PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OUEGONIAX, PEXDLETOX, OREGON. WEDNESDAY.'. AUGUST 81, 110. EIGHT PAGES. Mill : NEWS OF THE j NOOTWpST m WEEK I Special for Thursday Only Women9 s White Linen Suits Sizes 34 to 44 Regular Prices $1L50 to $15.00, For the Last Call, Your Choice $2.95 THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where it Pays to Trade Logger is Killed. Astoria. Henry Savage, employed as a houktender at Brox'a logging camp at Deep River, Wash., was killed Monday when a log rolled over him. He waa about 30 years of age and leaves a wife and child. He was a native of Kentucky. Altell Dt-reulH Marino. Calgary, Alberta. Abe Attell. cham pion featherweight of the world, won a decision over Eddie Marino of Se attle In a lively IS round bout here I Monday night. The general opinion in Calgary today is that the scrap was I the best ever seen in the Canadian i northwest, though some believe At. j tell could have disposed of Marino In j quicker time. The fight was staged ; in an open air arena under the most ! adverse weather conditions. SPORTS . t . . OOAST LEAGUE. Portland Frisco 1. Portland. Ore., Aug. 24. Portland lambasted Henley from the start to finish yesterday and for once in its Tacoma 2 history took the first game of a ser ies with San Francisco. The score was 6 to 1. Krapp was a mystery to the San Franciscans, the only scor ing done by them being as much at- Vancouver ; Tacoma 9. Tacoma, Aug. 24. Vancouver slam med the ball to all corners of the lot while the Tigers helped the scoring with six errors. The final count was 9 to 2. McCament was driven out VL tllC WJL HI Al&lll lulling, XVCbllC, who replaced him could not stop the scoring. Erickson was effective in the fifth inning. Score: R. H. E. Vancouver 9 11 3 7 McCamment Kane and Blanken- ship; Erickson and Sugden. XATIOXAL LEAGUE. At Pittsburg R. H. E. int.uiaoie 10 loose nCiuiUB uy .w..iC Phlladelph(a g 10 t team as to the hit which initiated the pittsDurg 2 11 3 Moore and Moran; Letfield, Philllp- 111 e score: - San Francisco 1 2 1 Portland 8 13 2 pi and Gibson. At St. Louis R. H. E New York 1 2 S Henley and Berry, Williams; Krapp gt Louis 4 n 1 and Fisher. Sacramento 4; Vernon 2. Los Angeles, Aug. 24. Coy, right fielder of the Vernon team was ser- Mathewson and Meyers;, Corrldon and Bresnahan. At Cincinnati R. H. E. Brooklyn '. 1 9 2 leusly injured yesterday In the ser- Cinclnnatl 5 12 1 ics opened, wnien was won oj sacra mento. 4 to 2. He and Carlisle col lided while chasing Perry's fly in the eighth inning and Coy turned a somersault, landing heavily on the Chicago 3 7 0 E.irger and Bergen; McLean. At Chicago Boston Beebe and R. H. E .2 5 3 HEWS NOTES OF GURDANE VALLEY Portland Man Dies in Surf. Astoria. Jacob Ganoneder of Port land proprietor of the Bismarck res taurant died Monday of heart failure, while bathing in the surf at Long Beach. He was on his summer va cation with his family. He was no ticed floating with his head under (water, and when brought ashore was aeaa. rne ueceasea was 38 years or age and leaves a widow and five children. The deceased was a large man weighing about 235 pounds and was subject to heart trouble. fcaek of his neck. He was carried off the field unconscious, Sacramento Kllnir won the game in the same Inning hy At Washington tallying two runs, acore: R. H. E. Sacramento . . 4 S 0 Vernon 2 4 1 Frock and Graham; Reulbach and (Special Correspondence.) Gurdane, Aug. 21. Chas. Ely com menced threshing today on his ranch. Ed McBroom and daughters are visiting J. L. Hall and family for a short while. Mr. and Mrs. O. Corwln and little son are visiting with Wm. Corly and family this week. C. R. Cate, wife and son are on an outing at McRuffie springs. Mr. and Mrs. T. Teal visited Mrs. Mary McBroom this week and also will spend a few days at McDuffie springs. Mrs. Charles Ely is able to be ar ound after two weeks sickness. Ray Montgomery and wife are spending a few days at McDuffie springs. A cattle buyer was seen in Gurdane Sunday. J. D. French and party are spend ing a few days at McDuffie springs. The Misses Emily and Elisabeth McBroom will attend the Sisters' school in Pendleton this winter. Grain Makes Good Yield. Elberton Wash. Despite the dry weather wheat and oats in this seo tion are turning out exceedingly good and are far exceeding the expecta tions earlier in the season. Wheat Is yielding from 24 to 40 bushels an acre. The largest yield of oats re ported so far was threshed on the farm of Andrew Stafne four miles west of this place. Off of 130 acres Mr. Stafne threshed 2900 sacks which would bring the yield to 70 bushels per acre. Threshing will be over In this section in from 10' days to two weeks. Fitzgerald and Splesman; Schaffer and Brown. I Oakland 1; Los Angeles 0. 1 3an Francisco, Aug. 24. Oakland took a firmer grip yesterday on their position In the pennant race when R. H. E. Chicago '. 1 9 0 Washington 0 5 0 Walsh and Sullivan; Johnson and Beckendorf. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Boston R. H. E. St. Louis 11 12 1 Boston . . 13 15 2 Linke Pelty, Crlss and Stephens: Cicotte, Wood and ...a w.b "b Karger, Collins, In the sixth inning. Mosers fine pit- ching was fortified fey the errorless , " . t" -m 1.1- - . t- i ueiroir. . z Ilt?lUUlg UL KBUl UllllCB. 1U IMO ixth Hogan walked, Cameron singled nd Wolverton, safe on Kagle's er ror, filled the bases. Hogan crossed the plate on Cutshaw's out to Delmas. Score: R. H. E. Oakland 1 5 0 Los Angeles 0 1 and Moser Smith. ' and Mitze; Nagle R. H. E. 6 2 New York 3 8 1 Willett and Casey; Ford and Swe ney. At Philadelphia R. H. E. Cleveland 1 5 0 Philadelphia . . .2 6 1 (Ten innings.) Falkenburg and Land; Coombs and Livingston. Orchards on Weston Mountain. Weston. Ore. Over 100 acres will be set out this fall in apple orchards on the Weston mountains, and, as the canvassing Is still being continued, it probable that this number of ncres will be doubled or more before the season is ended. As an apple rais- ng country the mountains east and south of Weston have no superior and it Is only of late that efforts tn the direction of making a specialty of apple orchards have been undertaken. Irrigation Is not necessary, sub-lrri gation supplying all needed moisture, FOX TERRIER FIGHTS LIOX SIXGI.E-UAXDKD XORTHWEST LEAGUE. Spokane 2; Seattle 1. Spokane, Aug. 24. Klllilay way with another victory yesterday, aharp hitting by his team mates in the seventh Inning putting the In- Today's Sporting Calendar. Queen's Own Regiment of Canada, goi will go into camp at Aldershot, Eng- land, to participate In maneuvers and rifle matches. Central Illinois Trotting and Pac- wlth Golf match between picked teams representing northern and southern California at Del Monte. i. a t . wt, meet at Cambridge. 111. who Is still on the injured list, and Seattle had LeGrande, the new catch er behind the plate. Score: R. H. E. Spokane 2 8 1 Seattle .. 1 3 1 rtillllay and Shea; Joss and Grande. - Anto for Sale. Maxwell automobile for sale; good Le condition. Price very reasonable. Ad dress "S, this office. Excursion Rates to Portland Account Portland Fair and Live Stock Exposition via The Oregon Railroad and Nav. Co. For the above occasion a round-trip rate of One and One-Third Fare will be made in territory shown below. From points south of Riparia in Washington and from all points in Oregon east of The Dalles, Sep. 6th. From The Dalles and points west, Sept. 6th and 7th. Final return limit September 1 2th. The Event of the Season! Grand Prizes! Horse Races! For further particulars apply to any O. R. & N. Agent or to Wm. McMurray, Gen. Pass. Agt. London Simba. the pluckiest fox terrier in the world, and the only dog of its breed which has ever tackled a full-grown lion "single-handed," Is returning to London, her birthplace, from British East Africa The story of how Simba fought the lion is told by Cherry Kearton, the dog's master, who has Just returned from the Kenia district . of British East Africa with a numbed of cine matograph pictures of wild animals. Simba is an ordinary fox terrier of no special value from a breeder's point of view, and was, in fact, taken out of the Battersea Dogs' home by "Buffalo" Jones, of lion-lassoing fame, who gave her to Mr. Kearton Simba's fight with the Hon took place when Mr. Gearton was trying to obtain pictures of the killing of a lion by native spearsmen. Two lions had been located in some cruD, and 20 Masai warriors, with spears, were ready to attack. The lioness. how ever, escaped, and the male lion, af ter appearing for a moment bolted in to a dried river bed and refused to budge. ".Simba," said Mr. Kearton, "dart ed into the donga, and within a few seconds we heard a tremendous roar which seemed to shake the ground, and the bushes within twelve yafds of us were violently agitated. The lion roared again and again, and in the brief intervals we heard the weak but very furious yapping of the dog. The Masai stood, every nerve tingling, with spears poised. "Suddenly the lion dashed through a little clearing and we were amazed to see Simba hanging on with her tei-th embedded in Its tail. Three spears were hurled at the escaping beast, with such accuracy that they all transfixed the heart, and the lion fell dead. You must know that the skin of the lion belongs, according to local custom, not to the warrior whose spear Inflicts the fatal wound, but to the man who first rushes In and cuts off the black top from the tall, "Two of the three spearmen dashed into the donga, but they found Simba with the black tip still between her teeth, resolutely determined to' op pose any hostile claim. The spear men, who were lost in admiration, agreed that the skin belonged by right of seizure to Simba, and they handed It over later to my wife as trustee for the dog" $2JM $3.00 1X50 $4.00 U50 &0O IMPORTED RAZORS u Iowa. tAHltlllmflM44 HMMlllk.1.MlM.Ml.lkl.Mfl.lMrUfl7.Nrtl. Time mors are from one of the leading Importers of rnrs la tbe United SUtes. THB M. L. BRANDT CtJTLKRV CO.. of NewVotk City. Theysre U high-grade goodi. We aecured a bigatock at a ridiculout figure, which puts ua in a position to offer yon the following goodaat nearly half the prirea. All. raioraareiuuyguaranieea; II not aaiiiiaciory, ney can Deexcuaua. " auortment compruu ail of the following well known makei : Wad Butclar No. 150 Ba HwNo. 107. ) Tour chok f Tf WoMaholml.X.UNo. 148 Uw Ma. 105 I of any of LI . WeatanholmPiMNo. 148 Braadt No. 100 these 71 i A Radars Raaor No. U Bluo Stool Na. UT I flMVMort J f V Alio a few very high priced rasors highly poliihed, sod elabor ately finished, to go at half price. . 3.00 Braadt No. 1 11, f 1.47 I $3.80 Braadt No. 1 IS. 1.7? J07 I MO Braadt No. l lOi 2.Z Braadt' Bart No. 119, raaulaiprtca (5.00. ourprlea S2.97 oaoa All ruxora are full hollow ground, and eat ready for uao, We will aUo place on aale 1000 of the genuine BRANDT SELF-HONING RAZOR STROPS l23tZZZtZ?f?2,& Our Price 970 each The Brandt Self-Honinc Razor Strop is thbel raaor atrop on the market tosiay. The only razor atrop In the world that honea and strops your razor at the same time and enable you to obtain an. odge which only an ezperienced barber can gie. The Brandt Self honing Kazor Strop will put a keener edge on a raror with fewer atrokeathanany other razor strop. GUARANTEED neer to be come bard or glossy. Special a ft .00 Brmadt Sf y Razor and Brandt Sharif Bruaa lot 87c oaso. . MA1I, OHDiiaa KH.l.KU. Pendleton Drug Company M $2.0Q Razor Hone 97c Mail OrdW FUlad Italian Laborer Shoots. Enemy. Kalama wash. George Debolll, an Italian.' shot and seriously wounded Antonla Massa Saturday night and was captured by Sheriff . Carnine near Kelso. He had a gun and considerable money. He confessed the shooting saying Massa had stolen money from him, his reason for try ing to kill him. This is discredited and It is said Ma-ssa was a leader of an Italian organization, and falling to carry out some instructions given him, DeboIIi was hired to put him out of the way. Massa is in a Tacoma hospital, reported improving. Sciiarutor Ls Blown fp. Ilo, Idaho. A threshing separator belonging to Gus Carley, threshing on the James Marker place, between Ilo and Xez Perce, exploded, caused from dust, and burned. No one was pres ent at the machine at the time of the accident. When the fire was discovered tele, phone messages were sent to Nei Perce for help to fight the fire, and three automobile loads of men arriv ed and helped put out the fire In the standing grain, which was burning furiously. Only about two acres of wheat was destroyed. No Insurance on separator. GO TO THE RESCUE. . Don't Wait Till It's Too Late Fol low the Example of a Pendleton Citizen. Rescue the aching back. If it keeps on aching, trouble comes. Backache is kidney ache. If you neglect the kidneys' warning Look out for urinary trouble dia betes. This Pendleton cltisen will show you how to go to the rescue. G. W. Knight, E13 Franklin street, Pendleton, Oregon, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills benefited me so greatly that I do not hesitate to recommend them. For eight or ten years I was troubled with pains across my back and kidneys and at times my loins and sides were affected. I had to get up several times at night to pass ihe kidney secretions and at times noticed sendiment In them. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved my aches and pains in a short time and corrected the trou ble with the kidney secretions.1 For sale by all dealers. Price 5 cents Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New Tork, solo agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Big lhiy for the Irish. Lowell. Mass, Aug. S3. This Is a great day for the Irish In Lowell. The largest assemblage of the b'ys from the ould sod ever gathered In New England met here today for the an nual convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. The streets and lead ing buildings of the city have been gaily decorated with Irish flags and j emblema and the freedom of the city has been granted the visitors. Solemn high mass In St. Patrick's church, sung In the presence of Archbishop O'Connell, national chap Iain of the order, opened the conven tion. The great street parade will be held tomorrow and It Is estimated that 15,000 men will be In lino. Thurs day will be devoted to the completion of the unfinished business of the convention. Fort St. James Oav tatk Stuart, BRITISH COLUMBIA Thlav la destined to be the PortIaa4 of British Columbia, on a navigable river and deep water lake with two trains running In next fall. Letters pour Into our office all day with applications for lota. To those who cannot come in we would do our utmost to make a good selection. Price 1S and 1200 each. Cask $35.00. balance 110.00 a month. A few 40- acre farms Joining Fort St. James townslte and Lake Stuart, 160.0 cash and $1.0 a month. Von need not he a Pa nail lan rftlxai to Bold Thia. Tou need not Improve it, nor you need not reside on It All this land la on or near the railroad. Grand i Trunk Pacific. Alaska Tukon, and i Canadian Northern railroads. Rich farm lands, 18. to per acre, . 11.00 cash, and balance 11,00 per acre . per year until paid. APPLY CANADIAN NORTHERN . LAND COMPANY, M. SOS and toe Lewis Building. Portland. Oregon. fort land. Oreirun RaaloVn: and Dn I rnirtriHrJ- f rara of Ulster, of rt. Joual v !',topl ICollt?ct-t, Ara.:&otir a n d. , l..inrntt.ry 1 lepa. m:m Ait. I tn-ji: : i-Uinli;n. .nVidt pupil must ro. r 14 jnani et ,- and will roromminJid, T'lA aum i 11. Itirit-st nftr. iticuld t n a.t , AilJrrM Tra Sitter $" 0'!i- 17 M irt (V E. II. Gary Was Not There. London. Judge E. H. Gary head of the Steel Trust wishes it to be understood that while he might have enjoyed the. game of poker which Lady Paget Is reported to have played hostess and winner last July he was not a participant for the simple rea son that he was not present. The game in question is said to have been of such an Interesting character that It has considerably revived the pop ularity of poker in London. Life on Panama Canal. has had one frightful drawback ma laria trouble that has brought suf fering and death to thousands. The germs cause chills fever and ague, bil iousness, Jaundice, lassitude, weakness and general debility. But Electric Bitters never fal to destroy them and cure maralla troubles. ' "Three bot tles completely cured me of a very severe attack of malaria," writes Wm. A. Fretwell of Uucama, N. C. "and I've had good health ever since." Cure stomach, liver and kidney trou bles and prevent typnold, BOc. Guar anted by Koeppen Bros. FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH ANB LARD. Always pure and delivered promptly. If you phone tke Central Meat Market 10t E. Alta 8t. Phone Main St. Kaiser and Boy Scouts. St. Petersburg. Thanks to the per sonal interest which the Emperor Nicholas II took In Major-General Baden-Powell's account of his boy scouts organization, the Idea has been taken up widely in Russia, but with a difference. The emperor has re viewed one squad of boy soldiers and the minister of war another. With the i copen in of the schools In the au tumn the teaching or military move ments, gymnastics and rifle drill will be introduced Into all schools In some form or another. The Russians have not on this occasion, lifted the term "boy scouts" or the precise Ideal un derlying the English organization, but have revived an old Russian In stitution known in history at several periods as the poteshnoe voysko" (play troops). Read the want ads today. SOfl Flirlitors are Missing. Wallace, Ida., Anjr. 23. Three hun dred government fire fighters are nilsiin? In the Coeur d'Alenes. This appalling Information was given out by Supervisor Welglo, who declared ho lias 600 men In the field, 300 of whom are unaccounted for. Thei worked In the hottest places and It Is Iwllevcd I hey have perished. Mendoza Wont Resign. Panama. Aug. 23. Acting Presi dent Mendoza of Panama, announced today he had reconsidered his deci sion to resign. He wont now, he says. It Is predicted at Colon that the American marines aboard warships off Colon and Ancon will be landed to preserve order In the national elec tions In September. May Disbar Lawyer. Sioux Falls, S. D, Aug. 23. Dis barment proceedings Instituted against G. P. Harben. a prominent at torney of South Dakota, will be ta ken up today. Harben Is prominent In politics and was one time demo cratic nominee 'for attorney general of the state. Improvement flubs Meet. Tacoma, Wash.. Aug. 23. Improve ment clubs of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana have sent delegates to todays convention of the Western Federation of Im provement clubs. You can not always trust the mo tives of the man who thinks he can tell you all about the motives of the Most High. v Girls on Long Canoe Trip. Trenton, N. J. Two young women, Miss Elizabeth Steinberg of Elizabeth and Mis Rose Machett of Bath Beach, N. Y.. passed through this city en route from New York to Bal timore by canoe. Their trip will take them through Raritan Bay, the Rarltan river, Dela ware & Rarltan canal, Delaware river, Delaware bay and Chesapeake bay. They expect to cover the distance In about two weeks. The girls are traveling alone, sleep ing in the open and. defying all dan gers and hardships. 4mf Struck a Rich Mine. S. W. Bends of Coal Cltl, Ala., says he struck a perfect mine of health In Dr. King's New Life Pills for they cured him of liver and kidney trou ble after 12 years of suffering. They are the best pills on earth for con stipation, malaria, headache, d yspep sia, debility. 25c at Koeppen & Bros. Beta P11 Sigma. Anderson, Ind., Aug. 23. Members from Massachusetts to Minnesota are assembled here today at the national convention of the Beta Phi Sigma high school fraternity. The fraternity was organized In 1898 and was the first to recognize the criticism of the methods of con ducting high school fraternities, with the result that two years ago Its or ganization was completely changed In order to eliminate the objectionable features. Disagreeable at Home. Lots of men ana women who are agreeable with others, get "cranky" at home. Its not disposition. Us the liver. If you find In yourself that you feel cross around the house, lit tle things worry you, Just buy a bot tle of Ballarr's Ilcrblne and put your liver In shape. Tou and everybody around you will feel better for it. Price 60 cents per bottle A. C. Koep pen ft Bros. Tbe Well Knows Chinese Dootr Curaa any and all dla easea that tke human flesh la heir to. My wonderful and .owerfal roots, .erba, remedies are composed o f Chinese buds, b a r k and vegetables that are entirely unknown to medical science of the present day. They are harmless, as we use no poisons or drugs. No operations, no gnire use a. We cure stomach troubles, liver, kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asth ma, nervous debility, female com plaint and rehumatlsm and all disorders of the blood. We cure to stay cored, and guarantee to cure all kinds of Piles and Private Diseases of men and woman. Call and see him or write. Constulta tion free. If you are unablo to call and see him, send two cents In stamps for symptom blank. Ad' dress: THIS L. CITING WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 800 W. noon St. Walla Walla Wn. BUILD for LESS You eon and eur catalog tells you how to sav H to H en SASH AND DOORS 6-Oross Fan el Doors L0 loMaaton tyl rningzOow Soojra. Cottage Trout Doors Q.s rmoy Xront Doors B OO Two-light Window a, from Too BUY DIRECT FROM THK MILL We sell nothing but wall a-a-nonti. klln-drlad Or, put together to atay. lour money dock ir not as represented. We are the larg est Sash and Door Factory In the Pa cific Northwest: own our mill and save you the need Iof middlemen's profits. If you are akcptloa.1 send us a list of tha ma terial vou need. We sell anybody. 8Mb anywhere. and for Catalog No. 44 0. B. Williams Co. 1 3jrtrirt AvoaV