East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 18, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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As the Partnership Between Barnhart & O'Gara
(Standard Grocery Co.) nas been dissolved, it is nec
cessary that all notes and accounts be settled at once,
as the books must be closed and settled. So we kind
ly aslt you to call and settle at the store promptly.
The business will be continued by O'Gara Bros.,
and we assure all our old customers as well as the
new the very best service.
Standard Grocery Co. Inc.
Where all are Pleased
Frank O'Gara, Pres. Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treas.
214-216 East Court Street
The Best at Right Prices
Though Slight
may cause much annoyance
which usually appears In the
form af aching eyes or dull
headache. If you are suffering
from strained vision, our scien
tific examination of the eyes
will reveal the cause.
And properly fitted glasses
will glTO relief.
Eyes Bra mined.
Glasses Fitted.
Leases Duplicated.
Kryptok and Torlc Lenses a
Dale Rothwell
Hansen m, THE Jeweler.
Lot 100X50
Only $100
On West, Webb Street.
Beet buy In Pendleton; full
block, rood boose, barn and out
buildings, can be bad for $1500,
balance of S1000 terms to suit.
5 room bouse, electric lights,
bot and cold water, bath and
toilet; bouse In good condition.
Can be bandied for $250, bal
ance terms.
First class back nearly new,
cheap for casta.
250 acre alfalfa and wheat
ranch very reasonable.
S20 acre wheat ranch only
fit per acre, produced SO bu.
to acre this year.
The Real Estate and In
surance Man
550 Main St. Phone M. 5
Will Brighten I jj
Your Home
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Hyland Has Advantage.
New Tork. Aug. 18. "Fighting"
Dick Hyland of California, had a
shade the better of "Battling" Hurley
of Passaic, X. J., in a lively ten round
bout at the Sharkey Athletic club
here last night.
Body Found.
Weiser. Idaho, Aug. 17. The body
of Joseph Brlwn, a miner In the Sev
en Devils district and the owner of
several valuable claims, was found at
the foot of an abandoned shaft Tues
day. He disappeared in the spring
of 1909, at a time when he was known
to have a large sum of money. Owing
to the deep snow In the mountains,
it was supposed he fell Into a canyon
and perished.
Fifty Oirs in Vamlerbllt.
Xew Tork, Aug. 18. Although the
entry lists remain open for another
month, it Is possible now to make a
close estimate of the number of cars
to be entered, and it is practically
certain that the total will be near the
fifty mark. This will break all past
records of contenders for the famous
trophy. The race will be held on
the Long Island Motor Parkway the
first day of October.
Official Weather Report.
Maximum temperature, 96.
Minimum temperature, 49.
Marriage License Issued.
A marriage license was Issued this
morning to Arley P. Fletcher and
Nora C. Byrd, both of this county.
Suit to Quiet Title.
A suit to quiet title to a quarter sec
tion of land was filed today in the
circuit court by the Cunningham
Sheep and Land company versus the
Northern Pacific railroad.
Rebuilding Home.
The Mrs. Alice Sheridan house Is
in the hands of the carpenters. The
parts which were destroyed by fire a
few weeks ago are being rebuilt and
the work will be completed within a
few days.
"Babe" Beam Improving.
"Babe" Beam who was so seriously
injured In a runaway accident two
weeks ago, is gradually recovering
from the concussion of the brain sus
tained at that time. He has fully re
gained consciousness but has not yet
left the hospital.
For Sale
An Action for Money.
A suit to compel the payment of
two notes, aggregating $440 was filed
in the circuit court today by H. O.
Worthington of Athena against Fred
and Jane Carden, husband and wife.
Attorney's fes in the sum of $75 are
asked for.
Populations of Cities.
Washington, Aug. 15. The popu
lation of Pittsburg is 553,905 accord
ing to the census bureau today. The
population of Syracuse, X. Y., is 134,-
London's Shortest Sermon.
London. The sermon preached by
the vicar of Workshop recently at the
Priory church consisted of five words
It was the Sunday on which collec
tions are made for the choir outing.
The text was Samuel II. xxiv. 24
"I will not offer to the Lord, my
God, that which cost me nothing."
"The application," remarked the
vicar, "is very obvious." This was
all the sermon.
London. Suffragists were not go
ing to wait very much longer for the
premier's reply, declared Miss Chris-
Resident of Umatilla County for
Nearly Half Century Succumbs to
Paralysis in Walla Walla Was One
of Very First of Sheepmen In this
H. C. Adams, aged 72 years, a resi
dent of Umatilla county for nearly
half a century and the pioneer sheep,
man of this county, -died at the home
of Attorney H. C. Bryson in Walla
Walla, at 7:30 last evening. Death
was due to a stroke of paralysis which
was suffered about a year ago.
Mr. Adams was born in Franklin
county. Maine, Sept. 17, 1844. He at
tended the public schools in the town
of his birth and then went to Bowdoln
college from which Institution he was
graduated. The day following the
death of his father in 1860, he came
to California, making the trip by way
of the Isthmus of Panama. He
spent a year in the mines of California
and Xevada and then returned to
Maine. He staid there a few months
and came to California again in 1862.
Soon after his second arrival in
California he came to Oregon and to
gether with his brother, J. F. Adams,
engaged In the sheep business In the
Umpqua valley. In 1866 they
brought their sheep up and across the
Cascade mountains to Umatilla county
and were probably the first men to
engage in the sheep business on a
large scale In this part of the state.
J. F. Adams settled at the town which
now bears the name of Adams, while
the deceased settled on a quarter sec
tion of land, 2 1-2 miles northeast of
Weston on Dry creek. He lived on
this farm up until a few years ago
when he sold out and moved to Athe
na. He continued to be engaged In the
stock business hut during the last few
, Off On Big Hunt.
Carrying a small arsenal and load
; ed with much determination Editor
i E. B. Aldrich and Advertising Man
ager Lee D. Drake of the East Ore
gonian, left this morning for the Wal
. Iowa country on a two week's hunt
ing trip. With riding and pack hors
i fg they will go from the lake over in
. to the Sheep creek and Imnaha sec
Mortgage for $30,000,000.
I A 130,000,000 mortgage bond was
. placed on record at the court house
: today. The Pacific Power & Light
I company is the one getting the money
' and the United States Mortgage Trust
' company is the one getting the mort
; gage on the other property, which in
i eludes the electric light and power
' stations owned by the Pacific company
in the Northwest.
AVA truthful
sincere. Get a
reputation for honest advertising.
Dorit expect patrons to rush to your
store in a mob following one adver
tisement. Patrons must be educated
to your methods of advertising. The
tendency of the time is to have one
price and do honest business. You
are behind the age if you do not ad
vertise. Thomas MartincUle, in "Brains"
Brief Council Meeting.
A brief meeting of the city council
was held last evening. One bill was
ordered paid and bids for supplying
one car load of coal and one car load
of bridge flooring were read and re
ferred to the committee. Ben Bur
roughs the fuel dealer was low bidder
for the lumber while Henry Kopittke,
The Pendleton Lumber company and
the Crab Creek Lumber company all
tied for low place on the coal bids.
H. O. Worthington, the Athena mer
chant, is down from that city today
for the transaction of business.
(Continued from Page One.)
Can be used on wood or met
al floors, woodwork, ' furni
ture, picture frames, etc: Comes
ready mixed. Easily applied
quickly dried. For sale by
Murphy Bros.
tabel Pankhurst yesterday. Mr. Aa
quith might think that, owing to the
truce, he would not be disturbed dur
ing his holidays.
But the suffragists could do a
great dal in the autumn. She recall
ed what a busy time they had last
year; surely Mr. Asqulth had not for
gotten It. He must not suppose that
he had put off the evil hour indefi
nitely. If things went wrong again
militant methods could save the sit
uation once more. If militancy start
ed again no one could see the end of
(Continued from page- 1.)
and help each other whenever we can,
and now is the time that you head
men on the reservation can do some
thing, for us here in Pendleton, that
will always make us feel proud of
our Indian brothers. Xow Poker
Jim: You and I have been the best
of friends ever since we were boys
surlng reports by officials that forest
! fires are being controlled In the Clear
' water district, the fire Is gaining
; headway hourly. According to today's
! advices one fire on the south fork of land you know that I have never lied
I the Clearwater river, 20 miles long i to the Indians In my life and any-
and ten wide, Is sweeping over the thing that I promise them I will do.
, country. Two hundred men are em- jjr R0y Bishop and I want you to
Dloved in the fighting. Reports of j -ee the Indians for us In behalf of
several burned to death are unverl- -'the Round-up" and do the very best
. fled
I .
I Fire In Deschutes,
I Prineville, Ore.. Aug. 18. Super
, visor Ireland with several assistants
left today for the forest fires in the
; Deschutes national reservation. It Is
believed It is not dangerous. A heavy
pall of smake hangs over the district
indicating the fire is in green timber.
For rent,
, Teutsch.
nice 6-room house. Lee
Just Dirt
you can for us. Bring down your
Kola Cultans (race horses) your fam
ilies and your, tepees and we will
; promise that you will be well taken
care of. There will be furnished you
all hlu muck-a-muck. Including hiu
salmon, plenty of feed for your hors
es and free tickets to all o;t the shows
for all the Indians that will camp
inside the grounds. Xow we want
you and all of the other Indians to do
all you can for us.
When you come to town come Into
my office and we will have a hlas
klose wa-wa.
Koplt wa-wa. (I have spoken.)
Your friend,
or a bad soli it's the same to us our
work Is sufficient In cleaning and
pressing particular people's garments,
yet our charges are modest to a de
gree that'll please the most economi
cal. Pendleton Dye Works
SOftt East Alt St, Phone Mala lit.
$750 for good small house on North
Side. Lee Teutsch.
Automobile for Sale.
7-passenger, 60-horse Thomas Fly
er In first class condition. Will sll
part cash and balance terms to suit
purchaser. This car Is first class for
large family or for mailing route or
416 Ablngton Building,
Portland, Oregon.
years of his life, confined his opera
tions to the Walla Walla and Touchet
valley in Washington. He amassed
considerable property and at the time
ot his death was the owner of 16 sec
tions of land In Washington In ad
dition to his property Interests in this
state. He was one of the organizers
of the First National Bank of Athena
and for many years was Its president.
About one year ago he suffered a
stroke of paralysis and though able
to be taken about the house In a
wheel chair was continually under the
care of a trained nurse. Last Sat
urday he' took a turn for the worse
and gradually grew weaker until the
The deceased was never married but
is survived by a sister In Walla Walla,
his cousin, Hon, C. A. Barrett of
Athena, and several nephews in this
county, the children of the late 3. F.
Adams of Athena. Xo arrangements
have been made for the funeral.
Tlio Busy B
oo'fon Sioro
Now Located at,
725 Main Street
West side between Alta and
Court Sts.
J Li IP dD T S,
Never come back when cleaned by the
Dry, wet, chemical and steam cleaners. We call for and deliver any.
Phone Main l. JACK WEBSTER, Mgr. 302 E. Court St.
Popular Organization Concluded
Summer Concerts With Feature
Program Winter Concerts a Pos
sibility Cowboy Band for "Roundup."
The last of the series of the free
concerts in the fair pavilion given by
the United Orchestra under the aus
pices of the Pendleton Commercial
club, was given last nlght and by the
generous applause which each num
ber rendered by this popular musical
organisation brought forth, It was
plain the program was the best that
has yet been rendered. This being a
"request" program, each number was
a feature, and therefore it la impos
sible to choose any particular num
ber as the best unless It would be to
say the selection from II Trovotore
was a marked feature. The citizens
of Pendleton are Indeed sorry that
these concerts are at an end and It
Is hoped that a series of Indoor con
certs will be given during the winter
by this organization.
The respective members of the or
chestra will now take a Drier rest,
several going to the mountains and
coast, but by September 1 rehearsals
will again be held, as the members In
tend keeping the organization togeth
er for future playing.
Pendleton has been indeed fortu
nate In having an orchestra with the
ability to handle the class of music
that has been played by the United
Orchestra and the people will be glad
to render their support In the future
as well as In the past.
The music committee of the
"Round-up' has made a proposition to
the United Orchestra and Band to
furnish music for their big show and
Manager Fletcher is now arranging a
big cowboy band for this big event.
Beautiful home on west hill. This
property will be sold at a bargain
Lee Teutsch.
(Contlnuer from page five.)
Gerald Stanfield of Echo, Is the
guest of Pendleton friends today.
A. E. Elbert of the Atlas Bridge
ecin;any of Portland, Is in the city
today for the transaction .of business.
Mrs. Jeff Oliver and children re
turned from Meacham Tuesday, where
they have been for a month's outing.
Mrs. William Coffman and dau
ghetr Thelmer, returned from Mea
cham Tuesday, where they have been
for a two month's outing.
Recorder F. W. Hendley returned
last evening from Freewater where
he had been to attend the peach day
exercises and to build some political
Congressman W. R. Ellis was at
Freewater yesterday to attend the
Peach Day celebration and in the in
terest of his candidacy for renomlna
tlon at the hands of the republican
Dr. George Carl was In town over
night on his way west after having
visited the camps along the new con
struction work of the O. R. ft N. in
Hay Canyon on the Washington di
vision. Washouts during the past
years have compelled th rebuilding
of the track for several miles In Hay
Canyon and the men doing this work
are under the care of Dr. Carl.
It's a good deal easier to describe
angels than It Is to be a saint with a
balky horse.
Fresh Fish
Meats and Sanaa gee
We handle only the purest
of lard, hams and bacon.
Empire Meat Go.
Phone Main 18.
The maiden priced a diamond
It sparkled like (he
She liked the diamond very
But didn't have the
The maiden had no time to
And folded up her ones
I've got a scheme she coyly
I'll go and find a man and
She bundled up in clothe
and furs
And lisped I'll sharm the
Tin; lis.
She didn't have so long to
For she found him at an
And on her dimple finger
He slipped the diamond
while they
THE Jeweler
Dale Rothwell, Optldai
Known For Its Strength
The First National Bank
A Window Full of Wonderful
Everyday necessities can always be purchased here for less.
Hack Saw So
Hand Saw 76c
Meat Saw , 6c
Towel Rack 20o
Large Rasp 40o
Cold Chisel 150
Monkey Wrench 35e
nits 10c
Large As 75c
Riveting Machine 50c
Claw Hammer 40c
Water Buckets ., 25c
PES PAIN ft BONNE ' Cent Stntt