East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 06, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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'Alexandeip's Qre&t AnagMS
Must Make Room for Mammoth Fall Stock Already Coming in
All Kinds of This Seasons Merchandise in Full and Broken Lines to Select From at Greater Reductions.
Ladies Pongee, Messaline and
Lingerie Dresses Placed on Sale
at 10 percent Less than Cost
$30.00 Lavender stripe Messaline materials $22.00
$20.00 Tonpeo. embroidered . $16.50
$30.00 Green Messaline, trimmed in black $22.00
$25.00 Maroon, White Stripe, taffeta silk :....$17.00
$30.00 Blue Polka-dot, accordeon pleated Foulard, braid
trimmed $19.00
$30.00 Olive Green Taffeta, tailored effect, button trimmed,
$22.50 Gray Taffeta, Venetian lace yoke $18.50
$20.00 Brown, green and white checked, Maltese lace yoke
; $15.00
$30.00 Gray and white polka-dot, Soutache braid, tucked
sleeves $19.00
Long Silk Glove Sale
Black, white, blue and pink, tan, Copenhagen, champagne, navy,
$1.75 and $1.25 values, special at 8f
Also a full line of Kayser double tipped in black and white and
colors. Wrist length, best silk at 48
Ladies Shoe Department
All $5.00, $4.50, $4.00 and $3.50 Pumps and Oxfords, Sweep
price '. - - - $2.50
All $3.00, $2.75, $2.50 Pumps and Oxfords Sweep pr. $1.50
Children Shoe Department
All Oxfords 12 1-2 to 5's, Misses size, $2.25 to $3 values,
Sweep price .. - - $1.49
$1.50 to $2.00 values, Sweep price $1.15
Now for an extra special lot of Misses' and Children's Ox
fords, Ladies Oxfords and small size Sorosis fhoes, all in bins
for you to select from, $1.25 to $4 value
Extra Sweep Price 50c
New Fall Shipments of Shoes Arriving Every Day.
Extra Care taken in Fitting Shoes Properly.
Lord and Taylors Oynx Hosiery
75c Onyx Laco Hosiery, champagne, French blue, suede
brown, Morocco red, mustard, ambre, reseda. This season
Veil Known I id I ml Farmer Has
Xurrow Encaix- W-oond Ktroke He
Has Hud Former Young Women
of City Jtetnni From Alberta.
Special Values in Ladies' Corsets, Suits, Etc.
Celebrated "Miller" Corsets ex. long skirts, $1.50 val, $1.00
Celebrated "Miller" Corsets, ex. long skirts, $1.00 val.....75
New styles and complete run sizes in Misses' corsets each 75
Pongee Jacket Suits, was $27.00, now $19.00
I'oiifree Jacket Suits, was $30.00, now . $22.00
Trimmed and black and light blue, strictly tailored.
Pongee Long Coats, was $8.00, now $6.00
Full line of Kenyon
prices from
Automobile Coats in all colors
$8.00 to
and all
Orpheum Theatre
1. p. MKDERXAC H. ProirletoT .
For Men, Women and Children)
Program Change on Sundays, Tuesday's and Friday'.
A certain Irishman was very
proud of a huge bulldog he possessed,
which was his constant companion.
One day a friend met him without
the dog and looking very disconso
late. "Well" he asked, "and how Is that
dog of yours doing?"
"Oh, he's dead. The lllgant baste
wlnt and swallowed a tape measure."
"Oh, I see. He died by Inches,
"No, sure he didn't. He went
around In the back of the house an'
died by the yard "
(Special Correspondence.)
Athena, Ore., Aug. 5. A. J. Willaby,
a prominent retired farmer of this
city, suffered a very severe epileptic
stroke at 9:30 yesterday morning and
hj, was very near death's door.
Mr. Willaby was Bitting In his home
yesterday morning and although not
feeling very well, he was not very ill,
The stroke came on him very sudden
ly and his wife hearing the noise,
rusbed from the kitchen and found
him almost gone. Her cries for as
sistance brought several of the neigh-
bors in to aid her and by holding him
up and working his arms, Mr. Willaby
was brought to consciousness. Dr,
Newsome, having been summoned In
the meantime, arrived on the scene
and by hard, steady work he was able
to bring Mr. Willaby out of the spell. I
Today his condition has Improved and
it is thought that probably he will re-cover.
Mr. Willaby quit farming several
years ago, leaving his land in the
care of his sons, and came to this
city to spend the rest of his days
quietly and peacably; but this is the
second epileptic attack that he has
had. . He and his family are esteemed
very highly In this communty and
the news of his almost fatal attack
yesterday was received very gravely
by all.
Mrs. Arthur Douglas, daughter of
Geo. Cross of this city, and Mrs. Fred
Cross, daughter of John Keene, of
this community, arrived several days
ago from Alberta, where they have
been almost two years. Their hus
bands, two well-known young men of
this vicinity, did not return however,
as they had a crop of wheat In that
country, which had to be taken care
of before they could cross the line
One Mai;
constipation permanently by proper
personal co-operation with the bene
ficial effects of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna, when required. The
forming of regular habits Is most im
portant and while endeavoring to
form them the assistance of Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna is most val
uable, as it is the only laxative which
acts without disturbing the natural
functions and without debilitating and
it is the one laxative which leaves the
internal organs in a naturally healthy
condition, thereby really aiding one In
that way. To get Its beneficial effects,
buy the genuine manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for
sale by all leading druggists. Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna is never
classed by the well-informed with
medicines which make extravagant
and unfounded claims to cure habitual
constipation without personal co-operation.
8Utc of Ohio, City of Toledo, Local Covav
Frank J. Cheney makea oath that he li
eolor partner of tbs firm of F. i. Ck
ney to., dotal Business la tl city
Toledo, Connty and State aforesaid, sad
mac said nrm win pay tnc aom of oiim
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every
case of Catarrh that cannot ke cored by
the cae of Boll's Catarrh Car.
Sworn to before ate and subscribed la
my pnaence, tola flth day of December, A.
D. I860.
(Seal) Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cnre la taken Internally
and acta directly on the blood and tnorooa
aur faces of the system. Bead for testimo
nials free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O,
Sold by all Druggists, TBe.
Take Hall's Family rills for constipation.
"Keep Your Money in Pendleton"
EoiiOTQd m HoiiEiossQd
If Calling Cards
Wedding Announcements
At Home Cards
Any style of type you wish
Letter Heads, Envelopes
Party Programs
Emblem Cards
Any form or design you may desire
We can furnish you with writing paper with your
intial or two-letter monogram embossed opon it in
aold. silver or anv color vou want. It comes LD sheets
and 25 envelopes of fine cloth-finish
linen, put up in a pretty box . .
60c per box
(Special Correspondence.)
Umatilla. Ore., Aug. 5. Mr. and
Mrs. C. V. Kellogg of Hermiston wers
visitors here Wednesday. Mrs. Kel
logg has gone on an extended trip to
the East.
H. W. Jessie, the operator, has gone
on a short visit to Winona and other
John Dunn succeeds Mr. Anthony,
night ticket agent here. Mr. and
Mrs. Anthony will leave shortly for
Ptarbuck where they will reside In
the future, Mr. Anthony having ac
cepted a position as operator there.
Bathing parties seem to be very
popular this season. Last night a
party of ;.- or 30 enjoyed the cool
waters of the Columbia, motoring and
going In teams. The party returned
home at 9 p. m. and seemed to have
enjoyed themselves Immensely.
Mrs. Jeff Stephens Is visiting friends
at Union.
Commercial men in town today are
F. E. Bishop, Portland; J. T. Adams,
Aurora; W. D. Winters, San Fran
cisco. The club had their regular weekly
dance last evening.
Miss Mappin of Walla Walla, is vis
iting her brother W. W. Moppin for a
few days.
S. Oves of Mercer. X. I")., was here
today enronte to Portland.
H. A. Belalny, prominent Portland
ousiness man, was here todav on a
business trip.
C. J. Forsyth, the operator, who
had been on a visit to his home In
the east has returned.
I. J. Egan of the Scott Joins Co.
alia Walla, is a visitor here today.
F. S. McMahon of Portland, is call
ing on his customers here today.
Dates Will Ho So Arrange! That
Tliere Will lie So Conflicts.
Portland, Or. A new alignment of
all the Chautauqua associations of the
Pacific coast, so that there will be
no conflict In dates or lack of co-operation
in routing of talent is ex
pected to cccur at a meeting that
will probably be held September 15.
Representatives of the Coast Chau
tauquas are now planning to meet to
bring about the above objects and the
Albany Chautauqua association, of
Albany Or., will invite the different
representatives to gather there. Wal
lace R. Struble. secretary of the Al
bany association, is sending out invitations.
It is believed this meeting will re
sult In a better working basis for all
the coast chautauquas. It is thought
it will bring about more perfect ar
rangements for handling the speakers
who come on the Chautauqua circuit
and will likely enable the different as
sociations to secure better attractions.
It Is expected arrangements will be
made wbereby speakers who are too
high priced for any one Chautauqua
to bring west will be routed around
the coast circuit, all sharing In the
expense of the trip and thus making
the cost to the individual associations
much less than would otherwise be the
All these details will be worked out,
it is expected, at the meeting now
scheduled for September 15.
Dysentery Is a dangerous disease
but can be cured. Chamberlain's Col
ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
has been successfully used in nine
epidemics of dysentry. It has never
been known to fall. It Is equally val
uable for children and adults, and
when reduced with water and sweet
ened, it is pleasant to take. Sold by
all dealers.
mnn troi mlfs.
A trained ostrich recently discon
certed its exhibitor at a music hall
by continually endeavoring to break
away from all restraint and to climb
over the foolights Into the orchestra.
The widely advertised act came to
a sudden end and the professor em
erged from behind the curtain and
apologized for the actions of his pet
In about these words:
"Ladles and Gentlemen Hi ham
very sorry to disappoint you this
hevenlng. We are compelled to cease
our hengagement until the manage
ment hengages a new orchestra leader.
"The one at present hemployed 'ere
'as no 'air on top of 'is 'ead and my
bird takes it for a hegg." Tld-BIts.
Sacramento, Calif. So great Is the
demand for space for exhibits at the
coming state fair that the directors
of the California State Agricultural
ociety are planning extensive ad
ditions to the present accommodations
at the fair grounds. Xew sheds. .cor
rals, and stock pens are being built,
and a number of large tents, with
board floors, will be utilized to house
the myriad exhibits.
Secretary Filcher is fairly over
whelmed with applications for space,
and the directors now assert positive
ly that the fair will be an extraordi
nary success. This success will be
largely due to the energy of the lead
ing business men of Sacramento In
arranging a "Fiesta of the Dawn of
Gold" as r.n adjunct to the fair. The
magnificent program which has been
prepared for the fiesta is a powerful
attraction. Letters are received sally
by the committee, many of them from
the far eastern states, asking for In
formation and details of the fair and
fiesta. It is now believed that the
original estimate of 200.000 visitors
during fai.- week, will have to be re
vised, and it looks as though that
number will be greatly exceeded.
Senator Penrose was talking on one
of the Atlantic City piers about the
stormy "Electktra" of Richard
"Strauss is very original," said a
listener, "but, senator, do you think
his theory of music is sound?"
"Yes, Indeed all sound," was the
Sickness !
Its Pure
. Have a case delivered
to your home today. It's
healthful and Invigorat
ing. We are agents for
Umatilla county, both
wholesale and retail.
We have the latest Im
proved bottling machin
ery In eastern Oregon, and
bottle Root Beer, Soda,
Near Beer and soft drinks
by sanitary methods.
Pendleton Soda
Office Phone Black 8401.
Works Phone, Black 2881
Fort St. James
Oa Lake Stuart,
This is destined to be the Portland
it British Columbia, on a navigable
river and deep water lake with two
trains running in next fall.
Letters pour Into our office all day
with applications for lots. To those
who cannot come in we would do our
utmost to make a good selection.
Price $100 and $200 each. Cash
$25.00, balance $10.00 a month. A
few 40 acre farms Joining Fort St.
James townslte and Lake Stuart,
$50.00 cash and $10.00 a month.
Vou newd not be a Canadian Cltlien
to Hold This.
Tou need not improve It, nor you
need not reside on It. All this land
Is on. or near the railroad. Grand
Trunk Pacific, Alaska Tukon, and
Canadian Northern railroads.
Rich farm lands, $8.60 per acre,
IS. 00 cash, and balance $1.00 per acre
per year until paid.
804, 805 and 808 Lewis Building,
Portland, Oregon.
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
Every Woman
is werwitia ana nuu,a md"w
t the wooiiernit A
Marvel "S
Afk rear drnorist I
It. If h einnot sniiply
U MARVKL. sewpt no
other, hut ia tamr ?v 1
'i'inI book oenled. It rtvva Kill
v...iicnlitr siul directions lnrUuaMs
olitltm. SUtVU. CO. 44 t.tit St. TSft