EIGHT PAGSS. VAZLT EAST 0REX30NIAK, PENDLBTOH, ORBGOK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1910. Tonight after Supper From 6 to 9 O'clock The Greatest Shoe Sale ever held in Pendleton. Just 3 Hours of Fast and Furious Shoe Selling Any Black Oxford or Pump in the house values $3.50, $4 fcO A K and $5, Your Choice M J Any Tan Oxford or Pump in the house values $3.50, $4 1 and $5, Your Choice M F. E. Livengood Co. The Ladies' and Children's Store. i LOCALS Try Mark Patton sanitary barber. Automobile for hire, day or night Phone Main 74. For Sate Piano and household fur niture. Phone Red 1933. Lot 100x50 on Webb street; bar rain; only 1100. Lee Teutsch. Home cooked meals and good rooms reasonable at 60S Willow street Think, only $200 required to set good 6-room house. Lee Teutsch. Lot good location on Main street can be bought for $175. Lee Teutsch. More moving pictures shown than any other theater In the city the Pastime. 220 acres Umatilla wheat land, 25 bushel crop Just harvested; price only IIS per acre. Lee Teutsch. Wanted Help for general house work. Apply mornings. Mrs. W. L Thompson, 603 Water street. Bastern parties want to rent wheat land with option to buy; Address V. B. Shivers, Pendleton, Oregon. Try one of those, cartful, sanitary shares at Mark Patton's barber shop. Old Privett stand. Phone Main 417. For sale A Westfleld driving mare weighing 1100 lbs., works single or double. Abe Molstrom, Adams Ore., R. R. D. S. Lost Oold watch between Marie and Main streets. M. D. on watch Alice on fob. Call at this office and receive reward. Billiard, pool, cigar and confection ery business that is paying handsome profit can be bought very reasonable. Lee Teutsch. Ladles wishing sewing done at their own homes or otherwise may phone Black 3786. Terms $1.00 per day. Mrs. J. L. Dennis. Bond for $200 In the Interstate Tel ephone company of Oregon for sale for one hundred fifty dollars cash. AdJress "H," this office. Wanted Position on ranch by young man and wife. Tear 'round Job preferred. Competent to take com plete charge. Address "C." this office. Good house 3 lots. This property can be bought for 31800. It Is well worth 33000 and was sold for 33600 at one time. This is a splendid In vestment. Lee Teutsch. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Tlie Orpheum Sunday and Monday 1. A Rosemary for Remembrance. Lubln drama, 1000 feet long. The strength of this story can not be ques tioned. This Is perhaps proved by the distinct feeling of sadness which fol lows the film. ' 2. Darling Confusion. Essanay com edy. A rattling good comedy with a laugh In every foot. 3. Haunted by Conscience. Kalem, 1000 feet. A military drama, out of the ordinary and abounding in absorb ing situations. Everyone who admires a strong drama will like it. 4. The Other Johnson. Essanay comedy. When Johnson receives let ters Informing him that he Is heir to a large fortune he begins to realize what a peculiar young man he is, but when a telegram arrives saying he Is the wrong man. The Pastime. The following program for Sunday's change. "A Flash of Light." Blograph, drama, length 1000 feet The differ ence between sincere affection and caprlclods Infatuation. Most unique Is the plot of this blograph film story. It shows how a young chemist became infatuated with the youngest of two sisters despite the sincere love of the eldest for him. "The Way of the Red Man." Sellg, drama, 1000 feet. The story is one of unusual Interest and holds one in suspense throughout. "Ferdie's Vacation." Lubin, com' edy, 1000 feet. Ferdie was tired of working In a hot office and he plan ned to work the "sick sister" excuse, and that Is what starts the fun. Auto for Sale. Maxwell automobile for sale; geod condition. Price very reasonable. Ad dress "S," this office. Lot 60x100 on West Webb street worth 3275, price today only 3100. Lee Teutsch. SPORTS Pacific Coast League. W. L. P.C. San Francisco 68 17 .544 Oakland .67 60 .627 Portland 64 64 .526 Vernon . . 64 59 .520 Los Angeles .62 65 .488 Sacramento .47 73 .392 PERSONAL MENTION COAST LEAGUE. Sacramento 4; Frisco 3. Sacramento, Aug. 6. In a game that went ten Innings which was full of fighting and sensational work by Holders, Sacramento defeated San Francisco yesterday afternoon 4 to 3. The deciding run came In the tenth when Weister worked around to third on two singles and a sacrifice, scoring when Boardman hit to McArdle and Berry failed to touch him at the plate on the throw-In. The Seals crowded about and Jostled Umpire Van Haltren following him to his dressing room. Score: R. H. E. San Francisco 3 8 2 Sacramento .. ., 4 12 2 Browning and Berry; Nourse and LaLonge. Portland 2; Oakland 1. San Francisco, Aug. 6. Cutshaw's error at second scored Olson in the eighth inning of the game yesterday when the score stood 1 to 1 and Portland had broken the ary spell by annexing the game. Gregg dealt a variety of puzzling shoots to the Oak. landers that kept them fanning the air and when the gamewas over it was seen that he had retired 10 men by the one, two, three route. Port land scored In the fourth and Oak land evened things up two innings later. In the eighth Ryan flew to Ho gan, Olson singled. Rapps was out Olson going to third. Fisher hit and Cutshay missed, Olson registering. Score: R. H. E. Portland ..2 4 1 Oakland 1 4 3 Gregg and Fisher; Moser and MItze. Vernon 6; Angels 5. Los Angeles, Aug. 6. With two out for Vernon In the tenth Inning, Daly, center fielder for the Angels, dropped Coy's fly and R. Brashear romped home, giving the Villagers the game 6 to 6. Yesterday's victory made it three out of four for Hogan's men. As was the case Thursday, Los Angeles led in the run getting, and apparently had the game safe until the seventh when Hogan sent Hosp In to bat for him and started the break which net ted three runs and made It a tie. Af ter that the prospects were for a long session, until Daly's error came in the tenth. Score: R. H. E. Vernon $ 7 4 Los Angeles 5 9 J Sharer, Brackenrldge, Willett, Ho gan and Hasty; Delhi, Criger, Smith and Orendorff. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. Seattle, Aug. 6. Frist's scratch hit over the right field fence In the first Inning gave Spokane a 1 to 0 victory over Seattle yesterday in the fastest and best played game of the season. Score: R. H. E. Seattle 0 3 0 Spokane 1 j 3 Joss and Hemenway; Baker and Ostdlek. Taooma 3; Vancouver 1. Tacoma, Aug. 6. The Tigers bunch ed hits on Smith in the fifth inning and took a lead that Vancouver could not overcome. Hall pitched a pretty game until the last two Innings when he lost control and gave the visitors plenty of chances to tie the score. Mc Fadden got the longest hit ever made on the grounds, when he rapped the ball against the right field fence. Just missing clearing It. Score: R. H. E. Tacoma 2 8 3 Vancouver 1 4 2 Hall and Blankenship; Smith, Jen sen and Lewis. Carver Insane. Washington. Aug. 6. William J. Carver, the young newspaper man who ten days ago arose early and hurled his ll-months-old son about the room so violently that he died a few hours later, was declared yesterday to have been insane at the time he committed the'deed. HINTS FOR THE PUTINS A few things you might forget before leaving and may need before returning, so lets anticipate a possible annoyance and lay in a full supply, However should you forget, a mail order will receive the care and attention as were it given over our counter The useful and sometimes necessary ' Alcohol stoves, bathing caps, drinking cups, - hand brushes, playing cards, IngersoII watches, 11.00; fountain pens, soap boxes, tooth brushes, hand mirrors, hair brushes, lather brushes, shaving mugs, shaving soaus, stationery, cloth brushes. Chamois skins, face and toilet combs, cork screws, complexion brushes, bath towels, atomizers, curling irons, emery boards, Ink, Jewel boxes, knives, manicure scissors, nail files, powder puffs, souvenir post cards, razors, razor strops, sponges, wash rags. Peroxide Hydrogen, cold cream, Arnica, Denver Mud (an tlphlogistlne), . alcohol, boric acid, bandages, bay rum, cotton, adhesive plaster, paregoric, liquid court plaster, court plaster, poison oak remedy, witch hazel, face powder, freckle cream, glycerine, Jamaica ginger, headache remedy, liniment, carbolic salve, toothache remedy, quinine, shampoo preparation, vase line, tooth powder, tooth paste. K E V P E m 9 The Drug Store That Serves You Bed. XATIOXAL LEAGtE. Xew York, Aug. 6. The Chicago Cubs yesterday afternoon fell before the mighty Mathewson and lost the last game of the series, after taking three straight. Kroh, the Cubs' twlr ler. was hit hard and the Giants scor ed 10 runs. Mathewson allowed the Cubs six hits and one run. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 1 6 2 Xew York 10 12 1 Kroh and Kling; Mathewson and Meyers. At Boston First game: R. H. E. Cincinnati g 6 4 Boston 3 ( 2 Beebe, Gasper and Clarke; Curtis and Graham. At Boston Second game: R. h. E. Cincinnati 0 2 2 Boston , 4 IS 2 Gasper, Burns and Clarke; Mattern an?,Smlthl, imUKl At Brooklyn First game: r. h. E. St. Louis 0 2 5 Brooklyn 3 9 0 Willis and Phelps; Rucker and Erwin. At Brooklyn Second game: R. h. E. St. Louis 1 5 3 Brooklyn g 9 0 Harmon and Phelps; Bell and Er win. At Philadelphia R. H. E. Pittsburg 1 g 0 Philadelphia 7 15 0 ' Camnitz, Webb, Maddox and Gib si.n; Elmore and Dooln. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Cleveland First game: r. h. E. Boston , .' .'. 7 15 3 Cleveland 3 13 3 Hall and Camigan; Harkness and Bemls. . At Cleveland Sooond Game: r. h. E. Boston , g 14 4 Cleveland ,,3 7 2 Smith and Carrlgan; Koestner and Easterly. At St. Louis R. H. E. Philadelphia ....9 5 1 St. Louis 5 9 2 Plank and Thomas; Powell and Stephens, Allen. Isaac Christopher Is down from his farm near Adams. Walla, has been In the city today on professional business. Jack McPhail, a prominent Adams rancher, is In the city today. L. J. MoAtee aund family have gone to Lehman springs for an outing. Asa B. Thomson came up this morning from his home near Echo. J. H. Reld of Hermiston, is tran sacting business in Pendleton today. Winn Stewart was a passenger on the Northern Pacific train this morning. J. M. Crawford of Walla Walla, Is over from the Garden city to care for private Interests. H. I. and W, A. Dike have been over from North Yakima to transact bus iness In this county. D. B. Bailey and family returned this morning from a visit with friends at Stanfield and Hermiston. Mrs. Jess Saling and two children left last evening for the mountains where they will enjoy an outing. Gus Arp of Adams, returned home last evening, after transacting busi ness in Pendleton during the day. J. J. Dodson of Nye, Or., Is in the city on his way to Eugene where he expects to spend the rest of the summer. B. A. Marquis and wife of Adams came down this morning on the local and have been . trading at the local stores. J. J. Hamley of the Hamley har ness company, returned last evening from a brief vacation spent at Long Beach. Mrs. S. W. McClure, who has been spending the warm season at Mea cham, came down from that place this morning. C. L. Sawyer, liveryman at Stan- field, is transacting business In Pen dleton today. He Is recently from Oklahoma. A. C. Crawford, a prominent real estate man of Hermiston, xiame up from that place this morning on the motor car. E. C. Salser, pump operator for the Newport Land & Construction com pany at Hermiston, is up from that place today. .... Frank Nodo came In this morning from the west end of the county where he has "been working In the harvest fields. Robert Stanfield came up last eve ning from his home in the west end of the county and Is transacting bus iness here today. Miss Pauline Lederle of La Grande is expected over this evening to spend Sunday with her father at St. Anthony's hospital. L. W. Furnas, one of the pioneer residents of the Hermiston country, came up from that place this morn ing on the motor car. Members of the United Orchestra left on today's local train for Mea cham where they will furnish music for the dance tonight. Mrs. S. Reetz and children came in this morning on the Northern Pacific train from Seattle, where they had been visiting relatives. J. T. Hoops leaves this afternoon for Havana station, where he will be In charge of the Interior warehouse Attorney Marvin Evans of Walla Gus Freeman, who has been rus ticating at Lehman springs for the past month, has returned. Mr. Free man thinks there Is no place like Leh man. D. B. Waffle and wife and J. C. McConnell, wife and family, have re turned from Meacham, where they have been camping for the past few weeks. H. L. Moody, a prominent real es tate man of Spokane, came down from that place yesterday and In company with E. P. Marshall left this morn ing for Stanfield. Bert Wilson, claim agent for the O. R. & N spent a few' hours in Pen dleton last evening while on his re turn from an official visit to Star busk, Washington. Maurice Smith, day ticket agent at the O. R. & N. depot, has gone to his ranch at White Salmon. Washing ton for a few days. His place at the window is being filled by William Da vis, the night clerk. i At Detroit R. H. E. New York 6 8 2 Detroit ; 9 11 4 Ford, Fisher and Mitchell; Dono van and Schmidt. At Chicago R. H. E. Washington 2 5 2 Chicago .....5 6 1 Gray and Henry; White and Payne. Fresh Fish Meats and Sausages EVERY DAT. We handle only the purest of lard, hams and bacon. Empire Meat Go. Phone Main 18. Back to Business Again Dr. F. A. CLISE wishes to announce that he can be found at his office In the John Schmidt building, Pendle ton, Ore. Eyes carefully examined, and glasses ground to fit. 30 yean practice fitting glasses. The only ex clusive Eye Specialist in Umatilla county. See Our New FALL GOODS The New Kabo Corset Styles for Fall $1.00 to $5.00 White Linen Tailored Waists $4.75 te $7.30 Late Styles In Wool Dress Skirts $4.50 to $15.00 Silk Underskirts with Persian flounce . . $5.00 t0 $12.00 New Zephyr Gingham, plain and fancy 12 12 New Galatea Cloth 20 New Flannelettes and Kimona Cloths 12 12 to 18 New Percales, 36-In. 12 1-2 New Outings at 10 and 12 12 New Curtain Materials 12 1-2 to 35 New Night Gown Twill at , 20 McCail September Patterns and Magazines Now here Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money DRINK UP! YoujUon't have to dunk up a thirst it comes frequently enough these hot days. Just think of our thirst-quenching fountain drinks try one and the thirstj is forgot ten. Pure, -delicious, sanitarily served soda water just the right degree of flavor just the right coldness. Plain or fancy drinks. Ice cream and fruit combinations. JUST TRY "FruiL-Malt" The Invigorating Thirst-Quencher Tho Pondloton Drug Go. The Mark of Quality. Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens!!!' All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old For choice di maul ones phone yodr order night before. We drees none except for orders so If you like cold storage pooltry patronise the other fellow or store yourself. East End Grocery Res. Phone B. 1561. Telephone Main 536 Job Printing, Tel. Main i BIG SAVING IN SOX We bought at a close figure 300 doz. Sox regular 1 5c quality in Blacks and Tans that we have Q I placed on Sale, for Pair . O I "OC $1.00 The Box YORKINGMEN'S CLOTHING GO. Corner Main and Webb Streets