BATLT EAST OIU9UOX1AN, PKVDLETO, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AltUST 3, 1910. ' .KIGHT PAUES. rr pack bight Groceries for Harvesters Either Staple or Fancy Bst grade Teas and Coffees, Hams and Bacon, Mauntain Potatoes, Relishes, Vegetables and Fruits A large line of fresh eatables for Harvesters and Campers and at Right Prices Standard Grocery Co. 214-216 Est Court Street Phone Main 96 Newsy Notes of Pendleton Oiruiul Weather Kcpurt. Maximum temperature, 93. Mininmum temperature, 46. (Jrass Fire Oiiim-s Alarm. A small crass fire in the rear of the Huston and Max Baer stores, cre ated a little excitement soon after the noon hour today. With the exception that some injury was done to. a fence no damage was sustained. Divmw Was Grunted. In the circuit court today Judge H. .1. lloan granted a decree of divorce to Mrs. Kdythe McHride Lockwood from Zeph Lockwood. The parties live at Athen.1 and the plaintiff was repre sented by Attorneys Peterson & Wilson. CATERPILLAR CUTS 65 ACRES A DAY WILL WORK TO EXTEND PROJECT COMMITTEE MET AXD DISCVSSED SITUATION Talks Show Preference for Govern nieiit Reclamation Over Private En terprise Will Invite Ballinger to Visit Project. Probably the greatest number of acres of wheat ever harvested in one day in Umatilla county, were harvest ed yesterday on the reservation ranch of John Crow by his combine har vester and "caterpillar" engine. Ac cording to B. F. Trombly,- machinist for the Pendleton Auto company who spent yesterday at the Crowe ranch, a total of 65 acres of wheat were cut, threshed and sacked by the Crowe outfit. Trombley reclares that the "cater pillar" is the greatest inovation for the big grain growers the county has ever seen and when it Is remembered that 25 acres is considered a big day's work for a horse or mule outfit, it would seem that the new machine has a pretty good chaace to become popular. There are now three of these ma chines operating in the vicinity of Pendleton. Dave Nelson purchased sume that task. If the secretary can the first one, John Crowe the aec- not visit the project than a committee ond and now Edgar Smith is eperat- ja to be named to call upon him in Ing one on the Smith ranch 20 miles Portland or at some other point In the north of town. northwest. The committee is to be i named later by Dr. C. J. Smith. chair Boy Scouts to Canada. i man. London. Aug. 3. A large party of: At the committee meeting Dr. C. J. members of the Boy Scouts, General Smith presided and many aside from Baden-Powell's pet organization, will members of the committee were In at go to Canada this month on a five- ! tendance. Among tnose present from week tour of the Dominion. The vis- j the west end were F. B. Swayze and County Conn In Session. With County Commissioner Lee and County Judge Gilliland In at tendance, the August term of the county court was convened this morn- inff. Commissioner Walker of Stan field was not present. The day's ses sion has been consumed entirely with accounts against the county. BARRETT UPHOLDS DIRECT PRIMARY LAW (Special Correspondence.) Athena, Ore., Aug. 3. The follow ing Is the platform of Rep. C. A. Bar rett who is now out for the republican nomination for Joint senator, the plat form being embodied in the statement filed with the secretary of state by Sir. Barrett: Athena, Ore., July 30, 1910. To the Hon Secretary of State, and to the members of the republican par ty and the electors of the Nineteenth Senatorial District, comprising the counties of Morrow. Union and Uma tilla in the State of Oregon: I. C. A. Barrett, reside nt Athena. Oregon, and my postoffice address is Athena. Oregon. I am a duly regls- Mrs. Mann's Sister Pies. Horace Mann received a. message this morning, stating that his wife's sister, Mrs. John Cooley of Browns ville, had died at her home yester day morning. Mrs. Cooley was the mother of Miss Oleta Cooley, formerly n teacher in the Pendleton schools. She had been a sufferer for many years with rheumatism. With committeemen present from the west end of the county and from Pendleton a spirited and interested meeting was held in the Commercial club rooms last night and the subject of how to Induce the government to proceed with the extension of the Umatilla project was discussed pro and con. It was finally decided to Invite Secretary Ballinger to visit the project and the proposed extension and Congressman W. R. Ellis will as- leivsents The Santa Fe. Hugh Victor, representative of the Atchison. Topeka and Santa Fe rail road system was here for a short time today. He is western passenger rep resentative and says that while the shortage of crops In the middle west will reduce the volume of business of his road this year that loss will he made up in other lines. It of the British youngsters is expect ed to result in Increased interest in the movement on the other side of the water. There are already many "scouts" in Canada, and the order is rapidly extending over the United States. William Randolph Hearst is taking an active Interest in Baden Powell's scheme and Is us'ng the pow erful influence of his newspapers to establish the order in the States In Australia, South Africa and In dia, as well as all minor British colo nies, the Boy Scouts are now much In evidence, and the youth of Ger- J. W. Campbell of Hermiston; D. C. Brownell of Umatilla and Mr. Wal pole of Irrigon. At the opening of the session Con gressman Ellis made an extended talk in which he explained much regard ing the status of the proposed exten sion. He took a very hopeful view of the matter and said that both Presi dent Taft and Secretary Ballinger had May Sell "enr" Beer. At Athena last night a spirited con test arose in the city council over the attempt to pass on ordinance forbid ding the sale of "near beer." The proposed ordinance followed the lines of an ordinance In effect in Eugene. It failed to carry by one vote. Had the ordinance passed it would have placed "near" beer completely under the ban in Athena. tered member of the republican pa If I am nominated for the office of joint senator, at the primary nominat ing election to be held in the Nine teenth Senatorial District in the State of Oregon, September 24, 1910.. I will accept the nomination and will not withdraw, and if I am elected I will qualify as such officer. Tf I am nominated and elected I will during my term of office, work for the interest of all the people of rny district, to the host of my ability. I favor honesty and economy in public offielals. Peoples' choice for senator. Maintalnance of the direct primary and statement number one. T favor and will work for a better system of improvement of our public highways. The speedy completion of the port age railroad from Celilo to The Dalles and the opening of the Columbia river to admit of free navigation from the Inland Empire to the sea. I further state to the people of Ore con, as well as to the people of my legislative district, that during my term of office I will always vote for the candidate for United States Sen ator In Congress who has received the greatest number of the peoples' votes for that rosltlon at the general elec tion next preceding the election of a senator In congress, without regard to my individual preference Please place opposite my. name on the official ballot: "Peoples choice for senator. Maintalnance of the prlmnry law and statement number one." Very respectfullv. C. A. BARRETT many, Russia and Italy are begin ning to manifest interest in the move ment. In addition to General Baden Powell, the hero of Mafeking. the board of managers ot the Boy Scouts Includes such famous names as Lord Charles Beresford and Lord Roberts. United assured him Oregon would be fairly treated in the matter or further rec lamation work. In the view of Judge Ellis the situation at present is prac- !....!'.. .. . , 1 . . . , ! inrtiij up lu Lne uuaiu ui uriuy eu&i- uegaraing me proposition or Nearly Went to Jail. Frank Shields, who was found guil ty of assault In the circuit court last April and who was given until June 1 to pay a fine of $50. failed to pay at the appointed time. Deputy Sher iff Joe Blakely therefore went out to Pilot Rock yesterday, placed him un der arrest and brought him to the court house. When given the alter native of paying the fine or going to Jail he produced the coin. BUT LITTLE WHEAT IS Mass For The Dead. Quebec, Que.. Auir. 3. A requiem mas for the deceased members of the order was held today in the old Basi lica by the Knights of Columbus. A visit to the sacred shrine of St. Anne dc Beaupre, perhaps the most famous Catholic shrine on the North Ameri can continent, will be this afternoon's feature of the national convention. Following the mass, many of the visitors made a tour of the city, visit ing the museum, the art exhibition at Laval University, the chapel of the seminary, the Church of Our Lady of Victory, the Ursullne Convent, the Franciscan Chapel and other places of historic interest. Later a session of the delegates was held at the city hall. The visitors will be tendered a banquet tonight nt the "hateau Kron tenac. The business of the interna tional conclave will be completed tomorrow. Boveridge to Speak. Indianapolis. Ind.. Aug. 3. United S-att-s Senator Albert J. Beverldge, his democratic opponent for the senator-ship. John W. Kern, and Con gressman J. A. Adair are among the speakers advertised for the annual reunion of the old settlers of Jay and Randolph counties, to be held at Rldgeville, Ind., today. neers. the government turning the exten sion over to private parties, Judge Ellis predicted the government would move very slowly should any such step as that be proposed. Discussing the subject of govern ment versus private development of the extension. F. B. Swayze held that at this time the government is pref erable for the reason that people have no knowledge of the forces back of the private company that is seeking to obtain control of the project. Ac cording to Mr. Swayze he might favor private development if he knew who was to do the work and that they had the money. However, he desired to "be shown." This sentiment was shar ed by others present. During the session talks were made by all members of the committee and by others present. Most of the dis cussions related to the best means of placing the proposition before the sec retary and before the army engineers. It was generally conceded that efforts should be confined to showing a strong interest in the proposition and to arranging for social courtesies for the secretary and visiting engineers. The task of presenting the eng'neer ing features of the proposed exten sion will be left with the Oregon rec lamation men who are understood to be favorable to the extension by the government. Charged With Theft of Cow. Armed with a warrant of arrest Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakely left this morning for Uk'ah In search of Mil lard Dick. The latter is charged by George McOoughey with the larceny of a cow. McGoughey appeared yes terday morning at the office of Dis trict Attorney Phelps and complained that Dick had driven off the cow and that the animal was then In the local stockyards about to be shipped out of the city. A warrant of arrest was se cured and the case will be Investigat ed by the officers. a flown T.nke Populnr. J. F. Egensperger, business man ager of the Wallowa lake amusement company, has been In the city today on business connected with the man agement of that famous resort. The company of which Mr. Egensperger is the head has charge of the enter tainment and accommodation features at the upper end of the lake and It Is doing a thriving business. During the coming winter, according to Mr. Egensperger It Is the Intention to erect a large log hostelry overlooking the lake. Quite a number of Pendleton- lans are now at Wallowa lake and they are strong In praising the attractions or that resort. Ohio Rullding Men. Canton O., Aug. 3. The Ohio State League of Local Building and Loan associations convened here today for an annual meeting. The session will continue through tomorrow. -OLE) SPOT Never come back when BE KLIN DYE Dry, wet, chemical and atetm cleaner. where. Phone Main 4S. JACK WEBSTER, Mgr. 02 K- CourtSt. mmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmxmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cleaned by the HOUSE We call for and deliver any- Aw. Quit Your Spooning. San Francisco. Aug. 3. California is again to be saved from the mon strous railroad octopus which for so long has had the state In the grasp of its terrible tenacles. With the pri maries now less than two wekes away the reformers are working themselves Into a fine frenzy, while the stand patters are standing patter than ever serenely confident that the sovereign voters will never be so cruel as to turn down the benevolent philanthro pists who have so long provided the state with its universities and church es and laws and judges and congress men. Up to the present moment the race between the regular and pro gressive wings of the republican party annears to be about a horse and horse. Just Dirt or a bad soil It'a the same to us our work la sufficient in cleaning and pressing particular people' garments, yet our charges are modest to a de gree that'll please the most economi cal. Pendleton Dye Works 20H East Alta St, Phone Main 119. Princes Was Great Hclrcsa. Berlin. The Princess Dowager o Wled. who died at Neuwled recently, was the only daughter of Prince Fred erfick of th Netherlands by his mar riage with Princess Louise of Prus sia, and she was bne of the great heir esses of the House of Orange, having Inherited an immense fortune from her father. The family of Wled is one of the oldest and richest In Ger many. The present Princess of Wied Is the only daughter of the king of Wurtemberg by his first wife, who was a sister of the Duchess of Albany. Though the harvest season has been i progress in this vicinity for several weeks, very little wheat Is being sold A few small lots have been disposed of but It Is not believed that a slngje ale has yet been made on the basis of the present market quotations which are about 78 cents per bushel The growers seem to feel that the prices will be better In a few weeks while the buyers seem to be content o wait a short time before entering the field actively. But though there has been no wheat selling, large quantities of bar- ey have changed hands. The high price of the old crop made those who use barley, Inclined to wait for the new crop with the result that several thousand bushels have been sold as fast as harvested. The ruling price has been one dollar though there were some early sales made at figures high er than that amount. ALFONSO WILL SEEK ADVICE IN LONDON London, Aug. 3. It is officially ad mitted that the kin of Spain Is com ing to England to seek advice In the present crisis of Spanish affairs and the open break with the Vatican. TIig Busy Boston Store Now Located at 725 Main Street West side between Alta and Court Sts. : Lnlbrar y : KL(D)U : Items of Interest 1" August Magazines Review of Reviews W. T. Stead writes on Oberammergau. This Is the third time that writer has seen the great Passion Play which he de clares Is as good as when he first saw It. The many pictures of actors and scenes lend added Interest to the description. H. J. Forman tells in the same num ber of the Review of Roosevelt's life at Oyster Bay, of how the ex-presl- dent helps get the nay in, chops the winter's supply of wood, fishes and leads the simple life of any American farmer. Harper's Monthly William Dean Howells continues his delightful ac count of his "Memories of Mark Twain." There Is a new sea story by Joseph Conrad, "The Secret-Sharer." The llustratlons throughout the magazine are worth looking at in themselves. Tou find such names among the artists, who have made this August number so' beautiful, as Howard Pyle, W. J. Aylward and Elizabeth Shippen Green. North American Review The Au gust issue of this magazine Includes a most remarkable article on Roose velt. It is not the conventional piece that has been recurring In the various periodicals, but a most thoughtful, un usual estimate of Roosevelt himself as to whether he is a menace, a lia bility or an asset to tno country at large. BURNS ANT NELSON WOULD BOTH COME BACK . i New York. There are two more J prominent figures In the pugilistic I world who will try to come back. They are Battling Nelson and Tommy Burns. Nelson wants to take his old time light weight laurels from Ad Wol gast. But at this point a new ele ment arises. Wolgast has been prac tically out of the game so long It Is a question whether he can come hack himself or not. There Is a possibility that Bill Lang and Ketchel will meet In New York within a week or two. A match was arranged between them, but it was doubtful, owing to the vagaries of Mr. Ketchell who won a potful of money ; on Johnson and who doesn't feel Ilka fighting. Stanley may also expert- ; ence some difficulty In coming back. ' Burns' important fight Is his battle ' with Sam Langford on Labor day. Big fight men are agreed that the ' winner of the Burns-Langford fight Is entitled to the next crack at John- j son. j This coming back question has got to be the most important Interroga- ! tion In the gae. The death of boxing j has been temporarily forgotten In tho. t discussions whether this fighter or , that can come back. I Ttiisslnn Censors Made Error. St. Petersburg. An amusing hhin der is reported from Moscow on the part of the censor. A book had re cently appeared on the breeding of horses. The censors concluded It an Indecent publication and all copies of the book were coflscated. Then It transpired that the author was no less a personabe than the Princess Gortchakof. wife of the governor of Kalowga. The authorities, on discov ering the situation, at once removed the ban. Prepare for Cruise. New York Aug. 3. Members of the New York Yacht clut are today pre paring for the annual cruise which starts tomorrow from Glen Cove with a run to Huntington harbor. The cruise will Include In Its Itinerary Morris Cove, New London, Newport and Vineyard tlaven. The Astor cups will be sailed for off Newport a week from tomorrow, and the King Edward cup on the following day. The squad ron will disband August 13. Fresh Fish Meats and Sausage EVERY DAY. We handle only the purest of lard, hams and bacon. Empire Meat Go. Phone Main 18. Back to Business Again CTokcr to Florida In October. Dublin. Richard Croker. the for mer American politician. Informs me that he will leave for America early In October to spend the winter at Palm beach, Fla. Mr. Croker Just now Is interested In the big Irish ' horse show, which will be held In this city I next month. He will have a number of entries. Sir Thomas Llpton has ar rived In Ireland to bo Mr. Croker's guest for two weeks. British Military Band to Sail. London. The band of the Cold stream guards which Is to play at the Canadian national exhibition, to be h"ld at Toronto In August and Sep tember, will leave Bristol on August 18 In the Royal George of tho Royal line, recently inaugurated by the Ca nadian Northern Railway system. The band of the grenedler guards will leave Bristol for Quebec in the same vessel on the same da'e. Jiapo) p ,luAV.. U VU Steamer Goes Ashore. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 3. The four masted schooner James Rolph bound from San Francisco for Ha waii went aBhore today near Point San Pedro. There Is no Immediate danger. She Is of five hundred and seventeen tons burden. Alden Kindred Meet. Duxbury, Mass, Aug. 3. In a large tent at the old homestead here, the Alden Kindred of America. Inc., held Its tenth annual meeting and reunion today. In addition to a business ses sion, the program Includes addresses, music and readings. Dr. F. A. CLISE wishes to announce that he can be found at his office In the John Schmidt building, Pendle ton, Ore. Eyea carefully examined, and glassea ground to fit. SO years practice fitting glassea. The only ex clusive Eye Specialist in Umatilla county. Bargains 12 Room Lodging House well furnishsd can be bought very cheap. House and Lot can be bought for $800 this prop erty is a bargain only re quires $250 to Handle I have for Sale some 5 and 10 Acre Tracts cheap very LEE TEUTSCII The Real Estate and In surance Man 550 Main St. Phone M. 5 Properly Fitted Classes Remove all unneces sary eyestrain and are the only remedy for a very large percent of the defects of the eye. Years of Study and Experience Together with our modern equipment for making the ex aminations has placed us in po sition to scientifically correct any defect of the eye that can be remedied with glasses. We carry a full line of Opti cal Goods, and felve you right prices. Kryptok and Deep Curve Lenses a Specialty Dale Rothwell Optometrist With Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler Pendleton J AP-A-LAflu Will Brighten I n Your Home J THE HIGHEST QUALITY VARNISH AND STAIN COMBINED. Can be used on wood or met al floors, woodwork, furni ture, picture frames, etc. Comet ready mixed. Easily applied quickly dried. For sale by . Murphy Bros. WUNDERHOSE To every purchaser buying a boxful of our Wun derhose, in either Men's, Women's or Children's, we warrant these goods to wear four months from date of purchase without having to be mended in the foot, or we will replace them free of charge. . For Men, Women or Children, $1.00 a Box THE WONDER STORE DESPAIN & BONNEY Ms'a md Court StrMti