East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 04, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Fair tonight and Fri
day; warmer Friday.
Calling card, wed
ding stationery, com
mercial stationery and
Job printing to erder
at the East Oregonlan.
VOL. 23.
NO 6972
t -V, ; ft
AUorney for Accused Doctor
Wins Battle Against Scot
land Yard.
to Irovo Body round That of Crip
Hud Found New Evidence Tending
to Prove Body Found That of Crip
pen's Wire In Hopes That Doctor
Would Confess Officers Leave for
Canada to Help Heluru Prlhonetn
Relieved That Crlpi)en Has Made
London, Aug. 4. Attorney Newton,
representing Doctor Hawley Crlppen,
today won his fight with Scotland
Yard over the production of evidence
alleged to be found tending to estab
lish fully the Identity of the body
found in the Crippen cellar. The po
lice were compelled to admit they
have found nothing new and that
their statement was made In the hopes
Of inducing Crippen to confess. Ser
geant Mitchell, and Matrons Foster
and Stone left today to assist in re
turning Crippen and Mine. Lencvc.
Believed Crlpcn Confessed.
Quebec, Aug. 4 Inspector Dew
virtually admitted today that Doctor
Crippen had made a statement re
garding the disappearance of his wife.
He said: "1 believe I can secure a
satisfactory statement from Crippen.
but the English law forbidB me po
lishing of a prisoner's confession."
Philadelphia, Aug. 4. The family
reunion habit Is more prevalent in
Pennsylvania than any other state In
the Union, and the first week In Au
gust finds the season for such gather
ings tin lu full blast. Following the
reunion of the Clouds In Chester coun
ty yesterday, the Hallman family Is
gathering today at Chestnut Hill Park.
The pare elan and the Grlcks will
hold their annual meetings on Satur
day, the former In Montgomery
county and the latter In Litltz, Lan
caster county. Other notable reunions
to be held In Pennsylvania this month
Include the Raers. who count the pres
ident of the Reading railway as a
member, and the Hoovers, who will
assemble Aug. IT.
While some of the many reunions
ore I n til or state affairs, others at
tract members of the family from all
over the United States and from for
eign lands and are truly national In
scope. Sime of the reunion associa
tions 'are regularly incorporated and
have thousands of members. Several
families Including the Hunslckers, the
Gotlchulks and the Bergeys, are en
gaged In compiling family histories,
which will be published In elaborate
bonk form.
Los Angeles, Aug. 4. The nntl-re-electlon
clubs of Mexico, numbering
practically all of Diaz's enemies will
on September 15th petition the Mex
ican congress to declare the recent
"eleetliui of Diaz void on the ground
that the whole election na farclal,
and a disgrace to Mexican standing
with the world. Gullorrez DeLasa, an
officer of the Mexican Liberty League
today said the petition Is now being
Mackinac, Mich.. Aug. 4. Speaker
Cannon refused today to discuss the
results of the Kansas primaries but
pointed out that there were also pri
maries In Oklahoma and Missouri. Ho
said: "1 have nothing to say during
my vacation concerning the Kansas
primaries and the Iowa convention.
Perhaps when all of the returns are In
I will make a statement. One thing
you might remember Is that primaries
are also being held In Missouri and
Washington Aug. 4. That Presi
dent Madrlz of Nicaragua Is friendly
toward the United States Is the mes
sage of Dr. Sebastian Salinas, a spe
cial envoy who has come to lay tho
situation before the state department.
Salinas told the correspondents his
country is friendly towards this coun
try. Roosevelt Is Silent.
New York, Aug. 4. Colonel Roose
velt returned to Oyster Bny today. He
refused to discuss his Pennsylvania
trip or Kansas and Iowa politics.
A plant always shows In Its growth
and form the kind of care It receive.
Children are human plants and sub
ject to the same Influences.
National Compulsory Military Service
Likt-ly to He (.real Issue.
London.i The recent article of
Admiral Mahiin, the preat American
naval authority, on the German fleet
and England's readiness fur a great
war, has caused n tremendous lot of
discussion In the lobby of the house
of commons during the past few days.
Admiral Mahan hinted that some
form of compulsory military service
was strongly advisable, and It Is an
open secret that several labor mem
bers are In favor of It, and that Sir
Edward Grey and Lord Morley are two
members of the cabinet who are not
vigorously opposed to It Mean
while It Is freely predicted In the lob
by of the house thai once the peers
question Is out of the way the great
Issue between the parties will be that
of national military servrce.
Racing nt Saratoga.
Saratoga, X, Y., Aug. 4. Saratoga
Springs today reclaimed some of Its
old-time prestige ns the center for the
summer society and sporting set of the
country. Thousands of people are al
ready thronging the hotels and more
are arriving hourly, attracted by what
may be the last great race meeting to
be held at the famous Spa. The pro
gram at the famous track opens this
afternoon with the Saratoga Handi
cap for three-year-olds at a mile and
a quarter as the feature of the card.
During the twenty-one days of rac
ing, nearly a quarter of a million dol
lars will be distributed among owners
of racers. The list of stakes and fea
tures number twenty-eight. All of the
old classics the Saratoga Cup, the
Grand Union Hotel, the United States
Hotel, and the Saratoga Special, Trav
ers and Alabama stakes are retained
with six new stakes added.
Among the new features are the
Rensselaer Handicap for two year
olds at six furlongs, with a guaranteed
value of $10,000, and the Hurleane
stakes, with J5.000 added.
Lady Abdy In Limelight.
London. Lady Abdy who became
her ladyship only Inst year when she
married a man "with one foot In the
grave." has at Inst succeeded in draw
ing public attention. Her reported
offer at a luncheon at the Savoy of
$250,000 primarily to encourage avia
tion In England and secondarily to es
tablish an all-British air line from
London to Paris has been received
with surprise In London aero nautic
al circles. Lady Abdy now declares
that the statement -was not intended
for publication or meant to be se
riously Interpreted.
Trainer of Defeated Heavyweight Re
lieves Jt-rr Was Given Drujr While
on Flsliimr Trip Saturday Refore
Fight Knew He Was Weak Re
fore light.
' San' Francisco, Cal , Aug. 4. Rog
er Cornell, who trained Jan.es J.
Jeffries fur the Reno ngM said to
day he believed Jeffries was drug
ged: "I for one think Jeffries was
given an Fast Indian drug on the Sat
urday before the fight." he said.
"That afternoon Jeffries went fish
ing nnd didn't return till 10 o'clock.
He wouldn't let his trainers accom
pany him, but always took his friends
and you know what that means. I
noticed a change on stuuday and more
So on Monday noon, when I became
convinced Jeffries was. a wreck. He
acted like a child about everything
requested of him, something he never
would have done bei-at;,i without an
a rgument."
Hudson Ray Presents Problem.
Washington .ng. 4. Three hun
dred years after Its discovery by Heri
ry Hudson, who first sailed out Into
the big sea bearing his name on Aug.
ust 4 .1610 Hudson Ray presents a
problem which may give rise to a dis
pute most menacing to Anglo-American
relations. Canada Is now pre
paring to take active possession of the
rich territory nbout Hudson Bay. to
build a railroad to Its shores and to
open the "Me literrnnean of Canada"
to commerce.
This action may, and doubtless will,
bring about n dispute ns to sovereign
ty over tho bay between this country
nnd the Dominion. The country about
he bny is capable of vast develop
ment and, with the completion of the
railway, an important gra'n outlet will
also be nt stalce. Tho southern part
of Hudson Bay is In a latitude farth
er south than London, nnd the climate
compnres very fnvornbly with that of
the same latitude In other parts of
the globe.
Miinsey Tour to Re Historic.
Washington Aug. 4. With many
more entries than participated In the
1010 Glldden tour, and a possibility
of more before the lists closp tomor
row the Munspy Historic Tour prom
ises to be the big event of its kind
this year. The start will be made
August 15 and the grent beauty and
historic Interest attaching to the
route will make the tour a memor
able one.
latt Receives only Partial En-'Sunny Kingdom May Send
dorstrnent From Republi- j Warships to Spanish Hon
can Convention. duras to Answer insult,
Platform Adopted by Con vet i lion In
Dos .Moines Does Not Approve of I
Another Revision of Tariff Hut j
Would Revise Tariff on Sejmrate '
Articles From Time tt Time Taffs 1
Efforts Toward Fulfilling Ami-
Election Promises Are Endorsed ;
Dolllver and Cummins Commended. 1
Des Moines, Iowa, Aug. 4. The
Iowa republican platform was adopted
today endorsing the tariff plank in the
national platform adopted at Chicago.
The platform does not approve an
other revision immediately but en
dorses a revision of the tariff on sep
arate articles from time to time. It
endorses "such efforts of President
Taft and advances made toward ful
filling the promises In the national
platform which have been in harmony
with the declaration of this conven
tion." The platform also commends
Senators Dolllver and Cummins.
Chicago Aug. 4. s" nator Crane of
Massachusetts, is said by the Chica
go Tribune today to have come here
at the behest of President Taft to in
vestigate personally the political stat
us of Schutor Lorimer of Illinois. ,
According to the Tribune his report j
will be unfavorable. He will not dis- :
cuss his meeting with Secretary Bal- ;
linger In Minneapolis. ;
Klamath Falls, Ode., Aug. 4. Otis
"retr. a rancher near here was killed
last night by an explosion during nn
experiment' with' explosives which ho
claimed was a receipt for making the
new Japanese powder. He xrns grind-
ing a coffee mill during the explosion, i
j Creer was twentysix years old, and
was eccentric.
Hoboken. X. J., Aug. 4. Louis
Blnzotti, wife and two sons were burn
ed to death and Oscar Alcez is dying
today as a result of a fire in a tene
ment house. Tho fire spread rapidly
land numbers on the upper floors were
removed by ladders climbing through
a sh-- t of tlames. The l!ia?.i-tt:s were
burned in their rooms.
Pasco, Wash., Aug" I. Five Italian :
laborers vtere killed nnd several In- i
Jurod when the North nun'.; train ran
Into a handcar at 1 o -'loc-k this .
inorninu ."II miles east of here. The
emrlneer failed to see the hand -ar j
until It was too late.
Barcelona, Aug 4. The first riot
ing at Barcelona Is reported today
v hen a number of CarlisU engaged In
a fitfht with republicans. Knives were
drawn and the police were quelled.
Six were injured, one fatally.
Gloucester Celebration.
Gloucester, Mass., Aug. 4. Al
though not on as large a scale as last I
year, today's celebration of the annl-1
vcrsary of Gloucester's settlement in
1623 was marked by the customary
ouiiiinsi. oi wmieiisin. t.ioucescer
Hay" is an annual flKture in the lo-1
cal calendar, but the celebration to i
be held tomorrow at Provincetown. '
when President Taft will unveil the j
monument to the Pilgrims, detracted ,
si.mewhnt from the glory of this year's
observance of the day.
This is the night for the formation
of the organization for the frontier
celebration and all those who have
subscribed for stock or are Interested
in the enterprise nre asked to be at the
Commercial club rooms.
As arranged, by the organization
committee five officers antt nine di
rectors nre to be chosen to handle
affairs. The officers are to be presi
dent, secretary) treasurer, business
manager and exhibition manager. The
Riots Culminate In killing of Italian
and In Tearing Down nf Italian
Flag Italian Consul Aroused by
Desecration and Asks for Warships
to Reply to Insult Government
Troops. Retreat Ik-fore. Rebels
American Assists Insurgents.
Puerto Cortez, Spanish Honduras,
&uq: 4.-Re olutionary rioting which
culminated in the killing of an Ital
ian and the tearing down of an Ital
ian flag may end in the appearance of
Italian warships here. The country
is alive with revolutionary spirit.
The Italian consul at Teguciagalpa
Incensed at the desecration of his
flag has asked for warships.
iovernment troops are retreating
before former President Bonilla's
army aided by Lee Christman an
American. Feeling is 'bitter against
the Americans on-account of Chris:
man's action.
Dodge. City, Kas., Aug. 4. Joe
dans passed through here today on
his way to Baltimore. He is very
weak and physclans rear he will not
I've to rsitli home. He is kept alive
by means of oxygen.
Cans .Sinking Fust.
Chicago, Aug. 4. Joe Gans arrived
here tit noon on his transcontinental
race with death. Life is fast ebbing
it way. Gans was met by a delegation
if Ins friends including his first wife,
At her invitation Joe was curried on
a stretcher to her home where oxygen
v as administered to prolong his life.
Washington, Aug. 4. Representa
tives of commercial bodies of Med
ford, Oregon, appeared today before
the interstate commerce commission
and demanded that the Southern Pa
cific be compelled to make their
freight rates on the same basis as
ether cities. They allege rntos at Med-f.-rii
are higher than r.Ues from south
ern points to Portland. The rates in
volved affect the shipping to central
i'a::a ro. Calif., Ac. 4. The tils
it PP ;.r;.r.ee of T. A. Kuida'.l and moth
er r'.th.r from their ranch here,
follow- ,1 by the finding oi charred
hum. in bodies resulted in the round
up of the Japanese in Sonoma coun
ty. Henry Yamagati, a ranch hand,
was- seen nt the Kendall home follow
ing the disappearance, and has since
Chicago, Aug. 4. -The tr;.l c-f Lee
' O'Neill l'.iownc. in.li. ted f?r bribery
in connection with the elecron of
, Senator Lorimer was order-.: to pro
ceed today, by Judge Kers:on. The
: court 'overruled the motion of the de
fense to quash the indictments for
lack of Jurisdiction.
Anniversary of Plus.
Rome Aug. 4. Pope Pius X is to
d:iv receiving- hundreds of congratu
latory telegrams and lettt i s irc.n the
faithful all over the world. :V" occa
sion being the sever h an:il e: ...n-y of
his election ti the pur-ncy.
Slight Shocks in Frisco.
San Francisco, Aug. 4. Two slight
earthquake shocks were fc'.t nt six
forty this morning. No dani.isre was
directors will be chosen Willi a view
to serving ns chairman of the follow
ing committees finance. grounds,
publicity, stock, military, transporta
tion, competitive events, ron competi
tive events, and Indians.
At this time J. R. Raley. who has
been chiefly instrumental in getting
the enterprise started Is the most
talked man for president. He will
evidently have a clear field for that
Lexington Ky., Aug. 4. With Lyon j
county but inadequately patrolled by'
soldiers who have arrestee six night-!
riders for complicity in the murder
of Axien Cooper there is danger of an i
outbreak. Witnesses fear for their,'
lives and ask greater protection.
To I-sue "Wind Checks.'
Pittsburg Pa. Aug. 4. A new j
wrinkle in aviation meets ,in the way
of "wind cheeks," will be introduced j
by the Pittsburg Aero club at Its
met tomorrow at Brunot's Island,
in the Ohio river. The wind check
i. a coupon entitling me holder to
come around the next day free of!
charge in case the wind should pre
vent the scheduled flights tomorrow
or at tmy future meet. The principle!
Is the same as the baseball "rain
check " Glenn Curtiss J. C. Mars and
Captain Baldwin have been engaged
for the meet and will attempt to
penetrate' Pittsburg's pall of smoke.
There Is much speculation as to
whether the smoke will be a help or
a hindrance to the aviator. It is sug
gested that :t should prove to be an
aid to flight, on the same principle
as that salt water is more buoyant to
the swimmer.
Is a Giant Dreadnought. j
ijuiiuuii. n. n. .T. cinoii ine sujjci-i .
Dreadnought which will be launched j ul l"e "ou e anl Eenat co-
at Portsmouth on August 20th is the j 'nittee appointed -at the last sewdoa
"last word" in warships. She will, it i of congress to inv-.tigate charges ot
is believed be immensely superior to I (raud m the gale Qf Indian ,aBu
all her predecessors in respect to ar- made by United States Senator Gore
mament and speed. 0f Oklahoma against William McMur-
S'ne will be equipped with the new j ray, a McAllister. Okla., attorney as
13.5 inch gun in such a manner as to;gembIed here tod tJ b -n th
give her a broadside on either side work
('J 1? VLn un wh' are alm?t Senator Gore th blind statesman
double the weight of the present 12- whose charges of brlbery made-dra-
ingT7 , v. . Jmatically the senate startled the
The Orion will have a speed of 24 j members has promised to be present
knots while previous Dreadnoughts ; and tostily at the )nvestigation. He
have not exceeded 21 Knots. Her dis- j alleges that attempls were made t0
placement will be 23,500 tons and : corrupt him with sums ranging from
length 535 feet. It Is expected that i25. 000 to $50,000
she will be In commission by the end . Tne senate commiUfce to invcatl.
of next year. J gate the affair con!sts of Jones ot
Washington; Burton of Ohio; Craw
Strauss Likely to Quit. ford of South Dakota; Percy of Mis
Berlin. Berlin is apparently to lose ; sisaiPPi and Hughes cr Cqlorado. The
Dr. Richard Strauss. A telegram from bouse committee includes Campbtll
Munich states that he recentlv ex-!0 Kansas; Burke of South Dakota;
pressed the intention or retiring from ( Stevens of Texas; Miller of M nnesota
his position of hie musical director . anl Saunder of Virginia.
of Emperor William's opera house. I T,1e Gore charges telate to undue
Should that institution consent to re- j influence to secure the McMurray
lease him from h's engagements he : contracts for legai services for the
will only return to the German capital ; Choctaw and Chick.ii.iw Indians. H;d
for the ten concerts whlcTi are given 1 the contracts been ppproved. Murray
every season by the opera house or- ; would have been paid about $3, 000,004
chosira, and in the conducting of Former Senators Thurston and Long
w hich he succeeded Herr Weingart- J a e alleged to have Been working' for
It Is understood tha Dr. Srauss'
motive is merely a desire for repose
and independence.
SHOOTS HER HUSBAND tis of Kansas, an official higher up
j was interested Ln the contracts. Press.
William Cooper in Oakland. Califor- ! ed fo' thf namf f the official Ham
1 ion said it was Sherman, according to
ilia. Suddenly Draws Revolver and Gore's testimony.
Regius Deadly Execution Was Old! Gore then produced newspaper clip.
Friend of Family. j PlnS purporting to show that Sher.
man and Curtis visited President Taft
' to recommend that he approve the
Oakland, Calit., Aug. 4. William . contract. Gore testified that Mc
Cooper aged fifty a roomer in the Murray came t0 him ln Washington
home of Hurley Busse. shot and kill- , Iast askei, hi, assi&Uinot.
ed Mrs. Busse today. Her husband
i u. bed into the room and Cooper shot
him through the neck, fatally wound
Uig him. Cooper then shot himself
and is dying. It Is believed he was
Cocper came to Oakland from Au-
burn. X. Y., where he worked tor
'he Basse family there. Her bus
Hand says lie was a close irien.i ana testified, he was offered av bribe of
there was no jealousy betwen them. fjrty thousand dollars.
Leper entered the room wn'.ie Mrs. '
Busse was preparing breakf.. ,t. . t A1JS AT COSGKOVE
Without a word he drew his revolver, lsi-iHTsr rvFMVs trriri.-
and shot her. The report brought! t LSL EN EMI S A rrACK
her husband as he opened th door ; Cos!jfrove Amorloan Lake. Auc. 4.
' "'1I,tr '"ed again. J Cosgrove is still in the hands of the
'regular army. An attempt of- the
ESPECIALLY GOOD PROGRAM 'enemy" to invade the camp wa sue
RENDERED BY ORCHESTRA c ssfully repulsed last night In a hot
- skirmish west of Spray Lake, when
The best concert of the series yet .half a dozen maehine guns were
given, was enjoyed by a large and brought into play. The enemy, new
appreciative audience nt the fair pa- ever, had succeeded ln "pricking" the
vilion last evening. A greater pro-, tow n of Roy and was rapidly Ivane
portion of those present remained lot : ing on the maneuver camp whe-i they
tie entire program and there was 'were discovered.
even Uss confusion than at the con-;
tert given last week. j Union Fanners Meet.
' Hearts and Flowers" was the hit Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 4. Organ
of the evening though the trombone ized farmers of Indiana will hol.l their
solo "My Rosary" by Franiv Hays was ( annual state convention today and
one of the features of the program. tomorr-' at Lm-i..i.-c. ,-'.ti,i v ,!i plan
He was encored and responded with, an . ;. n-i n f the movement to take
that ever popular solo, "The Sweetest j in .. -he farm- r of ;n. .. t. . The
Sirry Kver Told." ; Farmer.-' F.'n 'at n.il and Co-, o,-ra'.ive
Universal expressions of regret were j un on ins n w a larsre me:nbtihto
heard last evening and today that the, b- Indiana and the officials hope even
series of concerts by the United Or-tually to control all or the more 1m
chestra. is so soon to close. There i pnrt.mt crops and thus maintain rea
are but two more scheduled in the ' pon.iblc prices. At the same tinvv the
-i l ics ami unl' ss mho special arrange
ments are made to continue them, the
series will end at that time.
Knights Close Convention.
Quebec, Que. Aug 4. With a final
session of the delegates In the city
hall this afternoon, the annual con
vention of the Knigrits of Columbus
the most successful in the history of
the order comes to a close.
Congressional Committee In
vestigating Allegations of
Senator from Oklahoma.
Members of House and Senate Meet at
Muskogee Okla., and Begin Insert
ing of ITobe Into Charges of I'raud
In Connection Witli Sale of lmtlaa
Lands Former Senators Thurston
ana Long Involve in ScamVH
Success of Iaud Would Hare
Meant $3,000,0(iti to Mc-Murray.
Muskogee, Okla., Aug.
4. -tew-
the McMurray interests. Thurston re
gards the contract u. legal. Senator
Longt'has declined to enter into a dis
cussion of the matter.
Sherman Drawn In.
The name of Vice President Sher
man was dragged into the house com
mittee investigation this afternoon.
Gore also named Ja.cob Hamon, the
Oklahoma national committeeman, as
one man who called upon him In con
nection with the matter. Gore testi
fied an attempt was made to bribe
him. Hamon declared, according to
Gore, that besides Congressman Me.
' Quire of Oklahoma, and Senator Cur.
in promoting the legislation provid
ing for the payment of attorney's fees
on freedmans land contracts with In.
dians. Gore testified he told McMur
ray that he was opposed to paying at
torney's fees out of the Indian fund
except where services were actually
required and rendered. Because of
his opposition to these schemes. Gore
;m!on hopes to reduce the cost tc th
consumer by ellmlnafng middlemen
nnd waste and marketing the'r pro
ducts in nn ecnpomVal manner
Judicial Convention.
Davenport. Ia.. Aug. 4. Democrats
of the seventh Judicial district of Ir-a
opened a Judicial convention here ti
dily to nomlna'e four candidates fir
district Judges.