EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST ORBGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, - MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1910. page mrz. .1 First Showing 'of New M Smite aid COATS For Ladies and Misses A Beautiful Line of Shades and Styles CALL AND SEE THEM F. E. Livengood Co. The Ladies' and Children's Store. li LOCALS Pastime pictures plMse all. Try Mark Pattern sanitary barber. For life insurance ae Lee Teutsch. Snyder chimneysweep Tel. Red 1811 Lee Tetutsch for Insurance, life or Ore. See Lee Teutsch about life or firs Insurance. Have you seen La Dow & Peterson" window yet? Automobile for hire, day or nicht Phone Main 71. For rent Good house and barn. Address P. O. Box 408. For Sale Piano and household fur nlture. Phone Red 1911. A great savins; on enamelware at the Taylor Hardware Co. Home cooked meals and good rooms reasonable at 60S Willow street - For sale Five room house on north side; easy terms. Ralph How- land. Apprentices paid while learning at the Vogue Millinery. Apply at once. More moving pictures shown than any other theater In the city the Pastime. Just think of it. La Dow & Peter son guarantee it for 25 years. See their window. Eastern parties want to rent wheat land with option to buy. Address V. E. Shivers, Pendleton, Oregon. Try one of those caieful, sanitary shaves at Mark Patton's barber shop. Old Privett stand. Phone Main 417. Wanted Clerk at Wenaha springs summer resort. Apply at once to P. H. McPhee, Wenaha Springs, Gibbon, Ore. The answer is silverware, but at prices lower than you ever paid be fore. See La Dow & Peterson's win dow. Sharon & Eddlngs sell galvanised Iron bath tubs. Light and easy to move around. Just the thing for farmers. Lost Gold watch between Marie and Main streets. M. D. on watch Alice on fob. Call at this office and reoclve reward. Ladles wishing sewing done at their own homes or otherwise may phone Black 3788. Terms $1.00 per day. Mrs. J. L. Dennis. Lost Boston Brlndle bull dog, 4 - months old', ears undipped, bob tall, white streak on throat. "Buster" on collar. Answers to name of "Booze." Call Main 400 for reward. I want to locate you on an Improv ed homestead, spring, barn, and fenc ed; Joins forest reserve. Trade or cash. Address C, care this office. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Tlie Orpheum. 1. An Arcadian Maid. Biograph, 1000 feet long. Woe to him who will prey upon those of pastoral and bu coiio Inncence, for fate is sure to wreak vengeance and that vengeance is terrible. Such was the lot of the conscienceless villain who Imposed up on the trusting Innocence of the lit tie country maid. 2. The Detective's Dream. Pathe. 1000 feet. A bit of comedy which represents, possibly, the feelings of a detective who prides himself on abll ity to make important captures. 3. John Graham's Gold. Lubln, 1000 feet. A love story in which a woman who lost heavily on margins. sacrifices her daughter to an old miser to cover her debts and hide her from disgrace. 4. On the Ethoplan Frontier. Pa the. An excellent production showing some of the most interesting of that distant and almost unknown land. 6. Song Blue Feather. Tlie Pastime. "A Daughter of Dixie." Kalem, drama, 1000 feet. A love story with incidents of the civil war as a back ground. It Is an Interesting picture, but underlying the Interest is a sen timent that Is worth remembering and cultivating even now. "The Desperado." Essanay, com edy, 1000 feet long. This subject Is an exceptionally thrilling one, quite out of - the ordinary. "Manon." Pathe, drama. A dra ma adapted from Abbe Prevost's cele brated work of the same title. "Catching Lobsters." Education al. A picture of exceptional interest, as Is always the case when sea views of merit are Introduced, The Pastime. program for Tuesday's A fine change: "Mazeppa." Sellg drama, length 1000 feet, or the Wild Horse of Tar tnry; The sensation of the age In motion pictures. From Lord Byron's poem. A romantic love story of a wild race. The entire story Is given In a manner sensational In the ex treme and is sure to please all who demand high class film productions. "The Thief." Essanay, 1000 feet long. A novel detective story. The picture is made Interesting by show ing fhe thief at a reception, showing how he steals the jewels and the de tectives at work. "Getting Even With the Lawyer." Comedy. A lively comedy. "Breaking Up Ice In Finland." Ed ucational. Auto for Sale. Maxwell automobile for sale; good condition. Price very reasonable. Ad dress "S," this office. Read August Sunset. Read "The Philippines As I Saw Them," by General James F. Smith, ex-governor of the Philippines, and "California's Black Gold, the Ro mance of the Oil WellB," by Walter V. Woehlke, In Sunset for August, now on sale at all news stands, fifteen cents. For Sale Cheap or Rent A five acre tract In Riverside Park. Good house, barn and out buildings. Two miles east of city. Apply to Bentley & Leffingwell. PUTTUE 1LVT DRAWS BIO SWARM OF BEGS raris. Mme. Rodler. wife of a land owner at' Borne, was dozing In her garden when a swarm of bees attract ed hy her picture hnt surrounded her. With great presence of mind she went over to an empty hive and shook her hat Into it, whereupon the bees took possession. Mme Rodler was not stung. OF THOSE GERM PROOF FULPER. FILTERS WE NOW HAVE A SUPPLY They, a little ice, water from your hydrant and you have mountain water in your home. Just as pure, just as good and entirely free Aj AP ' i from contagion. PRICE . allU Up tKOEP P EN'S : J The Drug Store That Serves You Best I s T, jv WmfTTMW"! PERSONAL MENTION Tom Ennls of Walla Walla Is vis. Iting In the city. A. P. Fletcher of Nye, was a visitor in the city yesterday. H. A. Anderson of the planing mill leaves tonight for Spokane. Clark Nelson returned this morn ing from a fishing trip to Wenaha. Charles Hill returned yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Se attle. Attorney S. F. Wilson was a passen ger on the local train from Athena today. Miss Elva Turner was a passenger on the westbound local train this morning. Al Koeppen has returned to Pen dleton from his mountain home at Meacham. Miss A'LIIIyan Stanfield was among those leaving for Wenana springs Sat urday evening. Merle R. Chessman spent Sunday In Adams as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hampton. R. B. Stanfield of Echo came down on the forenoon local train from Wenaha springs. Herman Beverly of Athena came down on the local train this morning from that place. Miss Lora Perry has returned from an outing at Seaside and a visit with friends In Portland. Harry Gray left Saturday night for Portland to visit with relatives and enjoy a vacation. Miss Iva Hill returned this morn ing from Wenaha springs, where she had been visiting. Miss Vie Shea returned from Hil gard this morning after a week's visit with Miss Helen Hart. Col. and Mrs. J. F. McNaught left this forenoon for Hermlston after a short stay In the city. W. J. Furnish came down on the local train today from nis summer home near Wenaha springs. Louis Hagen and family have re turned from Lehman springs. They made the trip In their auto. Fred W. Lampkin left Saturday evening for Wenaha springs where he will sojourn until Thursday. Miss Edna Wlssler went to Port land yesterday where she will visit friends for the next two weeks. Miss Edna Storle left on No. 5 for Portland this morning to be the guest of Mrs. Robert Forstw at Seaside. James Kyle was here yesterday from Stanfield where he Is connect ed with the Columbia Land company Mrs. Llna Sturgis and son Cress left yesterday for Long Beach where they will spend the remainder of the summer. Edward D. Baldwin, private secre tary to Congressman W. R. Ellis, re turned this morning from a visit in Walla Walla. Miss Phyllis Parkes returned this morning from Wallowa lane, where she had been visiting as the guest of Miss Wilcox. Roy Sklles of the Clark hardware company, will return this evening from Long Beach, where he has been rusticating and "shooting" clams. Miss Bertha Anger left yesterday for Portland, where she will be the guest of the Misses Edna and Lavelle Florence for the next two weeks. John T. Whistler, former reclama tion engineer and who had charge ot the work of building the Umatilla project, arrived from Portland Sat urday evening. Miss Helen Knight, late of the T. B. Fish Wholesale Millinery company of Chicago, has arrived In the city and will be In charge of the trimming work at the Vogue millinery. Miss Marjorie Lyman, daughter of Prof. Lyman of Walla Walla, and who formerly held a position In the musical department of the Pendleton academy, arrived this morning and is the guest of Miss Adna Raley. Fred Vincent, northwest manager of the United Press, who has been spend ing his vacation with his father, Dr. F. W. Vincent.' In this city, returned to Portland yesterday to 'resume his duties. Miss Nancy Stevens of Indianolo, Nebraska, and who is assistant cash ier of the Indianolo state bank, is now here attending her sister, Miss Frankie Stevens, who s very ill with the fever, but Is recovering. TELL THEM GEORGE IS KING. Lord Roberts Official Announcer of Royal News. London. There will be a warm welcome and a cordial greeting wait ing for Lord Roberts when he arrives In Berlin late this month to apprise Emperor William formally of King George's accession to the British throne. Field Marshal Lord Roberts Is act ing as the special envoy of King George to the crowned heads of Eu rope, In giving official notification that George is now the presiding ruler of Great Britain and her allied terri tory. Although no intimation has been given, I would not be surprised If the kaiser Insists upon Lord Roberts re maining for the annual maneuvers of the entire German army early In September. If the English soldier is able to take advantage of this invita tion he will be the emperor's guest upon the field. Lord Roberts and his suite will be received at Wllhelmshohe on Aug ust 27. Emperor William does not hide his Intense admiration for England's two great soldiers; Lord Kitchener and Lord Roberts. Under ordinary circumstances Prince Arthur of Connaught would have taken part in some of them, but his royal highness can not be separ ated from his military duties with the Scots Greys In the. middle of the training season. Earl Roberts will proceed to Russia, Turkey and the Balkan states on a similar errand. MOTBTER OF 13 HAD ELEVEN FTR.ST NAMES Springfield, Mo. Mrs. Mary Sa mantha Sarah Lavlna Nancy, Lucre tla Henrietta Parthenla Arizona Ta bltha Dollle Jones-Hall-Wilding has paid her taxes for the first time, to Tax Collector E. G. Whlhte. She is 28 years old. When she was born 11 sisters asked that she be named after them. She was. She married when she was 13 years old and is the mother of 13 children. 3340 Yards OF NEW Laces, Vals, Irish Point, Two Thread, German -Lace Edges, Etc, A Choice New Assortment. COME AND SEE THEM Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money IX POUND. The following described anmal has been taken up by the Marhal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: One brown gelding, three years old. Branded A on left shouider; spilt face; two hind feet white. If animal is not claimed by the owner of those entitled to the pos session of them, costs and expenses against them paid and they taken away within ten days from the dnte hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m.'of the 6th day of August, 1910, the said animal will be sold to the highest hdder. at public aution, for cash, at the City Pound, located at the Oregon Feed Yard in said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be ap plied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dater this 15th day of August, 1910. TOM GURDANE, City Marshal. Permanent Muscular Strength can not exist where there Is not blood strength. Young men giving attention to muscular development, should bear this In mind. Hood's Sarsaparllla gives blood strength and builds up the whole system. COUNTESS IS NOT OF NOBLE BLOOD Berlin. One of the most romantic domestic stories that could be imag ined has been unfolded In the Ger man courts in which a countess of supposed noble birth was exposed as a foster daughter and the real child of a carpenter. The case has Just been concluded in the Imperial court at Lelpstc. In 1859 Count George von Voss, a member of one of the oldest families of the North German nobility, married in Galicia a woman of humble orl gin named Debaska. Their union proved childless. The count, how ever, felt deeply the absence of some being on whom he could lavish par ternal care and affection, and in his sorrow he bethought him that one of his sisters-in-law who was married to a carpenter, had four children, for whose bringing up too plentiful re sources were not available. The family was approached on the sub ject and eventually consented to aban don all claim to one girl, who was taken over by the count as his own daughter. To put the business on a thorough stable legal footing from the outset, he suborned a reprobate priest to issue him a forged birth cer tificate to the effect that the girl, Helen by name, was. In fact, his child and as such she figures this day -on the court calendars. When the child was 13 her aunt and adopted mother died, and the crunt took a second wife from his own worldly station. The new countess was Invited therefore and was initiated Into the secret of Helen's origin, but was threatened with death In case she should reveal It to another. Day by Day The maiden priced a diamond ring, It sparkled like the SUN. She liked the diamond very much But didn't have the MON. The maiden had no time to lose, . And folded up her ones and TUES. I've got a scheme she coyly said, I'll go and find a man and WED. She bundled up in clothes and furs And lisped I'll sharm the noble TIIURS. She didn't have so long to try. For she found him at an oyster FRI. And on her dimple finger fat, He slipped the diamond while they SAT. Wm. IIANSCOM THE Jeweler Dale Rotlnvcll, Optician. Married Prussian Officer. The girl was married to a Prussian army officer. Captain Udo von Grone. Later the count died. Thfc widow was sorely tempted, because the count neglected to leave a will, and, had she exposed the fraud of the girl's early life the entire estate would have gone to herself. The supposed mother suc cumbed to temptation. She threaten ed a law suit If the supposed countess should try to make trouble. Gets Cash Bather Than Inheritance. Countess von Voss had, however, reckoned without her host Captain von Grone, far from shunning the revelations as to his wife's parentage. took the Initiative in litigation, and before the widow knew where she was she found herself defendant Instead of claimant In the action. The cap tain's case was that he had been In duced to marry his wife by repre sentations that she was the child, an heiress of Count von Voss, and that consequently a fraud had been prac ticed upon him. He therefore, urg ed that the Countess von Voss, as her husband's heir and herself a party to the deception, should be compelled to pay him the sum of 13,000 pounds, to which he would have naturally been entitled, had his wife really been the count's daughter. The action has now been finally decided in the cap tain's favor by the imperial court. so that Frau von Grone will, at any rate, sutler no pecuniary loss through the disclosure of the secret of her birth. TflEY ALL DEMAND IT. Pendleton. Like Every City and Tow In the Union, Receives It People with kidney ins want to be cured. When one suffers the tor tures of an aching back, relief Is eagerly sought for. There are many remedies today that relieve but do not oure. Here la evidence to prove that Doan's Kidney Pills cure, and the cure is lasting. Mrs. Wesley Adcock, 414 E. Webb street Pendleton, Oregon, says: "About a year ago a member of our family was In bad shape with kidney trouble. This person had such severe pains in the back that work was an impossibility and the least lifting or any quick movement caused sharp twinges through the loins. Sound sleep was out of the question and on arising In the morning the paMent had no energy and felt very lame and sore. Doan's Kidney Pills were used on a friend's advice and the contents o five boxes effected a care. This preparation Is worthy of the bighi-t endorsement" For saj by all dealers. Pv:- It cents. Foster-Milburn Cj., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and tfcke no other. , It is better to be killed by hard times than to have to wont hard to kill time. Just Received Extra large line of Union Suits and Two-Piece Suits ...UNDERWEAR.,. For Early Fall Wear Light, medium and heavy weights $1.00 to $5.00 Per Garment IVORKINGMEITS CLOTHING GO. Less Expense Makes Our Prices Lower Strayed One black mnre. bald face, 2 years old. Branded J. O. on the right shoulder. 110 reward of fered for her wheivabouts. S. C. Kil gore. Middle Cold Spring. 5 room house and small barn on coiner lot. 60x100. on north side river, only $760. Lee Teutsch Back to Business Again Dr. F. A. CLISE wishes to announce that he can be found at his office In the John Schmidt building, Pendle ton, Ore. Eyes carefully examined, and glasses ground to fit. 30 year practice fitting glasses. The only ex elusive Eye Specialist In Umatilla county. Guns and Ammunition are in great demand at this season of the year, and we are especially ready to meet any and all wants in these lines We have just received a large ship ment New of Shells loaded this year, all of the poplar loads, the best powder, shot and shells made. We carry the largest and most com plete line of sporting goods in Eastern Oregon. When going hunting come in, we can help you. . The Taylor Hardware Co.