MiuxlW!t.WMS',"',"'-',l' fags DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 90, 110. EIGHT PAGES. Jl TTTl in tat Ranch For SALE Consists of 640 acres, all in cultivation, half in sum mer fallow and half in stubble. Average 30 bushels of wheat to the acre and has run as high ai 42 bushels Fair house on the land and barn room for 26 head of horses. Good machine Shed. Splendid Water, Windmill and Two Cisterns, About Three Acres of Bearing Fruit TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS WITH PENDLETON Located six miles west of Myrick and 12 mills northwest of Pendleton near German hall. Will Sell for $60 an Acre if Sold Before Oct. 1st JOHN H. PETERS, PENDLETON, OREGON NEWS OF THE DAY F FRUIT GROWERS FEAR A SHORTAGE OF CARS MrLTON-FREEWATER RANCHERS Hermlston, Ore., Aug. 19. A car pace TimEATENING SITUATION load of material arrived yesterday fori Scarcity of Cars Would Do Great Damage to Crops Sixteen to Twen ty Cars a Day Are Being Sent Out by Krultprowers' Union. (Special Correspondence.) the new bridge soon to be erected across the Umatilla river wt-st of Her mlston. This bridge means a great deal to both the new people west of the river and alao to the business men of Hermiston, as In the past It has been very Inconvenient for settlers to reach town, especially In winter and spring. There are grave fears among the fruit shippers of the MIlton-Freewater During the past few days several district that there will be a scarcity shipments of hardware has been re- of cars, says the Walla Walla Bullo celved at the O. R. & N. depot to be tin. The crop Is unusually heavy and used In the construction of the new the employes of the warehouses are depot soon to e erected. There will compelled to work not infrequently also be several changes made In the untn midnight owing to the delay In side track In order to make more getting in cars, and there Is extreme room for the rapidly Increasing busl- uneasiness araone the shippers for ness. . fear the fruit may be held too long Bill posters were in town yesterday before being shipped out. advertising the Morrow-Umatilla Tne Fruitgrowers' Union of the county fair to be held In Pendleton Milton-Freewater district Is now shlp durlng the last week of September. fr , ,0 ,rj cars of fruit a day, Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakely was in . nnintR in Nebraska. Da- town yesterday serving papers in con- k . d farther ea8t. The fruit in ii i'!'im nection with the condemnation pro ceedings brought by the O. R. & N. Co. across the lands of A. C. Crawford southwest of town. The strip of land in controversy Is to be used in mak ing the Coyote cut-off and Is a valu able tract of raw fruit land. A party of three Ohio families spent the past few days visiting with their old neighbor E. E. McMillen. R. C. Stewart returned to Seattle yesterday for a month's visit with his parents, after which he will come here to make his home. Illl I III 1 1 1 nnniiTU Cnni Eighth VVHLLR WALLH UUUH 1 1 "T." taBal FAIR HHP RflCE MEET hi Sontheastern Washington's Greatest Fair $20,000 in Purses and Promiuns Fast Races Fine Fruit Exhibits Big Stock Show Special Amusements Send for Premium List. fc. H. Johnson, Sec T. H. Brents Pres. Walla Walla, Wash. Dysentery is a dangerous disease lc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy are sent via xne meru.u .... crop In the middle west la an entire failure, many of the trees having been killed outright by the late, hard freeze and the demand for northwestern fruit Is unusually heavy. The ship ments are about equally divided be tween peaches and apples, with a good sprinkling of prunes and pears. The Fruitgrowers' Union includes about five-sixths of the growers of this section and It Is understood Inde pendent shippers are faring Just as well at the hands of the railroads In rearard to ears as the union. Most of the shipments are billed over the O R. & N. railroad, while the remainder The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. Thm i a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous oecause so decep- live, mauj buuuco deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often , the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble it allowed toadvance the k idney-poison ed blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, brick-dust or Bedinient in the uriue, head ache, back Bche, lame bock, dizziness, sleeplessness, nervous ness, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys end better health in that organ is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kid-. neys. Swamp-Root corrects inability to hold urine ana scaiumg pain in passing a, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go oiten wroup,n the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and immediate effect 01 Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest be cause of its remarkable health restoring properties. A trial will convince anyone. Swamp-Root is pleasant to tnkc and is Bold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a Sample bottle and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this gen erous offer in this paper. Don't make ny mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root, and don't let a dealer tell vou something in place of Swamp-Root f you do you will be disappointed. EUGENE IS TO HAVE MAGNIFICENT CHURCH hai been 8UCPeg8funy U8ed in nine Walla, where they are picked up by enMemle nf rtviwntrv It hnn never I "e r, been known to fall. It Is equally vf.l uable for children and adults, and when reduced with water and sweet' ened. It Is pleasant to take. Sold by all dealers, i Eugene, Or. Plans for the Chrls tlan church have been received from I the New York architects. The new : church will be a beautiful structure I It is to be built In the shape of an ob ! long, facing 96 feet on Oak street There Is being consider able difficulty in getting fruit-pickers, as the crop In the valley Is so large that there Is unusual demand and everybody who can or will help Is being pressed Into service. and running back almost 150 feet i on Eleventh. A great dome that ! looms 80 feet Into the aTr and which j will have at Its top a great four arm cross, gilded, and lighted by night, j will surmount the structure. It is to be built of concrete with the roof and dome of tile and galvanized Iron. MINISTER OF 77 WILL MARRY GIRL OF 22 ECONOMIZE FOR YEARS TO BUY BRIDAL GIFT St. Louis. Miss Margaret Duncan, one of the leaders of Louisville so- All kinds ol Farm Ma chinery and Extra Parts Made to Order General Jobbing Structural Casting and Foundry Work Repair work on all kinds of machinery a specialty. Steam and Gasoline Engine Repairing Automobile Repairing Satis (action Guaranteed-we make our work FIT ....Pendleton Iron Works.... Pendleton, Oregon Marion Jack, Pres. A. F. May, Mgr. M. L. Akers, Sec. and Treas. The plans for the arrangement of 77 years old and his first wife died the church seem to be almost perfect, four years ago. The auditorium which, with the gal leries, will seat 2200 people, takes a London. Lord and Lady Acheson were taken completely by surprise etetv. t ha. been announced, will he wnen J. Kldgeiey miner preseuieu married to the Rev. Dr. Herrlck his daughter and her husband with Johnson of St Louis. Dr Johnson Is the yacht Caprice, which he purchas- li. t 4 1 aa 1 ha frnm t n a tihua nr somerset, ana J 1 IS llIBb Wilts U1CU I " -"- ' 1 The young woman their friends are telling them that j u 22 they are an extremely lucKy pair. Dr. Johnson was pastor of the First The gift or the yacht, like that, or little more than the east half of the Presbyterian church, Seventh street the costly house in Chesham Place, is main floor. The news encircle about and Washington sauare. Philadelphia, reany mat or Mrs. uarier, wno is a th nninit and rhnlr loft, w-hleh is frnm iftfi tn i7S moderately wealthy woman. The lnrfttari In th corner of the immense H h nerved aa moderator of the I Carters for years have kept down hall that extends upward to the top eeneral assembly, the hisrhest office their expenditures wrth a view to do of the great dome. Separated only in the church. ing "something handsome" for their bv swinging doors In the west half He also held the office of president only daughter, and not long ago Mrs. of this floor are the Sunday school of McCormlck Seminary In Chicago, Carter was left a further small for rooms, which If necessity demands and Is at present professor emeritus tune by a relative, so that Lady Ache can all be opened to the main audlto- of that college. He is the author of son has a better marriage settlement rium. In the basement there seems I many works on theology which have than her friends supposed to be unlimited room for every need. I been used as college text books. I The young couple, who are descrlb In the center of this are large halls He acquired a wide reputation In ed by their friends as blissfully happy. that can be opened Into one room that Chicago as an enemy of the Immoral will spend all this month on the yacht will be 40x100 feet. This whole floor playhouses . The controversy lasted can be used as a banquet hall or only several months, and he wrote a book the east half can be used as a gym- on the question, which circulated nasium. In addition to these rooms throughout Chicago. He Is well there are large rooms for the pastor's known In religious circles throughout office, a kitchen, additional Sunday the country. school room, a basketball court and I Announcement of the engagement others. I was made by Mrs. Herrlck J. Gray of A feature of the church Is the light- I St. Louis, a sister of Dr. Johnson and ins and ventilation facilities that are with whom he has been living. Dr. afforded by the big dome. At the top I Johnson and Miss Duncan met a year I high in the air where they cannot be ago in Atlantic City. overshadowed by buildings, is a clr cle of large windows that would light in buying a cougn medicine, don't the whole auditorium without the I be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough need of the additional stained glass Remedy. There Is no danger from It, windows about the walls. This also and relief is sure to follow. Especial The East Oregon aa Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronage. .Otafflarfl: IKairadlD Fw sqD sr& si BainpoQu 960 acres on the head ol Stage Gulch, seven miles from Pendleton, live miles from Station One-half Summer Fallow, balance stubble. Buildings and fine well of water. Windmill and cistern, water piped into house and barn lot. Complete farming outfit with place if desired. For particulars see ALFRED LA ING On the Ranch or Telephone Farmer 141 serves for artificial lighting and at I y recommended for coughs, colds and night 144 large electric lights win whooping cough. Sold by all dealers. radiate their light downward, in ad dition to these there are the many I emigration FROM ISLAND others in and about the walla below. COUNTERACTS BIRTH EXCESS The -cost of the building is not at all determined, but It will vary from Dublin. Ireland Is still losing pop 150,000 to $75,000. In addition to all ulatlon. The excess of births over new church furnishings that will be deaths In 1909 was 27,78. according installed will be a new and expensive, to the registrar general's report just pipe organ. Issued, but as 28,676 people emigrat ed during the year, there was an ac tual decrease In population of 890 The marriages registered during the year numbered 22,650, representing a rate of 1.18 per 1000 of the estimated population. This rate Is 0.02 below that for the previous year, but 0.06 above the average for 10 yean 1899-1909 Of the 22,650 marriages registered during last year 16,057 were between Catholics, 3427 were celebrated ac cording to the rites and ceremonies of the Church of Ireland; 2296 were In Presbyterian meeting houses; 462 In registered buildings belonging to various religious denominations; 398 by civil contract in the registrars' of flees; four were according to the usages of the Society of Friends, and six according to the Jewish rites The marriages of bachelors with spinsters constituted 89.5 per cent of the total; those of widows were 2.4 per cent, and those of widowers and widows formed 1.5 per cent of the total marriages. The highest marriage rate for county or county borough areas were 7.2 per cent per 1000 of the popula tion for the County Borough of Dub lin, and the lowest was 3.4 per cent per 100 for the County Mayo. and will entertain a party of friends for Cowes Regatta, after which Lord Acheson will settle down again to hard work in a stockbroker's office. Cowes Regatta will not be so gay as usual, of course, but a number of Americans will help to brighten It up. It is whispered that Mrs. Miller Graham, the pretty American who has entertained so lavishly In Qrosvenor Square during the past few weeks, may take Egypt House at Cowes. This house has long been regarded as the center of entertaining, and was oc cupied for several successive regattas by the Mme. Consuelo, Duchess of Manchester. The two richest bachelors In Eng land will, this year, be conspicuous by their absence at the regatta. The Marquis of Angelsey ,who bought Anthony Drexel's magnificent yacht Margarctta, and rechrtstened It Se- mlramls, has Just started on a long cruise, and will not return to England until next spring. Lord Howard de Walden will also be globe-trotting, Mrs. George Coats, the cotton mil lionairess, has taken a house at Cowes and will be a shining social light. Her daughter married the heir to the Duke of Wellington, Mrs. Chauncey, Mrs. Frank Mackey, Lady Greville, Lady Maidstone and Mrs. Harold Baring are among the Americans who will be guests on board the various yachts. Earl Fitz- William, who has a great partiality for the society of American women, will entertain largely on his yacht, Kathleen, and Sir Thomas Lipton will be on board the Erin. The German emperor has again en tered his yacht, the Meteor, for the king's cup, and the racing promises to be up to the usual high standard. In' spite of the decision not to give the annual dinner at the Royal Yacht Squadron club, there will be the usual rush to get Into the sacred enclosure and the usual bitterness and back biting among those who fall to se cure admission. Last year a number of women who did not even know a member, and who had seized seats on the lawn, were removed by a steward to the great amusement of the members. MRS. W. R. COREY TO BE CLASSIC HEROINE London. Probably one of the most Interesting events of the London sea son next year, unless there Is an un expected hitch in the present smooth ly progressing negotiations, will be the reappearance of Mrs. William E. Corey upon the stage. Mrs. Corey's Intended reappearance will consist only of two matinee per formances, the proceeds of which will be devoted to charity. This will give Mrs. Corey an opportunity of satisfy ing an ambition she has long had of demonstrating that though her stage life as Miss Mabelle Gllman was de voted to musical comedy, she posses ses histrionic ability of a more classic nature. The play wherein she Intends appearing Is Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew," In which she will take the part of Katharine. BIO GRAY TIMBER WOLF TAKES SEA VOTAGE ON RAFT BEER Avoid Sickness ! Drink HIRE'S ROOT IE Its Pure Have a case delivered to your home today. It's healthful and Invigorat ing. We are agents for Umatilla county, both wholesale and retail. We have the latest Im proved bottling machla ery In eastern Oregon, and bottle Root Beer, Soda, Near Beer and soft drinks by sanitary methods. Pendleton Soda Works PAUL HEMMELGARN, Proprietor. Office Phone Black S4M1. Works Phone, Black SMI mm P1M9aiid wnn FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH AND LARD. Always pure and delivered promptly. If you phone the Central Meat Market 108 E. Alt St, Phone Main II. Portland, Or. Reaching San Diego after a stormy sea voyage of two weeks without food on board a big log raft, a large gray timber wolf was shot while roaming the yards of the Rubs Lumber company at that place. searching for food. The log raft and wolf came to San Diego from the Columbia river log. glng camps near Portland. The logs are bound together with great chains Into a cigar-shaped raft containing millions of feet of lumber. Powerful tugs take them In tow for the ocean voyage south. The rafts are moored near the shore while waiting dispatch, and It was there, it Is supposed, that the wolf took passage. These log rafts are the biggest floated anywhere In the world and a wolf could easily hide himself on board before being pulled to sea. Milne Transfer Phone Main 5 (f CALLS PROMPTLY ANS MJ, WERED FOR ALL BAGGAGE TRANSFERRING. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING AND HEAVY TRUCK ING A SPECIALTY. FOUYSKlDlfEYCDK: Make Kidneys and Bladder Right Dally East Oregonlan by ' only 5 cents per month.