East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 20, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    page four
rsU;.1 rIlT, Weekly and Bratl-Wsskly
at Oadlttoa, )rfoa. by tta
ally. o. year, by mall 15.00
Mly, a oaths, by mall 2.50
teaJty. tbre month, by mall 1.26
ally, oa Booth, by mall.. 60
Sail?, oae year, by carrier T 50
Oalty. tlx montha. by carrier S.TB
Aaliy, tbre months, by carrier l.M
ally, oae month, by carrier....... .65
Kek:y, exit year, by mail 1.50
'', elx months, by mall .T5
verkiv. foar months, by mall .50
trait Weekly, one year, by mall.... 1.60
fesai Weekly, alz rnoaina, by mall... .75
itml-Wepkiy. four Booth, by mall.. .50
f be Dally Eaat Oregon laa la kept 9a aala
at tba Oresoa New Co., 147 th etreet,
Portland. Orea-oa.
ortbtreat Newa. Co., Portland, Oregon.
Cblcaco Borean. C09 Security Building.
Washington. D. C, Borean, 601 Poor
taeotD street, N. W.
member United Preaa AsoclatJoa.
Entered at tb psatoiflre at Pendleton,
Srst-oa. aa aecood claaa mall matter.
taleptaone Mala 1
Official City and Cooaty Paper.
Oftimes at night, with stars
And whispered winds atune,
1 sit and trace thy calm sweet
My Lady In the Moon.
In pensive mood, I seek the
And from a leafy bower, 4
A lone recluse, I sit and muse
And watch thee by the hour.
So calm thou art, has thou a
Wert ever passion torn?
Art thou of earth, or whence
thy birth,
Or wert thou ever born?
And at the while, I see thee
Thy face lit up and tender,
Thy. features shine with peace
- Thou art of Heaven's splen-
dor. '
O lady fair, from thee I dare
To ask one gracious boon,
From thy high state, oh guide
my fate,
My Lady of the Moon.
Mrs. C. D. Crow who far the past
year has been living with her hus
band on the John Crow farm south
east of Pendleton has set an example
worthy of emulation by every resi
dent of Pendleton and Umatilla coun.
ty. It is an example that if followed
would result in a greater Influx of
homeseekers to this part of Oregon
withia the next few months than all
the booster organizations and boost
er literature will be able to attract in
a period of many years.
It seems that Mrs. Crow formerly
lived in or near Davenport, Wash
ington and that she was so impressed
with this season's grain crop that
he proceeded to write a letter back
to the "home paper,' the Davenport
Tribune. In this letter she not only
told of the wonderful crops being
harvested but she sent along samples
of the grain to support her state
ments. She also sent samples of
timothy which was found in a draw
on the Crow farm and called upon
the most famous producer of tlm
othr in the Davenport country to
"beat It." The result was that the
Trttrnne, published portions of the let
ter and commented upon It favorably.
Now the point sought to be made by
this editorial is that if similar letters
aro sent by the other country and
town residents to their friends and
"home papers" in the eastern and
middle western states, telling Of the
actual facts concerning crop condi
tions, that the need for the expend
ing of large sums of money for boost
er purposes will no longer exist. Only
a few minutes of time would be re
quired and the good to be accom
plished would be beyond estimation.
The grain crop is not the only one
Ceserving to be reported for true
stories could be told of fruit, vege
table and hay conditions that would
not only make the easterners "sit
tip and take notice," but would make
many of them pack up ind start
Our woolen manufacturers," ob
served Adam Smith a hundred and
thirty-five years ago, "have been
more successful than any other class
In persuading the legislature that the
prosperity of the nation depends up
cn the success of their particular bus-ir-ens.
They have not only obtained
a monopoly against the consumer by
prohibiting importation of woolen
ciofhs, 'but they have obtained an
other monopoly against the sheep far
mer by prohibiting exportation of
In commenting upon this statement
the Saturday Evening Post endear
or n figure out an explanation for
the known expression, "wild anl
wooly." It says:
"About sixty years latar the wool
Interests arranged a convention of
protectionists at Harrisburg. It bore
fruit, widely celebrated In its day as
that 'Tariff of Abominations." which
led South Carolina to assert, with
passion, that a state might nullify an
oppressive act of Congress.
"Two generations passed away, and
President Taft, reviewing our latest
tariff act, observed, 'With respect to
the wool schedule, I agree that it Is
too high and that it ought to have
been reduced.'.
"We wonder if this explains the
stymoloby of our slang term "wooly."
meaning rude, lawless, uncontrollable.
Probably it explains, at least, why
Senator Aldrich declared wool to be
the very citadel of protection.
When David C. Broderlck was elect
ed state senator from San Francisco
in 1S52, some genius at the capital
got out a "Homographic Directory."
as he called it, and when he called
cn Broderlck for particulars he got
the following, says the Portland
"Born, at Washington, D. C, 1S30.
Occupation stonecutter. Education
defective, derived chiefly from read
ing the newspapers."
Tet that same man became acting
lieutenant governor of his adopted
state and was subsequently elected
United States senator. His fierce
attack upon President Buchanan for
his complicity in the Lecompton In
Icutty is still preserved in the files of
the Congressional Globe.
Last Sunday afternoon and eve
ning at the New theatre in the city
of New York the great Tammany
politician known as "Big Tim" Sul
livan entertained over 6000 news
boys. Called upon far a speech, the
big man stepped out upon the stage
and after referring to the fact that
he had started' life in the same pre
carious vocation as his youthful
guests, gave them the following
wholesome advice:'
"My advice to every newsboy in
this city is not to drink and never to
tell a lie. And when you are selling
your papers, day by day, always keep
one back. ' Read it and read It well,
for It is better than all the libraries
in the world. If you do that you
will put yourselves on an equal foot
ing with the sons of millionaires who
graduate from college."
Ait bite ivirsuiug iciuaiMt BU LilCi
as to be almost epigramatic, the
great- ward politician of Gotham
spoke words well worth remember,
irrj. True, they were intended for
the ears of children born in poverty
end dire destitution, but they were
worthy of being uttered to a class
of boys belonging to a more prosper
ous generation, because they taught
them to regard poverty not as a curse
but as a discipline. There is not a
single word wasted In that brief ad
dress; and the prevailing spirit of
Irish economy is perceptible in each
and every line of It.
Xo one realizes the force and up
lifting power of the newspaper as
well as does the professional politi
cian, and therefore the words of
"Big Tim' Sullivan should have their
significance to others beside the
newsboys to whom they were ad
dressed. Peg one for "Big Tim" and
his hearty words of wholesome en
couragement to the rising generation
of the east side of Greater Nek York.
Sheriff Taylor has, during his ten
ure of office, gone in pursuit of a
great variety of criminals but he Is
having a new experience now. He
has been assigned the task of scour
ing the whole west In search of "out
laws" for the first annual "Round
up." The spirits of change Is active and
constant. If present day office seek
ers had to split the rails with which
to build their fences, we might have
a few more Abraham Llncolns.
Roosevelt says he will voice his own
views when he takes the stump this
fall. Undoubtedly.
The eternal question when does
federal Jurisdiction infringe on states'
Register down town tonight
Weakness of character is develop
ed in some people hy the pretense to
goodness; sham piety is a breeder of
Reputation, when bad, is most
troublesome; It takes so much time
keeping the neighbors from attacking
and injuring it.
Man does the best he knows 'how.
find fault with what he has done and
he hates you. but teach him how to
do better and he loves you.
Man either drifts or drives while
here below; chance and circumstan
ces may land us to the pearly gates,
but purpose, poise and power will put
us through.
Despair squanders your effort and
care puts away your power; faith
to artificial meat. The Idea of tearing
makes effort and power overcome
care and despair.
You will never win If you never be
gin and prove that you are sure; man's
knowing must be proven by his do.
Words worth while spoken In can
dor carry conviction; words In expla
nation and evasion are worse than
Virtues Improve day by day if we
do not destroy by over-praise; flat
tery is praise overdone and may make
sinful a deserving one.
Having much of this world's goods
and possessing but little .generosity
gives a man an even balance; it's a
sliding sale that lets him slip from
doing good.
The American opinion of coffee as
understood in the English home is not
high, and how the coffee of the Eng
lish lodging-houses Is esteemed may
be understood from the following
traveler's tale:
It was the first morning In London
"apnrtments," and his landlady came
up with the breakfast. As she set
down his coffee-cup she opened a
slight conversation.
"It looks like rain." she said.
"Yes," agreed the American, "but
U tastes like dishwater."
Patrick, lately over, was working
In the yards of a railroad. One day
he harpenel to be in the yard office
when the force was out. The tele
phone rang vigorously several times
and he at last decided It ought to be
answered . He walked over to the
Instrument, took down the receiver,
and put his mouth to the transmitter.
Just as he had seen others do.
"Hillo!" he called.
"Hello!" answered the voice at the
other end of the line. "Is this elght-slx-one-flve-nlne
"Aw, g'wan! Phwat d' ye tlnk Ol
am? A box car?"
A suburban chemist had been ad
vertising his patent Insect powder
far and wide. One day a man rushed
into his shop and said excitedly:
"Give me another half pound of
your powder, quick, please."
"Oh!" remarked the chemist as he
proceeded to fill the order, "I'm glad
you like the powder. Good, isn't It?"
"Tes," replied the customer. "I
have one cockroach very ill; if I give
him another half pound he'll die."
Two men were getting warm over
a simple difference of opinion.
They turned to the third man.
"Isn't a home-made strawberry
shortcake better than a cherry pie?"
demanded one of them.
"Isn't a home-made cherry pie bet
ter than any shortcake?" Inquired the
The third man shook his head.
"I don't know." he said. "I board "
In the center of the garden, on a
pedestal, stood a large glass globe.
As the guests sauntered about, after
dinner, one of them, happening to
touch it, discovered to his amazement
that It was warmer on the shady side
than on the side facing the sun.
An argument Immediately sprank
up; and, in the course of the debate,
the phenomenon was attributed to the
law of reflection or that of repulsion,
or something equally formidable.
"I don't know what ye be a-talkin'
about," remarked the old gardener,
who had been an attentive listener
to the conversation, "but I do know
that, fearin' the sun would arack
this 'ere globe a while ago, I turned
It around."
William had Just returned from col
lege, resplendent In peg-top trousers,
silk hosiery, a fancy waistcoat, and a
necktie that spoke for itself. He en
tered the library where his father was
reading. The old gentleman looked
up and surveyed his son. The longer
he looked, the more disguested be be
came. "Son," he finally blurted out, "you
look like a d fool!"
Later, the old major who lived next
door came in and greeted the boy
heartily. "William." he said, with un
disguised admiration, "you look exact
ly like your father did twenty-five
years ago when he came back from
"Yes," replied William, with a
smile, "so father was just telling me!"
as unsatisfactory remedy.
A wife once complained to a
clergyman of her husband's unsatis
factory conduct, when he said to her:
"You should heap coals of fire on
his head."
To which she replied;
"Well, I will. But I tried boiling
water once, and that did no good."
It was married men's night at the
revival meeting.
"Let all you husbands who have
trouble on your mind stand up!"
shouted the . emotional preacher at
the height of his spasm.
Instantly every man in the church
ros to his feet except one.
"Ah!" exclaimed the preacher,
peering out at this lone sitter, who oc
cupied a chair near the door apart
from the others, "you are one in a
"It ain't that," piped back this one
helplessly, as the rest of the congre
gatlon turned to gaze suspiciously at
him. "I can't get up I'm paralyzed."
A Reliable
Ely's Cream Balm
Is quick1)! absorbed.
Gives Relief at Once.
It cleanses, soothes,
heal and protects
the &'..: wt mou
oroue rLxuiiiiiK from
Catarrh and drives
Bw.iy a Cold in the
llcnd quickly, ISo.
tores llio rinimos of
"nrikftn J.J
Tas'j pnl Em ill. Fil
ail or by mail. In
Ely h:'.iihQti, C I War
e:7 :0 K,arrn
iniunl form, i r nits.
reluct . :.-v; i'ai'k,
ftp " tfisfi
Women who use Mother's Friend are saved much of the discomfort and suffering
so common with expectant mothers. It is a penetrating oil that thoroughly lubri
cates every muscle, nerve and tendon involved at such times, and thus promotes
physical comfort. It aids nature by expanding the skin and tissues and per
fectly prepares the system for the
coming of baby. .Mother's Friend
assures a quick and natural recovery
for every woman who uses It. It is
for sale at drug stores. Write for
free book for expectant mothers.
Atlanta, Ga.
Forty-Ninth Annual
Oregon State Fair
Will Be Held at
Salem, Sept. 1 2 to 17
$35,000.00 in Premiums and Purses
Grand Livestock, Agricultural and Horticultural
Exhibits. Splendid Races, Band Concerts, Free
Attractions and Fireworks.
For further information address
Just Arrived
Quality Toilet Soap, fine floral odors,
10c cake, 3 for 25c. 'Look at our
SPECIAL Duroy's Claret Soda,
6 : Hits. Delicious end refreshing.
Known For Its Strength
The First National Bank
Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens !!
All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old
For choice dressed ones phone your order night before. Ws
dress none except for orders so It you like cold storage poultry
patronize the other fellow or store yourself.
East End Grocery
Res. Phone B.
Mt. Angel College
In Charge of the Benedictine Fathers Ideal
Place for Young Men and Boys
There ore the full Collegiate Course in Arts and Science, as al
so the Commercial Department and the Preparatory School. Scenic
location, buildings, equipment and general efficiency unsurpassed.
lbs Twenty-fourth Year Will Open September 6th
Board, Tuition, Laundry, Etc. $220 Per Year
Full Information on application to the Rev. President.
Mt. Angel College
Catalogue mailed free on request.
For the mother In the home to be
strong and well, able to devote her
time and strength to the rearing of
children, la one of life's greatest
blessings. Often the hearing of
children Injures the mother's health,
if aha baa tint nranarad bar nVBtem
in vr. for the imnortant event.
m BWBmmmm
HolLaXI I t sgut.
Mair. 536
Headquarters For
Toilet Goods
We are Sole Msnufacturers and
Dlntrlsuton of the Celebrated
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggtnts of EaaUrp
SURANCE. Indiana & Ohio
Live Stock Insur
ance Company
Of Crawfonlsrllle,
Has now entered Oregon.
Policies now good In every
state In the Union. Orf an
ted over IB years ago. Paid
up Capital $200,000.00. As
sets over $4(0,000.00.
a Mutual Live ock Insur
ance company.
Mark Moorhouse
Agent, Pendleton, Or.
Ill East Coorl St.
rtioM Mala M-
International Stock Food
the old reliable
The best for your stock
Try it
127-129 E. A!ta
Cus La Fontaine, Prop.
Best 25c Meals in North
west First-class cooks and service
Shell fish in season
Lei Fontaine BIk Main St.
You Make a
Bad Mistake
When yon put off buying your
until Fall purchase It XOVt
and secure the bent Rock
Springs coal the mines produce
at prices considerably lower than
Uiomo prevailing In Fall and
By stocking up now yoa
avoid ALL danger of being un
able to secure it when rold
weather arrives.
Henry Kopittke
Phone Main 1T8.
Trade Marks
BssCf Designs .
Trfn'' Copyrights Ac
Anjona n1lng kctrh and dirrlnllnii mm
qulrklr Mrermin nur opinion free wliiiu,r no
tioriii n i" 'mm,ih7 iniMi'wmn. i nnimtittli'it
ttonptrlctlroonn(1niliil. HANDBOOK on I'mimiu
oent free. OMowt nuoitcy for nomnitff palem.
rniniiU taken tliromih Munn A Vu, rtcolv
Vfci ti wimt, "ii Muni, unnnru. 111 int)
Scientific JittMican
it nanasomftir iiinnrntm wormy, i.nramt efr
filiation of ny inentiun Journal, Terms tit
roar; fourmonlbs.il. Bold bl all nawsdealcis
Branch Office. 825 T Ft. Washington, 11 Q 7
Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia)