
ley. It Is understood thnt these lands
wll nofbe placed on the market right
nway ns the owners wish to make
many Improvements throughout their
tract before it is put on sale. Two
demonstration farms have already
been established by the compuny In
th,. Cow valley, and Mr. Martin states
that he thinks that dry farming will
be successful In that valley'. The
crops on those farms at the present
time look fine and he estimates that
the grain will yield from 25 to 40
bushels to the acre. He also states
that he has corn on one of these farms
which measures over six feet high.
The Eastern Oregon Land company
has Just sold a tract of land compris
ing 14.000 acres, west of Ironside
mountain on the Little Malheur, to
the Malheur Live ftock company.
This vast tract will be developed into
a high class summer range for the
sheep of the Malheur Live Stock com
Posen. Emperor William, the Ger
man empress, Crown Prince Frederich
Wilhelm, Crown Prince Cecille, Prince
Eitel Frelderlch and the younger
members of the imperial family ar
rived here today.for a house warming
of the new royal residence. The fes
tivities will last three days.
The new palace, the fifty-first
owned by the emperor, to maintain
which he recently sold two of his
smaller country palaces, has been
built,1 for reasons of state, to symbol
ize to the Poles the Prussian supre
macy In German Pland. It has been
assigned by the emperor as the per
manent residence or Prince Eltel
Fri'iderloh, his second son.
It Is a massive structure, built at a
cost of. tl. 338, 000. covers nearly an
acre ami a half and contains more
than 600 rooms. Among these Is the
great banquet hall, surpassing In size
and brilliancy of decoration any room
of the kind In Germany, being a fifth
larger than the famous White Hall in
the Imperial castle In Berlin. Its
walls are paneled nnd richly carved
in marble.
A toner 240 feet high surmounts
the chapel, which is exquisitely dec
orated with mostics executed by Pro
fessor August Oetken of the Imperial
Technical School at Charlottenburg.
In this Emperor William will person
ally conduct divine services when in
residence here, as Is his custom
From n Civil War Veteran. ,
We listen with Interest to the fsi
lowlnir from a civil war veteran. Jo
seph W. Stotler, Bloomintrton. 111.
"For almost twenty years I have had!
more or less kidney and bladder ".rou
ble and tried many different medi
cines without much satisfaction. Re
cently I began taking Foley Kidney
Pills and the first few doses relieved
me very much. Soon the smarting
pain ceased, my backaches have left
me, my kidneys and bladder uei nat
urally. Although I am 69 years old
I again feel strong and healthy, all
of which Is due to Foley Kidney pills.
I shall heartily recommend them to
any one in need of a good kidney and
bladder remedy. A. C. Koeppen tk
tions, Walls, Fences and
See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks
DeTore you build your home.
I will furnish your estimates for any class of
work on application.
Contractor and Builder
Cor. Railroad amd Willow Sts. Pendleton. Ore
London. Henry P. Fletcher, the
newly appointed United States minis
ter to Chile, is In London. To an
American reporter he said:
"I am not as familiar with South
America as I am with Europe, China
and the Antilles. I am leaving for
Santiago on the steamship Amazon
and am looking forward with much
pleasure to my new work. I have a
great many friends In Chile, and with
the opening of the Panama canal and
developments which ara bound to fol
low the future of South America
seems very bright to me.
"Great interest Is now being taken
not only In the United States but in
the world over in the remarkable
progress which has. been made in
South American states and ' In their
brilliant prospects.
"One of the principal questions be
tween the United States and Chile is
the Allsop claim In connection with
the transfer of Bolivian territory to
Chile. The case for the United States
has Just been submitted to King
George V., who will act as arbiter.
King Edward VII was to have adjudg
ed the claim, but after his unfortu
nate death his successor 'kindly con
sented to act In his stead. Two or
three weeks from now Chile's case
shall have been submitted and later
a decision rendered.
"We are having arbitration with
everybody, particularly with Great
nrftfiln at The Hague. It is, as Sec
retary Knox stated at the Pennsyl
vania University recently, 'Arbitration
for all difficulties is the line of true
American diplomacy.' "
rliicaco Girls Also Take to Silk
Pumps of New Spring Style.'
Chicago. Sample lines of spring
shoes, which are ready for display, by
Chicago manufacturers, show some
novel effects in footwear for men,
women and children, as well as some
changes in staple lines.
Among the most striking or the new
effects are velvet and Romalne silk
boots and pumps for women, suitable
for evening service, the pumps being
especially adapted for opera wear.
In men's shoes patent and other
leathers designed on the "corn cure"
last for persons affected with corns
and .bunions are expected to meet
with favor. For children there Is a
new thing in a shoe with brass but
tons, but the strap effect sandal and
pump continue in favor.
One new model has a snap button
like a purse. The patent leather san
dal for misses and cnlldren Is com
ing Into vogue.
Youth of Fifteen Holds Record
Remarkable Tour of Crime.
Berlin Here is the astonishing rec
ord of Adolf Conrad, 15 years old.
who has been arrested on charges of
stealing $1500.
He escaped from a reformatory;
rode 400 miles on the cowcatcher of
an express train; stole the sum men
tioned from messenger boys by the
confidence trick outside busy - post
offices; went on a tour In Italy;
stayed three weeks at a fashionable
hotel and made bets on important
race tracks.
All this time the police were trying
to track him, and when he was at last
captured he coolly remarked: "I re
gret that you have temvorarily post
poned my future arrangements."
Many requests from catarrh suffer
ers who use atomizers have caused us
to put up Liquid Cream Balm, a new
and convenient form of Ely's Cream
Ralm, the only remedy for catarrh
which ran always be depended on.
In power to allay inflammation, to
cleanse the clogged air-passages, to
promote free, natural breathing, the
two forms of Cream Balm are alike.
Liquid Cream Halm Is sold by all
druggists for 75 cents. Including
spraying tube. Mailed by Ely Bros.,
56 Warren Street, New York.
ljovs Forxn puacticixg
Paris. A remarkable association of
youthful professional drowners and
life-saving heroes has been diseover-
boys who have fallen Into the river ;
and been rescued by their compan-!
ions during the past few weeks has '
grown to such an extent In the St. i
t Altt. totvtr.. .Via. V.a Innal n .
u i o uiaiiivi ii.t.i life iv.v m iiiiB'D.iti in
ordered that the boys on the em
bankment should be watched.
Louis Gerbaud, aged IS, was seen
to let himself drop cautiously into the
When You BUD LID,
Build to STAY!
Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks
are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more
substantial and far more comfortable in
either cold or warm weather.
Concrete stands unsurDassed for Basements. Founda
Curbing. It looks better
water, and the next instant two of
his comrades sprang heroically after
him and brought him to land.
Gerbaud played his part to perfec
tion, and, feigning illness, was trans
ported to the salvage station. One
of his gallant rescuers remained
with him, while the other hastened
away, as It was afterwards ascertained
to give the news to the press In or
der to obtain a reward.
Gerbaud and his friend afterwards
made a full confession. Their asso
ciation had a number of members,
they said, but they refused to give the
names. They had found the profes
sion a' paying one, as the heroes were
nearly always recompensed, and they
always loyally shared all their prof
Paris. Mrs. Whitney Hoff, daugh
ter of the late Commodore Whitney of
Detroit and wife of oTin Jacob Hoff
of Paris, has begun a novel way of
encouraging American art. The ar
tists who are affiliated with the Stu
dents' Hotel in the Latin Quarter give
two entertainments every year.
A Jury of distinguished painters
award prizes. Mrs. Horr buys at very
good prices the prize-winning pic
tures, Just as the minister of fine arts
buys the best pictures of the Salon.
The parallelism goes further In that
Mrs. Hoff intends her purchases for
Mt. Angel College
In Charge of the Benedictine Fathers Ideal
Place for Young Men and Boys
There are the full Collegiate Courses In Arts and Science, as al
so the Commercial Department and the Preparatory School. Scenic
location, buildings, equipment and general efficiency unsurpassed.
Thi Twenty-fourth Year Will Open September 6th
Board, Tuition, Laundry, Etc. $320 Per Vear
Full information on application to the Rev. President.
Mt. Angel College "rSf
Catalogue mailed free on request.
Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens !!
All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old
For choice dressed one phone your order night before. We
drees none except for orders so If yon like cold storage poalory
patronize the other fellow or store yonrself.
East End Grocery
Res. Phone B.
Oroheum Theatre
9. P. KEDKRXAC It. Proprietor
For Men, Women and Children
Program Changes on Sua days, Tuesday's and Friday's.
and lasts longer than stone
a provincial museum Just as the min
ister of fine art sends most of the
state pictures to the smaller towns of
France. Mrs. Hoffs first museum cf
prize pictures by .American students
will be at Richmond, Indiana.
The Students' Hostel, to which the
prize-competing students belong, ni
one of Mrs. Hoffs favorite philan
thropies. The friendly rivalry between
the Hostel and the American Women's
club is cordial In the extreme. Am
Mrs. Hoff is guide, philosopher and
friend of the one, Mrs. Whltelaw Rel4
Js patron saint of the other. .
Bute of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Cas
Frank J. Cheney nukes aata that ka li
senior partner of the firm of F. 1. Ck
ney ACo., doing easts in the Cttj
Toledo, County and Btate afstssald, aas)
that said firm will pay the sun e( OKI
BDNDKED DOLLARS for each a4 every
ease of Catarrh that cannot be cared kf
ths eae of Ball's Catarrh Care.
worn to before sm and sihsi. ilsit k)
my presence, this 6th day of December, A.
D. 1886.
(Seal) notary Fabne.
Hall's Catarrh Core Is taken teteraaUy
ana acta airectiy on the Mood and mi
or races oi toe system. Bond re
Dials nee.
F. 1. CHKNIY CO. Totedo, O,
Bold by all Draartata. 75c
Take Ball's Family PHbj for to
The royal engineers arc now ex
perimenting with a motor engine to
propel artillery.
Main 536
la made from the choicest wheat that
crows. Good bread is assured wLsa
BYERS' BEST FLOUK is used. Bran:
Shorts, Stenni Rolled Barley always on
Pendleton Roller Mills
Pendleton, Oregon.