East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 03, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Ladies Home Journal
Patterns, Monthly and
Quartely Style Books
September Now ready
Monthly Style Books Free
Quarterly Style Books 20c with
a 15c Pattern Free
See Large Window Display
F. E. Livengood Co.
The Ladies' and Children's Store.
Pastime pictures plMM 1L
8ve money by reading today's ad a.
Automobile for hire, day or night
Phone Main T4.
For Sale Piano and household fur
niture. . Phone Red 2932.
Lot 14, block 85, reservation add,
price only $100. Lee Teutsch.
Home cooked meals and good rooms
reasonable at 608 Willow street.
More moving pictures shown than
any other theater In the city th
Eastern parties want to rent wheat
land with option to buy. Address V. E.
Shivers, Pendleton, Oregon.
Wanted Girl to do general house
work; good wages. Apply 306 West
Court street.
Mark Patton, the barber. Main
street, across from Alexanders. "Com
fortable shaves."
For rent 5-room unfurnished flat,
over Bowman studio. Apply to W. S.
Bowman at studio.
Good house and lot block 186 res
ervation addition, only $800, worth
$1200. Lee Teutsch.
Try one of those, caieful. sanitary
shaves at Mark Patton's barber shop.
Old Prlvett stand. Phone Main 427.
For sale A Westfleld driving mare
weighing 1100 lbs., works single or
double. Abe Molstrom, Adams Ore.,
R. R. D. 2.
Lost Gold watch between Marie
and Main streets. M. D. on watch
Alice on f'b. Call at this office and
receive reward.
Ladles wishing sewing done at their
own homes or otherwise may phone
Black 3786. Terms $2.00 per day.
Mrs. J. L. Dennis.
Wanted By young man, a steady
position. Can furnish best of reter
ences City work preferred. Address
"D," care this office.
Bund fur $200 In the Interstate Tel
ephone company of Oregon for sale
for one hundred fifty dollars cash.
Address "II," this office.
Wanted Position on ranch by
young man and wife. Tear 'round
Job preferred. Competent to take com
plete charge. Address "C." this office.
Montcalm Arrives.
Seattle, Aug. 2.- The French crui
ser Montcalm, flagship of Admiral
De Castries, arrived In port last night
from the orient via Honolulu. Official
reception will be held today. The
Montcalm will remain here until Au
gust 10, when she will sail for San
Francisco to go into drydock.
Will Welcome Montt.
N'ew York, Aug. 2. The steamer
Thkuh, bearing President Montt of
Chile, was reported by wireless last
night 600 miles south of Sandy Hook.
Recent dispatches from Washington
have parried word that the stato de
partment will take care to see that
he is welcomed on his arrival and to
present to him a letter of greeting
from President Taft.
Teamsters In Convention.
Peoria, 111., Aug. 2. The seventh
annual convention of the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters met here
yesterdny with delegates In attendance
from nearly every state In the union.
The opening session was given to the
reports of committees and plans of
To Tench Pntrol Duty.
American Lake, Aug. 2. Patrol
duty started a maneuver camp today
to teach soldiers the duties of patrol
service. Endurance rides for officers
will be started Friday. General Maus
li leading the first pnrty.
Fire nt Wcnuteliee.
Wenntchee. Wash., Aug. 2. The
Wenatehee Milling company and plant
was totally destroyed by fire early to
day with a loss of $120,000 which was
fully Insured.
Half Sister n Witness.
Newport, R. I., Aug. 2. Mrs. Rob
ert Mills, the half sister of Mrs. Crlp
pen, leaves today for London as a wit
ness for the prosecution.
Auto for Sale.
Maxwell automobile for sale; god
condition. Price very reasonable. Ad
dress "S," thin off'ce.
Now Ambassador at Paris,
riorlin. Baron Von Schoen has
been appointed nmbassador In Paris
in succession to Prince Dadolin, who
has retired. He will be succeeded
in the foreign secretaryship by Herr
vcm Kiderlen-Wachter, the minister
at Buknrest. Baron von Rhelnbaben,
the Prussian minister of finance, has
A few things you might forget before leaving and
may need before returning, so lets anticipate .j
possible annoyance and lay in a full supply,
However should you forget, a mail order will
receive the care and attention as were it
given over our counter
The useful and sometimes necessary
Alcohol stoves) bathing onps, drinking cups, hand brushes,
playing cards, Ingersoll watches, $1.00; fountain pens, soap
boxes, tooth brushes, hand , mirrors, hair brushes, lather
brushes, shaving mugs, shaving soaus, . stationery, cloth brushes.
Chamois skins, face and toilet, combs, cork screws, complexion
brushes, bath towels, atomizers, curling Irons, emery boards.
Ink, Jewel boxes, knives, manicure scissors, nail files, powder
puffs, souvenir post cards, razors, razor strops, sponges, wash
rags. Peroxide Hydrogen, cold cream, Arnica, Denver Mud (an
tiphloglstlne), alcohol, boric acid, bandages, bay rum, cotton,
adhesive plaster, paregoric, liquid court plaster, court plaster,
poison oak remedy, witch hazel, face powder, freckle cream,
glycerine, Jamaica ginger, headache remedy, liniment, carbolic
salve, toothache remedy, quinine, shampoo preparation, vase
line, tooth powder, tooth paste.
The Drug Store That Serve$ You Bui.
Burt Moore of Stanfleld Is a Pen
dleton business visitor.
Charles Ward was up yesterday
from his home at Echo.
Fred N. Fox of La Grande, spent
last night In Pendleton.
I. R. Lawrence, the Uklah mer
chant, Wi.s In the city yesterday.
Sam McBride ' and daughter of
Athena, are Pendleton visitors today.
John Schmidt was down yesterday
from his ranch on Upper McKay
H. G. Casteel was among the num
ber coming in yesterday from Pilot
W. S. R. Webster of Hermlston.
was an over-night business visitor In
T f Pfir.riiip 1 mnvinv Vi ' a fnmllii
n the Nye house on College street.
near Water.
F. W. Swayze, cashier of the First
Bank of Hermlston, spent last night
in Pendleton.
J. H. Flanders of Walla Walla, has
rturned home after transacting bus
iness in Pendleton.
Harry Bartholomew came up this
morning on the motor car from his
home in Stanfleld,
Don Campbell of the reclamation
service force at Hermlston, spent last
night in Pendleton.
J. V. Tallman and family left at
noon today for Newport to enjoy an
outing at that resort.
Miss Jennie Perry has returned
from an extended visit with friends
In Eugene and Portland.
James Deyeiin, the cigar manufac
turer, was a west-bound passenger
on this morning's local train.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tallman and the
lattcr's mother, Mrs. Folsom, leave
this evening for Walla Walla.
Mrs. Carry Furry of Hermlston,
came up from that place last evening
for a brief visit with local friends.
J. T. Twohy of the contracting firm
of Twohy Brothers.' came up this
morning from the Barnhart camp.
Kenneth Cooper one of the man
agers of the Hotel Bowman, la spend
ing his vacation in the Grande Ronde
Attorney S. F. Wilson of Athena, is
In the city today on a political mis
sion, having driven down in his auto
mobile. Bert Whitman returned this morn
ing from a business visit of a few
days to the Yakima and Sunnyside
William Lay, who lives In the foot
hills near Willow springs, will leave
this evening for Wallowa lake upon an
outing trip.
A, C. Crawford, a prominent resi
dent of Hermlston, came up from the
west end of the county this morning
on the motor.
Rev. E. W. Warrington, pastor of
the Presbyterian church at Pilot
Rock, came in from that place yes
terday afternoon.
W. R. Walpole of Irrigon has been
up from that place for the transac
tion of business in connection with
the Irrigon ditch.
J. P. MeManus came in from Pilot
Bock yesterday afternoon, transacted
business last evening and returned
home this morning.
J. N. Burgess, president of the Cun
ningham Sheep & Land compajiy,
came in yesterday from the company's
Pilot Rock ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ayers and
Mrs. Ayers' mother, Mrs. King, are
over from their home in Durkee for a
visit with local friends. '
Mrs. Dudley Evans and two children
returned this morning from Wenaha
springs where they had been for an
extended outing They leave Wednes
day ' for Portland.
D. C. Brownell of Umatilla, return
ed home this mornng after having at
tended the meeting of the committee
appointed to work for the extension
of the Umatilla project.
Mrs. Lot Llvermore has returned
from Spokane, where she has spent
the last two months visiting with her
daughter. Mrs. Tull. of the firm of
Tull & Gibbs of that city.
J. F. MeXnught of Hermlston, who
lias been the guest of a daughter in
Berkeley, California, for several
weeks, hns returned to Umatilla coun
ty and Is in Pendleton today.
Mrs. Amy Lee. who has been the
guest of her granddaughter, Mrs
Amy Dunn at Sand Point, Idaho, has
gone to Seattle, where she will spend
the remainder of the summer.
W. Welsel of Konncwiek Washing
ton", who has been In Hermiston for
the past few days, came up from that
place this morning. expecting to
leave for home this afternoon.
Mrs. B. F. Scott, formerly of Port
land, who bus been the guest of her
brother, Lee Teutsch, has gone to Col
orado Springs, where she will remain
for ft time before sring to her future
home In Denver.
William Hilton, formerly a resi
dent of Pendleton, but now living In
Portland, was here this morning to
care for business Interests. He. is en
gaged In constructing warehouses for
the Balfour-Guthrie company.
F. H. Graves of the Portland Ore
gonlan. Is In the city today. He Is ac
quainting the people of Pendleton
with tho purpose of the Oregonian on
January 1. 1911. to issue an elaborate
special edition on the 50th anniver
sary of the beginning of tho Daily
Oregonian. Mr. Graves Is quite well
known here, having been here for
several days' In connection with the
f!fth anniversary number of the Port
land Journal, which was published
five years ago. x
Nobody Loves
a "Frump"
Nobody need be one.
Neither riches nor ex
pert dressmaking are
essential to your being
a well dressed woman.
have solved the problem of dis
tinction in dress for the woman
of moderate means. They repre-
V' vAWUI 8ent tortv years or untiring etrort
McCall Pattern No. 35013392 in combining simplicity with style
if iw
Mi 0 mm
McCall Pattern No. 3283
A Smart Model
Wohleilberg Department StOre "Better Goods for Less Money
March, Veritas Densmore
Selection from Martha Flotow
Hearts and Flowers Tobani
Waltz, Santiago Corbln
March, Monstrat Vlam Joy
Trombone Solo Mr. Hayes
Intermezzo from Cavilleria Rusticano
March, Xew Colonel Hall
Beginning at 8 o'clock, the weekly
free band concerts by the United Or
chestra will be given this evening in
the fair pavilion.
Director Frank Carruth has used the
same care in preparing tonight's pro
gram that has characterized every
program rendered by the big local
organization throughout the summer
and therefore It will be Just as en
joyable. The rehearsal last evening
was one of the best yet participated In
by the members of the orchestra.
This Is the last month that the con
certs will be given unless some ar
rangements are made for their con
tinuance. The contract with the com
mercial club expires this month, how
ever, and It is presumed that the
series will be permitted to end at that
Oakland 5, Portland 0.
San Francisco. Aug. 3. Oakland
with nearly every man In the line-up
registered regularly In the base hit
column, burled the Portland team un
der a 5 to 0 score yesterday after
noon. Willis the former San Fran
cisco twirler, hyphenated the hits
and mastered his control in the tight
places so that he was the despair of
the McCredie outfit. Score:
R. H. E
Oakland 5 9 2
Portland 0 5 3
Batteries Willis and Mitze; Seaton
and Murray.
Frisco.. 3; Sacramento 3.
Sacramento, Aug. 3. The Senators'
winning streak was broken yesterday
afternoon the seals -taking the open
ing game of the series when Henley
shut out his opponents after a bril
liant pitching duel with Hunt. Vltt's
drive in the eighth took a bad bound
over Shinn's shoulder, Mohler scoring
the first run of the game and in the
ninth Hunt weakened and was touch
ed for two hits which netted runs.
Score: R. H. E.
San Francisco 3 6 2
Sacramento 0 5 1
Batteries Henley and Berry; Hunt
fnd Spiesman.
from the leaders yesterday by a score
of 3 to 1. Claflin was entirely re
sponsible for Spokane's defeat as ha
mixed bases on balls with hits. Score:
R. H. E.
Seattle 3' 1
Spokane 1 7 0
Henkle and Custer; Chaflln and Ost
diek. Taconia- 7; Vancouver 2.
Vancouver B. S. Aug 3. Jensen
was pounded hard by Tacoma yester
day and the visitor! won, 7 ta 2. Me
Camment started to pitch for Tacoma
but when the locals became danger
ous in the fourth inning Manager
BlankCnship substituted Schmutz and
stopped the rallv. Scnr- R. H. B3.
Vancouver 2 8
Tacoma 7 11 1
Jensen and Lewis; Schmutz, Mc
Camment and Byrnes.
11111.4 for New rtridge.
Rochester N. Y.. Aug. 3 Bids will
be opened today for the proposed new-
Cent ral avenue concrete bridge. The
estimated cost of the structure and
Its approaches is $160,000.
London. Unless there is a chance
ir. their plans the Prince of Wales
and his brother. Prince Albert, will
visit the United States during their
tour of the empire, which is now be
ing arranged.
King George while prince of Wales
traveled more extensively than any
of his predecessors and finds the in
timate knowledge he thus gained of
his "dominions beyond the seas" is
of great value to him now. It is his
purpose to give his sons an even wider
knowledge of the great empire one of
them in the course of time will he
called upon to rule.
Tour Will iJist n Year.
The tour of the princes will last nt
least a year, perhaps longer. They
will visit South Africa India, Aus
tralia and Canada. spending souk''
time each in these great empires
within the empire.
While in Canada ihe present Kl
of the king was to arrange the itiiur
ary of the princes so that they will
be able to see some of the great Am
erican cities". .iut wh eh American
points will be touched it is .of cour-v
impossible to say yet. While King
George does not hold the individual
American in as high esteem as did his
father, he is fully alive to the political
importance of fostering the most
friendly feeling possible between the
two great branches of the Anglo-Saxon
v.: co. He is convinced that a visit
to America by the little prince will
do much to advance this friendship
and it is for 111 s reason he plans the
American trip.
Will Enter Uniotvit.
On their return the Prince of Wales
will go to one of the universities and
afterward inter the army. 11 s broth
er will prosecute his studies at the
naval college Dartmouth. Rumor
says that the dukedom of York will
be his before this time next year.
Scuttle .1, Spokane 1.
I Seattle. Aug. 3. After a long series
' of defeats Seattle managed to win
National League.
St. Louis 1-4 Brooklyn 3-5.
Philadelphia 6, Pittsburg 1.
Cincinnati 6, Boston 1.
Chicago 6, N'ew York 4.
American League.
Philadelphia 3. Chicago 2.
Boston 4 Detroit 3.
New York 5, Cleveland 8.
St. Louis 5, Washington 3.
"When water becomes Ice, what is
the change that takes place?"
"A change In price,"
ftnlwitn.' O.- vfc-c hool for tuT-if under
r cere of tiu..-- t ? -...i.-.iinl nrPt.Kr:ooriir
IX-pt. i"Vlu!3 , A -f, 1 loeirl ii, Ci ciuiiaium.
titptidpnt pa'ti n jat beovt r 11 r cf ni
jrell riKOiutct atlevl. Ibe number i JimicM to
ity. pplicaiiou fhfMiM brt tr.ii.io eftr?j.) A:iJrer-3
Te$:tfSoppr:-.e f T. St.H:'cns Hz'I.PorlL-rj.rr
$1 A Good For J! 1 A
V This Amount sM v
: !
If used on or before next Monday, August 8, this advertise
ment will be accepted as S10.00 as part payment for a six or
nine months' Scholarship in the
Pendleton Business College
An excellent chance to save 510.00 and $10.00 saved is
S20.00 made. Only one of these will be accepted on each
scholarship mid
Only Ten Scholarships Will Be Sold
at this figure, so you'll have to hurry. "
School Opens Monday, Sept. 6
and your scholarship will le dated from that date, or later, if
yon desire.
Cor. Main and Webb Sts. Phone Main 148
Call NOW. E. O. DRAPER, Pres.
I..et Paslin Will Come.
Berlin. It Is stated that Izzet
Pasha, chief of the Turkish general
staff, and liavnd Pasha, director of
the Turkish s'aff college will attend
the grand maneuvers of the German
army, which this autumn are to be
held in the neighborhood of Danzig.
A number of other Turkish officers,
under the charge of General Von der
Goltz, will be present during the ma
neuvers of the eastern army corps.
Roller skaters Skath. rink open
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
nights. Music by good orchestra.
Kverybody invited.
Whatever people may think of you
do that which you believe is right. Be
alike indifferent to censure or to
praise. Pythagoras.
Compare Our $7,75 Suits
with ANY $15 suit ANYWHERE,
and the conclusion will be that the sav
ing of $7.25 is not in lack of quality in
the goods-but is brought about by
desire to rid our tables of all this sea
sons goods, even at a sacrifice, making
you the gainer, if you buy. Come and
look these suits over.
Corner Main and Webb Streets