East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 09, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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t i
(Until the H sit of Seplteinniltoeir dDmily?
the Pacific Power & Light Co. will sell regular 05 rift
$5.50 Hot-Point Electric Irons, for only . . Viu a 3D UU
This reduction is being made to encourage the use of electricity for
domestic purposes they are not cheap irons, but the best grade to be obtained. Hot-Point Elec
tric Irons save fuel, heat, dirt, health and work in the way of carrying fuel and making trips to
and from a hot stove
r r w '. iS v"i
These Irons Will Be
on Sale at
John Vaughan's Electric Supply Store
815 Main Street
See Window
dren. from Tekoa, Wash., are here on
a visit at the home of Mrs. Noble'a
brother, I B. Davis.
Marshall Interferes in Drunken Brawl
and Narrowly Escapes Being Carved
Bystanders Assist In Arrest of
Italians Prisoners Brought to
Pendleton. t w
(Special Correspondence.)
Weston, Ore, Aug. 8. Four Ital
ians were placed in the city jail yes
terday evening charged with resisting
an officer and using a deadly weapon
In addition. A slighting or insulting
remark made by a harvester to some
Italians led to a scuffle to stop which
Marshall Snider interfered but was
met with resistance by the Italians
two of whom drew knives and attack
ed him. By-standers promptly knock
ed the men down in time to prevent
the carrying out of their intent. A
It was the knife used cut quite a gash
In the officer's hat. All of the com
batants were under the influence of
"near beer" but the Italians were in
no way interfering with those who,
by their insulting remarks, caused the
trouble. The prisoners will be taken
to Pendleton on this evening train
and will be brought before the court
by the district attorney, there being no
Justice of the peace here. The city
was greatly excited over the affair
and is the main topic of discussion
George Carmlcheal who has been in
attendance at the head camp of the
Woodmen of the World at Portland.
has returned.
Mrs. Maude Wright and little infant
daughter is here from Athena visiting
Clark E. Nelson !s up today from
Pendleton giving his attention to
business matters connected with his
interests In Weston Brickyard com
Mrs. Cort Noble and her two chll-
When the digestion Is all right, the
action of the bowels regular, there Is
a natural craving and relish for food.
When this is lacking you may know
that you need a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver ablets. They
strengthen the digestive organs, im
prove the appetite and regulate the
bowels. Sold by all dealers.
London. A feature of athletics so
far this year has been the number of
new champions, some of whom are
youthful, notably J. M. Till, "half;"
A. G. Hill, "four miles," and B. H.
Baker, high jump, all of whom give
promise of doing big things. Hill
made all the pace in four miles and
broke the tape In 20 minutes and 35
seconds real good running. Anoth
er promising performance at the
Stamford Bridge championship meet
last month was G. L. and E. Voight
and A. Anderson's 16 seconds for
hurdles on the sodden turf. He Is
cultivating the straight front leg style
and will improve.
The "mile" produced the best race
of the meet and E. Voight owed his
win to splendid, Judgment. F. J.
Baker of Cambridge university was
probably the best "miler" of the field,
but he displayed poor Judgment.
Voight delayed his effort until 200
yards from home, and overhauled the
tiring Baker on the straight, while
Owen was balked when trying to
come through and was beaten three
yards. The time was four minutes
26 3-5 secands, probably equal to 4
minutes 22 seconds.
Dysentery Is a dangerous disease
but can be cured. Chamberlain's Col
ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
has been successfully used In nine
epidemics of dysentry. It has never
been known to fail. It Is equally v?.l
uable for children and adults, and
when reduced with water and sweet
ened, it Is pleasant to take. Sold by
all dealer.
London. Some wag started the re
port that the English prize fighters
were going to form a union. This
news was cabled to the United States
where It caused a great deal of com
ment and, doubtless, a few smiles.
The committee of sporting writers,
headed by the weekly journal, "The
Sporting Life," is still trying with un
diminished vigor to have the interna
tional boxing board of control established.
Some time ago It was Intimated to
those sportsmen who had favored us
with their knowledge of the proposal
to create a board to control interna-
u Ntte
(Special Correspondence.)
Milton, Ore., Aug. 9. Professor W.
H. Martin of Columbia college has
purchased 1 1-4 acres of ground from
Mrs. Kizzie Hicks, consideration $1,
500. Mr. Martin will at once begin
the erection of a $2000 bungalow.
Miss Alice Reesland of La Grande,
and Miss Hoon, of Baker City, two
telephone operators, were the guests
tional boxing that we had presented ! of friends In this city over Sunday.
the whole evidence collected by us to Manager E. Breakenrldge of the
the National Sporting club, that we . local telephone office spent Sunday
had asked Mr. Bettinson to kindly
bring the matter before his commit
tee, and that the committee would
in La Grande on a visit to her par
C. J. Freeze representing the Spok-
consider the matter. Mr. Bettinson esman Review was transacting busl-
now informs us that a very represen- j ness in the city today,
tative committee, with the Earl of; Chas Hudson of the Mosgrove Co.,
Lonsdale in the chair discussed the . Is in the mountains on his vacation,
proposal. Mr. Bettinson further tells ' His place is being filled by his broth
us the whole committee were in entire : cr, Jake.
accord with the principal of the board.
In buying a cough medicine, don't
be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy.- There is no danger from It,
and relief Is sure to follow. Especial
ly recommended for coughs, colds and
whooping cough. Sold by all dealer.
World's Congress of Deaf Mutes.
Colorado Springs, Col. Many pef
anna rn m Ini.nt In tViA orlitnaHnn nf i
"""" i"""'""-" - ", occasion was
aeai mutes are assemunng iu v,uiw birthday.
rauu springs iur me wunu a uuii
gress of the deaf mutes, which is to
hold its sessions here during the next
few days. In connection with the
congress there has been prepared an
elaborate exhibitlion showing the abil
ity and skill in the Industrial arts of
persons deprived of speech and hearing.
Henry Barrett of Athena, passed
through Milton today in his car.
Miss Laura Mulr and Mrs. Arbogast
sisters of Mrs. Theodore Danner, have
returned from a visit to friends at
Pullman, Wash.
Miss Ivy Thompson spent the af
ternoon with friends at Freewater.
Mrs. Rudolph Sitka entertained a
party of about 50 guests at a lawn
dinner. at her residence a few miles
up the river Sunday afternoon. The
In honor of the lady's
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Miller and
party of young folks spent Sunday at
the power plant.
Mrs. Lena Gilliam and Adam Cros-
man of Walla Walla were the guests
of relatives here last evening.
Italian Letters of a Diplomat's Wife.
(M. K. Waddington.)
A delightful set of letters telling
In the first part of Italy twenty years
ago and In the second of Italy of to
day. Like many other women writers
as for instance Catherine Klrkland
in Some African Highways, Madame
Waddington gives many charming de
tails of her daily life. This gives a
sense of realty to her description of
places, for really after all the ma
jority of us are liable to remember
a place as much by what we had to
eat there as by its scenery or its his
torical association. The meeting of
agreeable people in one town will al
ways leave a pleasant memory of that
spot. And we meet all kinds and
descriptions of people in the Italian
letters. The author has a keen sense
of humor and is an excellent Judge
of character so that we get all sorts
of light and shade upon her fellow
But the description is not confined
wholly to people, rather they serve as
a setting to a most agreeable jaunt
through Rome, Venice, Turin, Naples
and many other well known places
that mllght almost be named at ran
For any one who cares to catch the
spirit of every day social life In mod
ern Italy, this book is admirable. The
numerous portraits also add to the
pleasure of the reader.
Be sure and take a bottle of Cham
berlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedv with vou when starting? on
The East Oregonlan is Eastern Ore- , your trIp thl8 summer. It cannot be
n'a representative paper. It lead, j obtained on board the trains or steam
ers. Changes of water and climate
often cause sudden attacks of diar
rhoea, and It Is best to be prepared.
Sold by all dealers.
and the people appreciate it and show
It y their liberal patronage. It Is
he advertising medium of the section.
"Keep Your Money in Pendleton"
Engraved m& tEmbossod
Calling Cords
Wedding Announcements
At. Home Cards
Any style ol type you wish
Letter Heads, Envelopes
Party Programs
Emblem Cards
Any form or design you may desire
TT We can furnish you with writing paper with your
i intial or two-letter monogram embossed opon it in
gold, silver or any color you want It comes 25 sheets
and 25 envelopes of fine cloth-finish fiflft vtf hfllf
linen, put up in a pretty box . . UUU JUI UUA
Disagreeable at Home.
Lots of men and women who are
agreeable with others, get "cranky"
at home. Its not disposition. Its the
liver. If you find In yourself that
you feel cross around the house, lit'
tie things worry you, Just buy a bot
tie of Ballarr's Herblne and put your
liver In shape. Tou ami everybody
around you will feel better for It.
Price 50 cents per bottle A. C. Koep
pen & Bros.
New York. If the Immigration of
ficials of this port could nave tneir
nav ttt-ln wnuM V forever barred
from entering this country, at least
through this city. The greatest con
cession which these officials would
be willing to make from this stand
is that all twins desiring to enter be
branded in such a manner as to insure
their easy and certain Identification.
"This drastic solution comes as a re
sult of one of the most perplexing rid
dles which immigrant officials have
ever been called upon to solve, involv
ing twin brothers, John and Andrew
Wnrn hv name, fomuared with them
the two Droinlos had absolutely no
resemblance, and the trouble wnicn
they gave the department Is not yet
The two, alike In weight and height,
wonrlnir similar mustaches ami dress
er! alike tn the Inst detail, arrived here
recently with the avowed Intention of
becoming citizens of this country. In
answering the questions, wnicn are
nut tr nrrlvlnir forelzners.' John made
admissions which disqualified him for
Then, when the Immigration offi
cials decided to deport John, Andrew
said he would go along Once at the
Islaml, ;n pair refused to say which
was which.
"Which of you Is John?" asked the
Inquiring member of the board of in
spectors, since no one could tell them
apart. ,
"Find out," said one of them
through an interpreter.
By a ru.se It was discovered which
was John and a chalk mark was
! placed on his back. The next day both
had crosses in chalk on their coats.
In the middle of the night they
changed coats for . fear they might
be identified, and finally the immigra
tion officials were about to give in.
Andrew had declared at the start that
if John was deported he, too, must go
back, but he refused to pay his way
In the steerage. So back they have
guiie, no one knowing which was
Before they sailed they said they
.M.mld be bai-k ugaln, but that they
would come separately and thus be
uble to enter the port at separate times
as Andrew.
Tbo East OregoiU&i. is Eastern Ore
gon's representative paper. It leads
and the people appreciate It and show
It by their liberal patronage.
Aberdeen, Wash. Public improve
ments In Aberdeen during the last 18
months have cost more than $1,000,
000. This sum Is represented largely
by street and sewer work. There are
also being put up business blocks that
will cost several hundred thousands
of dollars, and work Is being rushed
to complete the new $125,000 brick
and stone high school for occupancy
by pupils at the opening of the fall
term. Besides the evidences of
growth outlined above there Is being
spent $100,000 In opening up he res'
idence section In the hill district of
the Broadway part of town.
According to figures prepared by
City Engineer Charles W. Ewart
showing completed and Incompleted
public Improvements, Aberdeen has
reason to challenge any city of the
United States of its size to make a
better showing In the upbuilding line,
Of the total already stated, $569,681
80 has been paid out for street and
sewer work that has been completed.
Of the uncompleted improvements
the largest undertaking is the tide
flat fill west of Broadway, which will
cost $13,200. For the Terrace Hill
Improvement a $60,000 contract has
been let; also for the Second street
pavement $16,000; B street improve
ment $13,600, and G and I streets as
phalt paving to cost more tman $30,
000. The completion of present contracts
will give the city 25 miles of sewer
age. There are 8 1-2 miles of electric
railway In- the city and the municipal
water system's value Is put at $227,
000. In the business world Aberdeen
continues to advance and keep pace
with city Improvements. Two of the
largest undertakings that are looming
up arc on the principal thorough
fare, Hernnn street. W. B. Mack of
this city and J. B. Dabney of Oak
land, Cal., are erecting a two story
reinforced concrete store and office
building, 100x130 feet, which will cost
$76,000. Adjoining it C. M. Weather-
wax and associates are putting up a
similar building, to cost $60,000. J.
D. Cleary, formerly of the Grays Har
bor Railway company, who sold out
his Interests, has gone east to finance
the building of a five or six story of
fice and store structure at the corner
of Hernon street and Broadway.
Chicago. Mrs. Hilma Shasta an
swered an advertisement for a house
keeper last Thursday, was employed
last Monday morning, and before
noon had become Mrs. Charles Nat-
ner, wife of her employer, who, she
says, told her he was a farmer from
Johnson Creek, Ws. Shortly after
noon, on their way to Natner's farm
via the Chicago & Milwaukee electric,
Natner, she says, complained of a vi
olent pain in the stomach. They left
the car, and the bride waited while
the bridegroom went to a drug store
for medicine. He did not return and
Mrs. Natner, after searching, asked
the Evanston police to find him, as
she had been forced to canclude that
she had been deserted. Mrs. Natner
Is 35 years old and has two children.
The police say she nss divorced from
her first husband.
Read the "Want' ads today T
Acts directly and peculiarly
on the blood; purines, enriches
and revitalizes it, and in this
way builds up the whole sys
tem. Take.it. Get it today.
In usual liquid form or In chocolate
coated tablets called Sarsatabs.
Always pure and delivered
Central Meat Market
101 E. Alt St. Phone Mala SI.
Sickness !
Its Pure
Have a case delivered
to your home today. It's
healthful and invigorat
ing. We are , agents for
Umatilla county, both
wholesale and retail.
We have the latest Im
proved bottling machin
ery In eastern Oregon, and
bottle Root Beer, Soda,
Near Beer and soft drinks
by sanitary methods.
Pendleton Soda
Office Phone Black 8401.
Works Phone, Black S881