EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PKNDLETOX, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, ItlO. page rmt ( TONIGHT After Sipper From 6 to 9 Only Any Oxford or Pump in the house, values $3.50, $4 and $5.00, Patent and Gun Metal 0 A.K TONIGHT AFTER M.BJ SUPPER F. E. Livengood Co. The Ladies' and Children's Store. J LOCALS Pt!me pictures pi Mae all. "Try Mack Patton sanitary barber. Snyder chimneysweep Tel. Red 3S1S For rent, nice B-room houae. Lee ' 'Teutsch. Automobile for hire, day or night l hone Main Tl. $750 for good small house on North Bide. Lee Teutsch. For rent Good house and barn. Address P. O. Box 40(. For 8a le Piano and household far klture. Phone Red IISI. For sale cheap, two first class pool tables. Inquire at this office. Apprentices paid while learning at Vogue Millinery. Apply at once. For sale Five room house on north side; easy terms Ralph How land. Wanted Girl for general house work and cooking. Apply to 915 E Court. More moving pictures shown than any other theater In the ""Uy the Pastime. Beautiful home on west hill. This property will be sold at a bargain. Lee Teutsch. Try one of those caieful, sanitary shaves at Mark Patton'a barber shop. Old Prlvett stand. Phone Main 417. For Sale the Dan Doherty Farm 3 miles south of Pendleton; 320 acres wheat land and crop. Good house and bam, lots of water, all for $10,500, half cash. 360 acres wheat land six miles from Pendleton, $13000. Terms. Small grocery and second liaml business Including tho building all for $1000. The business Is averaging $50 per dny. Must be sold at once on account of sickness.. Address, Dan Komlcr 210 W. Bluff St. Pendleton, Oregon Eastern parties want to rent wheat land with option to buy. Address V. E. Shivers, Pendleton, Oregon. Sharon & Ed dings sell galvanised Iron bath tubs. Light and easy to move around. Just the thing for farmers. Lost Gold watch between Marie and Main streets. M. D. on watch Alice on fob. Call at this office and receive reward. Ladies wishing sewing done at their own homes or otherwise may phone Black 1786. Terms tl.00 per day. Mrs. J. Lk Dennis. For postal card photos, call at the Electric studio, room IS. East Orego nlan building. Six for 60 cents, while you wait. Stamp, 24 for 25 cents. PERSONAL MENTION ROYAL COCPLE WILL GO OS REST CRUISE AT THE PICTURE SHOWS The Orplieum. Program for Sunday's change: 1. Her Fathers Pride. (Bio graph) 1000 ft. long. A stubborn father, through unreasoning pride, brings much sorrow and many a heart ache to his family. When he and his devoted wife are finally driven from their home to the poor house he be comes an object of contempt, a com mon ending of the proud. Then the disowned daughter comes to their res cue and succeeds In subduing her father's pride and thereby re-unites the family. !. Peg Wofflngton. (Edison) 1000 ft. long. The great actress of the past. How she loved and how, -when she found her lover was a married man, she sacrificed her own happi ness for the sake of his wife, are told In series of scenes splendidly acted and beautifully photographed. 3. More of Betty's Pranks. (Pathe) Another picture tilspfaylng more of the humorous antics of this Individu al. She makes It lively for people In her Immediate vicinity and adds ma terially to the gayety of the audience In doing it. Song, Little, Tattle, Tattle Tale. The Pastime. Program for Sunday's change as follows: "The Law of the West." Sellg. drama, length 1000 reet. An Inter esting story of sterling dramatic worth. It Is a notable addition to the long series of pictures Interpreta tive of western life and character. "Pure Gold." Kalem, drama, 1000 feet long. A story of truth In a wo man, worked out through the love vicissitudes of a broker who lost his fortune nnd was spurned by the girl to whom he was engaged. "The Ace of Hearts." Drama. An unusual love story, without the ob jecting parent to give tt eest. The lovers seem to be doing nicely. It Is the father of the girl who gets In bad this time. "An Ancient Mariner." Comedy. Frank Beal of Freewater is In town today. George Itunyan of Birch creek Is a Pendleton visitor today. D. Cain and wife of Gibbon are in town today on a trading trip. Dr. L. Blakeslee has returned from Union county, and has resumed prac tice. James Hawk of Pilot Rock, la In from that town for the transaction of business. Attorney S. F. Wilson came down from Athena this morning on a politi cal mission. County Road Master Dave Laven der came down this morning from his home at Weston. " Mrs. W. P. .Temple and children have returned from a stay of five weeks at Wallowa lake. County .Commissioner Horace Walker came up from his ranch near Stanfield this morning. Superintendent Bollons of the O. R. & N. came In from the east this morn ing in his special car. Will Peterson and children have re turned from a visit of several days with relatives in Walla Walla. Tom Hampton and family have re turned from Meacham, where they have been spending the summer. Will Moore of the Pacific Coast Elevator company, returned this morning from a brief visit down the river. Henry Bain and wife of Helix came in from that place this morning on the Northern Pacific train to do some trading. Dr. H. S. Garfield returned this morning from a visit of a few days at the Hlnkle farm In the west end of the county. Attorney J. T. Hinkle came up this morning from his homestead near Hermlston and is transacting business here today. Louis Anderson, Jr., who has been very sick with typhoid fever for the past two months, is able to be on the street again. Mrs. G. W. Simpson and daughter left this morning for Portland, where they will visit a son and brother for a couple of weeks. C. C. Connor, county president of the Farmers Educational &- Co-operative Union, came In this morning from his ranch near Helix. President W. H. Martin of Columbia college, passed through Pendleton this morning on his way to Echo in the Interest of his institution. William Scott, proprietor of the Hidaway springs resort, is reported seriously ill. A physician was taken out by auto from this city this morn ing. Marcus Struve leaves tonight for Berkeley -where he will enter the Uni versity of California. He has former ly been a student at the University of Pennsylvania. E. O. Casey came In this morning from his farm near Helix and is spending the day at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Will Penland on Wil low street. "Babe" Beam, who was seriously Injured several days ago In a runa way accident, was out on the street yesterday afternoon for the first time since the accident. Miss Ona Renner of Oregon City, who has been the guest of Miss Win nie Prlvett and Mrs. Paul Sperry for the past few days, left this morning for her home in western Oregon. R. R. Lewis came in from La Grande this morning and has been assisting Recorder Hendley In dlspos ing of the large amount of work which has been accumulating during the past few days. Rev. H. S. Shangle, presiding elder of the Walla Walla district of the Southern Methodist church and tl nancial secretary of the Columbia col lege, passed through Pendleton last evening on his way to Huntington. Mrs. Clyde Finch, who has been visiting friends and relatives In Pen dleton for a few days left this after noon for her home in Walla Walla, She was accompanied by her neice. Miss Georganna Fletcher, who will visit in the Garden city for a few days, London. After King George has Inspected the fleet he and Queen Mary, who have worked harder dur ing the last few weeks than any royal couple In Europe, will take several rest cruises on the royal yacht Alex andra. The King and Queen will make their headquarters at Barton Manor in the Isle of Wright, a residence which the late king never occupied, but which has been redecorated and general ly Improved for the use of the royal children. The route of the royal yacht will not be published, so that the king and queen can enjoy absolute rest from state cares. They nave both cre ated a wonderfully good impression in army and navy circles, and the queen especially has displayed a charm of manner for which few peo- le gave her credit when she was Princess of Wales, and deliberately kept herself as much as possible In the background. Meanwhile alterations have already begun at Buckingham Palace In the absence of Queen Alexandra, who will divide her time between Scotland and Norway and Denmark until October. The simple bedroom in which King Edward died is to be left, by King George's command exactly as tt was. Not a single piece of furniture is to be moved and the room will of course never be used again. Instead of liv ing In the suite facing the private gardens King George and Queen Mary will occupy the suits facing the Mall and full view of the general public. Queen Alexandra will take up her residence at Marlborough House be fore Christmas. Parliament has granted her an In come of $135,000 per annum, but her actual income is nearly double this amount, so she will have no dif ficulty In keeping up both Marlbor ough House and Sandrlngham In pro per style, and at the same time have large surplus to devote to her many charities. In Scotland, Queen Alexandra will not reside at Balmoral, but at Mar Lodge, the residence of the Duke of Fife and her daughter Princess Lou ise, Duchess of Fife. Princess Vic toria, who has been in a state of great nervous depression since her father's death, will spend the fall with her sis ter, Queen Maud of Norway, whom she will accompany later to their mother's unpretentious villa near Copenhagen. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. WE DEAL li DRUGS MOT PROMISES OF THOSE GERM PROOF FULPER. FILTERS WE NOW HAVE A SUPPLY They, a little ice, water from your hydrant and you have mountain water in your home. Just as pure, just as good and entirely free Ayi III" 0nA nn from contagion. PRICE . itO dllU Lip K O E P P E N 9 S 8 The Drug Store That Serves You Best ARGENTINA IHII.DS WARSHIPS. Southern Republic Fears War oi Would Insure Peace. Berlin. Argentine Republic Is elth er preparing for war or else It is fol lowing the lead of other "mailed fist' nations and preparing to prevent war at nil hazards. This Is due to the fact that Argentine Is placing the biggest orders for rifles, field guns and Krupps of all nations in the world Four battleships are under construc tion for Argentine m the United States and an order has Just been given to a German gun factory for 250.000 Mauser rifles for army serv ice. Argentine Is buying Krupps for coast defenses and a score of machine guns are also coming from Turkey, Servla and Roumania. The smallest perfect achievement is nobler than the grandest failure. REGISTERING BOOTH OPEN THIS EVENING For the convenience of those voters who have not already placed their names on the books a registering booth will be op- ened In front of the St. George restaurant at 5 o'clock this evening. The books will be kept open as long as there Is anyone desiring to register and if the demand continues the Booth will be kept open each evening next week. With the time nearly gone, the number of registered voters is only half the number of voters In .the county. HONEY INDUSTRY FLOURISHES IX IDAnO Meridian. Idaho. The valley sur rounding Meridian holds the distinc tion of having the largest bee indus try in the northwest. The E. F. At- water company of Meridian, with 1100 bee colonies. Is the biggest bee firm In Idaho, Oregon, or Washing ton. Other big bee men In the val ley are: J. E. Lyon, Boise, 800 colonies. G. J. Toder, Boise. 400 colonies. L. C. McCarthy, Nampa, 350 colo nies. T. H. Wahle, Nampa, 150 colonies. E. Schultz, Parma, 250 colonies. Ben Payne, Roswell, 200 colonies. H. C. Dudley, Middleton, 200 colo nies. "WW Mr. Stark, Middleton, 200 colonies. In addition to the foregoing there are many people in the Boise valley with 25 to 100 colonies each. NEWS AND GOSSIP FROM . ABROAD. ISe First Showing of New Fall U1TS m& COAT Priced from 1 5 to $55 for ladies suits Misses Suits $ 1 5 to $25 Coats for $8.50 to $35 Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money London. A world-wide warfare on revealed religion will be Inaugurated when the freethinkers of the world meet in International convention at Brussels on Sunday. With Spain and Portugal now fighting the church, the leaders in the movement believe that the time Is ripe for an anti-religious propaganda greater than ever before attempted Nor are these leader's po litical radicals nor unknown vision aries. Men and women famous the world over are enlisted in the "cause," including Dr. Ernest Haeckel of Ger many, perhaps the greatest living scientist and evolutionist; M. Anatole France, of the French academy: Jo seph McCabe of England and others equally distinguished. In England, of late, the rationalist propaganda has been carried on with Increased vigor. Scientific works, in which Christianity Is branded as a superstition," have been Issued to sell at a low price, and distributed by the millions. A London weekly of tremendous circulation has pub lished a series of attacks on the truths of the scriptures, and many other movements have been set on foot to discredit all creeds having a supernatural basis. There have been such crusades In the past, but they have usually been led by men and women without name and reputation, and so have failed of effect. Now that leaders of wide fame have come to the front, the ra tionalists are confident that religion will be "stamped out." Manv matters of great Importance are to be decided at the international convention of transportation, which begins tomorrow at Copenhagen. It Is expected that the sessions will last a full week. Figures Just compiled show that English railway men have a right to be proud of their record In providing for the safety of passengers. Out of 1,265,000,000 passengers carried last year, only one was killed by an acci dent to a train. Nineteen were kill ed in getting on and off trains, which shows that additional safeguards are needed in this respect. Of the mil lions who commute to and from their work In London city, not a solitary one was killed during the last twelve month. Railroad employes were not so for tunate. Eighty-two workmen lost their lives during the year, and over two thousand were Injured. About 400 passengers were injured, but few of them seriously. One of the reasons for the low death rate in England as compared with America, is that all English rail way lines are fenced In and trespass ing is not only forbidden, but the law against it is strictly enforced. "Weary Willies" who In America take to the tracks when they are unable to "catch a train," are In England forced to keep to the public highways. Earl Granard is now engaged1 on an important diplomatic mission for the British government which will keep him busy for the remainder of this month. Early In September he will sail for America to Join his wife, who before her marriage was Miss Beatrice Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Og den Mills. Lady Granard is now with her parents at Newport. Earl Gran ard appears to have found favor with Britain's new monarch, and his friends predict that he will reach a high place in governmental affairs. This years "Catholic Day" observ ance In Germany will be held day af ter tomorrow at Augsburg, in Bava ria. The celebration will continue several days thereafter. Thousands of German Catholics are expected Ho take part. London's most famous expert in criminology will leave tor America next month to make a tour of the prisons of the United States and Can ada and attend the International prison congress to be held at Wash ington In October. He is Thomas Holmes, secretary of the Howard as sociation, which has the double mis sion of reforming prison administra tions and reforming penal laws. In tensely practical, he has little patience with the theoretical criminologists, and holds that the way to under stand criminals Is to study them at first hand. He has devoted his life to this subject, spending long periods in goals and prisons. One reform In which he earnestly believes, and which he will advocate at the Washington conference, is se curing to poor minor offenders the right to pay fines Imposed upon them in small Installments. This, he holds, would equalize In a measure the glar ing disparity now evident In the treatment of rich and poor offenders. As it is now in America aa well a England the poor man or boy, con victed of some trifling offense, goes to gaol, where he Is forced to asso ciate with hardened criminals, while the offender of means, to whom a fine is as nothing, hands over the money and immediately forgets about the whole matter. Mr. Winston Churchill, the home secretary, has been Interested In this reform by Mr. Holmes, and it is provable that It will soon be enacted into & law. Gen, Stewart L. Woodford, who,' with Mrs. Woodford, has been mak ing an automobile tour of Great Britain and France, will sail for New York from Rotterdam tomorrow. Gen. Woodford, as chairman of the -Hudson-Fulton celebration commit tee, presented King George with the medal commemorative of the cele bration which was originally Intended for King Edward. General Wood ford also distributed similar medals among other European rulers. Reports from France state that this has been a very bad season in the vineyards of the champagne district, and as a result the vintners will have a very small output of the "wealthy water." The trouble was due to the wet and cold weather, and consequent mildew. Not more than half a crop Is expected, and practically all of the grapes will be of a poor quality. Oroheum Theatre S. P. MEDERNACH, PrbprleM ' HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children 8KB PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Changes on Sundays, Tuesday's and Friday's. AP-A-LA Will Bnghten Your Home THE HIGHEST QUALITY VARNISH AND STAIN COMBINED. Can be used on wood or met alfloors, woodwork, furni ture, picture frames, etc. Comes ready mixed. Easily applied quickly dried. For sale by Murphy Bros. We have the only stock of aluminum cooking utensils in Pendleton liTe WEAR-EVER. Do not class this ware with the old style high price wares or with the light thin aluminum. The Wear-Ever utensils is bright, attractive and made of heavy sheet aluminum i 99 per cent, pure Ask to see it, we will be pleased to show you and explain its merits The Taylor Hardware Co. Boost for Pendleton and "The Round Up" September 29 and 30 and October I st 1 u i 1 i ! is- ' .