f 4 ' I ' " ' page nx. 9JULT EAVT ORBGOJOAJf. PENBIjKTON, OKXGON, WEDNESDAY, AIGIST 3. 1010. EIGHT PAGE. WIVES! MOTHERS! SWEETHEARTS! STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Fon tin Next SB dD BSaiy s ,., . : - " t t i t i. j ; I. i H: the Pacific Power & Light Co. will sell reg ular $5.50 Hot-Point Electric Irons, only Mmlm . . , ' . . i This reduction is being made to encourage the use of electricity for domestic purposes they are not cheap irons, but the best grade to be obtained. Hot-Point Electric Irons save fuel, heat, dirt, health and work (nthe way of carrying fuel and making trips to and from a hot stove) nsnaie? Be John Vaughan's Electric Supply Store 815se?wineow Excursion Rates SOUNDS PRAISES OF TO Walta Lake Park DEAX OF IDAHO SCHOOL HEIIF. SEEKING STIDEXTS Points Out Tliut His Institution Is Natural One for Eastern Oregon Students Slums Advantages of tlie Lewiston Seliool. domestic science has been established. This course is open only to high school or college graduates. The Lewiston Normal is the only Institu tion in the Northwest training teach ers for this work. Graduates of this course will be given a life diploma enabling them to teach domestic sci ence and the manual arts in high schools." S OF THE I1EAITI1TI, IDEAL CAMPING SPOT OF THE NORTHWEST COOL AND INVIGORATING. 4,500 Feet Elevation Up in the Mountains near Joseph, Ore. Reduced rates from the following Points direct to Wallowa Lake and return Baker City $6.30 La Grande 4.25 Durkee 7.35 Elgin 8.45 Enterprise 1.10 Gibbon 6.30 Haines 5.90 ILilgard 4.55 Huntington 8.25 Imbler 3.75 Kaniela 5.05 I.ostine 1.55 Meachani 5.25 North Powder 5.50 Palmer Junction 2.90 Pendleton 7.15 Pleasant Valley 6.85 Union 4.75 Wallowa 1.85 Price of Tents, Etc. j 1 tent and one bed. per day $1.00 j , 1 tent, 1 bed, and 1 cot, per day 1-50 . . 1 tent and 2 beds, per day 1.75 1 tent, 1 bed, per week 5.00 1 tent, 1 bed and 1 cot, per week 7-00 1 tent, 2 beds, per week 7.50 Meals 50c each j 21 -meal ticket 7.00 Tents are furnished complete with Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Ded- ding. Tables, Chairs, etc Parties desiring to pitch their own tents will be allotted space free. The bet time to catch "Tanks" Is from August 20 to September 20. This j species of fish is the only kind known, which is allowed to be caught with a grab-hook. This is great sport for the angler. ! Dean H. .V Hollowell of the Lewis ton State Normal was in Pendleton i yesterday. He is making a tour of i Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho. ; "The coming year will be the best j in the history of the Idaho Normal." i he said. During the past year 272 I students were enrolled, an increase i of 73 over the previous term. This j year an enrollment of 400 is expected making a total, including the practice school, of 600. Tills will make the Lewiston Normal the largest of the i six Normals in the Pacific Northwest. Three new buildings have been . completed during the year a central heating plant, a splendid gymnasium which is said to be the finest in the Inland Empire, and a well equipped manual arts and domestic science building. Six new members have been added to the faculty which now numbers twenty-five. The new faculty mem bers are all graduates of Eastern universities and especially well quail fied for their work. They are Dr. Samuel W. Brown, graduate of Stan ford and Columbia Universities, head The Honest Proprietary Medicine. has saved thousands of dollars to families who could 111 afford the ex pense necessary to maintain the ser vices of a physician, and have an swered the purpose equally as well and often succeeded after our best physicians have failed. Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound is one of this kind. SUBMARINE'S BIG SUCCESS. In etual Warfare Could Sink Entire Fleet. Paris. The official report on the French maneuvers throws a startling light on the vital part which submar ines are destined to play In the naval warfare of the future. Three sub mersibles, the Circe, Papin and Caly pso, took part in the first part of the maneuvers. They were sent to act against Admiral Jenquieres' squad ron, which was blockading the AJac cio. Their Instructions were to at tack if the opportunity presented it self, but primarily to give informa tion to the naval force tied up In Ajaccio of the strength of Its adver saries. The Circe and Papin carried out both parts of their Instructions with remarkable success. Posting them selves in the strait of Bonifacio, they waited for Admiral Jonquieres' squad- ST Police Make 80 Arrests. Walla Walla. Wash. Justice of the Peace Thompson M. McKlnney Mon day made his report for the month of July, showing a busy month In his capacity of police justice which Is a part of his duties. The report shows S6 cases considered during tho past 31 days and a total of $4 47 cash as a result of these. In addition to the. cash sentences amounting to $175 were served out In Jail, making a to tal business for the month of $622. Disorderly conduct was the prlncl' pal stumbling block last month, 64 cases being brought In on ths charge Drunk and disorderly comes next with nine arrests and vagrancy third, with eight. Only eight of the 86 charges were found unsupported 78 resulting in conviction. Of the $477 cash received ,$345 was from cash bonds forfeited, and $102 was from fines paid. Is also said that four or five small ranches have been destroyed house, crops and all, but who the" losers are is not ascertainable. Klickitat Crops Are Fine. Ljie, Wash. Frank Duncan, a pi oneer cowboy of Klickitat, now a leading business man of Lyle, return ed Sunday from Haddock Llthla Springs. He reports that in the har vest fields on High Prairie, near me place visited, there now exists a gTeat scarcity of farm hands. Ho was more Impressed with con ditions, when he saw Frank Empy, a wealthy resident of Spokane, at "Oak view Farms' In the field pitching un threshed wheat. Mr. Empey has of fered fabulous wages and finds suf ficient harvesters are not available In Klickitat county. Mr. Duncan be lieves the yield of wheat on tho prair ie will be .enormous this year. Fruit Not Appreciated. Walla Walla, Wash. That the peo ple of the city and country surround ing Walla Walla do not appreciate the high grade fruit that is ra'sed here is the opinion of Publicity Manager L. M. Brown of the Chamber of Com merce. He says that while tho best fruit In the world Is raised here, lit tle of it is seen by the people, who are usually given fruit that Is not first class for shipping. This Is usually Orpheum Theatre l. P. MED CRN AC H, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children EES PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Change on Sunday, Tuesday's and Friday's. t ' II It h fl 't II C V lfil'v ",, ' Ml. ImiiI Option Case at Ln Gmmle, La Grande, Or. Victor Townsend of Palmer Junction fs on trial charged with selling Intoxicating liquor, and his trial Is the second of the series. Townsend Is accused of having sold liquor on June S to W. H. Compton at Palmer Junction A question that was put to all the prospective Jurors was whether or not they believed prosecution vindicated the local option law and If failure to convict a man accused tended to make the law a dead letter. Life on Panama Canal has had one frightful drawback malaria trouble that has prought suffering and denth to thousands. The germs cause chills, fever and ague, biliousness, jaundice, lassitude, weak ness and general ability. But Electric Betters never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "Three bot tles completely cured me of a very severe attack of malaria," writes Wm. A. Fretwell of Lueama, N. C, "and I have made go cmfwy mfwy cfwyp have had good health ever since." Cures stomach, liver and kidney troubles and prevent typhoid. 50c. Guaranteed by Koeppen & Bros. New Gymnasium at Lewiston Normal School. n. at Byers' Best Flour made from the choicest wheat that prows. Good bread is assured whsn BYERS' BEST FLOUR is uaed. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. which soon .-allied nut, steaming speed of 17 knots fin hour, to r,ift the r'vil fleet under Admiral A ubert. A force of destroyers had been sent out on each side, ami the admiral of the department of education; Mrs. Thcnderi !'.. Browltt. graduate of Wisconsin .University, librarian; Mr. Guv L. f'hiosman, graduate of Lake For-'st University, assistant -in science- Miss Mav E. Wakeman, gradu ate of Columbia University, assistant thought lie was perfectly safe, but. the In manual arts; Miss Mary Frazeo. rural training teacher, and Miss Alba Talcs, graduate of Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, head of the new domestic sf IcncM department. In speakinpr of the present school 11 11 -n-a." ! - 1 If i Just Arrived Quality Toilet Soap, fine floral odors, 10c cake, 3 for 25c. Look at our window. SPECIAL Duroy'e Claret Soda, 5 -cent. Delicious and refreshing. F. i. DOXALDflOH, fUUaUe Ft : 1 Ht Si I 1 U ! situation in Eastern Oregon, uenn . Hallowell said; "We of th Lewiston 'Norma! have no desire to draw stu dents from Eastern Oregon to the det riment of either local high schools ! or standard preparatory schools which are already established In this section oi the coiintrv. Put we do believe that the l,ewMon Normal, since then i are at present no normals in Oregon, ' ! .!,.. i ..!,...) -.t,i r.r Eastern Ore- eon -indents who expect eventually j Many find they need Hood's Sarsap leslre jirotessionn 1 submarines diving under the destroy ers, the Papin shot upAto within 300 yards of two battleships, which she torpedoed In rapid succession, the more easily as they believed them selves to ho in perfect security. A few days later, off Toulon, the Papin a-. :n ran across the course of Admiral .iMiiquleres. The destroyers spied her out by a hlot of oil on the surface, but cleverly avoiding them, she torpedoed the flagship, the new battleship, Patrle. The Hot Weather Test makes peo ple better acquainted with their re sources of strength and endurance. to tcs.ch and vlio ! training. Not only Is Lewiston the ' nearest point where sueh training may i be obtained, but the standards of tho 'Lewiston Normal are exceptionally I high. Our life diploma is recognized in Idaho. Washington, California, Mon. j tana, in fact In every state where our i graduates, have asle. for ,ts recog nition. "The influeiiee of the Lewiston Nor -'ial is being felt in every section of the Pacific Northwest. Our stu dents come from points s widely separated as Seattle and Twin Falls. Lat year we had a student who came . . .. ...I., tn fi 1 1 e n rt I rrom .innmwiiH '-ie-i o. the Normal. This year we snan nave students coming from MIenlgon. "This year a special two years' course for the training of teachers of arilla which invigorates the blood, promotes refreshing sleep and over comes that tired feeling Village Feud Cause liatlle. Lisbon. A feud between the vil lages of Calvaria, Ledos and Pinhelros culminated recently In a pitched bat tie. During the annual fair at Cal- varis large numbers of peasants from j Ledos and Pinhelros were present, land a number of personal quarrels be came merged Into a general battle. The fiercest fighting took place In the market square which was soon filled with dead and wounded men and women. Four people were killed and 34 Injured. Read the "Want" ads today T demanded, he says, for the people in the valley do not'seein to care to pay the high price the fruit brings on for eign markets. In order to let the people at homo know what they are doing In this I'ne, Mr. Hrown plans exhibits for the store windows this fall of the finest fruit raised In the valley. This will be Instructive both to residents and non-residents and It is hoped by the publicity manager that It will result in the se tting out of many more orchards. Potatoes at High Price. Walla Walla Wash. Potatoes are bringing the highest price ever paid In this valley at this time of tho year, the tubers sidling In sacks for $1 a hundred- Dealers estimate the crop at 1000 carloads, and If the price keeps up this will net the gardeners of the valley some $600000. The largo yield is In some measure accounted for by the fact that many orchardlsts planted potatoes between the rows this year. There is one field of S(fl acres within tnree miles of the city and the yield Is good, ranging from 100 to 2"i0 sacks an acre. Forest Fire Near Ln Grande. La Grande, Or. Tleports coming from Rock creek where a forest fire has been burning for some time anil Is working north toward La Grande conflict as to the nature of the blaze or the damage done, but It Is learned that 160 acres of valuable timber land has been burned over and that while the blaze has done Its worst, It Is still menacing cattle and sheep running in that locality. Several largo herds were brought to safety Monday. It UFO HAT l-'OK ENGLISHMAN. Thought Pope Will Honor Archbishop Iloume. Home. It Is considered certain that the pope will bestow the coveted red hat upon Archbishop Bourne as a reward for his efforts to place the magnificent cathedral nt Westminster out of debt, and So enable It to be consecrated There has not been an English cardinal since the late Cardi nal Vaughan. and though It has been rumored on several occasions that this step In rank was nhout to be confer red upon Archbishop Bourne, these have proved to be Incorrect. Cardinals are, as a rule, only cre ated when there Is a vacancy in the sacred college; but the pope has It In his power to appoint extra cardinals, who are nhsorbed Into the college In due course, should he see fit to do so, and this Is what It is anticipated he will do on the present occasion. Once More Well and Strong. Mrs. J. II. Smith, Kokomo, Tnd., writes us this, with credit to Foley Kidney Pills: "Some years ago my kidneys began to trouble me and though I doctored them constantly, they kept growing worse. I had se vere pains In my back, felt tired all the time, my bladder acted Irregularly nnd with much pain, and I arose with dull headaches, and dizziness. Final ly I was persuaded to try Foley Kid ney Pills nnd now I am once more well and strong. I gladly recommend them to others with kidney and blad der trouble as a quick and permanent cure.". A. C. Koeppen & Pros. What Parisian Sage Will Do or Money Pack. Stop falling hair In two weeks. Cure dandruff In two weeks. Stop splitting hair. Stop Itching scalp Immediately. Grow more hair. Make harsh hair soft, silky and lux urlnnt, Itrightens up the hair and eye brows. As a hair dressing It Is without a peer It contains nothing that can possibly harm the hair, It Is not sticky oily or greasy It Is used by' thousands to keep the hair healthy It prevents as well as cures scalp dis ease. For women and children Parisian Sngc Is the most delightful hair dressing and should be In every home. Tallman & Co. sell It for 60 cents a large bottle. Ask for Parisian Sage. " 1