i PACT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 110. EIGHT PAGES. mm om hoi SilvcruorG That's Hot in ilio Trust OFFERING ITS WHEAT READY TO BUILD HERMISTOF You Get the Benefit By Paying Less We have taken the agency in this city for the United Silver Company, a concern made up entirely of inde pendent silware manufacturers who are not in the trust. This company has placed on the market a line of silver ware marked AAA which contains 25 per cent more silver than the regular triple-plated ware and with which they give an IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE FOR 25 YEARS We reproduce herewith the guarantee that goes with every purchase GUARANTEE All silverware bearing our brand mark ed AAA, except knives which are made of the finest crucible steel Triple-Plated, are guaranteed to give satisfactory wear for twenty -five years inordinary family use, and any article not giving entire satisfac tion will be replaced by a new article of the same pattern. United Silver Company This line is made in one pattern only, the Waldorf AAA as shown, in our window, and will be carried in stock the year 'round at the following remarkable low prices. TEA SPOONS DESSERT SPOONS TABLE SPOONS SOUP SPOONS (Round) MEDIUM FORKS DESSERT FORKS MEDIUM KNIVES, (Solid Handle) BUTTER KNIVES BUTTER SPREADERS 6 In box SUGAR SHELLS ORANGE SPOONS In box COFFEE SPOONS In box BOUILLON SPOONS In box BERRY SPOONS 1 In box SALAD SPOONS 1 In box SALAD FORKS (Lge) 1 In box COLD MEAT FORKS (Lge) 1 In box SALAD FORKS (Sm.) 6 In box BERRY FORKS 'n box OYSTER FORKS in box PICKLE FORKS (Lge) 1 In box FISH FORKS (Large) 1 In box CREAM LADLE 1 In box GRAVY LADLE n box SOUP LADLE 1 n box PIE KNIVES 1 ,n D0X S1.50 Set (S Pieces) 2.70 Set (6 Pieces) S.00 Set (6 Pieces) 3.35 Set (6 Pieces) 3.00 Set (6 Pieces) 2.70 Set (S Pieces) 1.50 Set (6 Pieces) .55 Each, 2.70 Set (6 Pieces) .50 Each 1.90 Set (6 Pieces) 1.50 Set (8 Pieces) 3.00 Set (6 Pieces) 1.25 Each 1.25 Each 1.05 Each .75 Each 8.00 Set (6 Pieces) 1.90 Set (6 Pieces) 2.00 Set (6 Pieces) .70 Each 2.25 Each .70 Each .95 Each 2.50 Each 1.95 Each " ; Remember we are sole agents and can save you money on every purchase, besides give you better silverware. La Bow dfc Peterson SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY (Special Corerspondence.) Helix, Or., Aug. 18. Harvest is nearly completed in this section wheat lelding from 25 to SO bushels, but of the very best quality. Hardly a crop tested less than 80 pounds and the most of the tests showing (3 to 65 pounds to the bushel. Edgar W. Smith of Juniper has abandoned his caterpillar engine, and s preparing to finish harvesting with horsepower machines. While considerable wheat is being sold by farmers most of the early sell ers are holding back, claiming that the prices have not yea reached their limit and It is not expected that much wheat will change hands until the market reaches 90c. Members of the Farmers' union are receiving the mar ket quotations daily and in most cases teadily refuse to sell. LETS CONTRACT FOR NEW BANK BUILDING If your liver Is sluggish and out of tone, and you feel dull, bilious, con. stlpated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before retiring and you will feel all right in the morning. Sold by all dealers. PRIZE CTP FOR DRY FARMING PRODUCTS Portland, Ore., Aug. 16. (Special; The accompanying cup -will be awarded for the best Oregonlan ex hiblt at the International Dry Farm ing Exposition at Spokane next No vember. The cup is offered by the Portland Commercial Club and Its value is about $50. The conditions at- M. F, Callbcck of Hei-mlston Is Suc crssful Bidder Will Cost $12,000 Finishing Will Bo Latest Short Notes from Project Town, (Special Correspondence.) Hermiston, Ore., Aug. , 17. Last night the Hermiston Bank & Trust company let the contract for their new bank building. M. F. Callback of this city, was the successful bidder. The building will be located on the corner of First and Main streets, dl rectly opposite the Oregon hotel and will cost when completed, $12,000. It will be built of Baker City stone and the finishings will be as fine as can be found in this part of the state President Smalley of Sprague has been here for the past week looking things over in general and Is very enthusi astic over the change that has taken place during the past season, C. Johnson of Beiilngham, Wash., Is here for a few days looking the country over, and It Is likely that he will become the owner of a 40-acre tract of Hermiston land before he leaves for home Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanby has re turned from the coast country where they have been spending their vaca tlon. H. R. Newport has returned from Arlington where they are working on railroad work with a large force, J. H. Strohm has been in Arlington for the past few days, A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed and of Ease and Comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, as it acts, gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleans ing the system effectually, when con stipated, or bilious, and dispels colds and headaches. To get its beneficial effects, always buy the genuine, manufactured bj the California Fig Syrup to. Be sure and take a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot be obtained on board the trains or steam ers. Changes of water and climate often cause sudden attacks of diar rhoea, and it la best to be prepared. Sold by all dealers. MOVING PICTURES PUT UNDER THE LAW LV ITALY Rome. Objectionable moving pic ture shows are to be suppressed by law in Italy for the reason that the government believes that they are the ' I - - . V. . . I V. 1 I ........ 'I I Illttlll IHUBU Ul tile urinific i in. I caac in juvenile crime. According to the new law which the I government has framed all films must I be submitted before exhibition to lo cal committees for approval. After I approval the films will be taxed un less they are of an educational char- Iacter, representing natural scenery, cities, monuments, sports, industries. episodes in national life, etc. Managers who Infringe the law may be fined up to $60 for the first of fense. For second and other offenses the penalty will be much heavier. All objectionable films will be des troyed. No children under thirteen will be allowed to witness the enter tainments unless their parents are with them. Miracle Core for home Treatment , The world knows Chinese doctors, with powerful and wonderful Chi. nese remedies; cure all disease successfully. If you are out of health, unable to regain It, write us today and de scribe your symptoms,' We ae cept only curable cases. York A York, Chinese Medicine Co.. lit W. Main St, Walla Walla, Wash. After suffering with rheumatism for many years, other doctors not curing me, I wrote Drs. Tork ft Tork for treatment Their won derful treatment cured me within a month, and now I am perma nently cured, for which I write this true testimonial. If any on suffering, wishes to know more about their treatment, they a write me. J. M. ASHWORTH, Weston. Oregon. Avoid Sickness ! Oroheum Theatre 9. F, IfEDERNAC H. Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children Binr, PROGRAM IN TODAV'S PAPER. Program Changes on Bandars. Tuesday's and Friday's. MARCEL WAVE HAS GONE; AISO THE POMPADOUR Forty-Ninth Annual Oregon State Fair Will Be Held at, Salem, Sept. 1 2 to 17 $35,009.00 in Premiums and Purses Grand Livestock, Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibits. Splendid Races, Band Concerts, Free Attractions and Fireworks. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS For further information address FRANK MEREDITH - SECRETARY tending Its award are that the pro ducts exhibited must be grown in Oregon on arid or semi-arid land without irrigation. On one side of the cup Is an Inscription giving the donor and the requirements to be met and on the opposite side is a blank space where the name of the winner will be engraved. It is a handsome piece of silver, standing nearly a foot high on a solid ebony base. Disagreeable at Home. Lots of men and women who are agreeable with others, get "cranky" at home. Its not disposition, its the llTer. If you find In yourself that you feel cross around the house, lit tle things worry you, just buy a bot tle of Ballarr's Herblne and put your liver In shape. Ton and everybody around you will feel better for It. Price 50 cents per bottle A. C. Koep pen Sl Bros. In buying a cougn medicine, don't be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from It, and relief is sure to follow. Especial ly recommended for coughs, colds and whooplhg cough. Sold by all dealers. A PIPE IS BETTER THAN CIGARETTES, SAYS DUKE Paris. A reaction has set In in hair dressing at the French capital No more marcel waving, no more of the long-worn pompadour. At the present time there is In all coiffures an endeavor to bring out unexpected lines. Light curls and puffs are still fashionable and are arranged In ef fects that one can scarcely become ac customed to, there being clusters over the ear and bunches at the back and low over the forehead. The flat tortade of hair Is still, however, worn, drawn tightly around the chlndon of curls set high upon the forehead, with a line of curlg on the forehead. A charming headdress re cently seen was of old gold material, the ends deftly hidden among the hair, while an Immense tack aigrette was placed at the side, well back. Ne's of gold, too., and bands of satin matching the gown, continue In favor for their ornaments. London. An Interesting story Is In circulation Illustrative of the Duke of Connaught's democracy with the rank and file of the army. At Aldershot during the recent maneuvers the duke in civilian clothes, came across a young recruit outside the barracks smoking a cigarette. The duke en gaged the soldier In conversation asKing mm wny ne did not smoke a pipe Instead of a cigarette. The sol dler, not recognizing the duke, an swered : "Why, old Connaught smokes cigar ettes. Why shouldn't I?" "Yes," answered the duke, "but old Connaught never smoked a cigarette at your age." Just then an officer saluted the duke and the young recruit fled upon discovering the Identity of his visitor. The duke enjoyed the Incident Im mensely, ascertained the recruit's name and sent him a briar pipe, some good tobacco and a little note read ing: "Take my advice. Connaught." IIRAGANZA BABY TO BE KNOWN AS "NADA." London. The Duke and Duchess of Braganza, who came to London for the christening of the daughter of the Duchess of Vlsier, who was a Miss Rhlnelander Stewart, stayed at Cla ridge's hotel long after the ceremony and paid dally visits to the house of Mrs. J. H. Smith In Qrosvenor Square. The duke Is wonderfully proud of his grandchild, the baby Princess of Braganga, who rejoices tn about' a dozen names, Including Marie Therese Elizabeth Anna (after the grandmoth er, Mrs. Smith) : Michel (after her grandfather, the duke), who is called Michael), and Nadege. BEER Bnhy Morphine- Fiends, are made by all soothing syrups and baby medicines thai contain opium and narcotics. McGee's Baby Elixir contains no Injurious or narcotic drugs of any kind. A sure and safe cure for disordered stomachs, bow els r.nd fretfulness splendid foi teething infants. A. C. Koeppen A Bros. Kins Edward's Bedroom. London. King Edward's bedcham ber at Buckingham palace Is to re main In precisely the same condition as when the king died there. It Is to be closed and never utsed again. This Is by the special request of Alex andra, though it Is one of the most desirable rooms of the palace, look ing over gardens and as quiet as If In the depths of the country, rather than In the heart of London. ' YACHTSMEN STARTLED BY GERMAN SHAM INVASION Berlin. Rumors of the Invasion of Entrlnnd by Germany would be surely revived were it generally known what a party of British yachtsmen witness ed while on a recent tour of German waters. The Britishers were sailing between the Prelslan islands and the German mainland, when they suddenly came across hundreds of Yarges laden with German troops being towed from the coast to the Islands. Watching the operations from a distance the yachts men witnessed a full-dress rehearsal of the landing of an Invading army! with all the necessary paraphernalia of horses, gun carriages and supplies. When the Britishers afterward questioned the German officers they made no secret of the fact that they were engaged on a sham Invasion, adding that such maneuvers formed one of the most Important parts of their military curriculum. The Brit ishers departed more thoughtful men Bare money by reading today's ads. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with ycui water and let it stand twenty-four hours. a brick dust sea: ment, or settling stringy or milk) apnea ranceoftcr indicates an un healthy comli tion of the kid ncys; too fre qucnt desire U pass it or pain it the back are also symptoms that tell yov the kidneys and bladder are out of orde; nnd need attention. What To Do. There 19 comfort in the knowledge c. often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's b'.vnntp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish iu corri;cli:.j. rheumatism, pain in tuo back, kidney liver, bladder and every part of tlicurinarj passage. Corrects inability to hold wate: and scalding pain in passing it, or la.' cliocts following n?e of liquor, wine o. beer, and overcomes that unpleasant tv Cessily of being compelled to go j!'.;i through the day, ntld to ftt up mnr tin es during the night. The mild anc unmcdinte effect of Swamp-Root 1. soon realized. It stands the highest l,o cause of its remarkable , healtli restoring prop- ffireZtr- ertics. 'Jf you need a r"""'!I;S ZTZif, -" medicine you elioulil Drink HIRE'S ROOT IE Its Pure Have a case delivered to your. home today. It's healthful and Invigorat ing. We are agents for Umatilla county, both wholesale and retail. We have the latest Im proved bottling machin ery In eastern Oregon, and bottle Root Beer, Soda, Near Beer and soft drinks by sanitary methods. Pendleton Soda Works PAUL HEMMELGAKN. Proprietor. Office Phone Black 41. Works Phone, Black 1881 n FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH LARD. ' AND Always pure and dellvore.) promptly, if you phono the Central Meat Market 101 tt. Alta Pt, phone Main It. I You may have a sample bottle sent fre by mail. Address Dr. Kilmcr&Co., Uiug haniton, N. Y. Mention this paper and remembcrthename, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, and the address, Binguauitou, H. Y., on every bottle. Milne Transfer Phone tiain 5 C CALLS PROMPTLY ANS WERED FOR ALL BAGGAGE TRANSFERRING. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING AND HEAVY TRUCK ING A SPECIALTY. Dally East Oregonlnn by carrier only 65 cents per month.